Border Adventure Ch. 4


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"Of course it is," Alfonso said. "Now. I showed you mine. Let me see yours."

"No problema, mi guapo," Laurie said as she reached behind her to unsnap the bra she was wearing as an outer garment and let it fall to the floor.

Alfonso whistled at the way her nipples popped to immediate attention as soon as the air hit them, as if they'd been given some type of command to do so. She took a step closer so that Alfonso could cup her tits in his hand and brush his palms across her sensitive nipples. She moaned as he leaned his lips to hers and gave her a softer kiss that was more to her liking than the rough one he had forced on her when they first entered the storeroom. She let his tongue slip into her mouth and intertwine with her own. As soon as he let go of her tits and cupped her ass to pull her crotch into his, she broke away from the kiss and said, "I had a taste of your coke, now late me get another taste of your cock."

Then she grasped the zipper of his pants and brought it open as she dropped to her knees. As soon as she was kneeling in front of him, she had his erect cock out of his pants and was stroking it with her soft hands. She continued to run the palms of her hands up and down the length of his shaft as she took the head of his dick into her mouth. Gradually she worked more and more of it into her mouth until she was swallowing it all and the tip was hitting the back of her throat. She fought back the gag impulse as she relaxed her throat muscles and allowed Alfonso to roughly grip her hair and begin to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth.

She continued to go down on Alfonso's cock as if she were a dehydrated woman just found walking in the desert and given a fresh piece of ice to suckle. Of course, Alfonso became so lost in the pleasure that he didn't even think to pull out as he felt his cum welling up from deep inside his balls. Besides, he knew from word of mouth that Laurie didn't mind swallowing someone's load. And swallow his load is exactly what she did as he began to cum. She greedily sucked every drop of his cum out of him until there was nothing left for her but to let his shriveled cock fall limp from her lips.

As she retrieved her bra from the floor and slipped back into it, she also palmed the zip-lock bag filled with blow and stuffed it up under her skirt. Once she had the coke hidden and in place and the bra refastened, she turned her attention to the widely grinning Alfonso. She patted his cheek and said, "Gee, baby. I thought you wanted to fuck."

Alfonso's grin quickly faded as he realized he'd been duped and he said, "Hey, wait a minute, puta. A fuck was the deal, not a blow job."

Laurie shrugged and said, "I was prepared to fuck. You're the one that just blew his load in my mouth without even giving a warning."

"B-b-but," Alfonso stuttered.

Laurie pressed a finger to his lips and said, "Shush. Maybe next time, sweetie. You got to learn to control that thing though."

Then she turned, unlocked the door, and stepped out of the storeroom.


"Cleo!" Natasha excitedly yelled over the noise of the crowd. "This is Nat!"

"Nat!" Cleo responded just as excitedly. "Where the hell are you?"

"I'm in Dallas. I've been calling you for hours."

"I know. I saw this number on my caller I.D. I've been in emergency surgery."

"You feel like coming out and having a few drinks with us?"

"Who is us, and where are you having drinks at this hour?"

"My friend Frankie from back home and my American friend that I met in Amsterdam last spring."

"You mean Laurie?"

"You know Laurie?"

"We've met a few times," Cleo said. "I knew her sister a bit better."

"Oh. Well anyway," Natasha continued. "Laurie took Frankie and me to this place she calls an underground."

"My god, Nat," Cleo exclaimed as she noticed the way Natasha was slightly slurring her words. "You're at a rave and you're drunk."

"I've only had a couple of drinks," Nat said. "And, what's a rave?"

"A rave is an underground party of sorts that goes on way after normal hours. Are you sure you aren't drunk?"

"Really. I had one drink in the hotel, and I've had one drink that I haven't even finished here at the party."

Not meaning what she was saying, Cleo then joked, "I guess you're high then, because you sure don't sound sober."

When Cleo's joke was met with Nat's silence, she laughed and said, "Oh my god, Nat. You are high, aren't you?"

"Maybe a little bit," Nat said shyly.

"Shit," Cleo said. "I'm about to fall asleep, or I'd come get you."

"Really, Cleo," Natasha protested. "I'm a big girl that doesn't need to be rescued."

"Who said anything about coming to your rescue? I want some of whatever it is you've had."

"Oh," Nat said. "I never would have thought."

Cleo laughed and said, "I could tell you a story or two. So could Laurie if you ask her."

"YOU have partied with Laurie," Nat said.

"A time or two," Cleo admitted. "Come on. That's not so shocking. Not nearly as shocking as the thought of YOU partying with her."

"Fuck me," Natasha said.

Cleo chuckled heartily at the sound of Nat's words and said, "Now I know you've either been smoking or snorting some good shit."

"Just smoking," Nat said. "So far. Laurie went off to get some other stuff though."

"Just be careful," Cleo warned.

"We already went over me being a big girl," Natasha said.

"I know, but you're still in no league to be partying with Laurie. Hey, she knows how to have fun though, so enjoy yourself."

"You're not going to come?" Natasha asked.

"I'm dead, and have to get some sleep. I'll come to your hotel and get you in the morning though. You can tell your big sis everything."

"Cool," Natasha said.

Cleo laughed again and said, "Did you just say cool?"

"Well," Natasha said.

"Never mind," Cleo returned, still laughing. "You're at the same hotel Paul always stays at, aren't you?"


"Okay. I'm off tomorrow. I'll come over there and get you right after I wake up."

"That will be super. I was going down to some place called South Padre Island for spring break with Frankie, but I'll leave her and Laurie to each other and stay up here with you."

"Great. I'll see you in the morning then."

"Sure. See you," Nat said as she pressed the end call button on her phone. She then turned her attention back to Maurice and said, "An old friend of the family."

"I gathered," he said. "Has it been a while since you've seen each other?"

"She visited my family in England the Christmas before last. I've only talked to her on the phone or by email since then."

"Big plans to get together then?"

"We'll see," Natasha said as she drank the rest of her wine cooler and stood up. "She's picking me up early tomorrow, so I better get back to the hotel and have some sleep."

Maurice stood too and said, "Let me get you a ride. You're in no condition to be trying to navigate this city solo."

"That would be wonderful," Natasha said as she let Maurice take her hand. "See you later, Frankie. Be careful."

"I think you're the one that should be careful," Frankie said.

"Don't worry," Maurice said. "She's safe in my hands."

"See, Frankie," Natasha said. "I'm all safe in Maurice's big strong hands."

"Oh brother," Frankie muttered as she watched Maurice's arm circle Nat's back as he led her through the crowd.


Laurie returned to the table to find Frankie sitting alone smoking one of her Marlboros. As she pulled out a chair and sat down she said, "Where's Nat?"

"She left a few minutes ago."

"Fuck," Laurie said. "We better go find her. She's got no business being out there by herself at this time of the morning."

"She's not alone."

"Who is she with?"

"You know."



Laurie began to laugh uncontrollably. When her laughter finally subsided, she took Frankie by the hand and said, "Come on. I've got some really good shit. Let's go back to the bathroom and snort a line or two."

"What about Nat?"

"We'll save her some."

"You don't think we should go make sure she's okay?"

Laurie shook her head and said, "Nope. I've fucked Maurice, so trust me. She is definitely okay. Now come on. Let's go snort some of this. Then I'll take you to meet my friend Alfonso and we'll see about you persuading him out of the second bag he has."


Natasha flicked on the lights as soon as Maurice had opened the hotel room door for her. He stepped in behind her and laid the key card on the counter next to the mini-bar. "Would you like a drink?" he asked. "I mix a mean rum and coke."

"Hmmm," Natasha said. "Don't tell anyone, but I love rum."

The smile that came upon Mo's face resembled that of the cat that just drank the cream, but as he began to speak, Natasha put her finger to his lips and said, "You followed me up here because you needed to borrow my bathroom, not because I needed you to play bartender for me."

"I just thought you might like to have a drink with me," Mo said.

"Uh huh," Natasha said. "I know exactly what you thought I'd like."

He slipped his hand behind her waist and pulled her next to him. As he leaned his lips down to hers, he said, "Tell me I'm wrong about that."

She let his lips proceed towards hers until they were just about to touch. Then she turned away and slipped out of his grasp and said, "You're not wrong, but you still need to leave."

"What?" Mo asked incredulously. "Tell me you don't want to fuck just as much as I do."

Nat shrugged and said, "As much as I'd love for you to throw me onto that bed right now, I don't sleep with guys the first night I meet them."

"But, I'm not just any guy."

Nat giggled. Oh god, she thought. I'm still giggling. "No. You're a very handsome guy that oozes testosterone, but I'm still not going to go to bed with you tonight."

"Okay," Mo said as he stepped closer. "I can respect that, but you are going to kiss me."

Then he leaned his lips to hers and this time she let their lips meet. Only briefly though, before she stepped away and said, "There. You've had your kiss. Now, if you still need to use the bathroom, you can do so. Then you need to leave."

Mo laughed easily and said, "That's okay. I can wait until I get back to the party. Tell me something though. What's up with you and Laurie?"

"Why do you ask something like that?" Natasha said as she thought back to the kiss she had allowed Laurie to give her in the club.

"She seemed awful protective of you. That isn't like her. She isn't sweet on you, is she?"

Natasha blushed and said, "Don't be silly. She and my dad are friends."


"Yeah. Friends."

Mo laughed even more easily than before and said, "Girl. Laurie doesn't have friends."

Natasha shifted her weight uneasily from foot to foot and said, "Of course she has friends. I've met several of them."

Mo just shook his head as he stepped to the door and said, "Okay, baby. I'll leave you thinking that if it's what you want to believe."


"You better not be thinking I'm just going to give you that second bag of coke," Alfonso said as Laurie guided him into the same storeroom they'd been to before. As soon as he stepped inside though, he saw Francine leaning against a stack of whiskey boxes. The sight of her standing before him with her shoes kicked off, and skirt lying on the floor beside them caused him to stop dead in his tracks. As soon as she dropped her blouse to the floor with her skirt and stood before them in nothing but her white thong panties, Alfonso released a whistle and said, "Buenos noches, bonita."

Then he felt Laurie begin to nibble his ear from behind and he turned to kiss her. Upon kissing her, he realized that Laurie was completely naked and had made a pile of her own with discarded clothes. Then he felt the tall girl's lips on his other ear and he turned back to kiss her. As he kissed her, he let his fingers drift between her legs to find that she no longer even had her thongs on.

He felt Laurie's hands pulling his sweater over his head as her friend dropped to her knees and began to unbuckle his belt. Soon his sweater, his shirt, his pants, his shoes, his socks, his underwear were all pulled off of him and tossed in every which direction. Then his dick was slipping into the tall blonde girl's mouth as Laurie was rimming his asshole with her tongue. God he loved that.

Then Laurie was slipping her finger into his asshole and massaging his prostate gland with her finger as the other girl took him deeper and deeper into her throat. He groaned as he could stand it no longer and began to unload his semen into the girl's mouth. She continued to suck until she had swallowed every drop. Then he realized. He'd done it again. His face turned red, and he said, "God damn it, Laurie. You're not getting away with this again."

But she softly pressed her fingers against his lips and leaned her lips to meet Francine's. Alfonso watched curiously as Laurie guided her friend to the floor and the two pretty girls lay prone and continued to kiss. He felt his cock begin to stir as Laurie kissed her way down and softly began to kiss and suck the other girl's nipples. As he watched the girl's legs open and Laurie ease her tongue to the lips of her vulva, he became fully erect.

It was only a minute or two before Laurie's expert tongue was bringing the girl to orgasm and Laurie was kissing her way back up until their lips were meeting again. When they had reversed positions and the blonde girl was between Laurie's legs licking away at her brown pussy lips, Alfonso's cock was at the point that it felt as it were about to burst.

He dropped to his knees behind Francine and lifted her ass up so that he was able to place the tip of his cock along the lips of her pussy. She was very tight, but she was excited to the point that he was able to slide his steel hard cock into her with little difficulty. He began to stroke into her and as he did so, she humped her ass back to meet his thrusts. Soon the three of them found a rhythm of unison as Laurie grinded her pussy up into Frankie's tongue while Frankie humped back against the cock that was thrusting in and out of her.

Laurie's orgasm came first and then Frankie lifted her lips from Laurie's clit and began to grunt and groan with her own orgasm as she felt Alfonso empty himself inside her pussy. Then they collapsed in a heap together on the floor. When they'd caught their breath again, Laurie said, "You better hope you can get that thing hard again, Alfonso. As good as you just fucked Frankie, I'm in the mood now to get some of it too."


Natasha lay in bed and her thoughts kept drifting back to Maurice. God she had really, really wanted to let him fuck her. It would have been so easy to just let him take her. No one at home would have ever known, and she wouldn't be lying in bed with an unsatisfied cunt that felt like it was on fire. As these thoughts raced through her mind, she found one hand slipping into her panties and the other sliding inside her pajama top up to her breast.

She softly traced the tip of her middle finger along the lips of her pussy while she brushed her thumb back and forth across her clit. With her other hand, she just as softly massage her tits and used that thumb to brush across her nipples. As the fire in her cunt grew more intense, she left with the soft, gentle tracing of the lips of her slit and vigorously began to drive two fingers into her pussy. She'd stroke in and stroke out, stroke in and stroke out. Then she'd stop and roughly rub the side of her thumb back and forth over her clit. Then she'd leave that and resume stroking in and stroking out. All the while, as her fingers pumped in and out, she furiously squeezed her tits together with the other hand.

Somehow, the image of Maurice pumping his huge black cock in and out of her was replaced with one of Laurie lowering her pretty, tan face to between Natasha's creamy white thighs and applying her tongue to Natasha's blood engorged clitoris. Oh, my God, Natasha moaned as she rolled over onto her stomach and lifted her ass up into the air.

She discarded playing with her tits and viciously used her newly free hand to rub her clit while she continued humping two fingers of her other hand in and out of her dripping, burning cunt. Again, she moaned and cried out, oh my fucking God. Still another image came into her mind. This of Laurie lying before her, smooth brown legs completely open for her, her tongue lapping its' way over Laurie's clit as Maurice humped her doggy style.

All visions were soon replaced by the intensity and the reality of Nat's own fingers driving rapidly into her pussy and Nat screaming out in the most incredible orgasm she had ever had.


Laurie and Francine walked out of the storeroom straightening their clothes and with the second bag of coke tucked snuggly away inside Laurie's thongs keeping company the first bag that was now only half full. Frankie's eyes roamed the crowd, and when she spotted Maurice she said, "Hey, isn't that your friend?"

Laurie spotted him too and said, "Yep. That's Mo. Let's go talk to him."

They each made their way to where Mo was standing talking to Cherie and Laurie said, "Back so quick, Mo?"

Cherie went away and Mo turned to Laurie and said, "Sure. I just wanted to be sure she got home safe. You had that girl so stoned, she could barely stand up."

Laurie grinned from ear to ear and said, "Bullshit. You struck out."

Mo laughed and said, "Okay. You got me. If I had my way, I'd be there driving her into her mattress right now."

Laurie and Frankie both giggled, and as Laurie skirted Frankie away, Frankie asked, "Where are we going?"

"Back to the room. I want to get you in bed so I can fuck you right instead of having to do it laying over boxes of whiskey."


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cbsummerscbsummersover 12 years ago

Super fucking sexy!

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