Born of Fire


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A sound on my windowpane. Raju, outside the window, in the garden, beckoning, pointing to the toolshed. I nodded and slipped out of the room. My heart was in my mouth. I looked into Mum's room as I passed. The nurse was stirring. Time for Mum's medication.

"Hi," I said, from the door, standing with my arms crossed so she couldn't see I wasn't wearing a bra. "Is she okay?"

"Tired today, I think," the nurse said softly. "I think last night was a big strain."

"Poor thing. Anything I can do?"

"No, it's okay. I'm here. Are you going out?"

"Not out, no. Just to the garden. Want to start cleaning up."

"Oh my, yes, of course. You poor dear. It's pretty bad, isn't it?"

"I don't even want to think about it. It's going to take us months and months. I don't even know if we have everything we need. Tools and such, I mean. I'm going to have to look into our toolshed and see what we have and what we don't and what we need to get."

"Raju's coming to help?"

"Yes. In fact, he's here already. I asked him to come early. Can't do it on my own."

"He's a good man. He'll make it right."

I smiled. "I hope so. Well, here's the bright side -- at least this way we've got an excuse to correct the mistakes we made!"

She laughed softly. "That's the spirit, child! Never give up hope."

"No," I said, not looking at Mum. "Never."


THE GARDEN LOOKED like it had been hit by a typhoon. There was very little left. I couldn't bear to look at it. I kicked over some stones, shoved a broken timber and tiles aside, went around slowly, headed for the toolshed.

It was dark and dank inside. It smelled of sweat and rags and unwashed cloth. I took a deep breath. This is how I wanted it. Sleazy and sweaty and hard.

He was there already. I could sense him, smell him, that musky, woody smell I'd have known anywhere. The door shut behind me. I heard the click of a latch. Suddenly I felt very nervous and unsure of myself. There was hollow in the pit of my stomach. My pulse raced.

"Is there a light in here?" I murmured softly.

A click and a single bulb in the far corner, dim and yellow came on. Raju stood there, shirtless, barefoot, wearing only his pants. I looked around quickly. He'd created a small space for us. Dragged in the low sleeper-wood trestle table we'd set up against the far wall to hold planters and turned it into a makeshift bed, laid a tarp over it and some empty gunnybags for a mattress, rolled up some more for a pillow. It looked like a sacrificial altar. It aroused me. I saw myself sprawled on it, naked, sweating, moaning, thrashing under his dark body, drowning his heat into mine.

He stepped forward out of the shadow and came up to me. Bent his head to mine. I lifted my face to his. His lips were firm and dry. I felt mine open under his. His tongue slipped slowly into my mouth. His hands were on my waist, moving up under my T-shirt.

I broke the kiss. Ran my hands down his beautiful body, tracing the contours of his muscles with my fingertips, paused with my hands together below his navel, at the clasp of his trousers. His hands were up under my T-shirt now, cupping my breasts. They felt heavy and swollen and my nipples were out hard.

"What is it?" He sounded tense and anxious.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He leaned forward to kiss me again. I pulled back. "Raju."

"What?" There was more than a hint of frustration and annoyance now. Good.

"Please. I ..."

"What is it, baby?" he said, very gently. "Scared?"

I shook my head. "No. Not scared. Raju ... I ... I want this ... I want this very much ... but, it's only that ..."


"I ... I don't want you to make love to me, Raju. I don't even want you to have sex with me, or sleep with me."

"What? What d'you mean?"

"I ... I mean that ... Raju ... I want you to fuck me. I mean, really fuck me. Hard. I want to be fucked." In the verncular, it sounded unbelievably obscene, and very sexy.

He stared at me. For a second I thought I'd gone too far, ruined it. Then he smiled, hugely, his strong, even teeth flashing in the darkness, creasing his handsome, clean-shaven features. "I know. And that is exactly what I intend to do. Why do you think I even tried that stunt last night? I know about you."

"About me?"

"Yes, about you. This isn't the first time I've come here early. Or stayed late. I've seen you. Using those silly ... things ... watching those movies ... seen what you do. Yeah, I know. I've heard you say my name. Even when you're with him ... whatisname ... sucking his cock or having him lick your chuth ... it's me you want. I know that. And I want you. To fuck you." He grinned, his thumbs now flicking my quivering nipples back and forth. "Did you really think I was going to make love to you? No way! No fucking way!"


IT WAS THE MOST GLORIOUS hour of my life. Raju fucked me and fucked me and fucked me till I was a sweating, whimpering, moaning mass of trembling limbs. I denied him nothing, and he demanded everything, and more.

His entire mien changed. He seemed to become -- I don't know how to put this -- godlike. His body straightened, there was a swagger in him, he seemed to radiate power and control and dominance.

"You like sucking cock, right? C'mon, then ... now suck mine!"

I'd already undone his trousers and now, with a soft moan, shuddering at his words, I sank to my knees in front of my servant. His cock was incredible. Still limp, it was seven inches long, perhaps more, incredibly thick, dark and long and ridged with veins. I jerked it quickly. It stiffened and lengthened and thickened and I drew back the foreskin to expose the bulbous head. Lovingly, I swept my tongue over it. He gasped, his hands on my head, and pulled my face into his crotch. I heard myself groan as I took his cock deep into my mouth and started sucking it eagerly, savouring the musky tang of it on my tongue, lapping the dewdrop beads of his pre-cum gunk. He fucked my face for what seemed a very long time -- much longer, in fact, than my boyfriend had ever been able to do. My excitement mounted steadily. I pulled my T-shirt up under my arms, fondling and caressing and lifting and squeezing my swollen breasts, tugging at my rigid nipples.

Finally, he pushed my head back, smiled down at me. "You're good," he said. "Very good. Especially for someone your age. Lots of practice, eh?"

He swept me up to my feet, kissing me, bending his head to my breasts. I arched, clutching his head, caressing his back, moaning as his teeth and tongue worked my aching nipples. Then I was on my back on the bed and he was slithering down my body, pausing over my breasts to suckle on them again, then moving lower and lower. He peeled my shorts open and pulled them off. I lay unashamed before the naukar, and wantonly opened my legs for him. He smiled, and ran the flat of his palm lovingly over my cunt. I shuddered, arching, bending my legs and spreading them even wider. His tongue rippled through my cunt and I cried out, my fingers clenching his dark, thick hair. His tongue was heavy and thick and it flickered serpentine up and down my cunt-lips and into the wet flesh within. I felt him draw my clit outward, whip it sharply with his tongue, draw it tenderly between his lips and the breath shot from my throat and I arched, my mouth tearing open in a soundless cry. Instantly, he had run a thick finger up deep into my cunt, all the way to the knuckle, and started finger-fucking me rapidly while his tongue continued its torment. I thrashed frantically on that makeshift bed, flinging my head this way and that, moaning, calling his name, crying yes, yes, yes oh god yes! My hips bucked up and down under his face. I felt my breasts bouncing and then I heard myself begging him in a cracked voice, begging and pleading with him to fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.

He was infinitely gentle with me despite everything I said. He rose over me, between my legs. I felt his cock burning at my cunt-lips.

"It might hurt," he whispered, his tongue sweeping between my lips.

"I don't care," I gasped. "I want it! C'mon, Raju! Put it in! Fuck me! Take me!"

"I need you to relax completely. You must want it inside you. Really want it."

"I do!" I moaned. "I do, I do, I do!"

I'd never felt anything like it. His cock-head popped into my cunt. I gasped and stiffened, tensing. His cock-head felt huge, stretching my cunt-lips wide open, searing in my flesh.

But months and months of masturbation, all those dildos and vibrators and cucumbers and gourds -- it paid off. The lust and arousal surged through my body and my hips arched and I felt myself opening wider in welcome. His cock slid smoothly into me like a hot knife. My back cambered violently and my mouth tore open. Instantly, he clamped his hand over my mouth, stifling my scream as the breath shot from my throat. My head was flung back, my neck craned. His cock throbbed angrily in my cunt. It felt like a white hot poker had been plunged into my viscera. It was impossibly big, much too big, I thought he'd surely tear me in two and rip right out of my throat. I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air, fighting his hand on my mouth, my fingers taut under his chest.

"Not hurting?" he whispered into my ear.

I moaned, panting, shook my head. It felt good, incredibly good, much, much better than I'd imagined it would be. My hips and loins seemed to have acquired a life of their own. I felt myself moving under him, pushing up against him, drawing him deeper into me. He smiled down at me, kissed me gently ... and began to fuck me.

I felt dizzy. It was beautiful, just beyond words what I felt. I clung to him on that narrow makeshift bed, heaving under him, my mind screaming in joy. I was being fucked, properly fucked, finally, at long last, I had a cock up my cunt and oh god, it felt good, so good and it was his, his, Raju's, just what I wanted.

He was incredibly good. Gently, he guided me, coaching me to match my movements to his. He moved gently at first with shallow strokes, just inching back and forth, not thrusting really, just sliding slightly in and out till I'd got used to the sensation -- and it was exquisite.

I clung to him and spread my legs wider to bring him in deeper and lifted them behind his thighs. His strokes became longer and I gasped and cried out, heaving and jerking eagerly under him, kissing him feverishly, my fingers digging into the thick muscles in his shoulders. My body rocked and jerked under his and I felt my swollen breasts bouncing heavily. He bent his head to my aching nipples and I gasped and cried out softly again, arching, clenching his head, going yes yes yes and ohhh uhh hanh uhh yes oh god yes.

He fucked me, and he taught me the language of lust, murmuring softly, telling me to use the words, encouraging me as I did, hesitantly at first for this was the first time I'd used such language with anyone else. But it sounded good, sleazy and sexy and erotic and I loved the sound of it in my ears and off my tongue and, most of all, the fire in his eyes when he heard me say them to him.

He moved faster still, with strokes that were longer, faster, deeper. I cried out, my head whipping from side to side, my head flung back, my features twisted in a grimace of lust and arousal. My body rocked and heaved under his, my hips bucking eagerly up and down in time to his thrusts. My breasts were swollen and they bounced as we moved faster and faster, sweat splintering off our bodies.

I was now quite beyond words, my senses overwhelmed by the ferocity of the sensations in my body. My orgasm neared like a looming, unstoppable thundercloud, lingered, and then, without warming, crashed through me like a hurricane.

My orgasms have always come from somewhere deep in my belly and send my cunt into palpitations and convulsions. There is fire in my breasts and nipples and my tongue feels heavy and my knees weaken; my cunt-lips feel swollen and, even as my cunt goes into its convulsions, it feels infinitely deeper and wetter. If, at this moment, my lover touches my buttocks or presses his finger to my anus, my orgasm redoubles in intensity. My nipples are so stiff and over-sensitized and my areols so enlarged and inflamed by now that the slightest touch sends jolts of electricity down to my toes. If there's a tongue in my mouth or lick behind an ear, I quiver in heightened tension. All coherent thought has left me now and I am weightless and yet infinitely leaden, my mind is empty yet more alive; I am distanced yet in the midst of it; everything around me is simultaneously without anchor, floating, and yet crystal clear, every action is in the slowest possible motion, no detail is lost.

That first orgasm with Raju was unlike anything I'd known before. The heat in my body was intense, searing. My body was out of control: my back arched, my cunt clamped down, the contractions ferocious and seemingly endless, the breath shot from my throat, my head arched way back, my mouth tore open. I went rigid, almost catatonic. Later, he told me that my fingers had nearly torn the skin in his biceps. On and on it went, longer and fiercer and more intense than any orgasm I'd ever had, and all the while he kept moving rhythmically in and out of me, slower than before, but moving all the same. It only intensified my orgasm. I gasped for air, panting, heaving, going uhh uhhhh uhhh uhhhh uhhh. Finally, it began to ebb. I moaned and felt my body sink, weightless and impossibly heavy. My limbs shook. Still moving slowly in and out of me, he smiled down and kissed me lightly.

"Finished?" he murmured.

"Oh god, Raju," I moaned. "Oh god, oh god, oh god ..." I realized he hadn't come himself. "Raju ...," I began but he shushed me gently, shook his head.

"Not this time," he said.

"Oh god, no, Raju, no! Please! You must! I want it! I want to feel it!"

"Listen to me, love. You're not ready for it."

"I am! I want it! I want your cum inside me!"

"No. You've no protection. Neither have I. We can't take such a chance. You're too young for this, if something happens."

I moaned, genuinely upset. "At least let me suck you!" I begged. "You can come in my mouth!"

He chuckled softly. "You really are incredible," he said. "Yes, that would be good."

He drew out of me and made to turn on his back on the plank. I wasn't having any of it.

"Not like that," I said. I sat up, and suddenly felt incredibly good, filled with a blinding lightness of being, and somehow still extremely aroused, as if I could have had yet another orgasm in just a few minutes. In the weeks and months ahead, I'd learn to recognize the feeling; but till that day I'd never had multiple orgasms and didn't know more than just a feeling of being intensely alive. "I want you to stand. I want to be like this," I continued, and slipped to my knees before him.

I knelt before him, going back on my legs folded under my butt, my head lifted lovingly up to watch his expression as I took his cock deep in my mouth and sucked it. My wanton tongue knew what to do, and its ways were already cunning and wicked. He gasped and moaned, his head flung back, his hands on my head moving it to and fro between his legs. His orgasm neared and he grunted and groaned and gasped, staccato. I sucked harder, jerking the thick shaft rapidly, rocking my head back and forth. I heard his despairing moan and, instantly, opened my mouth wide under his cock. The cum shot from the slit in its head into my eager, open mouth, spattered my face and eyelids and hair, dribbled down my cheeks and between my breasts. I groaned as each jet hit me and tried to take what I could in my mouth. I swallowed his cum, moaning, smiling slavishly up at him so he could see me doing it, licked it off my lips and fingertips, massaged it lovingly into my breasts. Slowly, I took his cock in my mouth again. He groaned and dropped to the floor before me. I flung my arms around him and we kissed. The cum smeared from my body to his.

"You're beautiful," he murmured. "And incredibly bloody sexy."

I smiled. "Fuck me again." Slowly, I dragged my tongue through the cleft in his chest, sexily lapping at the streaming sweat. He caressed my head and face tenderly.

He laughed. "Not so soon. But soon enough. Go on, go get cleaned up."

I shook my head. "No, I won't. I want to be like this. With your cum on my skin. It feels good. It feels very sexy."

He grinned, flashing his white teeth in the darkness. "Okay, have it your way. But tomorrow ...,"

"Tomorrow, you will fuck me again. Harder and longer. That's an order."

"Oh no, no, my dear. Nothing of the kind. Tomorrow you have to see a doctor and get something done for protection."

He was right of course, particularly if we wanted to go bareback. "But I can't see my doctor," I cried. "She'll tell my dad!"

"I know. That's why I want you to see someone else."


"I have a name. Very good, very reliable. You'll do that?"

"What a question. Of course I will, Raju. Of course I will. You think I want to miss out on this?" I squeezed his now limp but still big cock affectionately. I giggled. "You're not getting away that lightly!"


WE DRESSED AND WENT OUT to the devastated garden and, as I looked around, I thought to myself how wonderful it would be if he could fuck me here, in the open air one day. My body tingled still from his touch. I'd wiped the cum off my face, licked what I could, rubbed the rest into my skin and I could still smell him on me, his sweat and cum, even on my face and lips. It was still sticky between my breasts. I let it be. The sweat would hide it.

We went to work in the garden and, sure enough, before long both of us were filthy and sweaty and tired. Dad and Madhu came home and marvelled at how much we'd been able to do. At least it looked tidy, even if it wasn't anything nearing pretty.

"God, got tons to do still," I groaned, wiping the sweat off my brow with my forearm, pulling off my thick rubber garden gloves. "Don't know what I'd have done without Raju."

Dad smiled. "Yes, he's been a gem." In ways you wouldn't believe, Dad, I thought to myself silently. "I'll give him a good bonus, I think." Yes, you do that. For services rendered.

"I'm going to have to order more stuff for the garden, Dad," I said. "It'll cost a bit."

"Darling, order whatever you want, just send me the bills. Or I'll give you cash, you use that and then tell me if you need more. Whatever you like."

"Thanks, Dad!" I cried happily. "It'll be faster with the cash. And less expensive." And will pay for the doctor, too. Though of course I didn't say that.


THE GYNAECOLOGIST RAJU SENT ME TO was actually very good. I was hesitant at first because it was a guy, but what choice did I have? He didn't ask any awkward questions, laid out the options and recommended oral contraceptives. I bought the drugs with his prescription and my father's garden money. I had to wait a couple of days -- more because Dad and Madhu were home over the weekend -- and the waiting seemed endless. I was restless and jumpy and in almost constant state of arousal. It didn't help that I had three mercury-weighted Ben-Wa balls rolling around inside me, incessantly massaging my clit every time I moved my legs.

We continued working the garden. My every movement seemed to arouse and inflame me more. I knelt by a flower bed, turning over the soil and imagined myself like this with Raju fucking me from behind. I narrowly avoided moaning out loud. Madhu, working beside me, didn't notice.

Finally the weekend passed. Monday afternoon saw me and Raju back in the shed, fucking wildly. This time he let me mount him and ride his cock and I bucked happily up and down on it, never wanting it to end.