Boys' Club


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"Having fun?" she asked. "You're not allowed to answer me, but I can talk to you. I think I kinda like that."

She felt him move around front and place his hands on her breasts. She felt his fingers through the thin fabric of the dress, felt his palms pushing against the padding of her bra. She couldn't help but moan softly, it felt quite nice. He quickly moved down and put his hands on her thighs, moving them up under her dress. She breathed in quickly, her heart suddenly pounding. By the time his hands reached her pussy, his fingers wrapping along her lips while his palm cupped her pubic bone, she was already wet.

"Ok, ok," she said. "I think we're good on round one."

John pulled back his hands and moved around behind her. He ran his hands up her arms to the back of her neck. He unzipped her dress in one motion, then slid his hands underneath it and pushed it off her shoulders. It fell to the ground. She stepped out of it, feeling cold air on her skin. John reached up and unhooked her bra, again sliding it off her shoulders and allowing it to fall to the floor.

This will be the moment, she thought. The moment when I am first exposed. When the number of men who have seen my breasts triples. She didn't have time to ponder that, because John had already slid his fingers into the waistband of her panties and begun pulling them down. She didn't move as he lowered them, only slowly stepping out of them when they reached the floor.

She was now completely naked other than her blindfold and her earplugs. John walked away to simulate himself leaving and then returned, this time "as a stranger". And when he touched her skin for the first time after that, he almost did feel like a stranger. His hands felt different, his pace and pressure all wrong. She wanted to tell him to stop, to go back to the way it was before, but she stopped herself; this is what it will be like, she thought. Keep it together, Leigh. It'll be worth it.

He moved his hands over her skin, grazing her breasts and her shoulders. He pinched her nipples, harder than he knew she preferred. "Gentle," she said, realizing this, too, was for practice. "Go easy on them." He did as she asked, and gently massaged them. This, too, elicited a moan, almost against her will.

Having taught her that lesson, he slid his hand down her stomach and cupped her pussy. She gasped as his fingers touched her, a bolt of erotic electricity shooting down her spine. He rubbed her clit, making her moan deeply. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch him, and instead kept her arms to her sides, her legs still. They can touch, but you can't. You can talk, but they can't.

Suddenly, and without warning, John removed his hand from her pussy. "Wait, wait," she said. "Don't stop..."but he didn't listen. He quickly moved behind her and placed his hands on her ass. He'd told her that he suspected her ass would get a lot of attention tonight, especially since the only two events he'd been to had featured women who basically had none. He massaged it and rubbed it for a few seconds before playfully darting his finger between her cheeks. She moaned. "Don't tease me," she said. "If you want to play with it, play with it."

She felt pressure on her back as she was pushed slightly forward and she complied. John pulled apart her ass cheeks and firmly pressed his thumb on her asshole. She moaned deeply with pleasure.

He pulled his hand away and walked away. He returned with a chair, which he placed behind her. She sat down and spread her legs. This is going to be another big hurdle, she thought. Though as this point, they all will have touched it, not sure why showing it to them should be hard...

John took off the blindfold and Leigh removed the ear plugs.

"What do you think?" he asked her.

She stood up and collected her clothes. "I feel good," she said confidently. Despite her worries, and knowing it would be different in front of the other men, she did not hesitate at any point or feel like she couldn't go on. She knew at every moment what was coming next, and at no point did she think that it was too much for her to handle. "I'm ready," she said with a smile.

She finished getting dressed and the two sat in the living room together, waiting. It was now 6:55, and the knock would be coming very soon. John looked into her eyes and smiled at her, lovingly, softly. She knew how much he cared about her, how much he loved her. and she felt the same for him. She wanted to give him everything, to do anything he wanted, and in this case, that meant doing something a little crazy. But she was ready and she was willing, and when that knock came at 7:00, she stood up and handed him the blindfold. He put it on snugly and, before she put the ear plugs in, whispered "I love you with all of my heart" and kissed her gently on the cheek. Then, in went the ear plugs, and all was silent.

Through her bare feet, Leigh could feel the vibrations of people walking up the stairs. Her heart was pounding and her breath was shallow. This is happening, she thought. She tried to calm herself, thinking about the practices and going over the rules in her head. She had a sense that the men were taking their seats, and she felt John walk past her to his position. He gently took her hand and squeezed it once, presumably trying to reassure her. But the touch just made her more nervous, thinking about the other touching she was about to receive. It's going to be ok, she told herself again and again.

She heard the muffled words of John going over the rules once again. She tried to imagine the room, a row of blank male faces staring at her, their fingers trembling in anticipation of her body. Her body quivered in anticipation itself. She had never lusted after multiple men, never felt the urge to have some kind of group-sex encounter, at least not in the traditional sense. But there was something about the anonymity of this that made it not just acceptable but incredibly arousing. She was about to be used, to give herself and her flesh over to these strangers, and then to let them watch as she exposed herself and her sexuality to them, giving herself over to them completely. She felt her panties getting wet at the thought of the use her body was about to get, and of the orgasm she would soon give herself in front of them.

The muffled words stopped and she felt John take a step away from her. Another presence quickly took his place. She could feel him close, but he had not touched her yet. She listened and felt as he walked around her slowly. She held her breath and did not move.

The first touch caught her off-guard, even though she had of course been waiting for it, if not for the last few weeks, at least the last several minutes. Even though, during their practices, John had tried to pretend to be someone else, the fact was that no man other than her husband had touched her like this in a long time, and it was a whole different level of foreign. His hand had only grazed her side, but as the sensation shot through her, it somehow felt like he had bent her over and taken her by force. She gasped and her body shook. He withdrew his hand quickly, but soon it had returned, this time to her lower back. He held it there firmly, the pressure somehow reassuring her. It felt intimate, almost caring, the way he held her. She let out her breath and relaxed slightly, but only slightly.

His hand slid up her back and she couldn't help herself, a soft, slightly moan escaped her lips. This apparently made the man feel more confident, since his other hand suddenly appeared on her front, softly resting on her stomach. She clenched her muscles, breathing in. He was standing to her left side, she could just barely feel his breath on her cheek. Apparently it was true that your other senses are heightened when one is removed, since she was sure he was no closer to her than many had been on the subway or in an elevator, and yet...

She was jarred from that thought when she felt his hand begin sliding up her front towards her breasts. This is a big moment, she thought. Don't do anything, just stay calm and let it happen. Her whole body trembled when he finally touched them, his palm and fingers wrapping around her left breast, gently squeezing it. Again, she let out a moan, barely audible to the audience, she imagined, but the man touching her surely heard it. He grew bolder, his other hand sliding back down her back to her ass, which he grabbed more forcefully and squeezed.

The man slid his hand further down her ass, grabbing at her dress and pulling it up. He slid his hand underneath it and returned his fingers and palm to where they had been before, just one layer closer. She felt the warmth of his hand now, starkly contrast against the faint chill of the open air on her panties and exposed legs. She moaned again as he massaged her ass and her breast in time.

The man slowly withdrew his hands and took a step back. Leigh was surprised at how quickly that had gone, and even more surprised that she had enjoyed it. She felt almost sad that he was leaving, a feeling which aroused and somewhat upset her. As long as they'd been together, she had always felt that her body was for John and John alone, but deep down she knew that they'd never acted like that. From the first pictures posted online to the stories about their fantasies written for the whole world to read, to their adventures with girls picked up in bars, she and her husband had always been more than willing to give her body to others to fulfill some other sexual desire. This was no different, she reminded herself; as much as she was acting as a toy for the pleasure of these men, they too were acting as a toy for her and John's pleasure. Certainly John's, she'd known, but she was now coming to realize just how much it was for her pleasure as well.

She had not noticed the second man approaching, her brain was so focused on her own musings. But she became suddenly aware of his presence when she again felt footsteps next to her. He was walking around her, enjoying the full view, not touching her. She felt her hair move slightly as he passed behind her and her hackles were again raised. She wondered if every round would feel like this.

As he passed in front of her again, Leigh felt his fingers glide over her breasts. The touch was soft and gentle, barely there. She wondered what kind of pleasure a man could get from that kind of touch, but before she could answer her own question, she felt that same gliding touch over the front of her thighs, leading directly to her pussy. As he grazed her pubic bone, even through her dress and her panties, she felt her whole body shake. Perhaps THAT is the pleasure a man gets, she thought. He can make me squirm and I don't even know his name.

The man's fingers were back down at her thighs, but this time the pressure was greater. She could feel two distinct fingers touching her, sliding her dress upwards, revealing her thigh to the group. When he got about halfway, she realized that his other hand had begun moving between her legs, the side of it grazing against the inside of her other thigh. Her legs were closed, and she knew that he would not make it to his goal without her help.

For a moment, she hesitated. She thought about giving in, letting him have access to the most intimate part of her. But she also felt scared, scared of what these men would think of her, scared of what John would think of her, scared of what she would think of herself. But the more she thought about it, the sillier those fears became. She decided to go all in: she bent her knees slightly and spread her thighs for him, allowing his hand to run all the way up between her legs.

When his hand touched her panties, just a millimeter of fabric away from the heat and wetness of her eager pussy, she almost jumped. Her muscles tightened and she felt a rush of adrenaline course through her. A stranger is touching my pussy, she thought. A man whose name I do not know and whose face I have never seen has his fingers on my vagina. He pressed firmly against her, and pleasure replaced the fear, the sensations rushing through her body. She moaned deeply and the man rewarded her by replacing his fingers with his whole palm. He cupped her pussy and gently massaged it with his hand. She moaned loudly.

As he withdrew his hand and walked away, Leigh felt that same absence, that same withdrawal. Her body relaxed and calmed itself after the rush, and she felt cold and almost bored. She found herself eagerly awaiting the next man's touch, the next rush it would bring.

This man made a full pass around her before he first touched her, and this time, rather than intimate, it felt sort of creepy. The man reached out and stroked her hair. My hair? she thought, her body trembling, but not with pleasure. I know John's a fan, hair? He took a few strands between his fingers and played with them. Leigh suddenly felt even more awkward, standing here in front of these men, expecting to be groped, felt-up, her breasts and ass squeezed and touched, her pussy rubbed and massaged, and instead this man was rubbing her hair.

When the man let go of her hair and returned to walking around her, Leigh found herself wondering if this was a secretly gay man who had somehow snuck into the group or been pressured in by a wife who wanted to be molested. He reached out and brushed his fingers over her cheek, another more-creepy-than-intimate move which set her teeth on edge. This one clearly isn't going to be my favorite, she thought as he moved his hands down to her shoulders, then over her arms and down to her hands. He took her hands and held them, massaging them almost between his fingers. That actually does feel nice, she thought.

When he released her hands and walked away, Leigh felt somewhat confused, but also a little grateful for the break. Her breasts, ass and pussy had now all been groped and prodded by these men, and this had given her a bit of a breather to collect herself. A somewhat creepy break, it was true, but a break nonetheless.

The next man definitely picked up where the first two had let off. He was rough and eager, grabbing her breasts immediately upon walking up to her. After a few moments of squeezing them, he moved around back and smacked her on the ass. It caught her off guard, given how gentle the men had been up to that point, but she liked it. Here is a man who takes what he wants, she thought. He spanked her again, this time on the other cheek, and she yelped in pleasure. She moaned and bit her lip, hoping he would do it again, but he didn't. Instead he put his arms around her and grabbed her breasts from behind, again kneading them with vigor. She moaned. He spanked her one last time before walking away; clearly John had been right about at least one man focusing on her ass.

The next four men were much like the previous ones. They took different amounts of time to get going, but in the end, all focused on groping her in the areas you'd expect. One had spent more time than she'd expected enjoying her back, but otherwise, it was pretty straight-forward: some time admiring, a lot of time molesting. She had enjoyed all of it, the sense of anticipation that came with each man's approach, the rushes of pleasure and lust that came with each new exploration of her body, and finally the pangs of withdrawal as he walked away and she awaited the next rush.

She felt John return to her side. So, she though. Eight men. She didn't know if some had not come or if the group really only had 9 members, but there was comfort in knowing that she was a third of the way through the evening. The hard part's still to come, she reminded herself. Don't get cocky.

She found herself wondering whether this is what all the men she interacted with and saw during the day were secretly wanting. As each man took his turn feeling her up through her clothes, she imagined what it would be like if that was a part of normal life. If when she walked into a meeting, it was customary for the colleague on her left to reach over and grab her breast. In reality, it would get old, but in that moment, having just gone through that half hour of groping, she sort of wished it were true and as exciting as this had just been.

She felt John move around behind her and place his hands on her shoulders. They felt comfortable, familiar, in a way she'd never really understood or appreciated. She felt at home with his hands on her, she felt safe and loved enveloped in his presence. A surreal sense of calm washed over her, knowing that she would be exposed, but that nothing would change. She took a deep breath and sighed as he sweetly kissed the top of her head. She smiled.

John slowly unzipped her dress and, as he had before, slid his hands underneath it and pushed it over and off her shoulders. It fell to the floor, and a rush of cool air hit her body. She felt exposed, but she remained calm. She knew this was only the beginning. Expertly, he unhooked her bra and slid that, too, over and off her shoulders. Her breasts were now open and visible to all the men in front of her. She took another deep breath, trying to stay calm, to maintain that relaxation that John's presence had brought her, but the anxiety was building again. What do they think of me? she wondered. What are they saying to themselves? She wanted to put her clothes back on and start over, do the clothed round again. Suddenly, that seemed safe and non-threatening, the clothes there to hide her and protect her.

But John did not hesitate. As they'd practiced, his hands moved down her sides to the top of her panties, and his thumbs slid underneath the waistband. This is it, she thought. Keep it together, Leigh. He took hold of her panties and pulled firmly, bringing them down mid-thigh in one motion.

Her pussy was exposed for all the men to see. She barely noticed as John brought her panties the rest of the way down, the damage had been done. She felt all 16 eyes fixated on the lips of her pussy and the patch of hair above it, completely forgetting about her breasts. John always said she had a nice pussy, and at least one of the girls from their threesomes had agreed, but this was different. She had no idea what these men thought, and for some reason, in that moment, she cared.

She slowly stepped out of her panties and felt John move around her, gathering her clothes. She stood, completely naked other than the blindfold and the ear plugs, exposed for the group to see. She felt cold and alone, missing John's fading presence. The anxiety took over and her breathing became shallow again. She dreaded the first touch, not remembering that this was exactly how she'd felt just a few minutes before, at a moment she now remembered as carefree and safe.

The footsteps approaching her now felt like drums, echoing in her head. She felt the man's presence from a mile away, not knowing what he would do first upon reaching her. She held her breath as he walked around her, knowing he was staring at her ass, while all the men in front of her were surely staring at her breasts and pussy. She wanted desperately to tear the blindfold off and look back at them, to ask them what they thought. But she couldn't, she knew that.

He passed by in front of her for another pass. She steadied herself and, in a moment of daring that she did not understand even years later, she opened her mouth and said "are you just going to walk around and look at me the whole time? Or are you actually going to reach out and enjoy me?"

The man walking around her stopped. Leigh heard a low, muffled noise that for a few seconds, she could not place. It sounded foreign to her, wrong somehow. But then suddenly she realized it was laughter. She did not know whether it was at her, at the man taking his turn, or simply at the situation unfolding in front of them, but the men's laughter calmed her, relaxed her, reminded her that she had a significant amount of power in this game, and she should not be afraid to take advantage of it.