Bitter Fingers Ch. 02


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"What beating? It's just a scratch, ha,"

"Six broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a broken cheekbone and eye socket, a broken nose, fractured Tibia and Fibula, bruised kidneys and a burst eardrum." Said Maggie lifting the pages of Gary's records.

"Pretty big scratch I suppose." Gary winced trying not to show the pain and putting on a sly smile at his visitor, "he got lucky with the first punch."

"I only wish your jaw had been broken too because it would have been wired shut and I wouldn't have to listen to your inane bragging and I could just tell you what a useless prick you are without fear of reply." Maggie swore, being very careful not to mention John's name for fear of being overheard.

"Well I haven't told that nice Police Detective anything about the fight yet but I don't think my total memory will return until I'm fully recovered and I find out if my girlfriend still loves me and wants me to give it to her ass again."

"Firstly I'm not or never have been or ever will be, your girlfriend. Secondly it was nothing even like a fight it was a beating of a useless prick. As for loving you you've got no chance and if you think you can blackmail me into coming anywhere near you again you're in the wrong ward, you should be in the mental fuck ups ward." Maggie growled.

"Look, it's simple, when I get out of this shithole you will give me what I want or Johnny boy go's down for attempted murder,"

"Wrong asshole, if you attempt to do anything in anyway to me or my friends or family I have the results of a rape kit to use and the blood and urine tests from that night to use and your ass will be grass and I'll be the lawn mower." She lied.

"You're bluffing" he replied.

"Rapists and drug dealers get a lot of prison time not to mention any other charges I can think of down to the illegal tyres on that shit heap car of yours," Maggie almost shouted.

"You, you can't, you won't, I want to see him go down and you're mine now!"he stuttered.

"You've been warned, if I hear a peep out of you again you'll wish you'd never met me and so will all your ancestors as well as anyone who've ever met you."

Gary dropped his head and the soreness of his beating started to overcome the pain killers he was on.

Maggie gave him a last frown and stated "I wont be back." And leaning over him she gave Gary a last finger then turned and left the room.

Returning home Maggie was still in a forthright and determined mood so she picked up the phone and dialled the number from John's notebook.

"Hello, Chris Pollard."

"Hi Chris its me, is John ready to speak to me yet?" She said

"I'll try him for you but don't hold your breath," Chris replied putting the receiver next to the phone.

"Well I guess I had to talk to you sooner or later," John stated.

"I love you John, you must know that, we need to sit down together and talk about everything." Maggie said sorrowfully.

"I guess so but I can't think of talking about anything that already hasn't been said." John replied.

"Of course we have things to talk about! Our marriage for one."

"We have no marriage, you saw to that when you let that piece of shit fuck you in the ass!" John growled back.

"Ok I know you're angry, but that's what we need to get out in the open. We need to talk about it all." She groaned.

"So is your boyfriend dead or alive? Am I on the run or just running from you and a bad marriage?"

"Well I think you should be pleased that he's recovering," she replied, "and I don't think he'll even be pressing charges."

"What makes you say that?" John asked.

"Because I told him not to,"

"You've spoken to him? So you've been to see him? What was it, to tell him you love him? To tell him how glad you are he's ok, and how much you loved him ass fucking you across the back of a car? Fuck! I don't believe I was thinking of actually seeing you again just in case there was anything left there, and you go and visit him like he was a precious loved one! Fucking hell fire woman you really know how to twist the knife you vicious bitch, fuck, fuck fuck." John screamed.

"No John it wasn't like that, I..."

CLICK.. The receiver went quiet and Maggie wailed.


"Fancy a few down the pub Chris? I feel like a drink, actually I feel like a whole load of drink!" John asked Chris.

"Ok mate lets get changed, there's a darts match tonight."

Chris lived walking distance from a great little pub, The Elephant And Castle. Chris's "local" was an old Tudor stile pub that had a log fire and a dart board. The "Elly"as it was known had a small crowd of regulars who included Chris and just lately John. The dartboard was always in use and the landlord made a tidy profit selling the best pint of keg bitter in the county. John and Chris sat facing each other at the quiet end of the bar.

The darts match had the bar buzzing and everybody was cheering the home team against the team from The Cross Keys.

John and Chris started drinking quietly but steadily, Chris drinking London Heavy Mild and John on the county's best Bitter. After four each of those they were talking about troubles less and joining in with the cheers more.

Dave Cox needed double sixteen to win and had three darts at it. Thud.. Ohh, single sixteen. Now double eight. Thud... Single eight. One dart on double four for the match. His opponent needed one hundred and fifty seven. Thud.. Oh no, everyone gasped as he missed by a hairs width. His opponent's turn, thud.. Treble nineteen, thud... Treble twenty.. Tops left.. Thud.. Yeh he missed. Dave had a chance, three darts at double four thud... YES everybody jumped and danced, The Elly had won.

John and Chris cheered and danced with the crowd and drank their pints.

"Your round," cheered Chris.

"Same again Myleene," John shouted holding up his empty pint glass.

"Course my love, I'll be right with you," Myleene said smiling back at John.

Myleene Penn was the Elly's best barmaid. A beautiful Cornish woman, she lived in a single flat just around the corner from the pub. She was twenty five and had been engaged to a local plumber until he decided to give one of his customers a bit more than a discount on her bathroom suite. Myleene had found out when the young woman's husband had come home early and pulled her fiancée off of his wife and beaten six bales of shit out of him.

When Myleene went to visit him in hospital she had tried to make him swallow her diamond ring informing him that he was lucky because she thought about shoving it up his ass.

In that moment John could see that Myleene had a special twinkle in her eye for him and he thought as a matter of reaction, I'm a married man!

"There ya go my lovely," Myleene grinned as she put down two full pints on the bar in front of John.

"Cheers gorgeous," John smiled back passing over a tenner, "keep the change."

" If you want to give me a tip, I'd rather have a goodnight kiss after you walk me home.".

"Let me drink this and I'll see what I can do," he replied admiring one of the prettiest woman he'd ever met.

Sitting back down with Chris, John handed him his pint and looked over at Myleene behind the bar and his cock twitched as she blew him a kiss.

"Fuck me John, if you're in there you gotta be the jammiest son of a bitch I know. Any guy in this county would give his right arm to have her smile at them that way and you're here for ten minutes and she's wetting her panties to jump on your cock." Chris moaned.

"If I wasn't an old man of forty five with slightly greying hair and a navy pension I'd be behind that bar with my tongue on the floor trying to lick up her drips," he added with a grin.

"Well I guess I'm just a handsome bastard, what can I say?" John smirked.

"Seriously John I can't believe that Myleene would be interested, it's probably because you're not a local and married. She knows you'll keep your mouth shut. It may be just what you need to help you decide about Maggie." Chris said leaning over the table to try and keep the rest of the bar from hearing.

"If I do, I'll be no better than her,"

"Look John, you need to decide if you still want to be with Maggie and sleeping with Myleene will help you make your mind up. She's gorgeous, young, willing and above all discreet. Maggie will never know and even if she does she can hardly complain after what she's done." Chris pointed out.

"Myleene isn't the type of girl you have just one night with" John replied.

"No she isn't so if you do sleep with her you can expect to again, that's providing you click in bed, you never know she might turn out to be a complete dud between the sheets,"

"Looking at her, how could that ever happen?"


Standing there holding the phone Maggie thought that after speaking to John and telling him that she had dealt with Gary he would have no reason to stay away any more and he could come home.

They needed to sort out all their problems and get back to being happy together. John was the only person she'd ever wanted to be with. A momentary lapse of judgement had started everything collapsing in her life.

Suddenly it was as if a light went on in her head. Did she want to wait around whilst the love of her life kept her hanging on whilst he even decided whether to talk to her or not. They loved each other so that was all there was to it. Love conquered all, their love certainly would.

Maggie packed a few essentials in her overnight bag and waltzed out the door, car keys in hand. Maggie was a quite competent computer nerd and through a lot of digging she had found Chris's address. The long drive to Cornwall would take her a few hours but she suddenly seemed full of enough vigour to keep her going.

Maggie went over and over everything as she drove. She thought firstly from her point of view of course. Simply she loved John and only him. She had always just tolerated Gary and thought of him as misguided fool, but that was before he proved John's viewpoint right and turned out to be a total prick.

Her curiosity about being with another man came from the fact that she had saved herself for marriage hoping for years that it would be her John that she would actually marry. Her curiosity was just exactly that, a fleeting mild curiosity. She never ever intended to act upon it, until she had been drugged enough to lower her security and heighten her curiosity.

Would she have acted that way with anyone else? No of course not.. Unless they had drugged her too!

She had to make John understand that only did what she did because her inhibitions had been lessoned and she hadn't really cared what she was doing. Yes, Gary had fucked her ass and John never had, but she would have let John if he'd wanted or asked her. She hadn't enjoyed any of it, his cock was too small and he didn't even know what foreplay was, in fact she was glad Gary had a small cock because it would have hurt her ass much more if he'd been bigger.

Despite all this confusion the fact was that she was sorry, she hated every minute of her life since that fateful moment at the barbecue party.

Then she thought about going to see Gary in hospital. John had thought that she was visiting him because she was concerned about him. To a certain extent she was, but only because if he died then John would have gone to prison, and if he was ok she had to make sure he would keep his flappy mouth shut about everything including having sex with her.

John was angry about her seeing Gary but the fact was if she hadn't John would be facing charges anyway.

As she drove her determination to tell John everything became more and more stalwart.

Chris lived in a small Cornish village between Truro and Falmouth called Ponsanooth, and Maggie's sat nav directed her on the main roads until she reached Penryn on the A393 then it was country lanes from there. Turning in left she passed the village sign and a few more yards and she saw the Post Office and then a Pub. She passed the Pub and was told, "after twenty metres take the next turning left."


"Well I'm here so I guess that means I'm gonna have to kiss you." John whispered.

"Don't think of it as a chore, but more of a pleasure."

"Believe me, it's not a chore and it's all pleasure. I'm not going to do it because I have to, I'm gonna do it because my whole body and soul tells me I have to, if that makes sense." John replied.

"Don't stand there talking about doing it, just do it." She replied smiling.

John took her face in his big right hand and gently tipped it up towards him.

"I'm afraid." He whispered.

" Of what?"

"I'm afraid that once I start I might never be able to stop and I'll still be kissing you when the sun has gone out."

"It's already dark and the sun's gone down already."

"Not gone down, gone out in a zillion years like a candle in the wind."

"Don't tell me you're an Elton John fan?" She cooed.

"The biggest," he replied.

"Can't be,"


"Cuz I am,"

John softly pressed his lips against hers and she tasted like ripe strawberries. A hunger claimed both their mouths and wound its way through their souls, joining them together in a kind of magic.

John caressed her hair as she melted into him. Without realising it they both side stepped towards the door and had to prise themselves apart so she could open it.

No time to reach the bedroom, they hurriedly undid each other's clothes still trying to keep their lips together. They both felt that if they broke their magical kiss the spell would be gone and they would whither and die apart and alone.

In minutes they where naked and laying on the floor in a mixture of discarded clothes. Caressing each other all over, they at last forced their locked lips and tongues apart.

Holding himself up above her he looked down and gazed upon probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life and it almost took his breath away.

Her skin, although a beautiful golden brown seem to glow with an incandescent sheen as if it had its own power supply. Her golden hair framed her gorgeous face in light brown waves. Deep hazel eyes, a cute slightly upturned nose and full cherry lips made her look like a goddess made into human form. He took the longest time he could to study this incredible example of womanhood before he could wait no longer and dipped down to rain kisses on her slender neck.

Moving down slowly kissing every piece of flesh he could, he felt her quiver and tremble at his touch. Slowly he reached the puffy rampant nipples that crowned her amazing breasts. Feasting on her tits, their hunger for each other grew almost out of control.

Moving lower he almost couldn't wait to taste her hot, moist slit with his flickering tongue.

"Ahh" she groaned at the first sensitive lick.

"Oh my god, I've never... Never.. Had anything feel this way before." She moaned.

The moans got louder and longer as the crescendo of pleasure made her twist and turn so much he struggled to hold his mouth against her spasming pussy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I need you now, you have to do me now, I have to have you inside me right now" she begged.

"No need to apologise, if I don't do it now I'm sure I'll die anyway." He murmured, "holy fuck, you have to be the most beautiful.."

He stopped mid sentence as his aching cock bumped her wet entrance without any guidance from either of them, as if they were made to fit together.

"Sssss" she hissed in pleasure as his full length slid in effortlessly.

"Humph" he returned as her hot channel sucked him in and he immediately became worried how long he was going to last.

"I'm gonna have to go slowly at first or I'm gonna be spray painting your insides in no time."

"Take as long as you need lover I'm already on my third one so just having you inside me will push me over again."

John slowly sawed his throbbing hard cock in and out of her squirting cunt as they both grunted their way to climax.

John managed to hold on for another five minutes as they tried as hard as they could to fuck each other to death.

They tried to kill each other with sex three more times during a long night, that was actually over all too quick.

After waking from a hour long nap, John tickled her nose as he propped his head up next to her with his exhausted arm.

"Mmm morning sweetie," she hummed.

"Morning Myleene," John replied smiling down in wonder and asking himself how could anyone look so amazing after a night like that?



"You have reached your destination" the voice told her and she parked her car by the grass verge.

Looking at the typical Cornish cottage Maggie got out of the car and brushed herself down. Her legs felt a little stiff after her drive and she walked around a little to get them moving.

Walking up to the door she tentatively knocked and stepped back waiting for the answer.

Chris opened the door and his face immediately dropped.

Putting on a false smile Chris held out both arms and beckoned Maggie in.

"Hey you, I wasn't expecting a visit from you I must say."

"I couldn't leave it any longer without talking to him, is he here?"

"Not at the mo, he's just gone down the road for a walk to clear his head, last night we had a contest to see who could die of alcoholic poisoning the quickest and it was a score draw."

Maggie walked into the cottage looking around as she did so.

"Make yourself at home Maggie, I expect a cup of hot tea will be in order after what must have been a long drive?"

"Coffee please Chris, I've kinda gone off tea lately," she replied, "did he say how long he'd be?"

"No but I shouldn't think he will be too long." Chris shouted from the kitchen.

They made small talk over their coffee for a while until the front door opened and John walked in.

"Hi darling," Maggie coyly murmured.

John suddenly couldn't seem to speak, he mouthed the sounds but nothing came out and he stood there like a fish out of water.

It didn't go unnoticed that John stood there in a pair of new Sta Press trousers and Ben Sherman shirt. Something he wouldn't normally wear to go for a morning walk. Chris noticed too and made a pulling gesture at his own shirt without letting Maggie see.

"I told Maggie how you needed to clear your head with a walk in the fresh air," Chris stated, "perhaps I should leave you alone to talk."

John's surprise at seeing his wife there slowly disappeared and he walked into the room.

"Sit down" he said pointing his open hand at the sofa, "I think we need to talk."

"At last we agree on something."

"Firstly I have to tell you that things have changed."

"I know that, but there's nothing that we can't get over."

"I'm sorry but I think there is now." He replied slowly sitting in the chair opposite her.

"No, I don't believe that there's anything that our love for each other can't overcome, I made a mistake, yes a huge one, but just a mistake nevertheless."

"Huge doesn't even cover half of it, you had sex with someone else, anal sex with someone else and that someone was the person who I most hated in this world. Someone who has taken just about every good thing from my childhood away and destroyed it. He even took you away from me, and now he's done it again." He ranted.

"No ones taken me anywhere, I'm here in front of you, still totally yours and always will be."

"Not so, not so because you've given your whole body to him. You swore in front of God and all our friends and family to be mine and only mine. How could I ever trust you again? People would say it's a good case for saying once a cheater always s cheater, you've done it to me twice now, I know the first time we were only kids but you still cheated and if you did it again, you can do it again so I would spend my life waiting for you to do it."

John felt like letting loose with all the pent up frustration he had for what his wife had done to him.