Casualty of Chance Ch. 01


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Looking pensively over at the men's late model Malibu, Kelli watched as it started up and waited to see them drive away, and out of her life. The running car continued to idle there however. The tinted windows preventing her from seeing inside, Kelli gulped when she saw the passenger window suddenly roll down and the bigger man she'd run into in front of the store extending his hand out the window and give her a waving gesture to go ahead and leave first.

Kelli struggled to raise her hand towards the ignition as both men patiently waited for her next move. On some visceral level Kelli understood what she'd do next would change her future, if not how she viewed her very self.

Again the men waved her on but Kelli continued to sit there, unable to close her hand around the gear shift and drop it into drive. Watching the men's Malibu finally ease away from the pump and towards the main road, Kelli felt an eerie wave sweep through her body, like a thief slipping out during the dead of night, her rational soul somehow escaping her body in that one blinding moment of weakness.

She pulled right out behind them.


Rico Smith and Gerald Cranston were both in their early 30's working as salesmen for a large Midwestern food distributor. They'd been friends since high school in Tulsa where they played football together and after college had landed jobs working different routes for the same company. Every month their travels would have them crossing paths in St. Louis and they used the opportunity to spend a day or two hanging out, maybe catching a Cardinal game during the Summer if they were having a home stand, but mainly just bonding like friends do that don't get to see each other that often.

Rico and Gerald were both married but that mattered little when they got together. They'd picked up plenty of women at bars over the years together, even met a few in person that they'd hooked up with on the internet, but never before had either one of them ever propositioned a complete stranger in broad daylight, going about her daily routine, the way Rico had the redheaded nurse in the gas station parking lot that morning.

Even though Gerald was much taller than his friend, and weighed nearly 100 pounds more, he was way more shy, a gentle giant of a man really who would have never had the chutzpah to walk up to a random woman in a completely sober environment, with witnesses, and make a blatant play for her.

"You really reached inside her car and grabbed her tit...what did she say?" Gerald laughed incredulously to Rico after he told him what he did.

"Nothing...just sat there blushing a little," Rico replied, scanning the horizon ahead for which restaurant they'd stop at for breakfast.

Gerald continued to chuckle at Rico's nonchalance, a trait he'd marveled at since he'd befriended him way back as teenagers. Gerald's hearty laughter dissipated however when he happened to look in the side-view mirror and saw the woman's Outback pull out of the parking lot behind them. He kept silent for the moment but couldn't resist reaching over and tapping Rico on the arm to make him look up in the rear view when he noticed the woman didn't merge back on the interstate like most of the other cars. The rail thin married nurse was still following them.

Despite the rumbling in his belly for breakfast and the fact the closest restaurant was still a few blocks up the road, on a lark Rico decided to pull into the parking lot of the motel he and Gerald had a room at.


Kelli pulled out of the gas station parking lot with every intention of driving the 3/10's of a mile up to the Interstate junction to start the 20 minute drive home. Her Husband was well into his day at the office, her oldest Daughter was away at college, most likely in her 9am English class and her youngest Daughter was probably in her 2nd period civics class. The house would be empty but at that moment all Kelli wanted to do was crawl into bed, pull the covers over her head and disappear from the world for awhile.

Easing up the road, directly behind the two black men in the Malibu, Kelli stared intently at the large green exit sign on her right that showed the way home. In her mind she even envisioned herself hitting her turn signal and making the merge into the traffic going out of town. For whatever reason, her hands didn't cooperate however and her Subaru Outback continued straight on, passing the exit ramp.

Whether it was her seemingly hypnotized judgment from all the long hours at work or simply the sopping wet rumble between her thighs, an entity Kelli hadn't ever faced was now driving her car. Ever since she'd been a small child, she'd always done the right thing, the prudent thing, the selfless thing, but at 9:23 am that non-descript Thursday morning, something much darker, more selfish and hungering was at the wheel.


"All the beige in the room...EKK," Kelli found herself thinking, her focus strangely on the decor of the barely two star accommodations surrounding her.

The surroundings were about the only thing Kelli could lose herself in to draw her attention away from what was about to happen. And it was completely of her own making. She could have started her car at any point and drove away before the man approached her. She didn't even have to roll her window down to talk to him when he walked up to her door. And she certainly didn't have to pull out behind those two men and follow them up the road to the motel they were staying at. But each time she did and now she found herself standing in the center of a dimly lit room, between two unmade beds, surrounded by those same two men.

A sliver of mid-morning sunlight creeping through the half opened curtains was all the light in the room as Kelli stood there wringing her hands, the coolness of her gold wedding band rubbing hard against the skin of her intertwined fingers as she waited for the sharks circling around her to decide her fate.

There had barely been a word spoken between the three when Kelli pulled her car into the back lot of the motel beside their's. Nothing really needed to be said, the implication of her following them after such a crude and blunt offer was clear. It was a good thing for Kelli that her actions spoke so clearly because God knows she'd never be able to find the words to explain what she was about to do. From the gleam in the men's hungry eyes however, it was clear they understood fully.

Kelli shouldn't have been shocked when she felt the larger of the two men wrap his right hand around her waist, but she still jumped when his massive chest brushed up against the back of her head. The smaller of the men, the one that had actually walked up to her door and propositioned her at the gas station, stood directly in front of her about four feet away, watching intently as his friend's arm wrapped around Kelli from behind. Absorbing the weight of the man's icy, poker faced stare, Kelli was sure she could see just a hint of satisfaction in his gaze as he sized up her moral weakness and physical need.

The man behind her then reached around her with his left arm, making her feel very small in his bear-like clutches. When she looked down, Kelli could see that his left hand was massaging her's and she was sure she could feel his gaze peering down over her left shoulder, staring at the wedding ring on her finger.

Whether it was her brain's way of trying to protect her or simply that her synapses were completely fried, when Kelli tried looking down at the ring that had been on her finger for nearly 23 years, in that instant she couldn't remember what her Husband or her kids even looked like. She didn't get too long to contemplate her mental frailties however when the man behind her lowered his right hand off her waist and down to the center of her crotch.

Kelli's mouth shot open and a whooshing gush of air left her throat when she felt the man's huge hand envelope the front of her pants. The scant amount of light that was filtering into the room seemed to swirl and bend as the man's five fingers began pawing at her crotch. Every inch of Kelli's skin filled with goosebumps when she felt the man's breath cascade down on the top of her head each time he exhaled.

The man standing in front of Kelli turned into nothing more than a 6 foot tall blur as the hand on her crotch intensified it's grip. A series of low 'ahhhs' bristled from her lips and she began kneaded her feet into the carpet below, looking almost like a sleepy cat preparing it's bedding. Kelli could also feel the man's groin pressing against the dead center of her back and the hard, radiating warmth protruding from it was evident through the material of her top.

Her body seemingly encased now by the 290 pound man she'd first plowed smack into the gas station's parking lot, Kelli knew she couldn't move even if she wanted to. Her heels tilting off the floor each time his fingertips grazed over the V of her crotch, Kelli swore her two feet levitated when she felt the man's right hand slip under the elastic band of her pants and sink inside the soaked front of her pink panties. Kelli could also feel the man's soft lips caressing the exposed skin of the back of her neck as the muscles in his huge arms constricted around her.

"OOOHHHH," Kelli twisted and turned in the hulking man's embrace, feeling all five of his fingers now scouring their way through the curly red pelt of her pubic hair before dipping one at a time into the soupy and humid fissure of her cunt.

"UUHHAAAHHHH," she shuddered, embarrassed beyond belief that this complete stranger could feel the squishy wetness of her obvious arousal but still supremely thankful that someone was finally attending to the aching burn that had been permeating her loins ever since she'd first been approached a half hour earlier.

The man in front of Kelli just stood there watching as his friend had his way with her, periodically squeezing his own erect cock through his pants as he admired the way Kelli's tiny body trembled and lurched.

Kelli had no clue what would happen next. She hadn't been felt up like that since maybe college, and that was at the hands of her Husband-to-be. It hadn't took long for the marital routine to take hold once their kids were born, the rare times they did have it, sex had basically become a paint by numbers exercise in monotony. To have a total stranger's hand down her pants, freely exploring her vulva as if it was property of his own sent a vicious shiver down Kelli's spine. Her legs were already turning to jello, Kelli prayed the surreal fog of the moment would distance herself from actually admitting she'd succumb so easily to her lust. Any hopes of separating the emotional ties of the encounter from the sheer physical sensation was erased in an instant however when the man behind her made his right hand into a crude grappling hook and folded his four fingers as one into Kelli's soaked vagina.

Leaving his thumb exposed to repeatedly tap down on her enlarged clitoris, the man holding Kelli savored the enjoyment of having the ultra petite married woman quivering in his arms.

In its simplest form Kelli understood she'd come to that motel room for a no-strings, anonymous sexual encounter. It was a meltdown of her moral core she knew she'd have to live with until her dying day, still there she was with a complete stranger's hand down her pants, while his friend intently looked on.

The men could have been black or white, yellow, red or green for that matter, it didn't change the fact Kelli was about to break the sacred bond of her marital vows. The fact that the men were black did strike a primal chord within her however. She'd often wondered about some of the girls she went to high school and college with who gravitated towards black men, as far as how different the sex looked or felt, especially how striking it might look with a woman as pale as she was joined with a dark skinned man. There had also been plenty of nurses she worked with over the years that preferred black men as well and over time all those curiosities had left quite a catalogue of visual images in Kelli's head, along with the multitude of other kinky things she'd imagined, but knew she'd never do.

Yet, there she was in a cheap motel that she'd passed dozens of times while stopping at that gas station to fill up, sandwiched between two men who were about to use her in ways she couldn't fathom.

There was an inherent assumption when a man put his hand down a woman's pants, it was the equivalent of getting to 3rd base, essentially foreplay for the main course that was to come. The sheer strength and insistence of the man's meathook of a grip wedged between her thighs caused Kelli's teeth to rattle in her head and her eyeballs to bounce in their sockets each time he wrenched it upwards inside her pussy. Kelli could feel his grunts against the back of her neck and to her everlasting shock, she realized both her feet were in fact dangling several inches off the floor. The man's bearhug was so powerful, he was literally holding her like a ragdoll in midair with his left arm while he pillaged her pussy with his right. Suddenly Kelli realized what he was doing was a whole lot more involved than mere foreplay.

Her arousal already soaking the crotch of her panties, Kelli could feel the moisture leaking down each of her thighs as wave after wave of her pungent dew splashed over the man's embedded hand.

Helpless as she writhed between the man's interlocked arms, the force of gravity caused Kelli's entire weight to press down on the hand tearing at her pussy. Tiny explosions began to ripple from temple to temple inside Kelli's head and her feet began to flop and flail above the floor as the man's fingertips gouged at places inside her she was sure had never been touched. The only thing Kelli could do was bite down on her lower lip and try to dig the heels of her shoes into the man's calves. Pressing the back of her head hard against the man's barrel chest, Kelli could feel every carnal vibration of the man's four digits as they scoured her delicate but burning sex.

The increasing force and velocity of it all was too much for Kelli, or any woman for that matter, to take and she came right there in his arms with his entire hand shoved all the way down her pants.

Having orgasms with her Husband had always been an exercise of buildup then release and after doing it with him for so many years (and on the rare occasion with herself), cumming had almost become a roadmap for Kelli where she could consistently pick off the 'landmarks' until her eventual release. What was happening to Kelli now was completely different. With each breath she took or shot of blood that raced through her system, she had no clue what physical sensation or mental hurdle was around the next corner, and the complicated mixture of all those emotions created an orgasm unlike anything Kelli had ever experienced. She had the appearence of a woman swaying from the edge of a cliff, praying she wouldn't fall as aftershock after violent aftershock swept through her heaving frame.

Nearly a minute after he'd brutally made her cum, the man behind her finally sat Kelli back down on the floor. The instant her soles hit the ground however, it felt as if her feet were sinking into the carpet. Kelli's legs had jellied to the point where there was no way she could stand on her own. It didn't take long before she crumpled to her knees right between the two men standing above her, who simply looked down at the married woman at their feet in deep contemplation.

When Kelli was able to tilt her head up to take in a couple of fresh breaths, the raccoon like marbles of her expanded pupils locked on the eyes of the man who'd originally propositioned her back at the gas station.

"Unzip my pants," he told Kelli with measured and stoic ease when he knew he had her attention. "You tried so hard not to look at it when we were back at the parking lot...go ahead...unzip it and pull my dick out."

Kelli's pale face had now turned every shade of red but a few seconds later after pressing her knees hard into the carpet to steady herself, she did in fact raise her trembling hands towards the crotch of the man's trousers. She knew right then this was about to turn into the longest day of her life...

Part 2 to come

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Crazy, wild, dangerous story, next part... I'm a thin reed, a 5'4", blonde and on a fat day 105. I've been with a few tall, muscular men that easily manhandled and dominated me sexually but getting several fingers forced into me is no joy. In college I went out with a black student for several months, he was a very patient lover, watching his hard black shaft disappear into me was worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

oh yes

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Wonderfully slow and sexy. Great work.

Darla7000Darla7000over 11 years ago
Made me so wet

Very well-written and so exciting ! I could so easily put myself into Kelli's place. And now I'm going to try to continue with the rest of the story - if I can make it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
This may be real life but if so is of low class

criminals and a mentally ill woman. So much for erotic.

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