Cala de Sirena


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"Oh yeah," said Jason as he took a drink. "I felt like a total ass. I swore to her there and then I'd stay near and if she ever could forgive me, I'd marry her."

"Has she?"

"No," sighed Jason. "I see her periodically, and I think I've seen my daughter with her, a few times, but she hasn't forgiven me. That's why I started making the jewelry for the tourists. That piece you bought, I made it for her. No one has ever even noticed it until last week when you grabbed it. I knew you were the latest sperm donor. So, how did you meet yours?"

"She was unconscious and hurt," said Don shocked.

Jason looked stunned. "Unconscious and hurt?"

"Yeah," said Don, as he relayed the story of how he found Angel under the palm branches with the minor head injury and he nursed her back to health. He told about how he loaned her clothes, fed her, and even taught her how to say his name, and hers. He shared about how she wept after their first time, and how he learned her secret in the bathtub.

Jason laughed, "The bathtub? Why didn't I think of that?"

"The blow job I got from it was indescribable."

"Wow," said Jason. "So, you're staying?"

"Yeah," said Don, "my boss is supposed to let me know when I'm to meet with the manager at the office here so I can make my temporary transfer permanent."

"You're serious now aren't you?"

"You bet," said Don. "I don't even care if I can't get her pregnant. Her presence in my life has given me purpose that I haven't had in years."

"Well Don, I wish you luck," said Jason as he rose. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I need to take care of something.

A few minutes after Jason left, Don's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Don!" cried his former boss. "How's it hanging?"

"Long and to the left," he said.

"Good to hear it," said his former boss. "Listen, I just heard back and you're in. Mr. Blackwell thinks you'll be perfect for their operation. I tell you, Jason hasn't been this excited in almost ten years."

"Wait," said Don. "Did you say Jason?"

"Yes," said his former boss. "Jason Blackwell. He's done a great job there and he's sure you'll fit right in. Said you two have been enjoying a nice long chat."

"More than you could know," said Don. "Listen, can you arrange to ship my personal things here to me. I don't want much, but there are a few things I'd like to have. If Amy wants anything, she can have it. Sell or donate the rest and can you take care of my apartment for me. I've only got a month to month lease, so if you get my 30-day notice in now, I'll only owe one last month's worth of rent."

"You're serious now aren't you, Don?"

"More than you could know, more than you could know."

Don told his former boss what the few items he wanted shipped to his new job site for his new home and ended his call as Jason sat back down. "Good call?" asked Jason.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Don.

"Now Don, where's the fun in that?" smiled Jason. "Besides, I wanted to hear about your mermaid. Tell me, what does she look like?"

"She beautiful," said Don. "Long, curly blonde hair, big bright blue eyes, short girl though, about five-foot three in her feet. Her tail is a perfect match to that pendant I bought from you."

"She could be a sister to mine. And she was a virgin?"

"Yeah," sighed Don. "I'd never had a virgin before, so when she yelped I just thought maybe I'd pulled her hair. I felt like shit after it was over and I saw the blood. She cried herself to sleep as I held her. It was only the next morning that she admitted to understanding me."

Jason laughed. "She's understood you since day one. She was learning what kind of man you were. But then again, you said she was hurt, so it is possible she was having some difficulty understanding you at first. Do you love her?"

"With all my heart," said Don without hesitation.

"How much longer do you have in the cove?"

Don thought about it for a moment. "Shit, I forgot all about that. Maybe three or four days. I'm not sure anymore."

"We have a place for you and her. It's on a beach with a small cove. That cove you're in now must be kept open for the next man who comes here with a broken heart. It may be another ten years, especially since Mr. Lee only likes to rent it to couples, but that is where they go, the mermaids, to find a mate. Yours, what did you say you call her?"


"Good name. You should know they mate for life. If she has a girl, it might be a mermaid. I don't know about if they have a son as the man who told me about the mermaids, had two daughters, both mermaids. To be honest with ya Don, I don't think they can bear sons. I mean, it would explain why they seek out human men, so they can procreate and keep their species alive. I'm sure Mrs. Lee told you about the naked women sightings they get here."

"Yeah," said Don as he took a drink, "she mentioned it."

"As far as I know, there has never been a sighting of mysterious naked men who have run into the sea and disappeared like the women do. Now, back to the man I mentioned earlier. It's possible your 'Angel' is one of his daughters, but there is no way in knowing. He died a few years back of a broken heart. He too made the same mistake I did and turned his back on his mermaid lover. They are powerful creatures, and I suspect they have some magical powers to entrap us, and make us fall in love with them. I dream of mine all the time, and I see her occasionally. She won't come near me though, and I can't say that I blame her. I was an ass to her.

"In a few days, I will come to your cove, and your Angel will hide from me. Don't worry, she'll be watching us. We'll move your things to your new home. First, we'll come to the village so you can return your rented wave runner and check out with Mr. Lee. I'll help you buy one for you to use that will be deducted from your first few paychecks. That night, she will come to you, and you must decide if you still want her to be in your life. If so, give her this." Jason handed Don a small box. "If she accepts this, she is yours for life. If she refuses, God help you. Just remember, she must have time in the water. She is, after all, a mermaid."

Jason finished his beer. "You'll start working for me on Monday. Make sure she understands you'll always come home. She'll follow you for the first week or so, then stop. She'll learn. When she has your child, let me know, and I'll give you some time off to be with her so she'll know you love her and your child. If you have any other questions or just want to talk, feel free to ask me over a beer and a sampler platter. Oh yeah, did you tip Ginger?"

"I gave her a twenty for the sampler and the beer," said Don.

"Good man," said Jason as he rose. "By the way, she's got no kids. But you'll always get great service."

Jason walked out of the bar, and Don looked at the box. He opened it and instantly understood why Jason gave it to him. He closed it, tucked it into his backpack, threw a five on the table, and left the bar. He walked to the dock and boarded his wave runner. He looked over and saw Jason sitting on the pier looking out. Don saw what he was sure was a woman with dark hair about a hundred yards away. He watched as she stared at Jason, then dove underwater and a rainbow fishtail flipped up and disappeared.

Don rode back to the cove. As he entered, he saw Angel jump out of the water, smiling. He waved as he rode to the beach and parked the wave runner. He waded out into the water and waited for Angel to swim to him. She was wearing the bikini top and he knew when she morphed back she'd be naked from the waist down. He carried her to the shoreline and waited for her legs to separate. Once she could stand, he set her down and she ran off and slipped on the bikini bottom and a pair of shorts that Don had bought her as he gathered his backpack. She kissed him as approached.

"Did you miss me Angel?" he asked.

She nodded and said, "Yes Don."

"Your speech is improving," he said. "Now, let's have dinner and talk. I have something to tell you."

They walked to the cabin arm in arm, fixed dinner, and as they ate, Don shared with Angel about his job transfer, and how he was being given a home on the beach that they could share, if she wanted to share her life with him. He explained how Jason would come to the cove in a few days and take him to their new home. Angel listened, but said nothing. When Don asked if she understood, she just shook her head yes, but said nothing. Don was worried he'd made a mistake, but he had presented her a lot to process. They didn't make love that night, and Don was even more worried.

The next morning, she indicated she was going to swim. They walked to the beach together; she stripped naked, kissed Don, ran into the surf and dove into the water. He watched her tail as she dove under the water and disappeared. She was gone the entire day and Don understood what she must have felt like when he was gone. He spent the day fishing and packing up their things. He knew Jason would be there in a day or two and he wanted to be ready to leave.

By sundown, Angel hadn't returned, and Don was worried. He lit a small bonfire with the last of the driftwood from the storm that brought Angel into his life. He watched the water roll onto the shore, and still, no sign of Angel. He walked to the shoreline and called out her name, but no response came. He walked back to the fire, sat in the sand, and stared into the flames. The sky grew darker and the fire grew smaller, when Don heard a noise. Quickly, he rose and walked down to the shore.

"DON!" yelled Angel.

"ANGEL!" he cried.

Soon he saw her blonde hair pop out of the water as she swam toward the shore. Don ran into the water and she swam into his arms. He kissed her in the water as she floated, then carried her to the shore. Once her legs formed, he set her down and she ran to her clothes and dressed. They walked back to the fire, put it out, and went into the hut. They made love that night and Don was sure that things would be fine.

Two days later, Jason came to the cove, and escorted Don to the new cove. Just as he said, Angel hid in the water, but Don was sure she was following them. Don returned the rented wave runner, and Jason helped him buy one for him to use. Jason took him to the cove where his new home waited. It was a much bigger cabin with two bedrooms and other modern conveniences that he would need for the times he'd need to work from home. Jason left and Don unpacked his things. At sundown, Don lit a bonfire with some driftwood he found on the beach when he heard Angel call him. He ran to the shore and carried Angel to their new home. She put on the sundress and blue bikini that Don first dressed her in the night the first made love and he led her to the fire. In his pocket was the box Jason gave him the day they swapped stories.

Don knelt down by Angel, took her hand, and said, "Angel. When I came to this place two weeks ago, I had a broken heart. Then I found you, lying on the beach, unconscious and hurt. I took you in, dressed you, and took care of you. I protected you to the best of my ability, and over the past two weeks, I found that every thought I had, was of you. I may have healed your head wound, but you healed me in a way I never thought was possible. Angel, I love you."

"Don," said Angel.

Don got on one knee, pulled the box from his pocket, took a deep breath, and said, "Angel, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Marry me Angel. Be my wife."

He opened the box and there was a ring. It looked like a silver mermaid with the tail as the band. In the center was a pearl. Angel's face lit up and she smiled. "Yes Don."

Don slipped the ring on Angel's finger, kissed her and said, "I love you."

Angel bit her lip, then said slowly, "I... love... you."

Tears fell down Don's cheeks as he kissed Angel and held her tight. They made love several times that night, and slept late the next morning. Don's boss sent the few items he wanted, sold and donated the rest, and took care of the lease on his apartment. After a few months, Angel did become pregnant and had a girl, who became a mermaid. Jason did allow Don the necessary time off to take care of his wife and new baby girl.

Don worked hard during the day, and was a dedicated father and husband at night. Angel learned to speak, and about once a month, she'd disappear for a day or two with their daughter and they always came back. Years later Angel explained that they were visiting her mermaid family and that they stayed until she couldn't bear to be away from him another moment, then would come home. Don understood why he couldn't join them, as he couldn't introduce her to his human family or friends. Jason shared with Don one day over beers and a sampler platter that his mermaid had started coming to him on the pier, and they were finally making peace. Don never gave Angel a reason to doubt his love for her and their mermaid child. During the day, the girls would play in the water, and at night, they would have a family dinner. Don never thought his life could change like it had, but he was forever grateful for the changes that occurred.

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OvercriticalOvercritical3 months ago

I can't imagine what this piece of nonsense is doing here. Mermaids! really? I know that Literotica is a place to put fantasy of all kinds, but this really belongs in Sci-Fi. The whole idea of posting the genre and the score is to prepare the reader for what he/she is getting into. I'd hardly call this Romance and the high rating suggests that this is a good story to spend a little time on. Let's bring it back to earth a bit with a well deserved 2* rating.

stewartbstewartb12 months ago

Loved the story ... xxx% better than any other mermaid story I have read on this site. Looking forward to more stories of the series.

OldbutboldOldbutboldabout 2 years ago

Never read anything like this before , but i hope there is more of this kind of story , it was well written and thought out definitely worth a score of 10 but as you know the best i can give is 5 so that is what i gave .

Thank you for taking the time to write this story for us your readers .

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Great fantasy/romance story

Really a fantasy story / beautiful romance.

I liked this chapter a lot.

I must admit that I find similarities with the film "1, 2, 3 Splash" with Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah.

I will continue reading the series, which I hope is in the same line as the first chapter.

5* for you.

I apologize for my English, is not my native language.

NymphWriterNymphWriterover 7 years agoAuthor
Series Order

RightBank... I asked Lit to change the title of the third story and asked they put it in the right order. While I wrote "Return" before "Joy's Birth", the order is now correct. For those who enjoyed "Cala de Sirena," "Joy's Birth" is the second story chronologically, followed by "The Return." I am working on more Cala stories but real life keeps getting in my way so once I can get some time and a good idea... I will post another one. Right now I'm trying to show Angel's world in the ocean.

Thank you all for your kind words and support.


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