Born Beautiful


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He removed my teddy and stared at my naked body.

"Cheri, you are magnificent."

"I know." I whispered.

I don't think he even heard me; he was kissing my nipples then my navel and worked his way down. From all the stories I have heard, and trust me, in the dressing rooms of some of these fashion shows these models can be quite graphic, I was expecting electricity. I felt something, mostly uncomfortable. No sparks or fireworks. I think now these women were just exaggerating or putting me on.

He licked me and it felt, okay. I know he had a reputation of being with lots of women, but maybe he really didn't know how to do it well. I once saw Giselle in Milan with a young man; they were off stage hours after the show. I ran back to get something I left behind and stood behind the scenery watching them. The man was doing to Giselle what Vida was doing to me. Giselle was groaning and moving about like she was really enjoying it. I thought maybe this is what is expected. So I imitated Giselle. I moaned and rubbed his head. I moved my ass and pushed my pussy into his flickering tongue. He looked up with a smile on his face and continued. I then realized how good an actress I really was.

He finally stopped. I let out a big sigh. I think he thought it was a sigh of release; in fact it was a sigh that he finally finished. But that was just the warm up. He inched up toward my face.

"If you thought that was good, now is the main course. I have thought about this moment since I first met you."

"Me too," I lied. I actually just wanted to get this over with.

He put on a condom over his penis. I withheld my laughter, and just smiled. I thought it looked funny wrapped in that plastic tube. Vida must have mistaken my smile for one of anticipation.

He was propped up on one arm over me and I was able to glance passed my wonderful firm breasts, tight abdomen and see his erect penis resting on my where my pubic hair would be if I had any. Naturally I shave often, just because I am always being photographed in something tight or a thong. I watched as he grasped his penis with his right hand and placed it at the entrance of my pussy.

I wondered briefly if the entire penis goes in. Like I stated, I never masturbated so I really didn't know how deep it goes. I felt his eyes upon me and looked up.

He was smiling and kissed me, saying something like "I'll be gentle."

I was then wondering, would this sex thing be really everything that it is supposed to be?

I was looking at him when he leaned in to kiss me and I felt the pressure in my pussy.

He maneuvered his thing in and out of me several times, each time I could feel it getting deeper. A thought then dawned on for me, "what was I going to wear tomorrow?" I started thinking about my wardrobe, then pain.

"What the fuck, oww."

"its okay mon cheri, it will soon feel wonderful."

I realized that the pain was my cherry being popped. Vida now started grunting and moving faster. I too started grunting. I listened to the sounds I was making, I did not like them. I thought they needed to be sultrier. He was kissing my neck and my nipples while continuing his thrusts. His face then went red and he arched his back and shuddered. He then looked down at me and I kissed him. He rolled over and I cuddled next to him.

"Thank you, Vida."

"Mon cheri, the pleasure was all mine."

And I thought to myself, "Yes it was."

So don't hate me.

I just don't get the sex thing. Vida showed me many ways to have sex, the positions, and instructing me on how to move. I did it all, but to me it's just exercise. Vida talks about the orgasm, but I don't think I ever had one. Maybe I can't have one, maybe I have had them but it does nothing to me.

There is a part of sex that I really do enjoy; I love the power it gives me. I love making men whimper and beg. I love getting them hard, stroking their cock, I even love sucking their cock. When I have a man's cock in my mouth, I feel like I control them fully.

After Vida taught me, I became curious about other men. I wondered if they were all the same. I love to flirt with them, especially older men that feel guilty when their eyes stare at my firm breasts or ass. I love catching them looking at me and then giving them a knowing smile. I like the flustering look and redness in the cheeks of their face as they cough and look quickly away.

Of course in Hollywood many of these producers and directors are used to this type of behavior. Many of them wouldn't even a give an actress a chance if they wouldn't fuck them, no matter how old they were.

Vida liked the script for this one movie called Lie Truthfully. I was playing a small supporting role, but since it was a major big budget movie, it would be perfect for my first.

Vida warned me about the director and how things are done in Hollywood. He was being protective. It was then that I thought perhaps he was falling in love with me. It really was so sad. I told him that I no longer wanted to have sex with him. That he had taught me enough and that he needed to focus on business. Besides, I called my family and told them to come to Hollywood. I have decided to move out here.

Believe it or not, they insisted that I audition for the role. I had Vida drop me off at the studio, but I insisted that he go with the real estate agent and line up some homes for me to look at. They were all very nice, treating me like a kid. Then I hit the makeup room. This is my element. I was to play the teenage daughter to mister action hero, Artie Tezenager. He and actress Jenny Kurtz were to play my parents who are actually spies. They were not there for the audition, but Jack Kameron the director was. I walked out from make up and went right up to him and shook his hand. I then met the producers and other executives.

I turned and walked to my spot, I know they were all watching my ass and how my hips sway. After the audition Jack came into the makeup room where I was getting my make up off.

He told me I got the role and I leaped off the chair and gave him a tight hug. I know how to "innocently" rub against a man. He gently tapped my back in the nervous way that men do. At first it used to amaze me that grown up men would want to have sex with a little girl like me. But then I realized that my power affected everyone.

"Achem, how old are you again?" He asked in that nervous humor.

"How old do you want me to be? I am an actress after all. I can play many roles."

I could tell he was uncomfortable but he wanted me, they all do.

"Ha. You already have the part."

"Yes, and now we have many months working together, don't worry, I'm legal."

Working on the movie was a lot more work that I thought it would be. I would sometimes bring Ian with me and introduce him to some of the girls. As long as he was getting laid he seemed happy and didn't mind doing my chores or run me around.

Mark was one of the producers in the movie. He was having a party at his house and I showed up with my mom and Vida. Mark's mansion was amazing. He was on his third wife who was about the same age as my mom. Mark introduced me to some teen actors, at the party. They were bores. They talk about things that don't matter. They are just clueless to the world.

I grabbed Mark and asked him to show me around the place. I walked arm in arm with him as he talked about the house and we were far from the party as we walked into his garage. There were six assorted cars, all of them expensive and looking like a showroom. I leaned back against a silver convertible.

"Oh, I just love this one."

"That is an Austin Martin DB9, it just arrived from England."

I can tell Mark was taking in my entire figure and it was making him uncomfortable for a 50 plus year old guy.

"Do you even have a driver license Ms. Tarboe?"

I giggled, "not yet."

I walked over to him "Mark, please call me Bridgette or Jet , that's what my mom and dad call me, especially when I am naughty."

"And how often are you naughty?"

"Depends, how about you?"

I then put my arms around his neck and kissed him. At first he was passive but soon he was opening his mouth and I felt his hands along my hips then around my ass. I slipped my arms down from his neck and held them against his chest. I whispered in his ear.

"I like you Mark, you're a real man, not a boy. I need a man."

"But Jet, you are so no pedophile."

"But I am 18. I just look very young."

He was trying to convince himself, but his body and mind lied. I kissed him some more. His hands still caressed my ass and I could feel is penis stiffening in his pants. I took one of his hands and placed it on my tits. I then rubbed his cock through his pants with my hand.

"I can't believe this."

I then pulled down his zipper and pulled out his cock.

"I heard you have a big deal with Dezniy for a movie series about a girl like me."

I thought he might push me away when I said that, but putting his cock in my mouth and sucking it made him only groan. He totally surrendered to my power. He played with my tits as I sucked on his cock. I undid his belt and lowered his pants and boxes. I cupped his balls in my hand as I continued to suck it. It seemed a bit thicker than Vida's cock. I wondered if all cocks were different. I stopped and looked up at him.

"Did you know I can sing?"

"I uh I uh no I didn't." He was breathing heavy and Vida taught me pace was important. I didn't want him to cum too quickly. We still had business to do.

"Well I can, that's why I would be perfect for the role of Shannon Dakota."

I then swirled my tongue around his cock and sucked it deep into the back of my throat. I continued sucking him and could feel his knees slightly buckling. I stood up and stroked his cock with my hand while smiling at him.

"I would like to work more with you. Don't you think it would be fun? Wait till you see me naked." And then his cum splashed my hands.

Of course he wanted more of me, who wouldn't. I was everything Dezniy wanted, young, beautiful and virginal, by reputation. Naturally, the executives at Dezniy had their own empire to protect. Besides the amusement parks, they had one of the largest studios and children oriented business in the world. The Dezniy execs were concerned that maybe I was too sexy, but Mark argued for me and of course the role was mine.

Being idolized by thousands of little girls I also found I needed some diversion. But I wanted to keep my little innocent girl reputation intact. I enjoyed going on tour and performing live in front of all these screaming girls. It also gave me a chance to get out of L.A. The problem is being able to exhibit my power over men without ruining my reputation.

The power over men, just by having sex is was intoxicating. Having sex with some Dezniy studio executives was easy, because they had just as much to lose if my reputation was dirtied as much as me.

With a professional Hollywood wig (black) and my remarkable make up to make me look older, all I needed were cheap clothes and no one would recognize me. I also had the idea to avoid the typical night spots that paparazzi or celebs would hang out. But would I truly be unrecognizable? I had one of the prop guys at the studio make me a fake ID, it only cost me some flirting and an autograph picture.

I had an out of town concert to perform in San Francisco at the Cow Palace Saturday night and I convinced Roger, the tour manager to have us drive up Thursday in the tour bus. That would give me Friday night to tryout my idea. Dad was flying in from Chicago Friday so mom was going to attend. Ian was going to make sure everything I needed was going to be attended to. I watched him on the bus and I had an evil idea. I knew I could have any man I wanted, but was that really true.

I wondered why Ian put up with my shit, if he was around just for the money. I wondered what kind of power I had over him. I wondered if I could fool him in my disguise.

I found out Ian and some of the band was going to a small club in the area. I put on my disguise and took a taxi out there. I would try to disguise my figure, but it was difficult, even with baggy clothes every guy turned to check me out. The club was dark and packed. I saw Ian and the sound guy at the bar having a drink and checking out the girls. I chose a place directly across from them about half the room away. I swayed gently to the music and nursed my margarita. Naturally I attracted a lot of attention and several guys approached me but I just turned them away. Some of the guys were obviously good looking and used to having women indulge them. They think they have power, but a woman in the know can just twist them till they are on their knees.

I walked over to Ian and stretched out my hand looking toward the dance floor. The sound guy jabbed at him to go with me. I took his hand and he followed me to the dance floor. As long as I don't look directly into his eyes I felt I had a chance to fool him. We danced and I would grind against him in a very suggestive way, I am sure every guy watching us got a hard on, as did Ian. He had his hands on my hips, my ass, my back, my tummy, everywhere. About three songs had gone by and I put my arms around his neck and leaned into his ear.

"Do I turn you on?"

"Oh yeah."

"I guess you wanna fuck me?" I nibbled at his ear; he still had not gotten a real good look at my face even.

"Oh yeah."

"What? You would fuck your sister?"

I held him at arm's length and he got a good look at my face. His eyes went wide with horror as I laughed at him.

"All you men are so pathetic. Go take that stiff dick and find yourself one of these whores."

I then turned and left the club. I made my point, all men are subjected to me, I had the power over men even my own brother. I took a taxi back to the hotel.

I was in my room and undressed wrapping a towel around me. I looked in the mirror at myself in the black wig and make up. I heard the door to the suite open and slam shut. I walked out and Ian was standing there fuming at me.

"You bitch. You fucking slut."

"Oh chill, I was just having a little fun."

I never saw him this angry before, I actually thought he might hit me. It was time for me to use my power. I smiled and turned up my puppy eyes look.

"Oh Ian, I was just trying to have some fun, I didn't mean for it to get out of hand, I will make it up to, really."

He rushed toward me yelling "bitch" and pulled the wig off my head, in doing so the towel slipped off me. The look on his face changed. I smiled and turned my back feeling I had subdued him with just a glance of my perfect body.

"Brother dear, please get me my towel, I'll wash this off and we'll get a late dinner."

But before I even got my last word out he knocked me down with a blow and I fell half way on the bed. I tried to get up but he held me down with his left arm in the middle of my back pinning me to the bed with ass hanging off the bed. I screamed for him to let me up.

"You fucking bitch, this is what you really want isn't it you slut?"

For the moment I didn't know what he was talking about and then with his other hand if felt him shove his fingers in my pussy.

"Ian, no!"

I screamed. But his fingers left and I felt his cock enter my pussy. He thrust hard into me with long mean full strokes. He was fucking me fast and hard and now both hands of his were on my hips and my face was in the mattress. With both hands on my hips, I could have probably twisted my body away and kicked him in the balls, but I got to thinking about what he was doing. He was fucking me, he probably always wanted to fuck me but couldn't because I am his sister. I knew all men desired me, now I knew it extended even to family. He used this anger toward me as an excuse to fuck me.

He shoved his cock deep into me and held it there as he grunted and his cum filled inside me. He pulled out and staggered backward. I pulled myself off the bed and without even turning around to look at him I headed toward the bathroom.

"If you're finished raping me, I think I'll take off this make up and take a shower now."

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Turning to the mirror I smiled at myself thinking that all men are so pathetic. I knew Ian would now crawl back to his room with his tail (or cock) between his legs and fell guilty about what he did. He will in turn try to make it up to me for the rest of his life.

That episode proved a lot to me. First, the disguise worked, and I can have any man I wanted. As I predicted, Ian was ashamed he never mentioned it to me. On my part I pretended it never happened but I was even more demanding of him and he said nothing but agreed with me.

So any opportunity on tour I would wear the disguise and I would have Ian drive me to some spots. I would make him wait hours for me if necessary. I even enjoyed it knowing he was waiting outside for me while I was having sex.

I would always get hit on by young guys in their 20's or younger. But it was only good for me to pick out the guy. I needed to choose who I was going to seduce. The more they said no, the better I liked it. Needless to say, I was never turned down, nor was I ever recognized. I enjoyed the conquest, but still the sex meant nothing to me. I never had an orgasm or enjoyed the fucking in my pussy or in my mouth or even in my ass. What turned me on was seducing these men. I realized I could have any man I wanted turned me on.

Married men were a good choice because it was more of a challenge. Once I even seduced a cop on the street while he was working. Imagine what he would think if he found out the girl he was fucking doggy style behind the Starbucks was Bridget Tarboe, movie star and Dezniy icon.

For the next couple of years my life remained pretty much the same, doing Shannon Dakota movies such as the High School Prom series, the Shannon Dakota concerts and TV series. The press never caught on about my secret sex life. Sure, every now and then one of the tabloids would print a rumor about me and a secret boyfriend, usually another actor.

Once there was an internet youtube thing about a secret sex tape, but so called sex tape was so grainy and dark, it could have been anyone. Anyone without a perfect body, it was so not me. The internet was filled with all sorts of rumors, but even if some of them were actually true, no one could prove it and no one really believed it.

Vida did a great job with my career and was totally understanding about my lifestyle. Hell, it was Vida who was able to get me birth control pills and contraceptives. I thought he was the perfect manager until he told me one night that he wanted to marry me.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. He told me he didn't care about how many men I had sex with; he said he could fill that need. He wanted our partnership to last a lifetime. I reminded him I was only 19, but he said it would take a year just to prepare for the perfect wedding. He had even asked my parents and they encouraged it.

I thought about what he had said. The first thing I considered was that if I said no, Vida would probably quit. Then I would have to find another agent, someone I could trust. If I said yes, I would lose that little girl image. The thing was, I was going to lose that image anyway. I was tired of the Dezniy roles; I would never win an Oscar doing them. It was time I moved up to the adult world. So, I made the right business decision.

Vida and I were married one month after my 19th birthday. It wasn't a surprise to a lot of people, since every major premier or award show I went with Vida as my escort. Although most fans just thought he was my manager and I was too young, the media assumed we would hook up eventually. I officially gave Ian the title of being my agent. I got him an office in Hollywood, a staff of agents and employees. Starboe Talent Agency was then born.