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When she saw what I had in my hand I thought I detected a hint of fear in her eyes but this was, after all, still her game.

"Open your mouth."

There was a tiny pause before she obeyed but then she opened her mouth wide. I slipped the shaft inside until the gum shield rested against her teeth and then she closed it again automatically. She was left with the greater part of the shaft, at least six inches, protruding from her face and I then secured the retaining straps behind her head.

Even now I kept control undressing seductively for her benefit until I was left standing in just my stockings and garter belt. Her face was a picture as she drank in my naked form but the more so as I carefully climbed onto the bed and straddled her head.

She winced as my added weight increased the pressure on her already tortured limbs and I suppose I should have eased off the tension before I began but I was too far gone.

I hovered over the tip of the shaft teasing my labia as I gently rocked back and forth and then, unhurriedly, millimetre by millimetre, I allowed it to slip inside.

Her eyes widened as my stretched lips slowly slid down the shaft and I shivered once it was fully home. The feeling of being filled was wonderful and the manner of it only added to the delight. I could have stayed there for an age but my body was making its own demands.

I lifted a little and, with a series of small movements, I added lubrication to the shaft, a task made easier by the fact that I was already oozing. Once it was slick and warm I began a regular rise and fall keeping my movements as smooth as possible.

For a few minutes I was lost in my own pleasure but when I finally deigned to look down at her it was find in her face a mix of emotions. I could see that she was fearful lest I lose control but there was also a look of adoration.

Once again, the feeling of empowerment and the knowledge that her fate was in my hands sent a pleasing shiver through my body and, without thinking, I began to move just a little faster.

Each time I rose until the shaft almost came free and then I slowly impaled myself once more. I was so aroused that a bow wave of creamy rime was formed by my labia. It pooled on the gum shield from where it began to leach into her mouth.

I could see that she was trying to move her tongue to help clear her mouth; she was either welcoming my offering or was disgusted by it but I did not care. I leaned forward a little to try and increase the pressure on my clitoris and my movements became less coordinated.

I could feel a divine sucking pressure each time I rose but there came a point where I gave up and simply ground myself down against the base of the shaft. She was in distress but I was unheeding. The only thing that mattered now was my climax.

She shook her head, possibly to try and get free, but I used both hands to keep her still as the tight ball of pleasure, centred on my sex, inexorably began to expand, causing muscles and nerve endings to sing in a joyous harmony that I descanted with a cry of my own.

The jerking of my body was now beyond my control. I was storm tossed on squalls of pleasure and then left breathless, spent of all energy.

In my frenzy I had squeezed her so tight between my thighs that her head had all but disappeared and I felt a moment of concern but, as I slowly eased myself off of the shaft, I could hear her breathing noisily.

Still kneeling on the bed it took me a moment or two to recover and then I unfastened the gag. As I gently removed it from her mouth and put it to one side she tried to work some life back into her jaw muscles and ran her tongue over her abused gums.

She looked a little sorry for herself and the fact that my sex felt tender suggested that I had overdone it but, far from feeling any sympathy for her, I decided that her tongue could be put to good use.

It took half an hour for her to gently lick me to a second climax and whilst, at the outset, she seemed extremely reluctant by the finish she was licking me with gusto.

As I finally got off of the bed my legs were unsteady but by the time I had walked back into the living room I was feeling better. I got myself a drink and let her stew for fifteen minutes before I returned.

Her muscles, by now, must have been extremely cramped but, as I suspected, on seeing me again the hunger was back in her eyes.

I positioned myself over her but I now realized that it was important for me to seem crueller than either Veronique or her dominatrix. I settled on her face, restricting her breathing, and then I reached for the first brass wheel. I would give her a few minutes and then I would start to ask my questions…

Chapter 7

Bullington looked up from my notes.

"She told you this?"

"She seemed relieved to be able to tell someone."

"Even though she could face arrest?"

"I discussed immunity."

"A little presumptuous don't you think?"

"She thought it was for a collector and I tend I believe her."

Bullington scanned the next paragraph before speaking again.

"Where is this site?"

The site to which she was referring was the archive warehouse of the Imperial War Museum where exhibits were collected and restored before going on display in the museum proper. Denby, as a trustee of the museum, had free access to the site and it was from here that she had aided the theft. Bullington did not ask why Denby had done it; she had almost certainly guessed.

"It's in Buckinghamshire. Very low security. The military ensure that any munitions are put beyond use before they are delivered.

"So she opened the door to them and they walked out with a breech block for a six inch field gun?"

"That's about the shape of it."

"And this breech block is a match for the missing shell?"

"It could be but Denby is adamant that a viable delivery system could not be produced. A home made device would have almost no chance of hitting a designated target and there is a high probability that it would explode in situ."

Bullington pondered this but had obviously reached the same conclusion as me.

"It's too much of a coincidence. Deryan takes a lease on an apartment that puts her in range of a number of potentially prime targets and then steals the means to deliver a shell.

Do you think we were wrong? Could she be planning an indiscriminate outrage regardless of the casualties?"

We discussed the options for some time. Everything we had was circumstantial and without proof we were powerless to act. Denby could implicate Veronique in the museum theft but there was nothing concrete. The only thing for it was for me to go back to the apartment and see if I could find any clues.

To begin with I wondered why Veronique had offered up the address of the apartment given the likelihood that Adrienne would not be there but I guess that was the whole point of it, her secret hideaway for her sordid assignations; she would not want me turning up at one of her established residencies. Now, as I approached the building once again I desperately hoped that I would find Corinne alone.

My heart quickened as I waited at the door but, to my immense relief it was Corinne who opened it. She was wearing a light robe and looked as if she had just stepped out of the shower. As soon as she saw me her face lit up with a warm smile.

"It's you! I wasn't sure I'd see you again."

Her genuine delight was disarming and so the shock was all the greater when she led me through to the living area.

Adrienne was seated on the sofa. She was wearing a robe that matched Corrine's and looked totally at home.

"Miss Hargreaves. I would ask to what do I owe the pleasure but I am hoping I can guess."

As she spoke she unfolded her legs from beneath her and stretched them along the length of the sofa. I only wished that I could have come up with a rational explanation for the visit but I knew the risks before I set out.

"I could begin to think that you're stalking me; I understand that you visited the studio and Corrine tells me that you called here."

I cast a quick look at Corrine but she was a picture of innocence and I could not tell what she may or may not have revealed. For a second or two I was at a loss for words but Adrienne forestalled any reply. She raised her knee allowing the robe to slip.

"There's no need to be coy."

At that instant I felt an intense hatred for her. I resented the fact that her activities had placed me in this position in the first place but, deeper down, it was a detestation borne of the fact that, even now, I felt my body betraying me.

For a moment the final shreds of my self-esteem held sway even at the expense of the job in hand. I steeled myself to leave but, as I did so, I looked towards the patio doors and the expansive balcony beyond which was the focus of our speculations.

I remained stock-still. Inside the doors were two aluminium cases just a little larger than carry-ons. They had not been there on my last visit and, in light of events, they took on a sinister aspect.

Corrine read my hesitation as unspoken acquiescence. She came up behind me and slid my jacket from my shoulders. My mind was working so quickly that I barely noticed as her fingers slipped around to slowly unfasten the buttons on my blouse. I finally came back to my senses as she slipped the clips of my bra.

My first thought was to phone Bullington straight away but I knew that she would ask me to try and get a look inside the cases before she committed to action. My stomach felt uneasy as I came to terms with the fact that, for now, I was going to have to play along.

I reluctantly allowed Corrine to finish undressing me whilst Adrienne looked on like a lioness sizing up her prey. Once I was naked she lowered one foot to the floor and allowed her gown to gape open.

"Come here, both of you."

Corrine moved, unhesitatingly, and knelt at her side. Without further bidding she reached forward to cradle Adrienne's breast and took the engorged nipple between her lips.

Thus, my role in the proceedings was determined. Adrienne looked at me and stroked her sex expectantly.

It took a supreme act of self discipline to compel my legs to obey. I moved forward hesitantly and sluggishly dropped to my knees.

"Have you missed me? I told you that you'd never forget."

Her sex was exactly as I remembered it, the arrogant labia seemingly awaiting their dues, and I feared the madness that had overcome me before. I closed my eyes for a moment but I could not shut out the scent of her.

I had read somewhere that, in the animal kingdom, the territories marked out by alpha males and females were subtly different with a uniqueness that promoted an increased sense of dread. And so it was with Adrienne.

Experienced as I now was, my olfactory senses picked up on an almost indefinable difference, a distinct ester that proclaimed a natural superiority.

My reaction was primal. I found myself lowering my head in an act of obeisance.

I kissed along the length of her lips, barely touching, but it was enough to transfer a hint of her taste.

My mouth began to water and my tongue suddenly had a will of its own. I licked firmly at the fleshy fronds seeking out the moist interior.

"Take your time. There's no hurry."

I calmed myself and eased off a little. I bent my neck to it and began to lick lightly from bottom to top in a more relaxing tempo.

After a minute or two I found that, whilst this was clearly to her liking, it was putting a strain on muscles unused to the exercise. I wanted to close my mouth to her sex and go deeper but she knew exactly the toll she was exacting.

"Don't stop. Keep doing that."

After a few more minutes the pain increased, outweighing any reward, but, as she knew, once I was allowed to stop I would be all the more grateful.

"Now angel…eat me."

With immense relief I took her sex in my open mouth and slid my tongue all the way in. The release of pressure allowed juices to flow like magma and I swallowed all she had to give. She was right. She had been the first and she would always be remembered. The taste was enough to make my own body react and I put my hand between my legs.

"Not now…concentrate on what you're doing."

Her ability to read me was unnerving and there was something in her tone that brooked any defiance. Frustrated, I took my hand away again and found my focus on her sex once more.

She had me pay homage to the deepest recesses for an interminable time before her fingers finally made her clitoris available to me. I could tell that it would not take long but, equally, I knew that, for her, this was just the start.

I danced my tongue over the engorged bud and, within seconds, her body began to shiver as she released the tension with a protracted hum of pleasure.

I gently licked her to a finish and then looked up at her with the most appealing face that I could muster.

"I need a little fresh air."

"All in good time sweetness…Corrine is a little hot and bothered."

I had almost forgotten about her but now I looked round to find her seated on the sofa with her legs spread wide. Her face was flushed and her sex looked a little raw leading me to guess that she had been attending to herself whilst I was engaged with Adrienne.

She favoured me with a beatific smile.

"Please…come and finish me off."

After the carnality of Adrienne her pale body and hairless sex made her appear a picture of innocence and I felt an unaccountable yearning for her.

I moved towards her and settled between her legs. Once again, I licked her whole mons and was not surprised to find that she had been leaking freely.

"That's so nice…"

I worked my way inwards and began to suckle her shy labia and this prompted her to use both hands to hold my head in place.

"Yes!...just there."

I was licking at the apex of her sex without quite seeking out her clitoris but she was enjoying the teasing pressure. She was getting wetter and her scent was stronger. I drew it deep into my lungs, like an opiate but it lacked the potency of what had gone before.

As her excitement mounted she put her legs over my shoulders and drew me tightly to her. The immediate pressure of her slim thighs was comforting, notwithstanding the slick of perspiration but, as she started to come, she squeezed ever harder as though to extract every last ounce of pleasure.

When she finally let me go, which was some time after her orgasm had abated, I was genuinely in need of fresh air.

"Do you mind?"

Without waiting for an answer I grabbed Corrine's discarded robe and slipped it on before opening the patio doors and stepping out on to the balcony.

Neither of them followed me and after I moment I stepped back halfway through the doors and checked the cases. They were heavy, not easily moved, and I tried one of the hasps. If I was hoping to find it unlocked I soon wished that it was not. I had hardly exerted any pressure when it opened with a sharp snap which could not be ignored.

My heart rate shot up but I tried to act as innocent as possible as Adrienne slowly arose and came across the room. She smiled and did not seem fazed. Without a word she flicked open the second hasp and lifted the lid.

I did not know whether to be relieved or disappointed. The case contained nothing more than a professional video camera with its accruements.

"We are doing a video shoot here tomorrow evening. It's a lovely backdrop don't you think."

As she spoke she opened the doors wider and ushered me out on to the balcony. From an aesthetic viewpoint she was absolutely right. The sights of London were lit up below us with the Tower of London and Tower Bridge being the most prominent.

Even as I looked I could not help but see them all as potential targets and then I focused on something else that was familiar but it literally made my heart stop. It missed just a single beat and then fluttered back to a pounding rhythm but, in that short span of time, I comprehended the whole audacious plan.

I knew I had to leave immediately. It was imperative that I phoned Bullington straight away but then a new realization dawned. I suddenly remembered all of the temporary road signs that I had seen on my way across town. I had ignored them as having no immediate relevance but now I saw their deadly import.

Adrienne rang the side of her finger over my breast pulling very gently against the flimsy material of the gown.

"Come through to the bedroom when you're ready…don't be too long."

She left me alone and went back inside. Corrine immediately skipped to her side and then they disappeared into the bedroom. This was my chance. I simply had to grab my clothes and run but if what I thought was true there was no time to spare.

I went back inside and snatched my phone from my bag. There was one more thing to check. The balcony made for a good signal and I dialled the number for Diane Denby. I cursed as she took an age to answer but then she finally picked up. There was no time for psychology or bullshit. In a terse whisper I asked my questions and as she answered I came out in a cold sweat.

It was exactly as I feared and she sealed everything when, unwittingly, she unravelled the 'Edinburgh' enigma.

I tried Bullington but got diverted to the night desk. I told them to find her wherever she was and to get her back to me. There followed the longest two minutes of my life until my phone finally rang. I stabbed the pick up button at the first note of the ring tone and then, as quickly and calmly as I could, I set it all out.

Bullington listened without a word and, when she replied, it was with a cold professionalism.

"I'll alert MI6 and the Bomb Squad. We'll use the Met's rapid response unit. Now if you're right, and I've no reason to doubt it, Deryan is oblivious. Can you keep her occupied until we move in?"

I had never been more scared but I answered as coolly as I could.

"Of course I will."

I walked back into the room and closed the balcony doors behind me. As with so many things, once the answer was obvious, I wondered why I had not seen it so much earlier and now I felt resentful. I felt as if I had done my part and no longer wished to abase myself to Adrienne, especially as I felt that I had gotten the better of her, but it was now just a matter of time.

I drew myself up and went into the bedroom. In spite of everything the sight that greeted me made me momentarily light headed. A large circular bed formed literally formed the centrepiece of the room. It was positioned such that it could be walked right around and took on the appearance of an arena.

At that moment Corrine was lying prostrate and Adrienne, with her back to me, was straddling her face. She knelt upright, looking totally composed, and her pose exuded that natural authority before which I simply quailed.

I stood, unsure what to do, but Corrine, in spite of her preoccupation, must have sensed my presence. She opened her legs a little putting her sex invitingly on display but Adrienne also knew I was there.

"Just watch."

Corrine closed her legs and made it seem like a petulant gesture before giving her undivided attention to Adrienne once more. For all my reservations I felt jealous. I could hear the wet sounds of Corrine at work and suspected that she had developed a skill honed by many hours of practise.

After a time Adrienne began to move a little, a gentle rocking motion that came from the hips but still perfectly controlled. The ever faster rise and fall of Corrine's chest suggested that she was finding it more difficult to breath but Adrienne was heedless. She rode on serenely, refusing to be hurried, until a faint shiver betrayed her release.

Afterwards, she raised her arms above her head and stretched languidly before leaning forward to take her weight on her elbows. I could now see Corrine's face, flushed and damp, as she continued to use her tongue to ease her down from the summit.