Cala de Sirena - Joy's Birth


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He heard a slight splash and opened his eyes to see his wife slide into the water, and her legs morph into her rainbow tail. Don smiled as she settled into the water. "I hope you don't mind, but the idea of sitting in water with you just sounded so wonderful, I had to join you."

Don smiled. "Never. I was just thinking about our first time in a tub together."

Angel giggled. "That did have a nice ending."

"You know, when you have the baby we won't be having sex for a while."

Angel nodded, "Yes, you've warned me. But it's not like we have sex all the time now."

"True. And trust me, Jason said I could take as much time off as I need. I can work from home, everything is in place, and everyone knows I'm on family leave. In fact, Jason set this all up two years ago. Little did either of us know it would take me so long to get you pregnant. Though, to be honest, I never thought this day would ever come."

"Well I assure you, this is your daughter. I have not been with any other man. In fact, I've only met two other men aside from you, Jason and that nice man that married us."

Don smiled as he remembered meeting him. It was just after he had asked Angel to be his wife, and gave her the mermaid and pearl ring she wears. He had reported to work and on his first day, was asked to get lunch for him and Jason as they poured over paperwork that needed to be completed. When Don walked to the bar to pick up some sandwiches and a sampler to go, he noticed the old church at the edge of town. Don wasn't an overly religious man, but something about this church drew him to it. He wandered over to it and went inside. He noticed that is wasn't as old as it initially appeared, but still had that rustic island look that he liked. The church itself was simple, open, with hard wooden benches and a stone floor. The walls were bare except for the windows, and the front had a simple podium.

"Welcome friend."

Don turned to see an older man with dark brown skin, salt and pepper hair, and soft brown eyes. It was clear he was the minister by the tell-tale collar around his neck. "Hello."

"What brings you here?"

"I hadn't notice this here before."

"You must be new, I'm Pastor Ken. Are you a visitor to our island or a new resident?"

"I guess a new resident."

"Then welcome," said Pastor Ken as he extended his arms. "Now tell me friend, what brings you here this fine day?"

Don wondered if he could even try to explain about Angel, so he said, "Actually, I was heading out to get some lunch when I saw the church and wanted to check it out."

Pastor Ken smiled and nodded. "Well, let me assure you this building is sound. It was rebuilt after the storm that nearly leveled the island some time ago."

"I heard you got storms here a lot."

"Not like this one. This storm killed many of the natives and tourists, and destroyed almost all the buildings. The island is just now bouncing back, but Mr. and Mrs. Lee worked the hardest to aid in this area. Have you met them?"

"Yes. I rented a hut from them when I first arrived."

"And you and your wife loved it here so much you chose to stay."

"Actually, I came alone, and met someone here."

"And now you want to marry her."

"Actually, yes, I do."

"And I'll bet she won't come here to get married."

Don's face went pale. How did this stranger know? Pastor Ken smiled a gentle smile and said, "I'm sorry friend, but I don't know your name."

"Don. Don Taylor."

"Don Taylor, a good name. Don, I'm a third generation pastor. My grandfather and my father built the original church, and took care of the religious needs of the people. I have two sons and I'm hoping one will follow in my path. But if not, then I hope the good Lord will bring me the right person to continue the good work.

"Now, as being an island native and a third generation pastor, I know a few things. My father and grandfather would often talk about men who would marry women who weren't native women, but would fall deeply in love with them. These men would come to Cala for different reasons and over time, they would ask for private ceremonies to marry these women. Often, this was the only time they'd see these women. I'm well aware of the whispers and stories of mermaids that live in these waters, and to be honest, if they are true, then they are God's creatures and deserve to be loved like anyone else."

"Why are you telling me all this?" asked Don.

"My father was a good man. One of his last marriages was to a couple where the woman was already pregnant, and not like anyone he'd seen before. She was a beautiful woman with red hair and an angelic face, as my father said. The man was completely in love with her. Sadly, just a few years later, my father performed this man's funeral service. He and a few others were killed in a freak accident. Now, my father never confirmed my suspicions about this woman, but I suspect she is the barmaid. I have tried to speak with her, and she admits to having two children, and when I inquire about their father, she does say he was killed some time ago, but nothing more."

"And you don't think she came with the man?"

"No, I think she came to the island to find him. However, if she is a mermaid I don't know. I do know she is an amazing woman and if she really has two children, then she has set an excellent example for them both. Now, as to why I told you this story. My father told me that if a man ever come by and asks about performing a private wedding, to do it. As I said before, even mermaids are God's creatures and should enjoy happiness. Now, would you like to bring your bride-to-be here, or would you prefer I come to your home?"

Don gaped at Pastor Ken for a moment or two. Did he know about Angel and her people? Had his father and grandfather performed mermaids to human men marriages in the past? "Don't you require paperwork?"

Pastor Ken shook his head. "No Don Taylor. Paperwork doesn't mean a thing to me. Answer me honestly, if you would please, do you love this woman?"

"With all my heart," said Don without a moment of hesitation.

"Does she love you?"


"Have you asked her to marry you?"


"And did she accept?"


"Don Taylor, marriage isn't about paperwork, it's about love. Pure and simple. I don't even care if she's pregnant."

"She's not," said Don in a mournful tone.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I can't have children."

"Hmm, interesting. Does she know this?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure."

"Don Taylor, please speak with your fiancée and let me know if you would like me to marry you two. I don't mind coming to your home. All we need is a witness. I'm sure there is one person you know who could be such a witness. My fee is very reasonable, and as I said before, all of God's creatures deserve happiness and love. And if you need paperwork, I can take care of that too," he said with a quick wink.

Pastor Ken extended his hand to Don. Don shook his hand and left. He went to the bar, picked up the food and went back to the office. As he entered, Jason said, "Get lost?"

"I was at the church."

"How is Pastor Ken?"


Jason took the food from Don and set it on the table. "Going to have him perform the ceremony for you and Angel?"


"I would," said Jason. "He's a good guy and one of the few here that I would trust to keep your secret."

"He said he didn't care if Angel was a mermaid. That all of God's creatures deserve love."

"Yeah, that's him. The Lees aren't big fans of his as they have a different view of mermaids as you well know."

"Do you think Angel will go for this?"

"She might, if she loves you as much as you say."

"Would you be willing to be my best man and witness then?"

Jason dropped his sandwich on the table. "Me?"

"You're the only friend I've got here, and the only one who knows the truth about Angel."

"You consider me your friend?"

"Well... yeah."

Jason's face reflected the shock he was feeling. Then he said quietly, "Don, I'd be honored to stand by your side under one condition."

"Sure, anything. What is it?"

"That if Grace ever forgives me and give me a second chance, you do the same for me."

"You got it man."

They shook hands, then finished their lunch and paperwork. Don went home and talked with Angel about Pastor Ken, how he wanted a simple, but formal ceremony so their marriage would be official and legal. He also explained that Jason needed to come and if after this, she didn't wish to see either man, this would be fine. Angel listened quietly then asked, "Don want marry?"

"Yes Angel, Don wants to marry Angel."

"Don stay with Angel?" she asked, her English still broken.

"Yes. Don loves Angel."

"Angel marry Don," she said with a big smile.

Tears welled up in Don's eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you Angel."

The next day, Don asked Jason about making him a ring, and Jason laughed and said, "It will be ready by the end of the week. I assumed you'd want a ring as well."

"Seems only fair."

"So when's the wedding?"

"Saturday, I hope."

"Then it will be ready in time. What should I wear?"

Don's eyes grew wide. He hadn't thought about what they would wear. "I don't know."

"How about at lunch we go shopping for something nice for you and Angel to wear, and pay old Pastor Ken a visit?"

"Sounds good."

At lunch, they wandered to the clothing shop where Don had bought Angel the dresses and clothes she wore and they found a simple white sundress that Don felt would look lovely on Angel, and a white bikini she could wear underneath. For himself, he bought a pair of white shorts and a blue and white shirt. Jason bought a pair of white shorts and a matching blue and white shirt. Then they walked to the church. Pastor Ken was outside sweeping the steps. His face broke into a huge smile as he saw the men and said, "Welcome Don Taylor and Jason Blackwell! It is good to see you both again."

"Hey Pastor Ken," said Don smiling. "I was wondering, do you have any plans for Saturday?"

Saturday morning, Don paced along the shoreline barefoot in his new shorts and shirt while waiting for Pastor Ken and Jason. He couldn't remember being more anxious or nervous, and he worried that Angel might change her mind and back out. Soon he saw Jason's wave runner and Pastor Ken's boat enter the cove. Once the vessels were anchored, Pastor Ken took Don's hand and shook it saying, "This is a beautiful day for a wedding. May I meet your fiancée?"

"Um, sure," said Don nervously.

He lead the two men to the house were Angel was, wearing the white dress and bikini underneath, the mermaid necklace Don had given to her around her neck, and some seaweed in her hair, pacing in the living room, barefoot.

"Angel," said Don, "this is Pastor Ken, and this is Jason."

"Hello," she said quietly.

"Angel," said Pastor Ken in a gentle voice, "it is nice to meet you."

Angel smiled softly and said, "Nice... to... meet... you."

"Angel, do you want to marry Don?" asked Pastor Ken.

"Yes, Angel marry Don."

Pastor Ken turned to Don and asked, "Does she always talk like this?"

"Three weeks ago she couldn't speak at all. See that scar on her forehead?"


"She was hurt when I found her. I think the injury affected her speech. She's still learning and if you speak slowly to her, she can mimic what she hears."

Jason gasped and whispered, "Grace just chose not to speak to me."

Don shrugged. "Will this be a problem?"

"No," said Pastor Ken as he shook his head. "As long as she loves you and understands what you two are getting into, it's fine."

"Angel love Don," she said firmly. "Angel marry Don."

Angel stomped her foot on the floor and Pastor Ken chuckled. "Well then, it seems the young lady more than understands. Let's get started then, shall we?"

Pastor stepped out onto the beach and Don took Angel's hand into his and said, "Give me your ring for a moment."

"Angel ring?"

"I promise you'll get it back."

"Don want Angel ring?"

"Please baby."

Angel slipped off her ring and gave it to Don. "I'm going to give this to Jason for a moment to hold for me." Don handed Jason Angel's ring. "It's Jason's job to hold our rings until Pastor Ken tell us to put them on each other."

"Rings?" she asked.

"Yes. Angel's ring and Don's ring."

"Don's... ring? Don's ring!"

"Yes Angel, Don's ring."

Jason smiled and said, "I'll see you two outside."

"Now, let's get married, shall we."

In bare feet, they walked down to the beach and stood before Pastor Ken with Jason standing by Don's side. Pastor Ken spoke slowly and clearly so that Angel understood his words. "I Donald Raymond Taylor, take you Angel to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I Angel, take you Don," began Pastor Ken.

"I Angel, take Don."

"To be my husband."

"To be... my husband."

"To have and to hold."

"To have... and to hold."

"From this day forward."

"From this... day... forward."

"To love and cherish."

"To love and cherry."

Jason snickered and Don smiled. "No Angel," said Pastor Ken, "cherish not cherry."




"For better or worse."

"For better... or worse."

Pastor Ken smiled. "For richer or poorer."

"For richer... or poorer."

"In sickness and in health."

Angel began to smile, "In sickness... and... in heath."

"Until death do us part."

Angel's smile faded. "Death? Don... death?"

"Not today Angel. Not for a long time," said Don in a soothing voice.

"Until death do us part," repeated Pastor Ken.

Angel sighed. "Until... death... do... us... part."

"The rings."

Jason reached over and placed two rings in Pastor Ken's hand. "Exquisite rings. The wedding ring is a symbol of endless love. It has no beginning, and no end. Don, please take the ring and place it on Angel's finger."

Don's hand trembled as he took Angel's ring and then Angel's left hand. "With this ring."

Don slid the ring back onto Angel's finger. "With this ring."

"I thee wed."

"I thee wed."

"Angel, please take the ring for Don."

Angel looked into Pastor Ken's hand and saw the matching ring with a dark pearl and mermaid band. She smiled and whispered, "Angel."

Pastor Ken helped put the ring into Angel's hand. "Now Angel, take Don's hand."

Don raised his left hand and Angel took it into hers. "Put the ring on this finger," said Pastor Ken as he pointed to his ring finger.

Angel examined the ring, looked at hers, then slipped the ring onto Don's finger as Pastor Ken said, "With this ring."

Angel didn't say anything as she was too focused on putting the ring on Don's hand. Pastor Ken gently put his hand on her shoulder and said, "With this ring."

"With this ring," she repeated.

"I thee wed."

"I thee wed."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Don, you may know kiss the bride."

Don leaned down and kissed Angel softly on the lips. Jason clapped his hands and said, "Okay, time for a picture you two!"

"Picture?" asked Angel.

"It's okay Angel. It's just for us."

Jason took a picture of Angel and Don standing together, one with them and Pastor Ken, one of just Angel, one of just Don, then had Pastor Ken take one of him and Don, and one of the three. "Ya know Don, I can set this to get a picture of all four of us if you'd like."

"That would be nice," said Don.

They stood near the porch as Jason set up the camera. He had Pastor Ken stand by Angel, then he ran down and stood by Don. Once the picture snapped, Pastor Ken kissed Angel's cheek, shook Don's and Jason's hand, and bid everyone goodbye. As Pastor Ken left, Don turned to Angel and said, "Thank you Angel."

Angel looked at him confused. "Don... thank... Angel?"

"For becoming my wife."

"I'm going to leave you love birds alone now. Don, I'll see you Monday at work. Angel, it was an honor to meet you."

"Jason?" asked Angel.


Angel began to think. "Jason... Grace?"

Jason sighed. "Yes, I'm the one who hurt Grace, and if I could, I'd fix it."

Angel frowned. "Jason... hurt... Grace."

"Yes, I hurt her, and I wish I hadn't."

It was clear that Angel's attitude toward Jason had changed. Grace was like her and he had caused her great pain. "Angel, don't be angry with Jason," said Don. "He wants to fix what he did."

"Jason fix?"

"Yes," said Jason. "I want to fix what I did to Grace."

Angel looked down at her ring, then said, "Angel help?"

Jason gasped. "Can you baby? Can you help Jason?" asked Don.

"Would you?" asked Jason with the clear sound of hope in his voice.

Angel straightened up, smiled, and said, "Angel help."

Jason hugged Angel and kissed her cheek. "Thank you Angel." With that, Jason left the newlyweds alone, and rode back to his home.


Don was snapped out of his memories and back in the tub with Angel. "Sorry my love, I was thinking about our wedding day."

"That was a nice day."

"That was the day you promised Jason to help fix things with Grace."

"And I kept my promise," she said proudly.

"That you did my dear. Do you think my meeting her helped?"

"Yes, I'm sure it did."

"Jason told me she comes by and they talk. Sometimes they make love. He said the daughter watches from the cove."

"She is still angry. She feels Jason betrayed her and her mother."

"In a way he did. And after twelve years, he's more than paid for that mistake."

"Don, do you think she is wrong?"

"I think that she has her reasons, but he's done everything in his power to make things right with her, and she won't give him a chance."

"You don't understand how it is for us Don."

"You're right, I don't. Just like I don't understand why you won't talk about when it's time for you to have the baby."

Angel sighed. "Tomorrow. We'll start making plans tomorrow. Now I'm tired and would like to sleep."

"Okay Angel," said Don and climbed out of the tub. He drained the water and scooped Angel out, holding her until her legs formed.

That night they slept cuddled together and the next day, they planned and prepared for Angel to have their daughter. Jason delivered the rest of the shower gifts and helped Don assemble the new crib. Later, Angel explained to Don that she would need to be near the water and wanted to sit under the tree nearest the cove. They had a blanket she would sit on so the baby wouldn't get covered in sand, and once she was born, Don would carry her to the water and wait for her tail to morph. Then he'd weight and measure her, and bring her back to Angel to nurse. Don also created a small emergency bag for both what was necessary, and what could be a worst-case scenario.

For the next few weeks, Don worked from his home office, took care of Angel and waited impatiently. Their two year anniversary was a quiet celebration. Don fixed them a crab dinner, similar to the one he fixed the day he first met and rescued Angel. Though, this dinner was different as he and Angel spoke about their plans for their daughter. That night, after a relaxing bath and a playful session with Angel's swollen stomach, they made love. As Angel fell asleep, Don had spooned behind her, with his hands on her stomach. His daughter was pressed against his hands as he drifted off.

Angel spent less and less time in the cove and more time in the house. Not since they first met had Don seen her stay out of the water as much as she was now. Then, one afternoon, while Don was typing up a report for Jason, he heard Angel scream. Don ran into the living room to find Angel doubled over and standing in a puddle of water.

Don put his arm around her and said, "I think it's time my love. Let's go."