Busty Mom and The Bullies Bk. 01 Ch. 01


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"Aaahh," Tanya let out a tiny gasp as a mini-orgasm overtook her. She felt herself quivering as the exquisite sensations coursed through her aroused mature body. Her pussy was tingling like crazy as the young man rolled his hips against her lush bum, her juices seeping into her panties.

Jamal slowly set the final glass down with the others, holding himself pressed against her as she rode out her little climax. "I think that's good for now, don't you?" he asked, finally stepping back from her.

"Uh, yes. Thank you. Thank you, Jamal," Tanya said as she turned and smooth down the back of her skirt. She reached up and brushed a strand of honey-blonde hair that had dropped across her face, wiping the sweat from her brow at the same time. The doorbell rang, which saved her from having to face him after what had just happened.

"Ah, saved by the bell," Jamal said as he gave her a knowing smile before stepping away. She watched him adjust the massive slab of cockmeat beneath his jeans as he stepped into the living room to join his friends.

"Do you want me to get it, Mom?" Elliott asked.

"Uh, no. I'll take care of it," Tanya hurriedly replied, knowing she had to compose herself. She smoothed down her skirt again before striding towards the front of the house, stopping at the hall closet to retrieve the purse she'd stashed out of harm's way.

"Hi, Mrs. Cox," the delivery boy said when she opened the door. It was the usual boy who delivered to their neighborhood, a tall strapping young black kid named Derek. "Got some visitors?"

"Uh, what?" Tanya replied, still flustered after what had happened between her and Jamal in the kitchen. The delivery boy gestured to the elongated van in the driveway.

"You ordered more than your usual deluxe, and then I noticed the van in the driveway, so I figured you had company."

"Oh yes, of course, Derek. It...it's just some of Elliott's friends from school." Tanya looked down as she dug into her purse for some cash. She noticed her nipples were hard as pebbles, no doubt from the arousal she'd felt in the kitchen just moments before. When she looked up with the cash in her hand, she noticed the delivery boy looking right at her chest, his eyes wide open. "Uh, here you go. That should cover it." She handed over a number of bills, making sure she gave the youngster a generous tip.

"Are you all right, Mrs. Cox? You look a little flushed," Derek said as he took the cash and handed over the pizzas, his eyes flicking between his favorite customer's ample chest and her lovely face.

"Yes. I...I'm fine. I was just doing some work in the kitchen."

"Well, if you ever need help with anything around the house, I'd be more than willing to lend a hand. An attractive woman like you shouldn't have to worry about doing strenuous work," the young black man replied, his eyes flicking down to her thrusting nipples once more.

Tanya wondered what was going on today. It had been a long time since she'd had so many people pay attention to her, and the fact that it was from young men the same age as her son just seemed to make it all the more illicit and exciting. It wasn't lost on her that Derek was black, just like Jamal. And like Jamal had suggested earlier, Derek was now offering to help her with strenuous work around the house. For some reason, she found herself glancing down at his crotch. She noticed a little pulsing throb as she noticed him looking once more at her chest. She swallowed as she took in the impressive proportions of his noticeable package. From the suggestive tone in his statement about offering to help her, she wondered if he considered fucking to be strenuous work. From the looks of that bulge in his pants, he definitely looked ready for it. She wondered if she was going cock-crazy all of a sudden—teenage cock-crazy. Or was it teenage, black cock crazy? Tanya shook her head, snapping herself out of her dizzying thoughts. "Thanks, Derek. That's so sweet of you to offer. I'll keep that in mind. Now, I'd better get this inside to my guests."

"Great. Just remember, if you need help with something, just call the restaurant and they can get in touch with me."

As he stepped back, Tanya took a quick look at the definite swelling in his crotch. Once again, she wondered how big the boy's cock was. "Okay. I'll remember that. Call the restaurant to get you. Thanks again." She closed the door and leaned against it, taking a few deep breaths to right herself. "Oh my gosh, what's come over me? First, that thing with Jamal, and now Derek," she thought to herself. Shaking her head, she made her way back to the kitchen, pizza in hand.

Tanya called the boys to the table, making sure to avoid Jamal's eyes as much as she could. As they dug into the pizzas, Gunner and Zeke engaged Elliott in conversation about the video game they'd been playing, much to Tanya's relief. There was nothing confrontational in their tone, and Zeke gave Elliott a playful tap on the shoulder at one point. Tanya hoped her plan was starting to work out.

"I'm sorry, we don't have much for dessert, other than ice cream," Tanya said once the last slice of pizza had disappeared.

"Ice cream will be fine," Jamal said, once again answering for all three boys. When Tanya nodded and went to get up, he reached out and stopped her, his big mitt accidentally brushing across her breasts as he reached across her body. "Just stay seated, Mrs. Cox, you've done enough for us already. I'll take care of this."

"Oh well, thank you, Jamal. The ice cream's in the freezer." She pointed to the lower compartment on the big stainless steel fridge.

"Great, no problem. Do you have any cones, by any chance?"

"Uh, yes, we do. There's a box in the pantry. Elliott, can you get those, please? And grab the ice cream scoop too."

"Sure, Mom." Elliott retrieved the cones and scoop while Jamal carried two containers of ice cream to the table.

"Okay, it looks like we've got butterscotch swirl or chocolate here," Jamal said as he picked up the scoop and looked over at Tanya. "What'll it be?"

"Butterscotch swirl for me," Zeke blurted out.

"Hey!" Jamal said curtly, pointing the scoop at Zeke. "Mind your manners. Let our fine hostess go first."

He turned back to Tanya, that disarming smile on his face that had that same shiver running down her spine again.

"Um, chocolate, please."

"That's what I thought you'd say. Good choice." Jamal effortlessly carved off a couple of scoops before handing the cone to Tanya. He served Elliott next before his two pals. He made another chocolate cone for himself. The chatter around the table quieted as they all attacked their dessert.

"Mmm, this is good," Jamal said, his broad tongue sweeping across the glistening ice cream. "How's yours, Mrs. Cox?"

Tanya noticed his eyes flick to her mouth as she licked the cone, the provocative look in his dark eyes sending another jolt down between her legs. "It's good, thank you."

"It's a nice sensation, isn't it?"

"Uh, what's that?" she asked, his words and tone disarming her again.

"The sensation. Feeling your lips on the rich smooth chocolate surface as your tongue licks all over the part that's in your mouth. And then that delightful feeling as the melting part slides off the tip onto your tongue, that rich chocolate flavor making your taste buds tingle." He paused as Tanya flushed, her eyes gazing at her gleaming cone as she listened to his words. "And there's nothing like that silky smooth sensation as the cool chocolate cream slides right down your throat, deep into your belly. After you get that first taste, you know there's nothing that can stop you from wanting more." Jamal could see her mouth open as she drew in a shallow breath, her lips shiny from the surface of the cone. He stared boldly at her mouth, loving the fullness of her pouty lips, knowing exactly what he wanted to put between them. "That's the way I feel about chocolate. Do you feel that way too, Mrs. Cox?"

He finally averted his eyes as he went back to licking his own cone, letting Tanya compose herself. "Um, yes, I guess I do," Tanya replied, reluctantly going back to eating her cone, noticing all eyes were on her, including Elliott's. She knew she had to do something to break the sensual tension in the room. "So, what movie should we watch tonight? Any suggestions?"

Gunner and Zeke were about to answer before Jamal put up his hand, stopping them. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Cox, but we won't be able to stay. We really appreciate the pizza and ice cream, but we've kind of got dates tonight. Right, guys?"

Gunner and Zeke caught the stern look in Jamal's eye and quickly agreed. "Oh yeah. That's right. I almost forgot," Gunner said as Zeke nodded.

Tanya found herself feeling surprisingly defeated. She realized she'd been hoping the boys would actually stay, and she knew it wasn't just for Elliott's benefit, she was enjoying the attention as well. It was mostly Jamal, but the way Gunner and Zeke had looked at her through dinner made her feel excited as well. She figured it was the fact that she just wasn't used to getting this much attention, and she felt selfish and foolish when she thought about it. "Oh well, uh, that's too bad. Maybe another time?" She surprised herself again after listening to the tone in her voice, which sounded hopeful and almost needy.

"Sure, another time will be fine," Jamal replied, giving her a knowing smile as he finished his cone and got up from the table. "And of course, we'll see you tomorrow for that swim you invited us for. If that's still all right?"

"Oh yes, of course it's all right." Tanya answered quickly, again with a hopeful tone in her voice. She didn't know what was coming over her to act that way, almost like a school girl.

"Great. We'll see you tomorrow then." Jamal smiled and nodded as he stood up from the table. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. "Before we go, it's probably a good idea if I put both of your phone numbers in my contact list, and have you two put mine in yours."

"Oh yes, of course," Tanya said as both she and Elliott gave the numbers of their individual cell phones to Jamal, and then entered his name and number in theirs. "Uh, Elliott, could you tidy up in here while I show the boys out?"

"Sure, Mom."

Tanya followed the three young men towards the front of the house, the foyer out of view from the kitchen. Jamal stopped just inside the front door and turned to his friends. "Now guys, remember your manners. Give Mrs. Cox a hug and a kiss to thank her."

Tanya was caught off guard and before she could say anything, Gunner swept her up in his arms and pulled her close. Her sizable breasts were being pressed against his chest, and she felt his hands slide down her back to her hips as he turned his face down to hers. He started out giving her a peck on the cheek but slid his lips sideways, finally alighting on her mouth. Before she knew what was happening, his lips pressed firmly on hers. She was shaken by what was happening, but felt herself unable to move or resist. She felt his hands cup her backside as he pulled her even closer against him, her tits mashed against his chest.

"Okay, that's good," Jamal said as he touched Gunner on the shoulder. Tanya gasped as Gunner stepped back, giving her a devilish smile before turning and heading out the door that Jamal had opened. "Zeke, thank Mrs. Cox."

Before she could compose herself, Zeke stepped in and replaced Gunner, his long arms circling Tanya's curvy body and pulling her against him. She could feel that he was slimmer than both Jamal and Gunner, but his body was hard and strong as he held her close. He made no attempt to kiss her on the cheek but went straight to her mouth, pressing his mouth against her warm pillowy lips. His hands also went directly to her backside, pulling her midsection against his. He drew his tongue slowly along the crevice between her lips as his groin pressed against her front. She could feel a sizable slab of flesh beneath his jeans as he pulled her close, rolling his hips against her.

"All right, all right." Jamal put his hand on Zeke's arm and pulled him back. Tanya was almost breathless as Zeke strode out the door, leaving her alone with Jamal. He closed the door and turned to her, his big powerful body looming over her. "I want to say thank you too, Mrs. Cox. I think this is a good idea you have, with us getting to know Elliott better. We've had our problems with him in the past, and you know, some stuff makes us angry and we take it out on people we shouldn't. But if we get to know BOTH you and Elliott better, I think that's gonna be better for everyone, don't you? We can watch out for Elliott, and you too. We can kind of take care of what each other wants, and needs. Don't you think so?"

Tanya was almost dizzy, and was breathing raggedly, her chest heaving beneath her tight golf shift. She noticed Jamal's eyes going to her chest, and he made no attempt to divert his hungry gaze. She was finally able to stammer out a response, "I...I think that...that would be good."

"Well, good then. Until tomorrow, and thank you again." Jamal stepped close and wrapped his long powerful arms around Tanya. She felt herself almost swoon as he drew her to him. She turned her face up, longingly, as he brought his mouth down. She felt his breath against her cheek, hot and scintillating, and then his full lips were meshing with hers. He pulled her close, her massive breasts pressed hotly against his broad powerful chest. His big hands were cupping her curvy bum, and he squeezed ever so gently, teasingly, as he pulled her lower body to his. At the same time, he slid his tongue forward, pressing against the line between her lips. She closed her eyes instinctively as she parted her lips, letting him in. Feeling her yield, he feathered his tongue deeper into her mouth, searching out her hot pink tongue with his own.

"Ohhnnn," Tanya moaned as he kissed her deep, his tongue pressed firmly against hers before the teasing tip explored the inside of her mouth. His big hands were holding her against him, and she felt that prodigious log beneath his jeans again, only this time against her front. He rolled his hips as he kissed her, letting her feel the full length of his stiffening prick as he pressed it against her mound. She couldn't believe how big it was as she instinctively pushed herself against him. She felt his hand slide around to the front of her body. Continuing to kiss her, he reached up and cupped her breast through her shirt, squeezing and hefting it, as if testing its weight.

"Ahhhhhnnn..." She moaned into his searching mouth as a huge jolt of arousal shot through her. She could feel her pussy itching and pulsing with need. She knew she was soaking her panties but she couldn't help the way her body was responding. And then, he was gone.

"Until tomorrow then." Jamal stepped back, giving her a little wink before turning on his heel and striding out the door, closing it firmly behind him.

Tanya staggered sideways until she was leaning against the wall, her heart pounding like crazy in her chest. She felt dizzy, breathless, and overwhelmed by what had just happened with the three boys. She thought she should be chastising herself for what had happened. She should have been the adult in the room and put a stop to their behavior. She felt guilty about what had happened, how she had let them all kiss and grope her. But that bit of guilt didn't alter the fact that she was now trembling with excitement—excitement and desire.

Taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, she pushed back a wispy lock of hair that had fallen over her face and returned to the kitchen.

"Are you okay, Mom?" Elliott said as he looked up from placing the last of the plates in the dishwasher. "You look all flushed and a little out of breath."

"Oh, I just had a bit of a dizzy spell there for a second. Nothing to worry about. I'm fine," Tanya said as she smoothed down her skirt, feeling her legs trembling beneath. "Now, did you decide what movie you'd like to watch?"

Tanya joined her young son in the family room, trying to calm her racing heart. As hard as she tried, she couldn't get rid of the images in her head, or of reliving the surprisingly pleasurable feelings that had swept over her when the boys had kissed and groped her. But more than anything else, she thought about those cocks that had pressed against her, and how incredibly big they were, especially the massive log in Jamal's pants. Her pussy felt tingly and itchy as she thought about it, thought about the young hardness of all three cocks pressing into her, and the delicious feelings of their mouths on hers as they'd kissed her. Although she knew she should feel guilty about what she was thinking, she couldn't wait for their visit to go swimming tomorrow.

...to be continued in Chapter 2...

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LahmatyiiLahmatyii2 months ago

Why does this entire series have a title tag like "Incest/Taboo"?

Here (in the entire series) incest is only an afterthought, so to speak, and this tag is confusing when choosing; Obviously, the main tag should be either coercion, NTR, or something else of the same kind

Thus, so that those who don’t like to read THIS kind of stuff don’t start, and those cuckolds who like it (seriously?) will immediately notice

Dry_opinionDry_opinionover 1 year ago

Bullies are too polite and considerate around the busty mom. That is not a "bully" behavior.

Correct title would be "Busty Mom and son's schoolmates"

boolezboolezalmost 2 years ago

This is fantastic! I can tell I'm going to love the rest :)

nicebreezenicebreezeover 4 years ago
3 black teens with big dicks.. mommie cant wait

omg I love this story cant wait to read about her and Jamal and the other 2.. they all like her tits etc.. this is great writing.. i pictured myself in rhe kitchen with jamal .. umm his dick was so long and thick i got hot...great great writing///

sublandsublandover 4 years ago
A good start

Love the way rmdexter started this chapter with the taboo subject of a young boy fantasizing about his mother ( what a woman his mother sounds to be ) to get the blood surging which leads into the scene being set for what looks like a very horny lust filled story. Nicely laying the ground work for chapter two which I'll be reading now after nursing a hard on through this chapter and looking forward to the description of the three bullies getting balls deep into Elliott's horny Mum. Thank you rmdexter.

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