Carla Rodgers, Sex Therapist


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"Yes, don't tell her or anyone else that, Alan. It's frowned upon...Do you like my body, Alan?"

"Yes, it's beautiful."

"I like playing with your cock. I want to see if I can get it hard." She started stroking it and opened her legs so I could cup her pussy.

Slowly, so slowly I started to get hard.

"Excellent, I think we're making progress, Alan. Would you like to kiss me?"


"Then do."

I leaned over to kiss her. Her mouth was open and her full lips covered mine in a soft long kiss, the tips of our tongues touching lightly.

She was stroking my cock harder and it was responding, almost hard.

"Let me lie on my back, Alan."

I moved so she could.

"Now straddle me and move up, so your cock is between my boobs."

I did. Then she reached out and began stroking it harder, pulling it down to her breasts. "Want to fuck my titties, Alan?"

"Yes ma'am"

"So formal. I like it, Alan. Now I want you to fuck my titties for a while until you are well on your way. You'll know when you're close."

"Yes, I'll know."

She pushed her soft breasts around my cock. I held on to the edges of the raised leaf and I started fucking her tits, almost reaching her chin on the up-stroke. Her silken soft flesh made me harder than I've been in weeks.

"I like the expression on your face, Alan, I think you are enjoying this."

"I'm getting close, Carla"

"OK honey. Now grab your cock and jerk yourself off on me. I want you to cum on me. Let her go. My face, titties, all over, Spunk on me, Alan."

I was caught up in the moment. I straightened up and jerked myself with abandon until I felt my cum rising and I was on my way, on my way, and I could feel it rushing until it broke out and I squirted on her face and breasts, spurt after spurt, and the pleasure was so incredibly intense. I was groaning and gasping and my buttocks were flexing and thrusting forward on their own with each spurt. I didn't want to stop stroking so I just kept it up until I was completely spent.

"Oh wow, Alan, I'm impressed," she said. "That was nice." She had a kleenex to wipe the cum from her face and her breasts.

I sank down beside her. She shifted to face me and kissed me, moving her body against mine.

"Just lie here for a little while, Alan."

"What about all the cum?"

"Don't worry about that. I got most of it and it's sort of like lotion for me. Good for the skin, I think." She was stroking my back and legs. "I think we are done for the day but we are making excellent progress, Alan, and next time I want you to finish the story of your first time with your mom. Are you OK with that?"

"OK. I'll think some more and make sure I have it right. The details, and all."

We stayed that way for a minute or so, just looking at each other and touching. Then she said, "Let's get dressed, Alan."

So we got up and I got dressed. She went to a coat closet and got a robe and put that on.

At the door she kissed me. "That was lovely. Next time will be even better. That will be Tuesday. THE DAY, Alan. Same time?"

"See you then. Thanks, Carla."

"You're welcome, Alan. See you soon."

She closed the door and I floated down the hall, down the stairs and to my car, relaxed and sure I was going to be OK.

That evening with mom was quiet and nice. I felt better, thinking I will get over this and be back with her so I was more affectionate. She was a little tentative, not wanting to spook me or be demanding. I was taking Carla's advice. Just looking at mom as a new person. Listening to her.

We had finished dinner and were watching TV again, this time a legal drama and something about the plot reminded her of her lousy client. She started telling me some details of his sex habits.

"This is all confidential, Alan, so don't say anything."

She told me about his practices that he inflicted on her client, things she described as "personal indignities," but just made him sound to me like a kinky fucker.

"I'm so confident if we get past this we will be fine. I don't want you to be like that man. Alan, that would be a horrible mistake. Be a generous lover. It will make your own pleasure better. Trust me."

"We're going to get past it, mom, Carla says she can already see a way. And sooner rather than later." I was getting hard. Mom felt it.

"Green shoots," she said, smiling. I laughed.

"I'm going to fuck you again, mom. I promise."

"I know you will, baby. I can hardly wait."

We sat and watched some more TV, sitting on the couch. She had her hand over my cock and I had my hand on her breast. Gradually her hand went under my shorts until she was holding it, stroking and squeezing it and I had moved my hand under her blouse and was cupping her breast. After the news we went upstairs to bed and at my bedroom door she kissed me.

"That was nice, Alan. Sitting with you, watching TV together like that. Same message, honey. If you change your mind please come to my bed."

"I will, mom. I'm just not quite there, yet.

"Don't worry or rush it, that's OK. You know where to find me. Good night, Alan."

I went into my room and got undressed. Again I was asleep almost as soon as I was under the covers.

On the 14th I went to Carla's office. She met me in the reception room and we walked down the corridor to her office. Today it was black slacks and a black sweater. She sure looked good in those slacks, the fabric hugging her ass, clinging to it like it was painted on, her runner's cheeks shifting from side to side as we walked.

"So, Alan," she said, once we were in her office. She shut the door and locked it, turning around to face me, her back against the door. "How has it gone since last time? Any changes?"

I told her about what I thought was my progress and mom's eagerness to resume.

"Carla, I think I'm almost there. Almost. But I need a change in I'm not sure what. Not a mood, not an attitude. Not desire. Nothing like those. Sort of like a change in mental climate is the best way I can think to describe it. A change in that."

"I know just what you are talking about, Alan," she said as she walked over to me and put her arms around my neck. "That Chakra I mentioned the other day. Well, today I want you to fuck me, Alan. Full frontal therapy, I call it. We've got to release that energy. You up for that?" She pressed herself against me, her pussy against my pants, rubbing side to side and pressing her breasts against me.

"What if I can't get it up?"

"Shhh. Why don't you take my clothes off?"

So I took off her sweater and pushed her slacks down. She had kicked off her heels to help me and there she was in bra and panties.

"Now your turn."

I got rid of my shirt, undershirt and pants, shoes and socks, until I was standing there in my shorts, sporting half a hard-on.

She reached around to unclip her bra, letting it fall, then pushed her panties down. She gave my shorts a hard tug, pulling them down to my knees and then pushed them down the rest of the way with her foot. I stepped out of them.

She stepped up to me and hugged me. Her hands seemed to be moving all over me--on my back and sides, and my cock that now was almost completely hard.

"Let's go lie down, honey," she said,. We walked over to the couch and lay down. This time the leaf was flat.

"Now tell me about what happened after the restaurant."

"We went home. I could feel the tension between us. We were talking about this and that but it was just nervous chatter. I thought we both felt it. She told me later she felt the same way. We had had quite a lot of wine at the restaurant and when we got home we had some more. I wasn't drunk but the inhibitions were off, you know? And they were for her, too. We opened another bottle in the kitchen and she poured ourselves a glass and then we went into the living room and she asked me to dance some more.

She said to me, "It was so wonderful at the club, Alan, and now here we are alone at home." Carla leaned closer to kiss me. "This sounds so hot, Alan. I mean it must have been a little frightening for you when there was clearly no obstacle for you. She was saying yes, yes, I want to."

"It was, and I was just in the scene, you know? Like the current in a river, just flowing and carrying me along."

"And you liked the ride."

"I sure did. And then I was kissing her and touching her breasts and pulling her bottom against me. No resistance from her. None. I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out.."

Mom asked, "Right here?"

"I didn't answer, just pushed her to the wall. Her arms were around my neck. I reached under her dress and pulled her panties to one side and got my cock at her opening. Then pushed in. I pulled her against me and she wrapped her legs around me and I fucked her right there, against the wall, fucking her really hard and fast and as deep as I could, and she was saying 'O honey, yes.' I can't remember if I was saying anything to her or not or if she was saying anything. I just can't remember."

"Of course you couldn't were caught up in the moment."

"All I could think of was the feel of her body and her pussy holding me and being aware of her passion. I just sort of exploded into her, the hardest I can remember, not slowing down but I wasn't satisfied so I let her down and pulled her after me up the stairs to her room and almost tore her clothes off and mine too and we were on the bed. I was still hard and I got my cock into her again as soon as I could and fucked her as hard as I could. We were fucking each other furiously all night long."

"Such a passionate lover, Alan."

"She was having orgasms over and over, saying `yes yes Alan' and moaning as her pleasure overcame her. It was something. And that went on for weeks with no let up. Every day. Very intense until suddenly I stopped. I don't know why. I just couldn't anymore."

Carla got up and began walking back and forth. "This is remarkable, Alan...God, sometimes I wish I hadn't stopped smoking... Let me explain something to you. When I wanted you to titty fuck me what I wanted, in addition to liking having a man do that, was to get you to be public, not in darkness or shadow, but right there where I could see you. I wanted to see you erect and hot and out of control, see the expression on your face when your orgasm swept over you and you came. There you were, exposed. I think that is what you are now afraid of with your mom. Being what you imagine. Letting her see the real you, this primal thing, this fucking machine, this creature consumed with lust. The way you are in your imagination when you are jacking yourself and thinking of her and you are afraid she shouldn't see you like that."

"I would have been mortified if she had walked in on me."

Her hands were shaping her ideas in front of her as she was walking back and forth. "And the other thing is, Alan, I think what's happened is that suddenly you got to fulfill a fantasy that night. You got to fuck your mom, something you had been dreaming about. But you don't think you should have and you also think it is not quite real yet. You are unconvinced that you are man enough to make this a real and actual state of affairs between the two of you. I don't think it is something you don't want. I think you have doubts that this could be a permanent state of affairs. That you can function as her steady lover. Someone who gets to fuck her whenever you want, which is all the time, and you don't think you should because she is your mom."

"I don't understand how I can think both things at once."

"We have to get you over this transitional crossing of the river where you are now-- this crossing from kid-dom where you say your fantasies shouldn't really be happening and they aren't really real-- safely to the other side, to the welcoming shore in the land of adult, active male sexuality, but grounded in reality, the land where you lead with your cock, with that real member, that very assertive, very real thing you have between your legs."

I'm not sure I understood all that but boy she looked good, animated like that, and her full tits swaying as she was striding back and forth. The line going from the top of her shoulders down her back to the lovely curve of her bottom and down her legs looked like something an artist would draw. And I liked the up-front way she talked. I mean, you don't usually hear a woman talking this casually about pussy and cocks and fucking. You just don't. Not even in my crowd of college guys.

"You are a 19 year old kid, if you don't mind the expression. All young men have to make this transition. I'm here to speed up a process that might take years if you just go at a normal rate with fits and starts, wrecked relationships, disastrous one-night stands. And you have this wonderful, beckoning partner to help you, whom you trust and love and just happens to be your mom. Do you see what I'm getting at, Alan?"

Looking at her pretty pussy, her dark patch, that garden of earthly delights, I was starting to get hard.

"You also have to get over all the crap that's been put in your head by this stupid society about sex. They get upset about everything, they get upset with teens fucking teens, with older people fucking as if that is somehow also inappropriate, with older men having sex with young women. Or the other way around. `She's young enough to be his daughter.' So what? They are adults, they can do what they want. Who cares? Why should anyone care? It just drives me nuts. And then the mom/son thing. Awful. Why? If both are adults and they want to, why not? They are robbing you. Get comfortable with your animal nature, Alan. Do that first. You love your mom. Fine. You also like fucking her. That's fine too. We just have to get past your feeling bad about it. Just because she's your mom. This therapy is to encourage you to express your sexuality in front of other people, namely me. To be open with me. That is why I wanted you to jerk yourself in front of me. See? You exposed yourself in front of me, your secret passions, and they weren't mocked or rejected. It was liberating, wasn't it?

"Yes, it was,"

"Why do you feel so guilty about your sexuality. It's your great gift to yourself and women. So why withhold your favors. Isn't that selfish?"

"You make it sound like I would be some kind of bad son or be going against my nature if I don't go back to fucking her."

"That is exactly what I'm saying. I want you to realize that you want to, and then, yes, I want you to go back to fucking her. I don't want you to be a bad son to your mom who is trying to help you. And she wants to get laid herself, of course."

Carla was walking back and forth even faster.

"You just have to realize that you are doing so much more than acting out a fantasy. That's why you feel bad. Like you are being dishonest to be doing something that was supposed to be confined to dreaming about and jerking off to. Well, it is ok to want to do it and you have done it. As a matter of fact. Something that it is more than OK to do and has happened. Once you process that you will be fine. Launched as an adult."

I was beginning to see what she was talking about.

"So don't let fear cause you to withhold yourself from granting the pleasure that it is in your power to bestow on others. You're in a want-to--can't-do-it-want-to-can't-do-it loop. Just realize that, Alan. The `want to' is what you want. The `can't do it' is what society says. So we have to break that loop."

Alright, I thought. Maybe I can do this.

She came back over to me on the couch and lay down next to me. "You just need to think about this from a different point of view. There's nothing wrong with you. It's just an inner hitch we need to straighten out and that's what we are doing. We're going to fix that. And I thought your story was wonderful, Alan. I love your mom."

By now I was completely hard. Carla had reached down and was stroking my cock. "Put that thing in me, Alan. Get real with me, honey."

I rolled her on her back and put my cock in her, not gently, but thrust into her and began fucking.

"Oh Yes! So nice, Alan. Do it to me."

I was fucking her in long slow strokes.

"Show me what you have learned. Show me what you want to do to your mom."

I started to stroke harder, concentrating on her wet sheath holding and caressing my cock as I plunged in and out of her.

"O god, yes, Alan, show me how you are going to act..."

I was slamming my cock into her, hearing the slap slap sound of our bellies as she rose to meet my thrusts.

"once you get back..."

I was kissing her mouth, then her neck.

"in her saddle..."

I reached down to squeeze her tits, pulling her nipples,

"how you are going to give her..."

I slipped one hand down to her butt.

"the hot fucking..."

I pushed my middle finger in her small hole.

she deserves."

I was ramming her pussy as hard as I could and fucking her butt with my finger, pushing it in all the way.

"Ohh yes, Alan...O my god..."

She was rubbing my back and bottom, pulling me into her with each thrust.

"Take your pleasure, baby."

I could feel my orgasm building.

"Gonna cum, Carla..."

"Let me have it, honey."

"Here it comes..."

"That's it....that's close..."

"I'm gonna cum, Carla..."

"Shoot, baby!"

And I did, pumping shot after shot in her hot wet pussy and at the same time I heard a moan rise, coming from deep inside her, growing louder and louder and then her hands spasming on my back and her whole body shuddering as she reached her climax. "Oooooooo, Alan..." She was lifting her hips off the couch, moving them back and forth, her pussy holding on to my cock, milking it.

"Wow," she said.

"Carla!" I said.

I lay on top of her for a minute, both of us resting, and then I moved off so we were side by side.

"Did I cum hard or what...You've got it, Alan. Real, hard talent, awesome potential, and you are going to realize it with your mom."

"I'm glad you think so. I really am. You've helped me a lot."

I meant that completely. I didn't feel shy anymore with Carla and knew that I could transfer that to mom. Tonight.

She laughed. "I'd like to reinforce this with another round but I want you to save some for you mom, Alan, because tonight's the night for you two."

"I think I'm ready."

"I think so too. Let's get dressed."

We made a follow up appointment for the 17th but I knew that would just be a reporting session. Her sex therapy with me was done and I was looking forward to telling her about how mom and I were back together.

I stopped at the market deli and got a lasagna, garlic bread, some wine and went home.

Mom got home at seven, this time carrying her briefcase. She set it down outside the closet, took off her coat and came into the kitchen. She looked harried.

She kissed me. "Sorry to bring work home, Alan, but this's driving me crazy. Let me freshen up." She went upstairs to change and shower.

The lasagna was in the oven and would be ready in 45 minutes.

At the sound of her voice I felt my cock twitch and start to rise. I had changed to sweat pants and no underwear. And a sweatshirt, no t-shirt. I felt a sexual storm stirring, gathering itself at my center. I felt calm. Assured. Anxious for her to come downstairs.

I poured her a double shot of bourbon straight. I didn't need anything myself.

I heard her bedroom door close and then the sound of her feet coming downstairs. There she was, looking refreshed, in her pajamas, robe and slippers. I thought I could see her breasts move as she walked over to me. I hoped that meant no bra. I took her in my arms and kissed her. She melted into me and I could feel my cock on the rise.

"I thought you might like a drink. Something to relax."

"Thanks, honey." She took it and drained the glass in two long gulps, then shivered and stomped her feet. "O yes. That's what I needed. Thanks. What are we having?"