Birthday Girl Ch. 3


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I'll never understand women, he thought as he gigged Caesar out of town. The trail was darkening, and Mike urged Caesar along at a trot while the trail was still visible. It was nearing dark when he reached Louise's. She was sitting on the porch, a blanket around her shoulders against the cool of the evening. She discarded it and stood as he drew near.

"Hi, Mike. I thought you'd be along soon. You staying?"

"Surely, Louise, if you don't mind."

"Never. You want some supper?"

"Just a sandwich would be great. I'll put Caesar in the corral." Mike began stripping off the saddle and harness.

"Come inside when you're finished, I'll have a sandwich ready for you."

She was as good as her word and Mike was soon wolfing down a huge beef sandwich. He sat back, replete, and took a swig of his coffee.

"Thanks, Louise, I needed that."

"From the way you wolfed it, I'd agree." She laughed, then looked at Mike curiously. "So tell me, Mike, how did you and Lisa get on."

Mike's first impulse to avoid any intimate details died unborn in the face of Louise's gentle concern. He smiled reminiscently. "She certainly has got nice tits."

Louise laughed out loud. "Mike Delaney, what a wicked thing to say. But you're right, they're lovely aren't they?"

Mike looked at her in surprise. Correctly interpreting the look on his face, Louise laughed again. "We slept together, Mike. Lisa said she needed a hug. You know the way I sleep."

Mike laughed. "Yeah, naked!"

"Well, Lisa decided she would too. She's lovely, Mike, really lovely."

"She's all of that. She told me you told her about us."

"I did, Mike. I hope you don't mind?"

"No, I'm proud. Tell the world and spit in their eye!"

"I don't think it will come to that, Mike. In confidence, Mike, Lisa told me she liked you and she was feeling horny, asked me if you could be trusted. I don't know what she said to you, but I told her to tell you, and ask you to help her with her problem. Did she?"

"Not in those exact words, but yes, she did."

"And did you help her?"

"Not yet." Mike shrugged, a wry expression on his face. "It's the wrong time of the month for her, she said. Now it's me feeling horny."

Louise smiled, an expression of pure devilment. "I know just what to do about that, Michael Delaney! Come to bed."

The next few days passed slowly for Mike, but his Pa kept him busy, reasoning, correctly, that Mike would want to see Lisa on the Sunday. Mike did his chores willingly and cheerfully, accepting that keeping himself busy was the best way of passing the time.

On the Sunday he was away shortly after first light and it was just after eight when he hitched Caesar to Louise's rail.

"Come on in, Mike, have some coffee while I dress," she called. He went into the house. Louise had just finished her own breakfast and was sitting in her robe. Mike poured himself a cup of coffee and sat at the table with her. Louise smiled at him.

"Did you get the message to Dafydd and Lisa?" she asked.

"Sure did. Pa let me take a run into town when we were working along Bear Creek. I saw Doc and asked him if I could take Lisa riding, so long as I had her back for dinner. He didn't mind at all. I think Lisa had been working on him." Mike grinned at Louise. "And I told him you'd asked if he'd come out at noon to eat with you. I swear his eyes lit up at that! The answer is yes, he'd love to."

"Good. Slight change of plan, Mike. I'm going to ride into town with you. I know we said Doc and Lisa could come out with you when we hatched this plan last Tuesday, but I have everything ready for noon. It just needs heating up. I'll ride in with you, then I can ride back with Dafydd in the buggy." She grinned at Mike. "Gives me longer to work my feminine wiles on him. What do you think, Mike?"

"Get him here, take your clothes off and say >well, Dafydd'. I reckon that'd work fine."

Louise giggled. "I think I'll be just a little more subtle than that, Mike, but only a little." She came round the table and bent over to kiss Mike. He slipped his hand inside her robe and caressed her breast. Louise pressed his hand to her for a moment then pulled gently away.

"I don't think so, Mike. I don't want to be so horny when I see Dafydd that he can smell me!" She smiled at Mike. "You can watch me dress. Get you ready for Lisa!"

About an hour or so later they were nearing Twin Falls, when Louise suddenly rummaged in her pocket and passed a small packet to Mike. He took it and looked at her curiously. Louise smiled.

"Rubbers, Mike. Might make the difference between having Lisa and not having Lisa."

"Thanks, Louise. I was wondering how to get my hands on some. I don't think I've got the nerve to ask Doc Evans!"

Louise laughed. "You have a point, Mike. I'll get some more and pass them on."

"That'd be great, Louise. Say, ain't that Lisa and Doc outside the hotel?"

Twenty minutes later, Mike and Lisa were riding out of town leaving Evans and Louise sitting on the hotel porch, deep in conversation.

"Are we going up to the pool again, Mike?" Lisa asked, her eyes sparkling, a faint flush on her cheeks.

"That's what we agreed on Tuesday." Mike was suddenly anxious. "You haven't changed your mind have you? I mean, about you and me, er . . "

"Fucking?" asked Lisa, her face aflame. Mike nodded. "No," said Lisa, "I haven't changed my mind. I've had permanently wet drawers since Tuesday." She smiled wryly. "I think Pa suspects something. He didn't say anything except >be careful', but he put these in my purse." Lisa put her hand in her pocket and showed a small package to Mike.

Mike laughed and took his own package out. "I think Louise thinks the same as your Pa."

Lisa dissolved in giggles. "I think they should have kept some for themselves!" She smiled at Mike. "Are we going to swim?"

"I'd like to. It's going to be a hot day, so it would be nice."

"I put a couple of towels in with the picnic stuff, so we'll have something to dry ourselves with."

"I wish I'd thought of that!"



"You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"Who'd I tell? Don't worry, Lisa, I'm not one for bragging around town. Whatever happens between me and you, even if it's only a kiss, is our business and ours alone. I swear to you." He laughed. "Although I think Louise knows!"

Lisa giggled. "She does. Thank you, Mike." She gigged Cleopatra. "Come on, let's ride a little faster!"

Time seemed to drag for Mike, but it wasn't too long before they were loosening the saddle girths on the horses and picketing them on the rich grass downstream of the pool. Lisa busied herself with her saddlebags and took out the towels. She laid them out on a sun-warmed rock, then turned to Mike, standing with her hands on her hips, her breathing uneven. She met Mike's gaze, her face lightly flushed. He held out his hand. She took it and he drew her gently towards himself, his other arm going around her waist.

Mike held Lisa in the circle of his arms and smiled at her. "Kiss me."

She smiled and raised her lips for his kiss. They both knew that something was going to happen between them, there was an air of inevitability, but at that moment they were two innocent lovers sharing a kiss. They broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

Lisa glanced over at the pool. "Shall we swim, Mike?"

Mike grinned. "Yeah! That's why I lured you here, so that I could see you naked!" He leered suggestively. Lisa took a fit of the giggles and batted his shoulder.

"If you want to see me naked, you have to undress me. But first you have to catch me!" Lisa whirled away, giggling, then ran behind a tree. Mike made to run after her, feinted left, then moved right and grabbed Lisa as she ran into him.

"You've caught me!" she exclaimed, still laughing.

"And now I undress you," said Mike.

Lisa sobered. She nodded. "And now you undress me." She smiled at him. "And then I undress you. And then . . ., well, I'm sure we'll think of something." She moved to Mike and stood before him, eyes cast down demurely.

He regarded her, smiling, then raised his hands and took her in his arms, kissing her gently. "Where do you want me to start?" he asked quietly, disconcerted to find his hands were trembling.

"Why not start at the top and work down?" Lisa said mischievously. "When you reach my boots, you'll know I'm naked!"

"I guess I will at that," said Mike. He raised his hands and unbuttoned her jacket, then turned her gently away from him so that he could slide it off her shoulders. He folded the jacket neatly and laid it on the grass. Lisa still had her back towards him and he put his arms around her waist and kissed her ear, then slid his hands up and cupped her breasts. She shuddered and he could feel her nipples erecting through the stuff of her shirt.

He moved his hands and began to unfasten the buttons down the front of the shirt, slowly, teasingly, then gently tugged it from the waistband of her skirt and slid it from her shoulders. She was wearing a chemise under the shirt, a wisp of a garment. Mike cupped Lisa's breasts again and kissed her other ear, then began to unfasten the buttons of her divided riding skirt. It was only a moment before the skirt was loose enough and he pushed it down over her hips, to the ground. She wore knee-length drawers in a fine cotton that was almost transparent.

"Turn round, sweet. I want to look at you," he whispered hoarsely.

Lisa turned and smiled at him, then took a pose as old as time, weight on one leg, the other slightly bent. The material of her chemise and drawers was so fine that he could see the outline of her areolas clearly through the material. No such evidence could be seen for the existence of pubic hair. She's shaved! he thought, his prick beginning to tent his jeans even more than it had been.

He knelt at her feet. "Your boots now, sweetheart."

She raised her foot so that he could pull off her boot, then they repeated the action with the other. They looked at each other. Lisa's chemise fastened down the front with a row of tiny buttons and was gathered by a ribbon at the top, fastened in a bow, nestling in the cleft between her breasts. Mike reached out and gently tugged it open, then began to undo the buttons, one by one.

He took a deep breath and parted the blouse, then pushed it back off Lisa's shoulders. Her breasts were lovely, creamy, topped by her rosy nipples in the slightly paler rose of her areolas, beautiful as he remembered from before. He bent suddenly and kissed one, then the other. Lisa clasped him to her, her head bent over his, her breath laboured in his ear.

He straightened and gently removed the chemise from her shoulders, dropping it on the pile of her other garments. He tugged gently at the ribbon fastening her drawers and loosened them, sliding them sensuously down her legs. She stepped free and then pirouetted, stopping, flushed, to face him. Her mons was naked, shaved, the shadowed cleft leading to her secret places clearly visible.

"Do you like me, Mike?" she whispered.

He swallowed. "You are beautiful, Lisa, truly beautiful."

She smiled at him, merrily. "At Louise's the other night, you would have liked the view."

"I would?"

"Yes, definitely. The two of us naked, by candlelight. That was before we got into bed and talked about you."

"What about me?"

"Oh, all sorts of things, but mainly what your prick felt like when it was in Louise. She said it was marvellous, and I want to feel it for myself." Lisa laughed, taking hold of his belt and beginning to undo it. "But first we have to get you naked, too!"

Mike laughed. His prick was hardening rapidly and he badly wanted the restrictions of his clothing eased. "Do I help?" he asked, grinning at her.

"You do not! This is my job."

"Okay!" Mike held his hands up out of the way as Lisa loosened his belt and unfastened the buttons on his fly. Quickly she pulled his jeans down, gasping as she saw the bulge in his long johns.

"Ohmigod! It's huge! Oh, damn! I forgot I'd need to take your boots off first."

"Okay, Lisa, I'll just hook >em off." Mike caught each heel with the toe of the other boot, then kicked off his boots. Awkward, with his jeans around his knees. Lisa grinned at him and pushed his jeans down, her tits jiggling delightfully as she moved. With his jeans off, she turned her attention to his shirt, quickly unbuttoning it and pushing it back off his shoulders where it quickly slid to the ground. She stood back for a moment and looked at him.

"You look good, Mike."

"Thanks, Lisa." He glanced down at the bulge in his long johns and her gaze followed his. She flushed and came back towards him.

"I have to see it," she whispered, pushing his long johns down. Mike kicked them off and stood before her, naked, his prick as hard as he had ever felt it. Lisa stared at it, mesmerised, then reached her hand out gingerly to touch it. >It will never fit in me', she thought, terrified suddenly. "Oh! It's hot!" she cried, startled, loosening her grip.

"Come here, Lisa," said Mike gently, reaching his hand out to her. She took it and came easily into the circle of his arms as he pulled her to him, raising her face for his kiss. His prick was trapped between them, pressing into Lisa's belly. Mike stooped suddenly and picked her up.

"Mike, I'm scared," she whispered. "Scared it's going to hurt me."

Mike carried Lisa in silence for a few seconds, then knelt and lowered her to a thick bank of moss and grass, warm in the sun. She looked up at him, her lower lip caught between her teeth, a worried look on her face. Mike sat down beside her and took her hand.

"Lisa, I will never willingly hurt you. Know that. I talked about this with Louise. Not you, particularly, but what might happen the first time I made love to a girl who was virgin. She said that if we went slow and easy, and I made sure she was really wet, then yes, she'd feel discomfort, pain even, but that it would be brief and the pleasure sensations would overcome the pain."

Lisa smiled at him. "She told me, too. But I hadn't seen your prick then!" She reached out and stroked it gently, feeling it pulse beneath her fingers. She grinned at him suddenly. "I'm certainly wet enough. Feel!" She took his hand and put it between her spread legs. Her cleft was soaking. Inspired, he ran his finger the length of it, from the pucker of her anus to her clitoris, just beginning to protrude from its hood. She shuddered and clamped his hand with her thighs.

"Mike," she whispered, "fuck me!"

Mike slid one arm under her neck, holding her in the crook of his arm. His other hand played gently with her breasts and he bent his head to take them into his mouth in turn, sucking gently and letting his tongue play over her nipples. His hand stroked gently over her belly and slowly he let it move down until it was on her upper thigh. Almost unconsciously she moved her legs apart to give him room, her eyes widening as she realised what she had done. His finger stroked gently upwards, probing. Tentatively she reached out her hand and touched his cock again.

"I didn't think it would be so hot. Or so big," she whispered. "Please try not to hurt me too much, Mike."

"I'll be gentle, my sweet. I promise. But it may still hurt you first time."

"I know, Mike. Please come into me. Please. Now."

Mike moved carefully until he was poised between her spread legs. He lowered himself gently, manoeuvring so that his cock pressed gently against her opening.

Oh my God, she thought. It feels huge. She squirmed on the grass, panicking, suddenly terrified. He held her firmly, but gently.

"Easy, my sweet. Easy," he murmured soothingly. Gradually she calmed, excitement replacing fear as he continued to press gently into her, slowly. Ever so slowly, withdrawing a little to spread her juices then moving in again, a little further each time. Suddenly, she felt him against the restriction of her hymen. He withdrew slightly then pushed forward again. A pain took her and was easing almost as soon as she felt it and suddenly she realised she was full of him and her belly was pressing against his.

"Mike, you're in! You're in me! Oh, God, it feels wonderful, better than I ever imagined. Oh Mike, fuck me! Please, fuck me!"

Mike stopped suddenly, remembering his promise. He withdrew gently.

"What's wrong, Mike," Lisa asked anxiously.

"The rubber, we almost forgot it!" He reached out for his pants and took one out of the packet, unrolling it onto his rigidity. Lisa watched in interest, her legs still spread to receive him. She smiled with delight as he entered her again, gently so as to allow her to get used to the movement, gradually pressing more firmly into her. Her breathing quickened until she was almost gasping, as if she had been running hard. The excitement was beginning to bring him closer to climax, forcing him to grit his teeth and try to hold on until suddenly Lisa let out a strangled moan, uttered between clenched teeth, then shook violently in release, clutching at him, her inner muscles rippling, causing the precipitate explosion of his own climax.

Gradually, their mutual trembling died. Mike moved off her at last, gently, his wilting member moving easily from the soaking canal that was her newly opened womanhood. He rolled to his back beside her and took her hand, raising her fingers to his lips and kissing them.

"Thank you, Lisa," he said solemnly.

She grinned at him. "Louise was right, it's better with a man!"

Mike's eyebrows shot up. "And what exactly have the two of you been doing?"

Lisa flushed, then looked him in the eye. "We made love. Louise licked and sucked my pussy until I came, then I did the same for her."

"I wish I'd been there to watch," said Mike, grinning at her. "I'll bet it was fun."

Lisa grinned back at him. "It was, great fun, but I prefer fucking." She paused, then went on, "but when I think about it, I think I'd like both, please."

"Greedy," said Mike, then took her ankles in his hands and moved her legs apart, lying down between them. He looked up at her. She was watching him with interest, but no anxiety.

She smiled. "Eat me, Mike," she whispered.

"I'm going to," he replied, licking gently at her cunt, enjoying the taste of their mingled fluids. He extended his tongue and pushed it into her cleft, deep, as far as he could, then withdrew it, flattening it against her labia, licking the full length of her channel.

Lisa shuddered, clamping his head between her knees, relaxing as his tongue continued its steady movements, occasionally flicking against her clitoris, sometimes sweeping into her cunt. She was getting excited again, the sensations building in her, and when Mike's tongue flicked across her clitoris again, followed by his lips sucking at her she could no longer hold back and her belly rippled as she gave way to her orgasm, shaking in climax, moaning building to a crescendo as she came with a wail of exultation.

They lay, quiet, as the sensations stilled. Lisa pulled gently at Mike's head until he moved up beside her, kissing her softly.

Lisa sighed deeply, then kissed him back. "Thank you Michael Delaney, that was wonderful."

He smiled lazily at her. "I think you're right, it was." He reached for a little packet he had laid down beside them and gave it to her. "Go on, open it."

Curious, Lisa tore open the packet, then slowly withdrew a gold locket on a chain. She looked inquiringly at him.

"Put it on, Lisa my sweet," said Mike softly. "Happy birthday."

Lisa smiled. "I'd almost forgotten it was my birthday." She leaned forward and kissed him gently, then dropped her hand and squeezed his prick. "But, Mike, I've already had my present."

* * * * *

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froggy1939froggy1939about 8 years ago
Superb Birthday Present

I realize that this dates to 2001, but I only have three things to say: "More, More, MORE!" The writing continues to be superb, with just a little teasing to see what's happening next. Character development is solid and the color (of faces and other things) is apparent. There's so much waiting to be developed (but I'm not capable) that I lick my lips for a continuation!

gulshannraygulshannrayalmost 11 years ago

Good narration but I thought the story would have continued - it just ended on the note that it was the birthday of Lisa to be appropriate for the title of the story.

ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
Yes, yes - I agree with all of the previous comments and ....

I really liked the setting, the imagery, and the knowledge of western life, apparently some decades ago. The simple life where nature and feelings reign supreme and life is not subtle is something that we seem to have lost in our hectic, electronic world. Honesty and feelings are evident throughout as well as a good story line with the heat of erotic coupling increasing with each situation. A nice birthday gift of a much wanted "first time." Thanks. (P.S. - there's room for much more to this story.)

fickfroschfickfroschover 12 years ago

I would like to give 6 stars!

HarryW0101HarryW0101over 13 years ago
More Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl is worthy of additional chapters, it's such a great story!

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