Caitlin and Sara Ch. 04


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"Baby, whatever is wrong?" She asked, her tone clearly matching the confused look on her face.

My crying finally began to subside and I carefully wiped the tears from my eyes, desperately trying not to look like a raccoon afterwards. It took me several minutes, but I was finally able to compose myself. Sara moved her hands along my thighs and started to scratch them with her long nails in a most erotic manner and I realized how easily distracted I could be whenever she touched me.

I finally smiled and looked down at the love of my life positioned on the floor between my knees. I knew she was waiting for an answer, but I wasn't immediately sure how to respond to her question.

I moved forward so that my face was only inches from hers and I could now smell her wonderful scent. Then I leaned in a little more and gently kissed her on the lips. It started off as one soft, sensual kiss and then became a series of similar kisses, interrupted by me lightly biting her bottom lip. God, I absolutely love kissing this woman.

After some rather intense and passionate kissing, I moved my head back slightly and smiled at her, with a look that I knew would adequately tell her how deeply I felt about her. Now I was a bit more self-composed and I think I was ready to answer the question.

"I guess I'm so happy, I momentarily turned into an emotional wreck. I'm sorry to be such a cry baby. It's totally unlike me to act this way."

Sara smiled at me and I thought I could almost detect a look of relief on her face, but I'm sure that was probably my imagination or the product of some wishful thinking.

"I feel the same way too, baby. It almost seems as if we've been together forever. Everything we do together seems so natural and feels so . . . so incredibly wonderful. I feel as if you actually saved my life and I can never thank you enough for that. I love you and I cannot imagine my life without you."

I smiled at Sara and then leaned over to kiss her again. She'll never know how badly I really needed to hear those very words at this moment.

"Oh, I nearly forgot, your mom came by about an hour before you arrived and brought over a huge carrot cake, which I suspect represents my official 'Welcome' to the neighborhood. She hung around and visited for about twenty minutes and I gave her the fifty-cent tour of the house, but I really had the feeling that she was just looking for you. She acted a bit odd though, but I don't know her well enough to put my finger on it. Is everything alright between you two?"

There it was, the shot right between my eyes. I considered what Sara just told me for an instant and then I slowly made eye contact with her again and patted the sofa next to me.

"As much as I love the way you're scratching my thighs, I think you better come sit up here by me so we can talk."

Sara stopped the erotic scratching - much to my chagrin - and her brow furrowed slightly. She couldn't have looked more adorable if she tried.

She got up and sat on the sofa facing me, tucking her knees under her body. Her hands were now kneading my legs and her touch just continued to thrill me to no end.

When I was a young girl I used to read a lot of Harlequin romance novels and I always thought that being in love was supposed to be like this. A relationship where two people could hang out together and never get bored with each other or get tired of touching each other. I hoped that was what was prompting all the attention I was now receiving from Sara.

"Before I get started, tell me about your first day at your new job."

I know what you're probably thinking and you're absolutely right. I was buying time, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to tell Sara everything, but I just had no idea exactly where or how to start. Besides, I really did want to hear about her first day at the new job in Cheryl's office.

A huge smile appeared on Sara's face, as she began to methodically recount for me her first day on the job at the Harris County D.A.'s office, including the opportunity she had to work with Cheryl. I was thrilled by her level of excitement and I just sat there mesmerized as she went on and on for at least thirty minutes about the different personalities in the office, her felony caseload, meeting the mayor and so it went. I sat there smiling and laughing and asking questions at the appropriate times, all the while enjoying my momentary reprieve.

When she finished telling me all about her first day as an Assistant D.A., she looked at me and patiently waited for me to begin. In that serene moment I was blissfully reminded of why I fell in love with this incredible woman in just two days. Even a simple communication like this felt special, just because I was sharing it with her. In a way it was a revelation of sorts for me, because I made a promise to myself at that moment that I would do everything within my power to make her happy and to keep us together.

I reached over and touched Sara's face in a way that could convey only one message to her. The fact that she smiled warmly at me and then leaned in to kiss me, confirmed that she received that message loud and clear. I finally took a deep breath and began.

"My mother was waiting for me in the kitchen when I got in last night. To say that it was the most unusual conversation I ever had with her would be a case of classic understatement."

Sara's brow furrowed slightly. "Uh oh, I hope I didn't get you in too late on a school night."

The innocence of Sara's comment evoked another smile from me and I just casually shook my head to indicate that wasn't the problem at all. Sara nodded somewhat relieved and remained attentive but quiet. I suspect that she didn't want to run the risk of guessing incorrectly a second time. There was just no easy way to say what I had to say, so I just decided to come right out with it.

"Sara, do you remember the other night when you went down on me in the kitchen?"

The question immediately generated a sensual smile on her beautiful face and she looked at me as only a lover could, not at all feeling embarrassed by the question. Then she nodded affirmatively and kissed me again.

I knew that what I was about to say would change the expression on her face immediately. I took a deep breath and then I waited for an instant and took another.

"When I got in last night my mother told me that she had watched us making love in the kitchen."

I know it was my imagination, but the room suddenly seemed to turn cold as ice. Sara just sat there and silently stared at me without any trace of emotion and for a fleeting instant I though maybe I had done all that worrying for nothing. My guess was way off.

It was an amazing thing, actually. Even in a room that was now much darker than when I first arrived and just barely illuminated by two candles, I could still clearly see the color begin to drain from Sara's face. Then a moment later she was on her feet heading out of the room at a hurried pace. I knew where she was going and the subsequent vomiting sounds from the direction of the master bathroom confirmed my suspicion. I was absolutely certain that if our situations were reversed, I probably would have responded in similar fashion.

I had no idea how long Sara stayed in the bathroom. It was certainly more than five minutes, but it could have easily been as long as twenty. During that time I heard the shower start and then stop several minutes later. Then I heard Sara vomit a second time and then I heard her brushing her teeth and gargling and then brushing her teeth a second time.

It was sometime after all that activity that she came back into the living room wearing a white terrycloth bathrobe that nearly covered her entire body and her arms were folded across her chest, as if she were cold. Her expression this time looked more like that of a D.A. than my lover. She sat down on the sofa next to me, but this time there was no touching.

"Cat, I need you to tell me one thing, and its critical now more than ever before that we're absolutely truthful with each other."

I nodded without revealing any emotion, not sure where she was going with that rather official sounding comment.

"Are you really at least eighteen years old?"

At first the question totally surprised me and I'm sure my expression did not betray that feeling of surprise. I looked at Sara for a moment and nodded and then the implication of her question hit me right between the eyes.

"I've never told you one single thing about me or any of my feelings for you that was untrue and I'm deeply offended that you'd even ask me such a question, after what I thought we were beginning to feel for each other."

I could tell my words stung her deeply, but I really resented her thinking I might ever lie to anyone, especially her. Then she softened her visage and tears began to form in her eyes and slowly make their way down her cheeks. It was obvious that she regretted ever asking the question.

"Baby, I'm terribly sorry I asked you that question, but the harsh reality is - if you were under eighteen, then I could possibly be facing criminal charges right now. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Please, please forgive my terrible insensitivity."

I nodded, still feeling a little numb, but she could tell my feelings were hurt. She moved closer and then put her arms around me and hugged me as hard as she ever did before. Then we parted and she looked at me and I could tell she had a million things running through her mind at that moment. I was just about to say something and that's when the damn burst.

"Your mother probably hates me now and thinks I'm some sort of pervert. At the very least I should avoid seeing her at all costs. Since you're legally an adult I hope you understand that she can't keep us apart, but she can make it very uncomfortable for me to be around you here in the neighborhood. Perhaps I should consider relocating somewhere else in the city. If I move, you know that you could even live with me . . . that is, if you even wanted to."

I smiled at the thought of us living in our own house somewhere together, but said nothing. I was afraid I might inadvertently add accelerant to a slow burning fire. So I just sat there and let her vent her concerns uninterrupted for another minute or two. But I knew I had to tell her everything my mother said, otherwise she might never be able to feel comfortable being around her again. With the long relationship that I hoped to have with this woman, I suspected that would definitely be problematic for all of us.

I reached out and touched Sara's cheek lightly and smiled at her. Like a magic wand, that was all it took. She stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at me and all the angst that was visible in her eyes just moments ago was suddenly gone. If we weren't in the middle of a conversation it would have been the perfect time to move this very magic moment directly into the bedroom.

"It's not like that at all, Sara," I said softly. Then I let her think about that statement for just a moment, but I must have waited a tad too long.

"It's not like what?"

"Sara, I know this may seem a little odd . . . I guess knowing my mother as well as I do it seems especially odd to me too, but she really doesn't seem to have any problem at all with us as a couple."

At first she looked at me and seemed visibly relieved. A smile slowly appeared on her face and then it seemed to vanish and she became somewhat serious once again. I immediately saw the obvious question in her eyes and this time I didn't wait for her to mouth the words.

"What she does want . . . "

But then the rest of the words suddenly just seemed to get stuck in my mouth. I watched Sara's brow furrow slightly in anticipation, as she tried to understand what was causing this effect on me. I guess I took longer to get it out than I should have.

"Cat, what does your mother want? C'mon, please tell me, the suspense is really killing me here."

I exhaled and then I took a deep breath. I think I was probably becoming over-analytical about the whole damn thing, because I was worried about how Sara would handle the revelation and whether it might even adversely affect us.


"Okay, okay. My mother said that she was really turned on watching us have sex and asked me if she could watch us do it again. There, I finally got it all out."

I waited for Sara's immediate reaction, but surprisingly there was none. The response I expected to see never materialized, so I waited and watched as she sat next to me and seemed to consider what I just told her for a minute or two.

Pensively, Sara finally looked over at me and said, "As best as you're able to recall, please tell me exactly what your mother told you last night."

I looked down at my red toenails and carefully thought about the conversation I had with my mother last night and tried to reconstruct it in my mind. When I thought I remembered it about as well as I could, I looked back at her.

"She told me that she came out of the bathroom and wanted to tell me one last thing before going to bed. Then, when she got to the kitchen doorway she saw you . . . but she never finished her statement. Nevertheless, the innuendo was more than clear that she saw you on your knees licking my clit in the kitchen. That was when I was expecting the shit to really hit the fan, but then she did a total one-eighty on me and said that she had never been so turned on in her life."

I thought we were getting a little too serious once again, so I couldn't resist inserting some levity at that point.

"I told her that if she thought SHE was turned on by watching us, she should have been on the receiving end of the terrific licking that I was getting from our gorgeous new neighbor."

It only took a nanosecond for the last comment to fully register and Sara's brow furrowed and she looked up at me with a near-piercing expression. "You said WHAT?"

I couldn't contain myself a moment more and I started to laugh. The timing could not have been more perfect, because all of the pent-up tension that had been in that room suddenly dissipated. Sara immediately knew that I had been pulling her leg with that last comment and she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, before joining me in a good laugh.

"Okay, okay; very funny, Caitlin. Stop messin' with my head right now and please finish telling me what your mom said."

I settled down and after another minute of smiling and then laughing once more, I continued.

"My mother told me that she hoped that we would let her watch us make love again. I think that was about all of it, or it was all I can remember her saying. You might say that the entire conversation caught me by surprise and overwhelmed me just a bit."

I watched with great interest as Sara quietly sat next to me, apparently immersed in thought. She was biting her lower lip and twirling her hair with her fingers, as her eyes seemed to look at some imaginary point fixed on the wall behind me. After about five minutes of all that cerebral activity she looked back at me and had a rather peculiar expression on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

She seemed to think about what she was going to say to me and how she was going to say it. Then it all seemed to crystallize in her mind and she looked at me and this time she had an entirely different expression on her face. If I was pressed, I would have to describe it as a cross between lust and . . . and perhaps growing anticipation.

"Cat, I've never told you very much about my husband and for good reason. But now let me share something with you about us."

I felt myself tense up hearing her use the term 'us' and knowing that it did not refer to her and me. I wasn't entirely sure that I felt secure enough in our fledgling relationship to hear any of this stuff, but I also didn't think it was a very good idea to stop her in mid-stream. So I just nodded and sat there quietly, while Sara continued.

"The sex between us was never terrific. In fact, at the very best I would say it was acceptable. We did it about once a week -- and it was always on weekends -- and I might achieve an orgasm about once every fifteen or twenty times and, believe me, they were never near as intense as the ones I now enjoy with you."

I beamed at her upon hearing that and realized that I was even touching myself and that didn't seem to escape Sara's attention either. Then I nodded and thought that this story might not be too bad after all. Actually, in truth I did want to learn as much about my new lover as I possibly could.

"Anyway, most of the time I would wait till he drifted off to sleep and then I would get out of bed and either take a shower or go out to the living room to masturbate. I never would admit it to myself until I finally met you, but when I masturbated I'd always think about a college girlfriend of mine and afterwards I was always embarrassed over the fact that I might be leaning in that direction. I know that this seems like a rather odd revelation coming from me now, but you have to remember that I grew up in a strict Baptist home in central Georgia where even mentioning the word 'sex' in public invited a measure of recrimination from my parents. Bear with me baby, there's a point to all this seemingly unrelated babbling."

I smiled and nodded once again.

"There was one time with Greg that was different; one time when I had one of those 'rock my world' orgasms that YOU typically give me. It was three or maybe even four years ago and we were on a weekend camping trip in North Carolina. We thought we were in a fairly secluded spot in the mountains and we decided to go skinny dipping in this wonderful stream. There was a huge flat rock in the center of the stream and uncharacteristically Greg surprised the heck out me and said that he wanted to fuck me on that rock. So, being the dutiful wife, I agreed."

Sara saw my quizzical 'where in the world is this story going?' expression and addressed it. "Trust me, I'm getting there, baby."

"Anyway, the fuck started out pretty routine, but while I was lying there getting impaled on this very uncomfortable rock, I happened to glance over and see two couples in the woods on the other side of the stream who were intently watching us. I would have normally thought that seeing something like that would have caused me to immediately dry up and then drive me straight to counseling, but it had exactly the opposite effect on me -- it started to really turn me on and I became involved in a way I never did before."

She paused for a moment and I tried to contain the petty jealousy I was now feeling.

"For the first time in our relationship I told Greg to roll over onto his back and I mounted him. Then I proceeded to give those four people one heck of a show. Not ironically, in the process I also gave myself one terrific orgasm. And there you have it."

I thought about what Sara just told me and tried to make sense of it all. Now I'm not usually slow on the uptake, but sifting through the trip down memory lane did take me a few minutes. As I sorted it out in my head I thought I finally understood the point that she was trying to make -- or maybe not.

"So then -- let me see if I understand what you're trying to tell me here. Either you get really turned on fucking in icy cold water or you were really turned on because you knew you were being watched. Now which one was it? You don't really need to answer that question, I was only kidding. Are you telling me that you have no problem with my mother watching us make love?"

Sara could see I was having a little trouble with the entire concept and I think she realized that if she jumped on that exhibitionist bandwagon too quickly I might really freak out on her. I wasn't going to volunteer anything to her at this point, but she would have been right.