Birthday Treats


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The friction generated feelings that soon had my cock throbbing wildly and the rest of my body shuddering and as Shun-shun felt that she murmured hoarsely. 'I think you more than ready now, I make it good for you.'

There was a choking rasp in my voice as I answered quite truthfully. 'It already is.'

She giggled and replied. 'Proper place tighter, much better than this, so you sure to like it more.' Then bent herself much lower, pushing her arse high, and exposing both the tightly wrinkled arse-hole and below it, her completely hairless pussy.

The mere sight of it, already moistly puffy and the outfolding lips bloatedly shaded a dark blood suffused pink; was enough to send my blood pressure rising - and as I slid my hands down between her thighs and eased them a little further apart, the thought of what was to come set my cock throbbing and jerking even more strongly. So, taking a firm grip of her hips I immediately pushed forward, wedging the head in the slit between her pussy lips.

At first I really didn't think I was going to be successful, in spite of her own natural lubrication she was so tightly small that I began to think that entry might just not be possible - but then Shun-shun gave a loud hiss, and as though a gate had been reluctantly opened I got the head inside. But it still felt as though I was trying to squeeze my cock into an incredibly narrow pipe, and realising I was going to have to use more pressure to get the rest in I began to rock back and forth.

That tactic worked, with each forward push I gradually got a little more inside her and in spite of whatever discomfort she was feeling Shun-shun did her bit to help me achieve full penetration by wriggling and pushing herself back at me. And to my genuine surprise and heightened excitement, after only a minute or so of our combined rocking and pushing, we were successful.

When I realised I was fully embedded I paused, not only giving Shun-shun's body a chance to adjust to the size of me but also giving myself a few moments to savour the thrills the sheer tightness of her were generating.

Closing my eyes I remembered the various images I'd had of her. Walking up the stairs behind her, watching the hypnotic sway of her pert little bottom. The taunting teasing school-girl flashing her panties at me. Seeing her actual body when she'd stripped - especially that amazingly perfect arse.

Opening them again I saw Penny watching me, until then she hadn't moved, but when she saw the expression on my face and knew I had finally been successful, she gave me a broad grin, then shifted closer and knelt beside us. As I finally began to slowly thrust back and forth she reached beneath Shun-shun and I felt the fingers of one hand start stroking her mound, guessing the other was doing the same to her breasts.

Even if Shun-shun wasn't as surprised as I was that she'd actually been able to take it all my cock must have been giving her some physical discomfort, but when she felt Penny's hands she seemed to relax. But even so I took it slowly at first, not only because I still had a nagging worry about actually hurting her, but also because I wanted to prolong the incredible feelings I was getting from the sheer tightness of her pussy.

I had never felt anything remotely like the sensations being generated by that much friction, they were truly electrifying. Each time I thrust forward it felt as though I was plunging my cock into a furnace, having the skin scorched off it, exposing and triggering additional nerve endings that immediately added their response to those already firing up into my brain.

The pleasure centres inside my head soon became completely over-loaded and I must have drifted into a state of almost trance-like rapture. I knew my body was continuing to thrust my cock back and forth, was aware of the messages of exquisite pleasure-pain being transmitted from it, and sensed the steady build-up of internal tension and pressure resulting from that - but at the same time it was as though all that was happening in only one half of my brain.

In the other half I had somehow been transported back into the spa; feeling the boiling, fizzing jet playing on my cock and balls, watching slow-motion images of Shun-shun.

One image had stripped me, whispering how impressive my already fully erect cock was, using one hand to stroke it, making it pulse and throb even more strongly by fondling my balls with the other.

At the same time, another, a little further away, was undressing for me; slowly, like a professional strip-tease artist, making me drool as she tantalisingly exposed various parts of herself. Turning this way and that so I never had too long to get a really good look at any one part. At least not until she was completely naked, then, holding her arms above her head she slowly pirouetted. With her arms in that position her remarkable breasts were lifted into profile, the unusual shape of their upsweeping curves making my mouth water, their long and already spiking nipples inviting my lips to nibble them. Then as she turned, she bent low, letting my eyes feast on that saint-tempting arse.

And, still further off, was a third, one totally the result of my own imagination, Shun-shun the school-girl. Her hair still in plaits, and wearing the same short-skirted uniform. But this image was far more erotic than it had been before, this time she wasn't content to simply spin around, flashing her panties and the bulges they covered at me. This time she came to me, standing beside the spa for a minute or two, smiling shyly as she looked down at me, then staring wide-eyed at the length of my rearing cock that poked up through the frothing bubbles. Then, without taking her eyes off it, moving closer still, standing on the very edge, so as I looked up I found I could see right up under her skirt. I saw that this time she wasn't wearing panties, and as she moved her legs apart then bent her knees, I felt my cock jerk even higher as she let me look up at her hairless, already swollen and pouting pussy.

She let me feast my eyes on that enticing sight for a couple of minutes, then stepped down into the spa, her clothes dissolving as she entered the water, the water somehow draining away as she crouched beside me, then I felt her hand curling around my rampant cock as she lowered her head and slipped her lips down over it. Her skilful mouth soon turned it into a throbbing, quivering mass and when she was finally satisfied with her handy-work she got up and stepped astride me. As she squatted down she guided the tip between her pussy-lips, holding the shaft steady as she paused for a moment, then pushing herself lower.

The thrills she sent coursing through me were simply mind-blowing, but they were disturbed by a loud groaning sound, and it was those groans that dragged me back, like someone being reluctantly dragged from a wonderful dream into the harsh reality of day-light. But, unlike the unhappy sleeper I found myself back in an actuality even more wonderful than my reverie, and realised that the groans were my own.

Until that moment the images of Shun-shun had been so powerful that they had temporarily dominated what was going on inside my head, to the extent that I wasn't really conscious of what my body was doing. So in the split-second it took me to return to full consciousness I was hit by the accumulation of everything it had been experiencing, and that was like a fire-work display going off, its impact leaving me gasping for breath.

When I did regain something like full awareness I found it felt as though I had a furnace raging inside me, a furnace that was continuing to be stoked with the most highly flammable of fuels. But in addition to that was how my cock felt; even hotter, sizzling white-hot, and although I knew it shouldn't be possible, it also felt as though it had grown, grown to a simply enormous size.

At first I simply refused to believe the information my brain was receiving, thinking that I was still experiencing the after-effects of the drink. But I quickly decided that explanations didn't make any difference, whether they were being induced by the powerful concoction, the thrills I was getting were all that actually mattered.

So I let myself slip back into that blissful euphoria, vaguely aware of the loud squelching, sucking sound my cock was making it made as I thrust in and out of Shun-shun's super-tight pussy and the bruising pain in my swollen balls each time they smacked against her bottom.

Some time later I realised I wasn't alone in what I was feeling, from the sounds she was starting to make Shun-shun must have begun to experience sensations almost as intense as mine were. Until then her sounds of pleasure had been somewhat restrained, mainly occasional hisses and soft moans. But by then she was grunting loudly each time I powered into her, the grunts getting progressively louder and sharper.

Although I couldn't see what she was doing I could feel Penny's fingers were still at work, and as she felt Shun-shun's increasingly strong reactions their movements must have changed from stroking, flickering caresses to a much brisker, rubbing action. Taking my cue from that I increased the speed of my thrusting and just a few seconds later Shun-shun gave an almost anguished screech as her orgasm started.

Her pussy was already so constricted that I wouldn't have thought it physically possible for it to get any tighter, but as her climax began, it did, her contractions making it feel as though my cock was being crushed in some sort of heavenly vice. In fact they were so strong that if her body hadn't been producing additional lubrication it would have been extremely difficult to maintain the rhythm of my thrusting.

It was soon clear that what Shun-shun was experiencing was a rolling, multiple orgasm and given the intensity of the stimulation I'd received I was surprised to find my own still seemed some way off. So between us, Penny and I were able to take her through a long series of what seemed to be progressively higher crests.

When she was finally done and realised that I still hadn't come, she turned her head and looked back over her shoulder at me. Her face was darkly flushed and tiny beads of perspiration clung to her brow and upper lip. 'Stay still.' she said hoarsely. 'I finish you now.'

I thought I knew what she had in mind but what actually followed was not what I'd expected and turned into one of the most unforgettable climaxes I'd ever experienced.

The tightness of her pussy seemed to slacken a little and she eased herself forward until she had just the head of my cock inside, then her grip of it re-tightened and she began to slowly sway her bottom from side to side. Each movement was quite small, just enough for her pussy-lips to slip back and forth over the rim, and because my cock-head had become so sensitive and the stimulation was so localised the intensity of what I felt was unbelievable.

Perhaps it was the sight of that incredible arse swaying to and fro. Perhaps it was the unbelievably feel of her amazingly tight pussy. Or maybe it was a combination of those, plus whatever had been in the drink, but as Shun-shun continued her unhurried movements I felt still more blood pumping into my cock. The additional volume not only made it pulse and throb even more strongly, but the head must have ballooned, certainly it had become even more sensitive to the sensations she was generating. Sensations that were so strong that I knew in future, whenever I happened to see a particularly pert bottom swaying down the road ahead of me, I would instantly recall them.

Feeling the strength of my reactions, Shun-shun added a variation to what she was doing. Every now and then drawing a little more of my cock inside herself and instead of just swaying them from side to side she'd flex and rotate her hips, making the by then almost painfully sensitive head, rub against the lining of her cunt.

I had never felt anything like what she was doing to me and the excruciating thrills that seared up through my cock sent the pressure inside me higher and higher. The rapidly increasing tension seemed to stretch every nerve and fibre to virtual breaking point and although she'd told me to remain still, I found it increasingly difficult to resist the urge to bring on my climax by thrusting deeper into her. So it was an unbelievable relief when, sensing I was only a matter of seconds away from it, she said in a tensely hoarse voice. 'Now! Go now!'

It was only when I started thrusting that I realised just how much skill and effort it had taken on Shun-shun's part to produce the sensations I had previously been feeling. Knowing just how massive my cock had become by then I had anticipated I would need to use even more force than I had before, but I found the reverse to be true. Although her pussy was undoubtedly still small and tight it was nowhere near as constricted as it had been, and I suddenly realised that even through her own orgasm she had actually been controlling the extreme tightness, presumably for my benefit.

I was not only impressed by her extraordinary ability but realising just how much control she had of her body also relieved any lingering anxiety I had about hurting her. She was undoubtedly more than capable of taking anything I could do, and with that reassuring thought I set-to with renewed vigour.

The fact that she'd produced so much natural lubricant had made her pussy delightfully juicy, and the feel of the slippery lining clinging to the shaft as I powered in and out was sublime. But it seemed I had no sooner got going than I felt my aching balls tightening as a surging rush built inside me. And even as I increased my speed and power I heard myself give a groan that expressed both the anticipation of final relief and a degree of disappointment that what I was experiencing would soon be over,

The ache in my balls got stronger as the semen inside them came to a churning boil, then I felt that heart-stopping moment just before the first load fired out of me, and in that split-second I thrust forward as hard as I could, burying my exploding cock deep inside her.

The force behind that first gout was enormous, and from the sharp screech she gave as it splattered the deepest recesses of her cunt Shun-shun must have been even more surprised by the power of it than I was. Then the screech turned into a series of rising grunts, and as my cock flashed in and out, each thrust firing more hot semen into her, I felt her pussy tightening again and realised the sheer force of my climax had restarted her own.

After all she had done for me I wanted desperately to maximise her pleasure and found the strength to keep thrusting as it built. But I was then truly astonished to find that even after I had spurted the very last drop of semen, I was actually able to keep going long enough to take her through a number of obviously extremely strong peaks.

Not surprisingly by the time we'd finished with each other I felt utterly drained, and in spite of what Shun-shun had said about the effects of the stuff she'd put in our drinks, doubted I'd be able to come again for a week. Shun-shun seemed almost as weary as I did and it took us both several minutes before we were capable of tottering through to the other room, to gratefully slide ourselves down into the spa.

Chapter 6

'Where did you learn to do those amazing things with your body Shun-shun?' I asked when we were all settled.

'Long story, Penny knows, get her to tell you, some other time. Enough for now you enjoy. It good?'

'It very, very good. In fact it bloody fantastic!' I replied, my voice showing signs of the draining effect she had had on me as I ineptly tried to give an imitation of her own, quite delightful accent.

'You very good too.' she said more softly. 'Very strong, hold on for long time too, do very nice things for Shun-shun.'

'That's praise indeed from a girl as skilled as you are.' I answered. 'But I think that whatever you put in my drink deserves most of the credit.'

'That help, make you want, and able to do things. But what you do after that is what important for lady, and you do very, very good things.'

'And I second that.' Piped up Penny.

'Again, thank you, thank you both.' I replied, somewhat embarrassed by their commendations.

'You must teach me how to do that thing you did at the end Shun-shun. You really liked that, didn't you Brad.' she added turning to me.

'I've never felt anything like it.' I replied, the sensations I'd felt still absolutely fresh in my mind.

'I could see that from the expression on your face, almost as though you were in intense pain. I'd love to be able to do that for you, perhaps in front of a mirror, so I could see the full effect.' Then turning back to Shun-shun she said. 'You will tell me how to do it, won't you.'

'It not too difficult, you need to have mastered the heavenly clamp first though, then it just practice.'

'I see. Those particular muscles aren't strong enough yet, but now he knows what it can do for him I'm sure Brad will see that I get plenty of practice. Won't you darling.'

'Of course, and I assure you it'll be my pleasure. But right now I think I need a little nap, just for a few minutes, to recover my strength.' I said. 'But don't let me sleep too long, I don't want to miss anything.'

For a short while after I had slipped into the bed and pulled a sheet up over myself I was conscious of the faint sound of the girls' heavily muffled voices, but then quite quickly drifted off to sleep.

As a result of my totally draining physical activity my sleep was initially dreamless. But some time later, perhaps because of the effect of the wine and then Shun-shun's special drink, vague images began forming in my head, images seen from a distance and through a thick mist. At first they were no more than swirling shapes which, though I tried to make out their form, remained frustratingly blurred, nebulous. But gradually the mist seemed to clear and I saw there were three of them, apparently dancing with each other. When the last of the mist blew away and the light brightened I saw who they were, Penny and two Shun-shuns, one the adult, and the other the school-girl.

Penny and Shun-shun were totally naked, although the school-girl was still in her uniform I somehow knew that that time she had nothing on underneath it. At first I couldn't make out precisely what the three of them were doing, but then it suddenly clicked, Shun-shun and Penny were tutoring the school-girl, tutoring her in the arts of love-making.

Their voices were indistinct so I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but I somehow knew Penny and Shun-shun were explaining how much more pleasure a woman could expect to receive from a man if she first knew how to intensify his own. Then they began demonstrating various techniques for achieving that, producing gasps of surprised delight from the less experienced girl when they pin-pointed several less well known sensitive spots, and explained similar parts on a man's body.

Although I was enjoying watching their beautiful bodies move and then respond to the various strokes and caresses, it was a purely voyeuristic experience, a detached, almost aesthetic enjoyment, quite devoid of any sexual impulse or response on my part.

After some little while I heard Shun-shun telling the younger girl that it was time for her to practice what she had learned, on the model provided. As they turned and moved in my direction I suddenly found I was looking down at myself, and was shocked to see that was what I was, a model, a window-dresser's dummy.

But even as I looked I knew there was something odd about me, and peering closer I saw what it was, unlike any dummy I'd ever seen in any shop window, I was equipped with genitals.