Brainy Teen Ch. 15


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Fifteen minutes after Madelynn fell asleep in her bed, she woke up in an entranced state. In slow steps, Madelynn walked to her closet and retrieved a latex outfit and lingerie. After taking off her pajamas, she put on a black latex bra and panties, slowly feeling up her own curves as she did so. Next came the full-length latex halter top dress and the shiny black heels. She applied her makeup: dark purple lipstick, dark purple nails, and black eye shadow with black eyeliner.

"I'm a lesbian dominatrix... I want to control and dominate females... I want to bend them to my will... I want to make them obey my desires..." said Madelynn to her own reflection on the mirror, repeating the words that echoed in her mind.

"You mother needs to be controlled... She's a roadblock to your goals... Turn your mom into a lesbian, and make her lust for you, and she'll follow your every whim..." said the alarm clock that pulsed its LED lights on every word.

"Yesss... I'll make my Mom a lesbian and make her desire me..."

Madelynn retrieved a black medicine bottle and poured out three blue pills. She popped them in her mouth, but didn't swallow.

In the next bedroom, Erin was struggling on her bed. Her pussy was moist from the erotic dream she was having. In the dream, she was looking at her daughter through a peephole.

Madelynn was having a bubble bath. Her glossy black hair was tied up. The bubbly foam covered her body below the shoulders except arms and legs. Her lips, fingernails, and toenails were glossy black. There was a relaxed smile on Madelynn's face as she cleansed herself sensually.

Erin's breathing quickened once she took in the full visual. Her hand slowly went to her pussy to stroke it.

Two mounds rose from the soapy water. Erin could see two glossy black nipples jutting from the teenage breasts. She licked her lips, wanting to taste those young breasts.

"No, I can't think of my daughter like that," whispered Erin, yet she continued with masturbating herself in incestual desire without taking her eyes off of her daughter's exposed body. "It's wrong."

"There's nothing wrong with desiring your daughter..."

"It's immoral... It's wrong... It's against my religious teachings..."

"You want her... It's all that matters..."

"But... she might not want to... with me..."

"Just ask her... You would never know until you ask..."

The Madelynn in Erin's dream suddenly rose from the bathtub and walked towards her mother. Erin was too stupefied to do anything, except stopping her masturbation. Madelynn cocked an eye and looked directly into the peephole back at her mother.

"Were you looking at me, Mom?"

Erin backed away in shock. "No, I wasn't..."

The wall suddenly crumbled away as Madelynn's hands tore through it. There was a cloud of dust, but none of it landed on the female teenager's naked wet body.

"I never knew you were this naughty, Mom. You're a hypocrite!"

Erin's eyes gazed subconsciously at her daughter's dripping wet pussy before turning away, but peeking occasionally. "No, it wasn't intentional! I didn't mean to!"


Madelynn knelt down in front of her mother and held her face with both hands.

"No worries, Mom, I want you too."

A sudden kiss from Madelynn's shiny black lips silenced her Mom's reply. There was something coming up from Madelynn's throat. It was slick, black and tar-like. Erin wanted to pull away but couldn't. As the liquid pumped into her throat, she felt a surge of arousal.

Outside of the dream, in Erin's bedroom, Madelynn was standing on her fours right above her mother's sleeping body with her glossy purple lips sealed over her mother's lips in a deep kiss. Using the force of her tongue, Madelynn passed the blue pills into Erin's mouth. In her semiconscious state, Erin swallowed those pills.

Madelynn lowered her lips on her mother's right ear and whispered a stream of suggestions that would influence her mother's future thoughts.

"Mom, you want me, you daughter... You desire me, you want to touch me, to fuck me..."

Madelynn licked her mother's ear.

"But first, you must become a lesbian... It's the gateway to the greatest pleasure, to your desires..."

A purple-nailed hand touch Erin's breast through the night gown and lightly squeezed it.

"Next, you must obey me, my every command... because sex with me is a privilege that must be earned..."

Madelynn touched her Mom's pussy with her bent knee.

"You must be sexy too, Mom, in order to seduce me... You need to start acting and dressing more beautifully... Don't just be a lesbian... Become a beautiful and sexy lesbian..."

Madelynn was oblivious to the woman and the video equipment in the room. Elena was recording the action and streaming it live to her special customer who was at an apartment unit several blocks away from Madelynn's home.

Next morning, Madelynn woke up with a slight headache with only vague memories of what had happened the night before. "Huh? I don't remember putting this on."

Early in the morning, Wendy thought about what she had done yesterday afternoon with Madelynn. When she tried recalling the details of the events, her mind was mostly blank. All she could remember were hazy images of herself sucking on a dildo of some sort, kissing, touching, and nothing else. She was wholly unaware that the red pills that her friend had secretly fed her were responsible for her hazy memory. The feelings during the activity she could remember clearly, however. There was desire, lust, a feeling of being powerless, and not being able to control herself. Why had she done those sexual activities with Madelynn with such ease? Could she have at least resisted a bit more? She hadn't planned on going further than simple dildo play with Madelynn just watching and not touching.

Servicing Madelynn's strap-on dildo was especially shocking for her. She had originally imagined doing a similar act with her future boyfriend, but yesterday she had done it with Madelynn without second thought. Even though it was just pretend, she felt little disappointed that this particular oral sexual activity had be somewhat spoiled of her heterosexual first time. The seduction went further than she had expected or even wanted. She was wholly unaware that the red pills that her friend had secretly fed her were responsible for breaking down her mental and emotional barriers. However, her disappointment and misgivings about yesterday's activities with her friend were brief and were soon overwhelmed by sudden feelings of Sapphic desire.

Wendy picked up a hardcore lesbian porno magazine and flipped to the page where she left off. Using her usual excuse to explain her actions, she then began to masturbate with her fingers while reading it. "I'm a lesbian... I'm a lesbian... I'm a lesbian..." repeated Wendy in a mantra as part of Sarah's advice to improve and strengthen her lesbian image.

When she flipped to the next page, she was struck with recognition. It was Samantha in a micro-bikini! She was posing on a sunny beach next to a palm tree with her partner Alice. Her head was slightly tilted back. They had their arms in each other's waists in a seemingly innocent manner. The next pictures were far from being innocent.

Wendy thought back to last night at the club. The familiar girl in the swimsuit was Samantha! For some reason this realization turned her on. She began stroking herself with more intensity. In the aftermath of her orgasm, she accidentally smeared her pussy juices on the face of Samantha with her fingers.

As she walked to meeting place to wait for Sarah, Wendy thought about her first sexual encounter again with Madelynn. Sarah's warning about keeping the seduction slow and steady came to her mind. Despite how enthusiastic Madelynn had appeared on the day before, Wendy retracted the conclusion that the seduction was a success. She was worried that she might have messed up in the plan. Wendy decided to talk about it with Sarah the as soon as she met up with her. She had wanted to do so yesterday, but so many things had happened so fast that she didn't have the chance.

Inside Sarah's sports car, they discussed briefly last night's activities before the subject of Madelynn came up.

"You need to establish control in the seduction. Slow it down and try to be more assertive next time when you're with Madelynn."

Yes, control is what she needed, Wendy agreed. There can't be a successful seduction without control. "How can I establish control?"

"A change of environment would help. Invite her to your home or go out on a date with her. You gave her the home field advantage by going to her home yesterday."

"Will that really work? She was acting very bossy yesterday."

"You need to make it work, Wendy, if you want to get your friend back. I have some videos here that will help you. Also, here's a book. These materials will help you know what being an assertive lesbian is like."

Juggling between two active seductions was becoming difficult for Wendy, and she couldn't help but make a small complaint. "So much..."

"Wendy, I know it's hard, but don't forget it's for a good cause. You're trying to win Daniel and Madelynn back from Lauren."

"But, my schoolwork..."

"My friends could help you catch up. You could copy off of them."

"But that's wrong..."

"Oh, Wendy, isn't this wrong too?" Sarah kissed Wendy on the lips. There was brief reluctance that quickly melted away. Wendy wrapped her arms around Sarah's waist.

During lunch break, Wendy and Madelynn had a chat in a park outside of school grounds. They sat in the highest level of the bleachers.

"Wendy, I'm sorry if what I did yesterday made you feel uncomfortable, but I was just trying to help you."

"It's alright, Maddy, I understand you're trying to help me get out of lesbianism and become my normal self again."

"Also, Wendy, I'm not trying to seduce you or anything, if that's what you're wondering. I don't want to break up your relationship with Sarah."

"I believe you, Maddy. I trust you. I have never doubted you, have I?"

In actuality, Wendy had recently started distrusting her friend for allying with Lauren.

"About what we did yesterday, it was just a test."

"What kind of test?"

"I just wanted to know how much of a lesbian you were. It seems to be deeply rooted in you, but that doesn't mean you're a true lesbian."

Wendy was elated that her lesbian act was convincing enough to deceive her friend.

"So, what does that mean? Do you have another way to help me?"

"Yes, we need flush out the lesbianism from your system, and the best way to do that is to help you satisfy your lesbian desires until you get tired of them, just like any other fad."

"You sound like you're encouraging me."

"It sounds that way, but I'm not. I just want to help you to get out of the unhealthy lesbian phase faster so you can be a normal teenage girl again. Isn't that what you want?"

"I do want to be myself again." Consciously, Wendy was saying that, but her budding lesbianism had long taken a foothold in her psyche, spreading like uninhibited ivy, and choking the tree that contained Wendy's heterosexual soul.

"Then you've got to listen to me."

"I'm all ears."

It didn't really matter to Wendy what Madelynn's proposal was, as long as it fitted into her plan to seduce Madelynn away from Lauren.

"We need get into a relationship, which means I'll have to pretend to be a lesbian."

Wendy was miffed by Madelynn's lie, but didn't express it. She knew from Sarah that Madelynn was already a genuine lesbian.

"A relationship?! I'm already in love with Sarah! How could I--"

"Wendy, listen to me first! It doesn't mean you'll have to break up with Sarah. We just have to keep it a secret."

"Okay, suppose we do get into a relationship, but how would it help me?"

"Let me ask you this first: what sexual things have you done with Sarah? Be honest."

"Well, kissing, cuddling, petting, making out, and stuff like that." Wendy lied and didn't want her friend to know more than she want her to.

"So you two haven't had real sex yet?"


"Have you two planned to?"

"Not really, but I've thought about going further with Sarah."

"Since your relationship with Sarah isn't very sexual, your lesbian phase would last very long or even become permanent if left untreated. You need to experience more and deeper lesbian sexuality as soon as possible. Here's how it works: the purpose of our pretend relationship is to help you get the full range of lesbian experiences in order to get it out of your system. Once the novelty of homosexuality wears off, you'll be back on track on being a heterosexual girl. Like cures like."

The prospect of a relationship, even a supposedly fake one, both excited and worried Wendy, and the phrase "deeper lesbian sexuality" made Wendy slightly aroused, though she quickly rationalized that as just being part of her act.

"Like cures like? Isn't that like homeopathy?!" Wendy's initial reaction was to dismiss it as quack medicine, but she was unable to entirely discount Madelynn's method of curing her lesbianism.

"It is. But, trust me, it works. Don't be quick to dismiss something just because isn't recognize by modern science." Wendy agreed to Madelynn's proposition.

"If you believe it works, then we should try it. I don't want to want to remain lesbian forever."

"Exactly. So, Wendy, what do you think of our kiss yesterday?"

"It was... okay." Trying to recall the foggy details of yesterday, but had a hard time with it.

"That means it wasn't great. We need to create a romantic environment for kissing."

"You mean like a nice quiet place with candles and stuff?"

"Yes, we could do that, but since we're starting out, we don't need that kind of fancy setup. However, we always need to look sexy."

"Don't I look good enough now?"

"You do look sexy now, but you could be even sexier." Madelynn's lips moved close to her friend's lips when she spoke, but just short of touching them. She then quickly retracted herself.

But Wendy attempted to kiss anyway, causing Madelynn to instantly freeze. The kiss missed and landed on the cheek. "We need to start early, don't we? I want to be cured as early as possible."

"Yeah, we do..." whispered Madelynn as she held a hand to her cheek. She couldn't resist blushing slightly. "Let's try again."

Madelynn kissed Wendy this time. It was gentler than yesterday afternoon. She didn't want to scare Wendy with too much sexual roughness this time. Their lips remained together for a long time. When they pulled away, there were smiles on both of their faces.

From that day on, they were in a "fake" relationship, each for similar reasons. For Wendy, it was a bit more, in addition to winning Madelynn's close friendship back from Lauren, she's improving the realism of her lesbian image, which Sarah repeatedly emphasized as being extremely crucial in her ongoing competition against Lauren. What Wendy didn't know was that her lesbian identity was slowly becoming a fact rather than just an act.

"I could be even sexier..." repeated Wendy in her mind as she walked back to her home. Madelynn's words had stuck in her mind like an ear worm.

A live feed image of Wendy and Madelynn walking away from the bleachers appeared on the tablet Lauren was holding. "How long do you think they would last... you know, Wendy and Madelynn thinking about themselves as still being heterosexuals?"

"Not more than a month or two. Ultimately, it depends on their will."

"If they continue to resist, then it would be even more interesting."

"And more fun..."

"More fun? Aren't we supposed to be helping collect data for your Mom's case studies?" asked Lauren in a humorous accusing tone.

"Well, it doesn't mean we can't have a little fun on the side while doing it."

"I'm feeling kind of hot right now... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes..." replied Sarah huskily.

Sarah and Lauren began unbuttoning their shirts.

Before Lauren's entry into the world of lesbianism, Lauren was just a teenage girl with no homosexual predilection.

"What do you mean by the Grand Plan, Sarah?"

"It's the brain child of my Mom. She's going to change the world with it... Make it better..."

"I don't mean to insult your mom or anything, but don't you think it's a bit of a loony idea, like something a mad scientist would think of?"

"You don't understand, Lauren. You can't comprehend it now yet. You need to experience what I've experienced, to go through the same process as I have."

"Tell me more about it."

One week later, Lauren was being strapped in front of a strange machine. She never knew such devices even existed.

"I'm little bit unsure about this. I mean, will I really be the same person as I am now?" asked Lauren as she was being strapped to the machine.

"Yes, except that you'll become a new, improved Lauren. You won't become a mutated monster or anything like that. Don't worry. Trust me."

"Sarah, I..."

Lauren's vision became blurry before blacking out as she was slowly being sedated.

Two weeks later, Lauren and Sarah were panting in each other's arms while naked in the bed. The white satin bed sheets were all bunched up. A recently used pink jelly double dildo laid next to their sweaty bodies. They pulled back from a deep kiss.

"It's like I can't have enough," said Lauren in a breathy voice.

"Sorry, Lauren, I have to go now. My Mom needs me. If you need more of it, Tara can take care of your needs."


"She's our new maid."

After Sarah got dressed, Tara walked in. The teenage maid was dress in a sexy French Maid outfit.

"Good afternoon, Mistress."

"Tara, I have to leave the house now. Take care of Lauren's needs. Make sure she's satisfied."

"As you wish, Mistress."

Lauren took almost an instant sexual attraction to Tara.

"Hello, Lauren. I'm Tara. I will take care of your needs. What do you want me to do?"

Lauren stepped out of the bed and walked up to the maid, who wore a pleasant smile.

"Kiss me," Lauren whispered. Their eyes stared at each other with intensity.

Tara immediately complied and kissed Lauren on the lips, but let her charge take the lead.

With her eyes closed, Lauren rotated her mouth so that their lips would fit better for tongue-to-tongue action. Less than a minute they had first met, the two girls were already exchanging saliva between their mouths.

There was an air of sexual desperation. Arousal renewed in Lauren's loins. Skipping much of the foreplay, Lauren ordered Tara to take off her clothes before directing her to the bed.

Experienced lips wrapped around Lauren's left nipple and sucked on it. A gasp escaped from her lips.


Lauren embraced Tara and ran her nails through her blonde hair, then gently pulled Tara's head upwards.

"Let's do pussy-to-pussy now."

"As you wish."

The two girls spread their legs and interlocked them in a scissoring position. Slowly, their shaved pussies collided together and began grinding. Threads of feminine honey connected the lower lips when they separated briefly during each stroke. Their fingers interlocked together. Constantly erect nipples pointed into the air.

Every now and then they would bend forward to kiss or grope at breasts before lying back to push against each other's pussies once more. The avalanche-like orgasm sent stars to Lauren's vision.

"Wow, that was one was hell of an orgasm."

Lauren saw the look of need remaining on Tara's face. She immediately held Tara's thighs and lowered her face onto Tara's wet pussy. Female juices soon exploded on Lauren's face.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Wrong genre --should be mind control. The lesbian aspects are window dressing to the overall plot.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Lauren should have known this was coming. She was a loose end that had to be snipped. She alone knew the plan outside of the inner circle. Simply put, she was a threat. She should have distanced herself from Sarah. No pills, drinks, or machines.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Best story series on literotica

Home run, keep them coming please! You have an incredible writing talent. The slow, irreversible conversion of Wendy and Madeline's characters to total lesbianism at the hands of Sarah and her cohorts is authored so well. The mind control element is great, along with all the toys and chemicals used to facilitate the conversion. What a fantasy. Please, less time between submissions.

BrehatBrehatover 11 years ago

Thank you so much for this new installment. As usual, it's a masterpiece of storytelling and characterisation. I just hope we won't have to wait three months (or more) again for the next chapter. Also, could you write a quick summary : "The story so far..." at the beginning of each new chapter ? I had to go back a few chapters to refresh my memory about who was who and who was doing what/who.

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