Camera Buff - Exposed Ch. 01


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Lastly she stripped out of her bra, pulling it down to expose one breast at a time, before opening it up all the way. The lust I felt seeing her breasts again almost choked me. I had to step in close for just a moment to touch her breasts, almost as if to assure myself that they were really there, running my fingertips delicately across the adorable black mole just under her left areola. Her nipples tightened and grew at my touch.

"Hey," I said, "they look better a little harder."

"Suck them and they'll look even better."

She didn't have to ask twice. I bent over and suckled her nipples tenderly. I stepped back and now they were glistening hard with my saliva. I took several pictures as she climbed to the top of the dead tree. If anyone down at the beach had noticed the flashes of my camera, they'd have had a perfect view of her naked body right then.

When she got to the top of main arch of dead wood, she sat and stared at my camera with an expression so intense that I was afraid it might melt my lens.

She opened her legs and said, "I read somewhere that porn stars have 'fluffers'. Someone to suck their pussies to make them look their best."

"Oh, you need a little more fluffing, do you?" Her pussy was right at mouth level, so I stepped up wrapped my lips around hers and fluffed her good and proper. Holy shit, she tasted good. When I stepped back a minute later, her vagina was swollen and dripping wet. I took more photos of Rona's glory, as the setting sun filled the very air with magic. It was sinking below an amazing array of glowing clouds on the horizon, casting an orange halo around Rona's angelic body.

I took photos as she slipped a finger into her pussy and then sensuously licked the juice off of it. Right about then, I noticed a couple of surfer dudes way down on the beach pointing up at us. They started walking our way, but it was quite a distance, so we had time to take a few more pictures with the last bit of light rimming Rona's perfect body, before the sun finally was snuffed by the clouds.

Then I said, "We've been spotted. Let's bug out."

Rona looked, seeing the surfers approaching, "We should stay and let them fuck me while you take pictures."

For a second, I thought she meant it. And weirdly... the idea excited me. But Rona was only joking. She pulled on her pants and yellow T-shirt and stuffed her underwear in her pockets. As we ran back up the path, giggling, her breasts were bouncing around like crazy in her shirt. I couldn't look away, so I tripped and tumbled into one of the dunes.

She pulled me to my feet and said, "Keep your eyes on the road, mister."

I gave her tit a squeeze and said, "You make it so hard."

"I bet I do," she said, squeezing my erection. We heard the surfer dudes coming up the path so we ran the rest of the way to the car. When we got there she told me to get ready for another picture. I didn't know what she had in mind, but I lifted my camera to my eye.

The surfer dudes walked out into the parking lot. The second they saw Rona standing by her car, illuminated by a bright halogen light, they stopped. Rona winked at me so I started taking pictures. Rona lifted up her yellow shirt and gave the surfer dudes a nice long look at her naked breasts. My heart was racing. I had Rona and the dudes framed up nicely in the shot. Their expressions were priceless, as was the side-view of her beautiful tits. She turned toward me to take a few more shots with them ogling her in the background. Then she turned her back to them, dropped her pants, and bent over to let them see her ass and pussy. I was snapping away like crazy. The dudes were smiling and blushing. But then they took a step toward us, and Rona said, "Time to go!" We jumped in the car and peeled out before the dudes had a chance to get much closer.

"That was fun!" she said, laughing, as she drove us back into town. She saw me looking through the pictures on the little display on the camera, and said, "Nope! Hand them over." I took out the flash card, and she also took the one I'd put in my pocket and put it in hers. Damn!

She took us to the drive thru at the Dairy Bell to get some burgers. I was about 51 percent certain that she was my girlfriend now, so I figured I ought to act like it and pay for the food. Luckily I had just enough money in my wallet. She knew the girl at the window, a girl with pink hair and dragon tattoos on her arms named Sally. She looked familiar to me, but I couldn't place her. Rona didn't introduce us, even though they were obviously friends. Maybe I wasn't really her boyfriend after all.

As we were waiting for our order to come up, Rona gave me back the flash card for a moment and flashed her tits at me. Man... I could never tire of taking photos of those amazing tits of hers.

We ate as she drove over to the north side. It had been relatively easy for me to grab her tits, but I found it difficult to work up the courage to ask her the question I'd been dying to know. Was she my girlfriend, or not? But I just couldn't bring myself to ask, afraid the answer would be 'no'.

"So, who was that girl at the drive-thru? She looks familiar."

"Sally Nazarian. You probably know her. She dropped out a few months ago, right after she turned eighteen. She used to have black hair. You know... always dressed super conservative?"

"Yeah! I remember Sally! Wow! And now she has tattoos on he arms! No wonder I didn't recognize her!"

"People have their public selves and their secret selves. Sally just decided one day to make her secret self her public self. Pretty brave, if you ask me."

We'd scarfed down our burgers as she drove to a big electronic store. I followed her inside, wondering if she intended to flash a few more people, but instead, we went to the computer area. She said, "My computer doesn't have enough memory for all those pictures. I need to get a hard drive or something."

"What kind of computer do you have?"

She told me. It was a third rate brand of P.C. Not knowing much I suggested a large external hard drive. She was disappointed by the prices, but she finally picked the one that had the most memory for the least money. She was nervous as she paid with her credit card. As we were leaving she said, "I was worried they'd reject the charge. I'm a bit behind on my payments."

I wouldn't have thought Rona was strapped for cash. That was a bit of a surprise.

"I work part time over at the outlet stores, but most of my salary goes into the care and feeding of my car."

As we were about to leave the store, Rona's eyes opened wide and she suddenly pulled me aside and behind a display. We hid there as Sandra McQueen came into the store followed by a large group of friends. Sandra and Rona had been rivals from elementary school all the way up until the moment Sandra graduated last year. Not that they fought or anything. In fact, I'd only ever seen them be nice to each other, as if they were great friends. I didn't have any idea what their relationship was, but I could see the bad blood all over Rona's face as she watched Sandra disappear into the crowded store.

When we got to the car, Rona said, "Sorry. I just didn't want to talk to 'the Queen' right now."

Rona brooded in silence as she drove us into Playa Norte, which was the rattiest neighborhood in town. I started to realize that Rona's whole image as a rich kid was nothing but smoke and mirrors. She came to a stop in front of the dilapidated, two-story disaster zone she called home. It was shocked. Rona was poor? Her car wasn't new, but I'd figured it was a hand-me-down from an older sibling or something. But it was actually better than the crappy Junkers that were parked in the weedy yard.

Her house was just horrible. It looked like it hadn't been painted since the seventies. And the inside was just as bad as the outside. It was crammed full of shabby furniture, and piles of worthless junk, and stacks of old newspapers lining the walls from floor to ceiling. There weren't even any curtains in the windows, just bed sheets, which had been stapled to the crumbing window frames. The place reeked of bug spray.

Two lazy looking, twenty-something girls were lounging on the cruddy looking couch staring dumbly at a flickering old television. They were obviously twins. They looked a little like Rona, but with smaller breasts, and their auburn hair was pulled up in ponytails. They were dressed in ripped-up Black Sabbath T-shirts and jeans shorts. They looked angry and depressed, but quite sexy, in a slacker sort of way. They didn't even look up at Rona or me, but just stared at the TV, holding hands. She whispered to me, "My older sisters Tab and Tam".

Rona's mother came out of the kitchen, and looked slightly annoyed to see me standing there.

"Mom, this is my friend Louis. He's helping me with my homework."

Looking at Rona's mom was like looking at her worst possible future. Mrs. Barrett had all of Rona's physical features, but with about fifty extra pounds added, and the gravity of defeat pulling down every inch of her frame. She smiled a dull, pleasant smile, but there wasn't even a hint of Rona's vibrant personality in her at all. Still, Mrs. Barrett had the remains of beauty about her. If she dressed a little nicer and took some self-esteem classes, she'd probably have been quite a BBW. As it was, however, her very presence sucked the life out of the room, what little of it was there. She didn't offer me anything to drink or eat, but just stared at me, a wan smile on her faded face.

As we went upstairs Rona rolled her eyes, and muttered, "Sorry you had to meet the gorgon." She unlocked her bedroom door.

I was happy to see that Rona's room was an oasis of beauty in the flea-ridden house. It was colorfully decorated and filled with excitingly girlish stuff. I don't think I'd ever been in a girl's bedroom before, but this was exactly what I imagined they were like. It smelled of lotions and potions, which barely covered the faint odor of mildew.

The second we walked through the door she shut and locked it. We started kissing immediately. She pulled me down into the huge pile of stuffed animals that was covering her entire bed, causing them to cascade all around us. She stopped kissing me when she heard a thumping sound on the staircase, and sat up, holding her finger to her lips. The footsteps clumped by the door, continued down the hall until a door slammed shut.

"That was my father going to his 'office' to get plastered. He won't come out again tonight, so you don't have anything to be worried about."

"Worried about?"

"He likes to bully my boyfriends. Why do you think I don't have a regular boyfriend? He just chases them off."

"So..." I said, "Does that mean I should be afraid or shouldn't be afraid?"

Rona ignored my clumsy attempt to find out if I was her boyfriend or not. Instead, she excitedly opened up the hard drive box and started unwrapping the components. I helped hook it up to her ragged, out of date computer. Then she took out the flash cards and said, "Let's take a look at what we got!"

I helped her download the flashcards from the previous night and the ones from earlier in the day. She sat in my lap the whole time, her body vibrating with excitement. I'd taken a lot of pictures, so we passed the time making out. I ran my hand up her shirt as we kissed, to fondle her naked breast. Every time I touched her I was a little bit afraid she'd be offended, and every time I was thrilled to discover, once again, that I had a free pass to boob city. It was heaven!

When we had all the pictures copied, she said, "What about the video we took on your camcorder?"

I banged my forehead, "Dang! I forgot to bring the camera. We need to have that and a cable, to transfer it to the computer."

"That's okay. We'll look at those another day. I don't have any video editing software anyway."

I was actually a bit worried that her crappy old machine wouldn't even be able to view the pictures, but it worked okay if we didn't open too many at a time.

Looking at those pictures with Rona was insanely exciting. My hard-on was pressed up into her ass the whole time. We were both pleased with how nicely my primitive lighting job turned out. Her body... heck, both our bodies looked amazing. I'd been worried all night long that most of the pictures would be blurry, but thanks to our patience and willingness to take things slowly, they were mostly sharp and focused. Rona was thrilled beyond belief.

The first set of shots were the ones she'd taken of me disrobing and then masturbating for the camera. I was thrilled with how turned on she was by the shots of me. I wasn't that happy with my nerdy face, or scrawny chest, but even I had to agree that my seven-inch cock looked amazing, particularly with her hands and lips wrapped around it.

After Rona joined the photo shoot, the photos got even better. She was stunning, erotic, sensual and sweetly innocent, all at the same time. An absolute, fucking wet dream. She made love to the camera with her eyes, even as I was making love to her body.

There were also several small movies that I made with the camera's movie mode. They were low res, but thrilling to watch. The first movie showed my fingers touching Rona's vagina. Rona was so turned on looking at this movie that she started rubbing her crotch. But a second into it, she stopped the movie and said, "Make a movie of us watching the movie."

I loved the way she thought! I hopped up and went to work. Then I realized I'd foolishly forgotten to bring a tripod. But there was a lighting stand in the flash kit that made a good substitution. Once I had the camera pointed at us, she sat in my lap and started rubbing her crotch again as I played the movie. I reached up to fondle her tit again, pushing her yellow shirt up, to expose her breast for the camera. She moaned as I pinched and played with her nipples. We did that for a while, watching the rest of the movie in which I went down on her for the first time, giving her a screaming orgasm.

"You tasted amazing, Rona."

After that we looked at the pictures and movies of her giving me my first blowjob.

"You tasted amazing too, Louis."

As we looked, she stood up and leaned forward on her computer table, presenting her ass to me. I stood up behind her and, looking over her shoulder at the monitor, began to grind my hard-on into her ass.

Then, feeling bold, I reached around and unbuttoned her pants and lowered the waistband halfway down her thighs. She hadn't put her underwear on after the beach shoot, so moments later I was looking at her glistening slit. I did what comes natural in that kind of situation. I dropped my pants.

I took my throbbing cock in hand and placed the head right between her beautiful pussy lips. Then I said, "Shit. I forgot. I haven't had a chance to buy condoms yet."

"Don't worry about it. I'm on the pill."

"Really? You had me wear a condom last night."

"Yeah, I forgot to take my pill a few days ago. That fucks things up for a day or two, so I was just trying to be safe. Well? What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?" She giggled then groaned as I slid my cock into her pussy. I felt like the king of the world. I'd been worrying all day that she'd never want me to do this again, but here I was, fucking Rona Barrett again, and without a condom even. I looked over her shoulders at the movie she was watching. In it I was fucking her tits. I couldn't believe it. I was fucking her while watching myself fuck her. Does it get any better than this? I slammed into her faster and faster, matching my speed in the movie, watching her beautiful tits bounce and quiver around my cock, as I slid my cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy. Then, in the movie, I began to cum. Jets of semen shot out between her tits, splashing her face with white drops.

"Fuck, Louis. Look at that!"

Then she looked through the close-ups I'd taken of my cum on her tits and face, and it pushed me right over the edge. I grunted and started slamming my cock into her pussy with a vengeance.

"Oh you like that, do you? You like cumming on me?"


"In that case..."

Rona pulled off me and turned, kneeling and pulling her shirt up just as I started cumming. I jerked jets of white across her perfect tits, thrilled with the knowledge that the camera was taking a movie of the whole thing. I looked down in wonder as Rona laughed and giggled, and I shot one last blast, catching her right on the nipple.

She said, "Get the camera."

I got the camera, but I left it in movie mode and just got in closer to make a video of her sucking the cum off my softening cock. Then, looking up with innocent eyes at the camera, she spread my cum all over her tits. "I hear this is good for the skin." But after rubbing it in for a minute, it began to form into little globs. She giggled, and grabbed a towel to wipe the residue off.

When she was done, she said, "Thanks, sweetie. Now lets look at the rest of the pictures."

We pulled up our pants and she sat in my lap again. I was about as happy as I'd ever been in my life. We panted while looking through the rest of the previous day's shots. They were so fucking insanely hot that within minutes my cock was raging hard again. I stuck my hand down her pants and started rubbing her pussy. We did that through the final sex shots of the previous night, at the end of which I rubbed her pussy long enough to give her a vibrating orgasm in my lap. She covered her mouth to keep from being too loud, since her dad might not be asleep yet.

After that, we looked at the beach photos. They looked better than any of the previous pictures. Rona was stunned. "Holy, shit, Louis. I thought that would be a good location... but I really had no idea. These are... they're professional! I look fucking amazing! A fucking rock star! How did you get the balance on the flash so perfect?"

"Practice, I guess. Mr. Hanners is a good teacher"."

"Goddamn it, Louis... you're amazing. I'm so glad you're my guy."

I grinned. I'm her guy. Is that the same thing as being a boyfriend? Does that mean she loves me?

Rona hugged me again and said, "I need to get some sort of editing software. I want to edit that movie we made last night."

"Okay... but your computer can't possibly handle it. Mine can, though. We could do it over at my place tomorrow. You can bring your hard drive, and we can work on it together."

She smiled wickedly and said, "Nice try. I'm keeping these photos in my control. At least until I know for sure that I can trust you."

"You can trust me."

She smiled. "That's what my father told my mother before he ruined her life. And the thing is, he loves her like crazy. Love doesn't stop people from doing stupid things, or being assholes. No, these pictures are mine and that's that. I'm not letting them out of my control. I'll just have to figure out some way of making enough money to buy a new computer."

"Okay. Whatever you want Rona."

"What I want, Louis Blackburn, is to do another photo session tonight. Right here. And it will involve fucking. You okay with that?"

I gulped, filled with excitement, but a little dread. "Yeah... but... there are a lot of people in this house. That door of yours looks pretty thin."

"I know. It's weird... but I've had sex in here five or six times and nobody has said a thing. I don't think they care what I do. You should hear my sisters going at it sometimes. "

"They have boyfriends?"

"No, with each other."

I laughed. But Rona said, "No, seriously. They're lovers. Fucked up house I live in, huh? Anyway, don't worry, by now my dad's too drunk to hear us."

I had no idea if Rona was pulling my leg or not about her sisters being lovers. But if it was a lie, it was a pretty weird lie to tell.