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"Good girl," he said, grabbing my hips; "now here's your BABY!" He groaned -- tensing every muscle in his body -- and suddenly I felt a rush of wetness between my thighs. I could feel his penis throbbing inside me, and suddenly I came again, realizing I was actually letting him fill me with sperm -- pulsing jets of warm, thick, baby-making seed -- directly into my belly. He came pretty hard himself -- I felt the overflow spilling down my thighs -- and I murmured with pleasure, knowing my fertile womb was soaked with sperm. Leaning forward, I kissed him. But even as I sat there impaled on his weapon, I cried, too, knowing of the terrible thing he had done to me, the terrible, wonderful thing I had let him do.

It had been good -- maybe the best fuck I'd ever had -- but now guilt washed over me as we broke our kiss, and I lay my head against his chest. //Poor Jack,// I thought, slipping into unconsciousness, //poor Jack...!//

When I woke up later, I felt Jack on me, inside me again, pumping me hard and deep. It was wonderful! How could I have denied this to him, and to myself, for so long? But then -- my head began to clear -- I realized it wasn't Jack, but Ken, who was fucking me, rock-hard and up to his balls inside me again. Already on the edge of a climax, I was too far gone to resist him. I simply looked up -- stunned at my own helplessness -- and watched him use me for his grinding, humping pleasure. His balls were slapping my ass -- his testicles swollen with sperm, eager to soak my womb and fertilize my eggs -- and I came despite myself, wrapping my legs around his back.

He seemed to like that; thrusting especially hard, he ground his cock into my cunt until his own climax broke, then pressed in deep to squirt his sperm again directly into my clutching, wet, unprotected pussy.

Afterward, I lay there lazily in bed with Ken's come oozing out of my pussy as my brother-in-law dressed and folded up his camera. When he bent down to kiss me goodbye, I accepted it, but I felt incredible shame, too.

Three weeks later my period hadn't come and I realized I was pregnant. Jack was a little confused about the calendar manipulation I used to persuade him that, "accidentally," he was going to be a father, but he was too overjoyed to think critically. Unfortunately, he was only going to be a daddy -- I knew Ken was the father.


I wish I could say that letting Ken fuck me was a one- time thing, but it wasn't. The day I called him to tell him the news, I didn't need to be high or drugged to want him again. As he had said, I couldn't get enough of that king-sized cock that had made me pregnant. When I know he was coming over, I found myself dressing like a slut to turn him on. Once, I went over to his house wearing my strappy sandals, a short skirt -- and no panties. When he saw how hot I was, he took the first opportunity to bend me over the back of his couch and slam-fuck my tight little pussy (while Suzie was downstairs doing the laundry).

Ken was unemployed during the early part of my pregnancy, so he had plenty of time to screw me almost every day, often more than once. At my second appointment with my gynecologist, I learned I was carrying twins. Ken was overjoyed the fertility drug had been so effective. I was stunned but that didn't keep me from letting him screw me silly that very afternoon.

Usually Ken would come to the house soon after Jack left early for work, and he'd send me to my law office with a pussy full of spunk, even when I started wearing the mini maternity dresses that Ken liked and that made the other women in the office so jealous. Once we even fucked in the courthouse, during a recess in a misdemeanor libel trial. For a pregnant defense attorney (four months along, I looked more like six months), I dressed pretty raunchy -- with a short dress, high-heeled sandals and white stockings. But it was actually a pretty good choice; the male jurors couldn't help but stare at my legs.

Ken, watching from the back of the courtroom, made hand signals. I couldn't wait for the judge to bang a recess so we could slip into an unused office and he could bang my tight, pregnant pussy. It was certainly exciting to feel his wetness trickle out of my pussy and down my leg as I made the closing argument. I wonder if the jury noticed?

The prospect of Ken's cock inside me, made me do things for him I'd never do for Jack. He showed me a dozen positions I'd never imagined, and I giggled as he got me out of all those sexy things I'd never worn for Jack. I came to love swallowing come, and I let him eat me for hours on end. Sometimes he caught our fucking on camera and we watched the tapes together -- giggling at our antics -- before fucking all over again.

With Jack, on the other hand, I felt no desire; maybe it was guilt, or maybe Ken was just fulfilling all my sexual needs. Fortunately, Jack seemed very understanding of his pregnant wife's quirks, and soon stopped pestering me for sex.


Almost 9 months later -- with my belly swollen huge and round with the twins -- I was on top of the world. My dangerous, embarrassing affair with Ken had ended when he got a construction job out of town. First in desperation -- then with real feeling -- I'd started letting, then demanding, that Jack fuck me two or three times daily. He was surprised, but pleased with his newly horny wife, and I was enjoying sex with Jack as never before, practicing with him all the things I'd learned from Ken. With my babies due in a week, and a junior partnership waiting for me once I went back to work, I would have the best of both worlds -- motherhood and a career.

Some of my friends from work (plus Jack, Ken and Suzie) gave me a baby shower at our home. Ken and Suzie stayed behind after the other guests left, and Ken was clearly pleased with both of us sporting big bellies that he was responsible for. Although Suzie was now pregnant with number four, I was amazed myself at how much bigger I looked than she. Even seven months along, she was almost trim beside my ponderous bulk. "Looks like you two have a lot in common," Ken said, playfully rubbing my belly. The babies reacted by kicking -- perhaps sensing their father's presence.

"So," Ken said to Jack, "You must be happy with Katie going to be a mommy of twins. That going to keep her at home long enough for you to start her on the next one?"

Jack sighed. "I tried to talk her into it; the way my business is going, she doesn't have to work. But ... looks like we're out of the baby business for a while, she's hiring a nanny, and plans to stay with the law firm."

"Well," Ken said, "Maybe she'll change her mind, once the baby's born. Motherhood does things to women," he added, ominously.

A week later, I went into labor suddenly, and my water broke while Jack was driving me to the hospital; by the time we got there, I had already pushed out two beautiful daughters -- Jacqueline (6 lb., 8 oz) and Jocelyn (6 lb., 10 oz). The nurses and my doctor were amazed how easy the delivery had been. I supposed it was because of the frequent, hard orgasms I had from Jack fucking me the last few weeks, but I just smiled and said I guessed I took after my mother.

Several weeks after that, I was home puttering around the nursery, preparing to go back to work, when Ken, who had been out of town again, showed up at the house. He picked Jocelyn right up out of the crib she was sharing with Jacqueline, and handed her to me. "Okay, Miss High and Mighty, you listen to me; get your cow tits out and start feeding my baby like a real mommy!"

I was shocked; I didn't know what had brought this on. "Now look ..." I stammered, "the babies are on formula."

Ken, sensing my confusion, bore on. "These are MY babies and they deserve real breast milk! I've had enough of this 'career-woman' shit from you, Katie. If you don't want Jack to find out what an adulterous slut you are. You're going to leave your job and be a stay-at-home mommy! And I want to hear you're going to give him the hot sex a man needs, too."

Suddenly, I was trembling with fear -- especially considering how intimate we'd been. Hadn't he done enough to me? "No, Ken," I said, summoning my courage; "Your dirty game is over. If you want to tell Jack, do it. And ... maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell Suzie, too."

Suddenly, I heard a laugh in the hallway. "Stuck-up bitch!" Suzie said, coming into view; "Whose idea do you think it was to knocking you up with these babies to knock you off your high horse in the first place?"

Again, Ken pushed my daughter toward me, and whispered in my ear. "Come on, Mommy, do it; you've got the tits for it."

"Yeah," said Suzie, "get some practice. I'm busy with three already, so you can help me out with this one." She smiled as she rubbed her eight-months-pregnant belly. "It's only fair."

"Fair?" I asked, shaking my head with confusion.

"Sweetheart," Suzie said with a cold smile, "Maybe you were too busy letting my husband fuck your little brains out to remember, but right after Ken got you pregnant you weren't taking very good care of your husband. Seeing your protruding tummy every day, poor Jack was even hornier than you usually left him, bitch! One day, he 'accidentally' saw me with my blouse open breastfeeding little Jennifer. Of course I had 'forgotten' to wear panties and only had on a little smock, so he might have seen some hot wet pussy, too," she smirked.

"Before he knew it, I had him nursing from my other tit. Then I let him suck my pussy until he was drunk on my cum, put his neglected prick in my well used cunt, and fucked him like you hadn't fucked him in years!"

I was stunned -- which Suzie seemed to appreciate. "See, I don't think it's right for a husband to go without when there's a fine piece of tail right there in front of him. I gave your husband what he needed, let him empty his balls in me every morning -- while Ken was over at your place, fucking his mommy-slut silly!" She paused to look lovingly at her swollen belly. "Of course *I* don't make a man use a condom, so that's why this one is probably Jack's."

"You...bitch!" I spat.

"No, darling, I'm not a bitch. I'm just a normal, sexy young mommy -- like you're going to be from now on."

"The hell I will!"

"Suzie's right," Jack said, suddenly walking in as well, "Things have changed and I think you will make a wonderful mommy."

"Jack...? What the hell...?"

Jack looked smug -- an odd look for him. But it was Ken who explained the situation.

"You can't really blame Jack," he said. "After Suzie seduced him, she and I arranged it so I would 'catch' him fucking her. That was our opening for showing him the tapes. Honestly, he couldn't believe his luck when he saw what a slut you were..." I blushed red with embarrassment. "... but I told him to play it cool, and he could have a horny little stay-at-home mommy just like I do."

"This is ridiculous," I said, looking at the trio in disbelief; "Do you have any idea how many laws you people have broken?"

"I don't care, Miss EX lawyer," Jack leered. "But do I know how many people you might not want seeing those tapes -- your old friends, your boss, your family. Believe me, honey not one of them looks like rape!"

I looked from one to the other of their faces, seeking escape, but there was none. My career-girl world was collapsing. Reeling, I dropped into the nearest chair in resignation, my milk-heavy boobs seeming even heavier with the weight of my surrender. Ever-determined, Ken stayed close to me to lift my top, and lowered Jocelyn into my lap to place her little lips on my left tit. Then a smiling Jack handed me Jacqueline as well, and I felt a second hungry little mouth clamp onto my other nipple. I wanted to feel anger -- to lash out for what they had done to me, but somehow, looking down at my two little babies drinking happily from my breasts, my anger dissolved. Nursing them both, I started rocking and cooing as abundant, fat-rich milk squirted from my boobs, and the girls drank it down contentedly.

"It looks like it's working!" Jack exclaimed, looking at Ken.

"Didn't I tell you?" Ken said; "You can count on your big brother!"


It's been a few months now, and Suzie and I are nursing three newborns; she had a hungry boy. The constant stimulation of three sucking mouths on our breasts keep us quite horny and ready for Ken and Jack to fuck us all the time. Since two guys can only do so much (and they do have to work, sometime), Suzie and I also like to get together for girl/girl fun. Sometimes we have foursomes with our men -- when Suzie's older kids are asleep. We keep the babies around for inspiration. Of course our horny husbands never use condoms, so with all the sperm they've pumped into our tummies, we'll probably BOTH have twins next time!

Sometimes I still think about my old life and plans, but I know that life is gone forever. I love playing with and nursing my little girls and could never give up the hard, frequent sex I'm getting now. The other day, Jack told me he and Ken intend to keep Suzie and me pregnant, horny mommies for years to come.

We giggled and nodded in agreement.

The End

Comments please to Homer Vargas

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mrdata9770mrdata9770almost 3 years ago


I'm conflicted here. I enjoyed the read but can't figure out why. First, I'm NOT into rape stories but I kept reading believe Ken would get skewered in the end. Second, then on the second page, the story turns hard into Netorare territory. Which I really can't stand to read. Third, The woman loses her carrier. Fourth, the cuckold cockblocked hubby is okay with his brother raping then totaling owning his wife. Why because he got to screw his brother's wife and now gets to keep wifey at home making babies? I'm into babies and harems but I'm not afraid to say this story has me totally confused. In no way, I could have given this story a 5 and I've never read anything like this before so I couldn't give this story a 3 so I gave it a 4. I have a headache. Why the hell did I write all this down?

ZabrielZabrielalmost 6 years ago

This is the first time I've said this about any story, but basically, it started off good, but your plot twist ended up ruining it for me. I see a lot of stories with a similar basis, and they end up pretty much the same. Protagonist is forced into compromising position. Protagonist enjoys it. protagonist continues it until something happens to antagonist. Plot twist. Protagonist gives up everything to make antagonist happy. Whether you agree with me or not does not change the matter of I say that you should have left Ken out of the picture once you said he had a job, and had it all work out in the end, with her keeping her career. Also, the whole "everyone knew" plot twist is very tacky. I personally feel it took quite a lot from the story. In this regard, if Suzie and Jack had to find out, they shouldn't have been co-conspirators. Just like the basis of the story, I have read too many stories that do the exact same plot, with and without the detail of them being related.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Tiny comment

Is "borther in law"meant to be brother in law or birther in law?

SampkyangSampkyangalmost 8 years ago

A rape story. that's not erotic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Can Y'all Remember It's Fiction?

Good story....excellent writing!

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