Brandy Ch. 03-04


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So once he'd let me in and we had got the financial business out of the way I popped into the bath-room and started on the transformation. I had already put my hair up in a pony-tail and kept my make-up to a minimum so I really only had to change clothes. When I'm playing that role, whether it's in a proper uniform or just a young, more casual outfit I nearly always wear white under-wear beneath it - virginal looking, plain white cotton, then white ankle socks and the uniform itself. The one I'd chosen that day was a simple frock style, with buttons all the way down the front and I purposely left a couple of those, one at the top and another at the bottom, undone.

After a quick check in the mirror I went back into the other room, wearing my head-down, shy little school-girl expression, to find that he'd moved some of the furniture around, setting a table and chair in the middle of the room, presumably for me to sit at, with one of the low arm-chairs shifted so he could sit facing me. He was standing with his back to me, gazing out of the window but when he heard the bath-room door open he turned and from the expression that briefly flitted across his face I could tell that he really liked what he saw - but the look was gone in a flash and in his voice I heard an unmistakable note of authority.

'Sit down please.' he said unemotionally, maintaining his steady stare as I settled myself behind the make-shift desk, folded my hands primly in my lap and then finally looked up into his eyes.

He'd either been through the routine before, with other girls or he'd given it a great deal of thought because when he started he sounded just like most of the school-teachers I'd ever had.

'Social Science - today we are looking at the subject of Relationships - and I hope you've done the necessary reading - but then we'll soon find that out, won't we.

Relationships - a complex issue, both as a subject and in reality, in real life that is - as I'm sure you have already found out for yourself, in your own, personal relationships - with your parents, other relatives, friends - and especially with friends of the opposite sex. The nature of each one of these relationships is different, you treat and in turn expect to be treated quite differently by members of the different groups. You don't expect - and wouldn't want your friends to treat you the same way that your parents do - and you certainly don't want friends of the opposite sex to treat you like that, do you?'

'No sir.' I responded when he paused and stared down at me.

'No sir.' he repeated. 'Good. So, what are some of the things that cause the differences between these relationships?' He paused, as though waiting for my answer - so I said the first thing that came into my head.

'Duty and responsibility, sir.'

'Duty - yes. Responsibility - certainly. Very good Brandy, I see you have done at least some of the reading. Now, what else?'

'Sex! Sir.'

I wasn't sure whether the expression on his face was caused by him trying to control a smile, or by his supposed indignation - whichever it was, he managed it very well, responding almost as quickly as I had.

'By sex, do you mean gender or activity Brandy?'

I thought for a moment before I answered. 'Both sir. Relationships between a daughter and her mother or an aunt have an affinity that just can't be there with a father or an uncle. And a couple that are sexually active obviously have something extra in their relationship with each other that they simply can't have in relationships with their ordinary friends.'

'True, that's very good, I can see you have done your preparation very thoroughly.' Now, this sexually active couple - does their activity make their relationship easier to maintain - or more difficult?' As he asked the question and waited for my reply, he moved across to the arm-chair and settled himself down in it.

It was only then that I realised he had been even smarter than I had given him credit for. The arm-chair was lower than the one I was sitting on, the table I was using as a desk had no modesty panel on the front of it - and as he settled himself down I realised that he had already worked out that from that angle he would, with a bit of luck be able to see up between my legs. Remembering just why I was there, as the questions and answers continued I did what I could to improve whatever view he was getting by letting my bottom slip a little further forward on the seat of the chair and easing my legs further apart.

'Much more difficult, sir'

'Why do you say that?'

'Well sir, for one thing there is something extra in their relationship - an extra pressure - so it is more complicated. For another, there are risks involved, jealousy, loss. Then on top of that, there's the need to, to perform.'

By then his eyes were concentrated on what he could see beneath the table and as I made yet another adjustment to the way I was sitting, he stared even harder as he asked.

'Perform? What do you mean by, perform Brandy?'

'Well sir, in a non-sexual relationship you can sometimes just be yourself, you know - a bit sloppy, scruffy, careless. But in a sexually-active relationship you always have to not only look your best but also be vibrant and exciting.' I paused, knowing that he knew I was going to add something else, at the same time dropping one hand down on to my knee, slowly stroking the inside of my thigh above it and easing the hem of my dress further up as I continued. 'And of course you always have to seem to be not only available whenever your partner wants you - but also at least appearing to want him to want you.'

He was watching what my hand was doing beneath the table so intently that he remained silent for quite a while and I wasn't sure whether or not he had actually taken in what I'd said - but, finally tearing his eyes briefly away from the improving view up my between my legs, he continued.

'That sounds as though you are speaking from experience rather than from the reading you've done Brandy. Is that correct?'

'Yes sir.'

'I see. You find a relationship that includes sexual activity harder to maintain than one that doesn't?'

'Yes sir.'

'And tell me, have you had many such relationships so far?'

'A couple sir.' I answered in my best 'shy little school-girl' voice.

'A couple.' he repeated and again he paused, shifting himself in the arm-chair, which I guessed was to make a little more room for his cock as it responded to both what he could see and to what was going on inside his head. 'With boys from the school?'

'One was sir, the others were from another school.'

'So there have been more than two.'

'Yes sir, three or four actually.'

'Three or four - all with boys of your own age?'

'So far sir.'

By that stage I'd managed to get my dress almost all the way back and guessed that gave him an unobstructed view up my legs to the spotlessly white panties at their apex. As the word-game went on I continued brushing one hand slowly up and down my thighs and used the other to lightly stroke the cotton covering the bulge above my sex.

'So far - and just what does that mean Brandy?'

I waited a while before answering, as though the school-girl was hesitant, unsure of whether she should answer truthfully or not - and saw that his eyes remained glued on what I was doing with my fingers - then finally broke the silence by saying. 'It means that I get the feeling that I'm ready for a relationship with an older man now. I think it would be more rewarding and maybe less complicated.'

His eyes didn't move from what he could see beneath the table and I could tell from the tense expression on his face that my little show had really got to him - his rising excitement also showed in the throaty catch in his voice when he asked. 'And may I ask if you have any particular man in mind?'

Again I paused before answering and when I did it was in half whispering, shy little voice. 'Well, I had sort of hoped - I mean - that is. Well I've always admired you sir.' I finally blurted out.

'Me?' he answered in mock surprise, dropping one hand to his crotch and fumbling with himself. 'I'm very flattered of course - but why me Brandy?'

I kept my voice low as I answered. 'As I said, I've always admired you sir. Not just as a teacher, as a person - you're considerate and always fair - and you're an attractive man, sir.'

'Attractive? To a girl of your age Brandy?'

'Oh yes sir. I think you're very attractive.'

'In what way do you find me attractive?'

'Intellectually - and physically too sir.'

'I can perhaps understand your attraction to an older man's intellect, his position of authority - perhaps power - but physically too?'

'Oh yes sir. In fact there have been many times when I've found myself starting to get wet during your classes - if you know what I mean.'

'I certainly know exactly what you mean Brandy. You mean sexually aroused. I've really done that to you?'

'Yes sir - and to some of the other girls too.'


'Well at least two other girls that I know of.'

'I'm flattered - and amazed. From what you say do I understand that some of you talk about me amongst yourselves?'

'Quite often sir.'

'About what?'

'All sorts of things - but usually about which of us seem to be your favourite at the time - and what it would be like.'

'What would be like?'

'Being fucked by you, sir.' I answered bluntly.

'You actually talk about that?'

'Oh yes sir.'

'How odd, discussing it amongst yourselves I mean.'

'Girls are like that - we talk about everything, not just you sir.'

'Yes, yes, I understand that - it still seems strange, to a man I mean.'

'I suppose it does sir.'

'And what exactly do you talk about - I mean, how do you imagine it happening?'

'Rather like this actually sir. Being kept back after school I mean. We've tried getting detentions from you but up until today you've always given us some other form of punishment. The others couldn't believe my luck when they heard you tell me to come back.'

'Then what do you imagine happens?'

'Again, something like this really - I give you a chance to have a look at me, see that it excites you - the talk eventually gets around to sex - and I find a way of telling you how much I want to feel your cock inside me.'

'You deliberately exposed yourself the way you have just to see if you could turn me on?'

'Yes sir. I wasn't sure just how much you could see - but I felt sure that however much it was, you liked what you saw. Was I right, sir?'

'You were certainly right about that Brandy. You have a very lovely body and the way you let me see up your legs, as though by accident, was extremely stimulating - and still is. I like being able to see you touching yourself in that way too.' he added as his eyes dropped back to watch the way my fingers still slowly drifted over the fleshy mound of my sex.

'Would you like to be able to see more of me sir?'

'Yes, yes please Brandy, I'd like that very much.' he answered quickly, again adjusting himself.

Lifting my bottom off the chair I pulled the panties over my hips then down and off, re-settling myself further forward on the seat of the chair, with my legs spread even wider apart. Then undid the buttons down the front of the dress and let the two halves hang beside me before returning my hands to what they had been doing between my thighs.

He stared long and hard, his face had become quite flushed and I could see he was having even more trouble finding a comfortable position for his cock.

'Why don't you take some things off too sir, you'd be much more comfortable.'

'Would you like me to Brandy?'

'Yes please sir.'

He remained sitting in the chair and continued talking and watching me as he began to undress.

'Have you seen an adult penis before, when it's erect I mean?'

'Not properly sir.'

'What does that mean?'

'I've spied on my parents a few times, you know, when they're fucking - but I've never been able to see it clearly.'

'Did that excite you, watching them?'

'Oh yes sir.'

'And what did you do about that?'

'I got myself off sir.'

'You masturbated yourself?'

'Yes sir.'

'Do you do that often Brandy?'

'Quite a bit sir.'

'And do you let your boy-friends do that for you too?'

'Some of them, sometimes.'

'Is that better than doing it yourself?'

'Sometimes - but usually they're too rough, too quick. That's one of the reasons I wanted to go with an older man, someone more experienced, who had a better idea of what a girl likes.'

'And you think I will?'

'I'm hoping so sir.' I answered with a grin.

By then he'd got everything off except his trousers and when he finally stood up and took of those and then his under-pants too, I saw that I'd been right about the state of his cock. It was rock-hard, inflamed and quivered with the pressure that the scenario we'd created between us had built-up inside him.

I stared at it as I imagined a young girl might, letting my face show a mixture of excitement and awe, tinged with just a little apprehension.

'It's very big sir.' I said in an anxious whisper.

'Do you think so Brandy? I'm sure it's not really that much bigger than your boy friends' have been.'

'It looks much bigger sir. You won't hurt me, will you?'

'Of course I won't, everything will be fine. Now let me come and help you undress too, so I can see you properly.'

He walked around behind me and as I'd already undone all the buttons he only had to slip the dress off my shoulders and arms, leaving me wearing just the bra. I heard him sigh with pleasure as he looked down at the swell of my breasts then felt his warm breath and lips brushing over my shoulders, kissing the soft skin in the curve of my neck. Having let him do that for a minute or two I leaned forward a little, so he could get at the fastening of my bra and after fumbling with the catch for a moment or two he slipped that off me too.

'Beautiful, quite beautiful Brandy. You are an extremely lovely girl.' he said quietly as he saw my breasts for the first time. Of course they weren't the breasts of a seventeen year old but what they may have lacked in teen-age freshness was more than made up for by their firm, mature fullness and from the way he murmured to himself as his hands cupped and gently fondled them it was clear that they more than met his expectations and needs.

After a while he let one hand slip down across my stomach and I felt his fingers lightly brushing over and around my sex. He was very good at it, knew just how to stimulate a woman, teasing the soft, moist folds, gently probing between them but, at that stage carefully avoiding the sensitive ridge of my clitoris above. With one hand continuing to fondle each breast in turn, his fingers sometimes rolling and nipping the stiffening nipples and the other so expertly playing with my pussy, I soon found myself getting genuinely aroused - something that doesn't happen that often when I'm with a client.

'Aah! That's nice isn't it?' he whispered in my ear as he felt me responding to his caresses. 'I'm glad to see I haven't lost my touch Brandy.'

'So am I, sir.' I managed to gasp as I squirmed about on the chair.

'But that chair's not very practical.' he added as he slipped his hands up to my arm-pits and pulled me to me feet. 'Sit up on the desk instead please.'

I did as he suggested, then he had me lie back, with my legs dangling over the edge of the table - he knelt between them, lifted my feet up on to his shoulders then, gently holding my thighs apart with his soft hands, re-started on my pussy, that time using his mouth and tongue, which was of course even more arousing. But he still avoided directly stimulating my clit, until he was sure I was close to climaxing, when he finished me off with a series of delicious flicks with his tongue.

Having taken me to that climax he stood and began fucking me with his cock, which felt as though it had got even bigger during the time he'd been taking care of my pussy. He took his time, carefully watching my reactions, increasing the speed and force of his thrusting only when he thought that my body was beginning to work-up to yet another climax - but once he saw I'd reached that point his actions became so powerful that to stop myself from being shoved right off the table, I had to hold on to the edges of it really tightly.

When he finally exploded, the sensations caused by the hard mass of his cock pistoning deep inside my sex triggered another, smaller climax that continued to ripple through me as he emptied himself with a series of shuddering blasts.

Later, after we had showered, as I couldn't deny that he'd managed to give me a really satisfying climax and he said he'd like to arrange another time with me, for a repeat of the pleasure I had given him, I accepted his offer and stayed on for a drink. That's when I learned that he wasn't and never had been a school-teacher, he was actually fairly high-up in a bank - but he'd always fantasised about the opportunities and temptations a teacher might have. Even so, I was the first escort-girl he'd ever had the nerve to call and he'd been even more surprised than I had been to find out that I had enjoyed the experience almost as much as he had - and said he could hardly wait for our next 'lesson' together.

After chatting for a while we agreed a date for our second meeting - for which he actually paid in advance - and I left, wondering if I had done the right thing by accepting a second booking, recognising that I risked breaking the first rule of the business - 'Never get involved with a customer.' Not that Frank had aroused any emotional response in me, I liked him but that was all - but the fact that he had been able to reach me so strongly, physically, was quite enough to give me some concern.

But, having accepted the cash and feeling sure that my body wouldn't let me down so surprisingly a second time, a couple of weeks later, I kept the appointment.

He had told me that for our second meeting he'd like to take on the role of an English Literature teacher, which I said had been a subject I had not done very well in at school. But he'd laughed and promised there'd be no tests or exams, it was just that he'd always had a particular fantasy about such a class and he thought I would play the pupil's role perfectly. In spite of his assurance I couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive as I made my way up to his hotel room but when he opened the door and I saw just how pleased he was to see me, my spirits lifted.

As he closed the door behind us he said. 'Welcome to our special class Kim.'

'Kim' - just who was I supposed to be I wondered, until he continued. 'Your sister told me that you're having a lot of difficulty with this subject and I'm very pleased to see that you're prepared to invest some of your own time to improve your understanding. I'm sure you'll get ahead in leaps and bounds after just a little private tuition. I'll certainly do my best to help you.

Now, I'm sure you'll want to change after whatever else you've been doing so I'll leave you to do that while I finish preparing the lesson. Join me in the class-room as soon as you're ready please.'

He'd swung straight into fantasy mode - and his approach picked me up and carried me along with it, so I slipped into the bath-room and hurriedly changed out of my street clothes and into my school-girl outfit. I'd chosen a different one that time, a skirt and blouse, the skirt ended just above the knee, leaving plenty of leg showing but the blouse buttoned right up to my neck. However, underneath I wore decidedly non-uniform under-wear, a half-cup bra that lifted by breasts even higher than their natural firmness did and which left the nipples and the flesh above them completely exposed and in place of the cotton pants I'd worn the previous time, to complement the tiny bra, I'd chosen a white g-string that just barely covered my sex.