Bit of a Risk Ch. 03


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We drove silently for a half hour, the only sound was an old tape of early computer music. I looked over at the conservative east side home as Carlton got out and held the door for me.

Inside, the house was neat as a pin, it had what seemed to be a feminine look to it.

"This place doesn't belong to me, I just live here." He read the question in my mind.

"Who does it belong to, then?"

"My sister, but she doesn't live here." He said, after a short hesitation. Then he opened the door to a room, we stepped inside. When he shut the door, it was completely dark. There were no windows, no lights.

"Can you turn on a light?" I asked, confused.

"Shhhh." He said, his hands touched my shoulders, then he kissed me again. He reached up and traced my face with his fingertips, then they trickled down the side of my neck. He felt each earlobe carefully, I just stood there.

His hands went up and down my back, little flashes of sensation swept through me. Then he reached for the top button on my blouse, tripped it. He let his fingers splay outwards, touching my collar bone. Then he tripped the next button, did the same thing.

My body began to come alive, each touch of his fingers was a total awareness. I just stood there and let him touch me, both of us in total silence.

I realized when he tugged slightly upwards on my blouse that it was completely undone, next his fingers traced upwards over my breasts. I could hear his breath quicken, realized my own had quickened also. Taking my hand, he moved me slightly over, I felt my legs lightly touch the edge of a bed, sat down. He sat beside me, I felt his weight shift the mattress.

It wasn't lovemaking really, it was an inspection. Each motion he made, every touch was something I was completely aware of. I let my own hands trace over his wrists as he felt me, feeling the heavy veins, the fine hairs.

Carlton leaned forward, reached my shoes and removed them. His fingers covered every inch of my feet, one at a time. Then he stood up, I heard a rustle of clothing, when he sat back down I knew he was nude. His hands began again, lifting and touching each breast, the tips of his fingers tracing circles around my nipples.

Every few seconds he would kiss me, on the cheek, the neck. His lips grasped my earlobes, making my head spin as his hand wandered over my bare upper body. I felt my arms being lifted, his fingertips traced my armpits, tickling slightly.

He gently pressed me back against the bed, I felt my belt give. He worked the slacks down my legs, I wore no under clothing at all. I expected him to instantly reach for my vagina, he didn't, instead tracing my stomach muscles all the way down to the top of my hairless mound, then across and up my hipbones. My skin was so sensitive, every touch was sent a tingle of awareness through me.

As he pressed lightly, I knew he wanted me to roll over so I complied, he began the same slow inspection of my back. His fingers circled each bump in my spine, around my ribs, slid across my hips and over my behind. He went all the way down and up each leg, tracing tiny circles in the softness at the back of each knee. I felt him reach between my legs, tracing my inner thighs. His fingers came higher, reached my lips. He took first one, then the other in his fingertips, rolling them. Two fingers slid higher, reaching my clitoris, he pressed and lifted lightly, causing my body to shudder. My legs opened slightly to allow his touch, I had no control over that at all.

Finally Carlton reached out and pulled me over to face him, somehow even in the complete pitch black darkness I was fully aware of the shape of his body. I let my own hands begin to inspect him in return, I knew just what to do and why.

He leaned back and just allowed it, when I got to his right ribcage I felt the harsh lumps where they had healed at one time. The raised ridges were obviously scar tissue. I found one smaller indentation, I knew that was from a bullet. When I reached his legs, the skin was very rough from his hip all the way to his right knee. The other side was softer and normal.

I ran the palm of my hand upwards, reached his groin. For a moment that felt odd, then I realized, there was just one testicle. Carlton was fully erect, I let my hand sweep up and over him. I could tell that he was circumcised. His erection was normal. I heard a quiet intake of breath as I grasped him lightly.

When he turned to me, we pressed our hips together, I felt him slide inside partially without either one of us reaching down. His hips pressed forward and he slid further into my wetness, we lay like that for a moment.

The final thrusting was almost like an after thought, my body went into orgasm at the very first full penetration and just kept on. I reached my last peak when I felt him get even firmer, then the sudden wetness sent me over the final edge.

I woke up much later, the room was still pitch dark. I listened to the soft snoring beside me, reached out and traced the heavy muscles of his chest and arms. I felt mildly confused, this man had simply brought me here and taken me.

In a way I had never known before.

For some reason, I had no way to resist. I felt him stir beside me.

"What is your last name?" I asked him, instantly regretting that.

I know I felt him smile, I could see nothing at all.

"Moore." He answered, the sound of his voice after all of the complete silence was almost startling.

"Close your eyes." He told me as I felt his weight shift off the bed. I did as he asked. I felt the sudden light in the room, slowly opening them and blinking a few times. I could see him standing by the doorway, he was fully naked, his penis was erect and jutting upwards.

I felt suddenly shy about my own nakedness, so I sat up.

"What was all of that, why so quiet in the dark?" I had to ask.

"Now we know each other in a way we never can if we use our eyes." He told me, that same smile on his face.

I wasn't sure I understood. Carlton walked towards me, I could see the entire right side of his body was darker and rough looking, the purple splotches showed he had been badly burned at some time in the past.

He saw the question in my eyes.

"Roadside bomb, we got hit pretty hard. I was burned and took a couple of rounds getting out of the fire." I looked down, saw the second small round hole that I had missed the night before. That one was low down on his left side, I knew now why he had just one testicle.

He was now standing right in front of me, still fully erect. I reached out and fondled him, he stood there with a smile.

"So why all of that, in the dark?" I asked. His erection felt so nice in my hands.

"If you saw me...this way would get in the way."

"I'm a Doctor, I have seen men that have been injured many times."

"That makes you feel sorry for them of course, so you see them a different way, don't you?"

I realized that this was probably true, the memory of one particular young man missing both arms flashed into my mind. I slid off of the bed, started to reach for my clothing.

"Not yet." He said.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" I smiled at him.

He sat beside me and reached for me, his lips met mine and there was no need for more conversation. This time was completely different, my own peak came much later, the first time I had climaxed instantly on his sliding into me and just kept going over and over.

This time felt warm and nice, I lay cuddled snugly in his arms.

"So how did you.....?" I started to ask.

"Shrapnel, plus a round, there wasn't any way to save it." He answered, again reading my mind.

"It doesn't seem to slow you down any." I giggled.

"No. But then you are the first woman I have been with since...."

"Really? But this.." I touched the mass of scars on his side. "This had to have happened years ago?"

"Yes, a bit over five years."

I blinked at that.

"So, why me?"

"I don't know, you just seemed to be right?"

"I would have gone with you after our first date, you know." I laughed.

"I know." He said simply.

Later, we went to breakfast. I watched as he put away a mountain of Eggs, Hash browns, Bacon and toast. I had a fruit salad and some tea.

"You are going to be a cheap date, I see." He grinned at me between mouthfuls.

"I want to keep my girlish figure." I smiled back.

"So do you have sex a lot?" He asked.

There he went with those odd out of the blue questions again.

"I...I did when I was married." He sensed the hesitation in my voice.

"Nothing since?" He pressed, it wasn't a subject I really wanted to talk about. I hesitated again.

"It's all right, sex is normal, I was just curious."

I told him about Terry, he listened quietly as I explained it.

"So you fall in love easily? Are you in love with me?" He took another mouthful, my God this man ate a lot.

" love? I barely....."

"Well, we did just fuck. Twice in fact. I was wondering how much it takes?" His words seemed harsh compared to what he had said up to then.

"I don't know, I have no idea."

"You will."

"I will what?"

"Fall in love with me." His eyes looked right at me. I realized he was serious. I suddenly felt fluttery, nervous. My hand went up and swept my hair back from my face, he caught the motion and grinned.

"You will." He said simply.

Over the next several days, I again expected Carlton to call, contact me. He didn't, and to be honest that was starting to piss me off.

Where did he go, what was he doing? Was he married, something like that? I didn't have his phone number, I knew almost nothing about him. I mostly put it out of my mind, another passing in the night, one more to chalk up to memory.

After work one evening I decided to go shopping, so I went down to a little store I knew about. The lady that ran the place knew me well, her name was Marti. She smiled as I walked in, and instantly began showing me some of the new clothing she had just gotten into stock.

I selected several outfits, decided to wear the one filmy dress she had shown me first. It had a loose top and was translucent, the shirt matched and came to just the middle of my knees, perfect.

Then I went down to the mall to select some shoes. The older bald headed man I had seen several times there before spotted me and grinned, hurrying over to help me. I had teased him before, I liked the warm feeling it gave me when he checked me out, even though it had always been innocent.

He looked me up and down, vanished into the back room and returned with a half dozen boxes. I had never known his name and never asked, this time I was curious so I did.

"I'm Jim, Mrs. Deniro." He smiled at me.

"Please, call me Sally, I am not married any more."

He had waited on me many times before, and I knew he liked me because his eyes were always on my legs, plus he shyly glanced constantly at my bust. I was pretty sure he also knew that I never wore a pantie, too, although I had never done anything blatant in front of him.

I was suddenly in the mood. I put my foot up on the little stool, hiked the hem of my skirt up a bit further than normal. I saw his eyes glance down and widen slightly, he barely managed to keep his professional air as he slipped the shoes onto my feet.

I got up and walked around in the shoes, they were a shade too snug so I sat back down. Jim reached for another pair, I again hiked up the hem of my skirt. I knew from his angle he would need to lean forward to see up my dress, I could also see that he barely managed to keep himself from doing that.

I laughed to myself, again got up and walked around a bit. It was fun to tease him.

"I will take this pair, show me some more please." I smiled sweetly at him as his eyes met mine. He leaned down to remove the shoe, I hiked up my skirt a bit further. Jim's face turned a little red as he removed the shoes. He reached back and pulled out another pair, those were cute with open toes and the same color as the dress I had on. They also had a two inch heel.

He lifted my foot to slip the shoe on, his eyes never looked away from my legs. I opened my legs slightly, I knew that would be enough. Then I lifted that leg and set it on the floor, further over than I needed to as I put the other leg up for him to put the shoe on.

I knew that now I was close to fully exposed, Jim's eyes looked right at me. I felt the warm feeling I get when I do something like that.

"That pair looks very nice with that dress." I heard the voice behind me. I glanced back, Carlton stood there. I snapped my legs back together, blushed furiously.

I was completely caught.

"Let me buy that pair for you, Sally. They really do look good with your outfit." He came around and sat down beside me. Jim looked completely uncomfortable, he hurried off to box up the shoes.

"What are you doing here, Carlton?" I asked him.

"I was headed downtown, I saw your car so I came looking."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say.

"You like to show off a little bit, don't you?"

"What do you mean, I am just shopping?" I felt myself blush furiously again.

"It's all right, there are lots of women like that. Besides, you are beautiful."

"Carlton, what the hell do you want from me?" I asked him, suddenly feeling pissed off.

"I just want you to fall in love with me."

"Maybe there would be a better chance of that if you called or came around once in awhile!"

"Don't get all mad, it's bad for your blood pressure. I was just busy is all." He grinned at me.

"Damn you, you seduce me and then you are just gone for days, that drives me crazy!" I said, not realizing that Jim had just returned. I looked up and saw him standing there with a startled look on his face. He looked at Carlton, then back at me.

"The shoes, they are $235.00 Mrs. Deniro." He held out the box.

"It's Sally!" I retorted, standing up and taking the box. I flounced out the door. Glancing back, I saw Carlton hand Jim a credit card, then he waved at me with a grin.

Damn him anyway! I was going to just drive off, go home, but I sat there waiting. Carlton came out, glanced around, saw me and came over to my car.

"Would you like to go for a drive with me?" He asked.

"Drive? Where?" I was still miffed, plus embarrassed.

"Anywhere, I just want to be with you for awhile."

"I am not going to just go off somewhere to have sex with you, Carlton!"

"That's all right, I just wanted to talk, be with you. I will drive." He opened the door, I slid across the seat, struggling unladylike for a moment because of the console in my Impala.

Carlton started the car, we slipped into traffic. He drove us out by the river, then on up to a lookout point high up, it faced the big gorge upriver. It was a nice evening, I couldn't sit close to him because of the bucket type seats in my car.

"I really do like your outfit, it's sexy." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I blushed again.

"You like letting men look at you sometimes, don't you?"

"I suppose." I blushed again furiously, no point in lying since he had caught me in the act.

"That's OK, you are beautiful and I am sure men would mostly like to see your body." He smiled and reached out, put his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't really, it's just that when I was with...Tom....?"

"I figured that, some men enjoy showing off their mates, it's exciting."

"I'm really not...Oh, I just don't know why..."

"It really is all right, I don't mind. I have never been jealous."

"Why would you even be jealous, Carlton?" I asked him.

"Well, you are mine, or I should say you will be."

"What makes you think I am yours?"

"Would you like me to show you?" He asked, letting the back of his hand brush across my left breast.

I didn't answer, the familiar tingling swept over me. He started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Your place, I will fix us some dinner and we can visit some more." We pulled out, my house was only a few miles from the lookout point.

Inside, Carlton took me in his arms and kissed me lightly, that same warm feeling swept over me. I was beginning to wonder what was going on, he seemed to have some kind of control, power over me that made me helpless to resist what he wanted me to do.

I felt his hands sliding the hem of my dress upwards, then he dropped to his knees and pressed his lips against me, holding the dress high. I felt a wave of pleasure sweep over me, opened my legs slightly to give him access. Then he swept me up into his arms and carried me to my couch, lay me down. He reached out and pushed my knees apart, again pressed his mouth to me.

In seconds I began to climax, he just kept on and on until the world took on a red haze. Somewhere in there he managed to undress, sliding upwards and entering me. I lay there afterward basking in the sensations, as I began to return to normal I saw that he was propped up on one elbow just watching me. He had a small smile on his face.

"I love the way you look when you are like this." He told me. His voice was once again startling after being silent for so long.

I sat up. I was completely naked but now unconcerned.

"So what are we doing here, Carlton? You come by and make love to me, then you are gone for days, no word, nothing."

"If I was around all the time you might take me for granted."

"No, I wouldn't."

"You might. But if you want, you can come and live with me."

"Why would I come and live with you, I have my own house?"

"OK. I can come and live with you...if you want me to."

"I don't know you well enough for that yet."

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything!" I looked at him.

"OK." He sat up cross legged facing me. He was nude, his erection jutting upwards. That struck me as funny and I started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" He smiled.

"How can you still be so.....afterwards?" I asked.

"You excite me, sitting there naked like that." He reached for me and we were at it again, another one of those warm sweet joinings.

Afterwards, we showered, he was actually starting to get an erection again but instead we dressed. He went into my kitchen and began to prepare a meal. It was obvious very quickly that he could cook, also. We had a nice dinner, then went into the living room.

"Are you ready to hear everything about me?" He asked.

I nodded. He started with his marriage, told me how his wife had sent him a letter just a few weeks before he was released from the hospital to come home. The long months apart had been too much, she had found someone else. Then he told me about moving North to Portland to take care of his sister's home and possessions. She was in a care facility and he drove down there to sit and talk with her, she lived in a partial coma and was bedridden from a car accident. That was where he vanished to for days on end, he was sitting and talking to her for hours every day.

He even told me about the Cat that came in for dinner that he could not touch. I sat quietly and listened.

"Now tell me about you." He asked.

I told him about my having been married, I told him about everything I could think of. As I was telling him about Tom and how our life together had been, I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. He saw that and reached out to wipe it away.

"So are we going to be together then?" He asked, when I finally fell silent.

"Maybe. We could give it a try."

"You can do anything you want, even tease other men if you have the urge to."

"I don't think I need to if I...." I let my voice trail off.

"Do you think you can keep up with me?" He asked, a grin on his face.

"Why?" I looked at him, realized he was looking at my bare legs, I had them curled under me on the couch and my bare fanny was on display.

"OH! I see. You must have that thing up again?" I grinned at him, standing up and tugging my top over my head. I stood there naked to the waist.