Cathy & Jason

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Two people and a sordid tale from the past.
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Cathy’s Story

Jason and Cathy: The Beginning

He cast his eyes above to stare at the intense azure blue sky; a color the water in the harbor could not accurately reflect. It was beautiful to see the differences and not difficult to explain. It is just as well because Jason Mayes did not have the energy to appreciate the beauty or try to figure out any extra problems. There was little time as shortly he must depart the hotel for his return home where he knew the sky was almost continually grey this time of year. His seven-day Caribbean vacation was coming to an end and there was only one thing, actually one person who he could concentrate on at this moment; Cathy Wilkins.

They had met on the flight from Chicago, and during that brief time had discovered enough about each other to merit further exploration. Over the course of the week they had spent almost every waking and a few non-waking moments together. They discovered many different areas in which there existed a shared interest and appreciation. The more they looked the more compatibility they found and the closer they bonded to each other; that is until last night.

In an eye-opening demonstration Jason was exposed to a side of Cathy he could not have imagined; a side that was contrary to his very being. Jason witnessed Cathy doing things with her body that sickened him yet excited his loins to levels he did not know existed. Cathy had driven him into an internal conflict where his frustrations exploded when he was confronted by her. He lashed out with a verbal assault that destroyed any hope they ever had of happiness together.

This morning he regretted his words, but they were spoken and irretrievable. He meant them at the time, but now that his anger had cooled he wondered. . .

A knock on the door broke his thoughts. The bellboy held out an envelope: “Sir, the lady said I am to wait for and answer.” Jason opened the note and read:


I know you were shocked and upset last night, and I am sorry I have caused you that pain, but it was important for you to see what you saw. I would like to talk with you. Will you please meet with me? If yes please tell the messenger and he will give you directions. I think it best we do this on neutral ground.

If it makes a difference I love you very much, and I would like for you to be an active part of my life.


He thought for several moments until he again noticed the messenger standing at the door. “Tell her yes.” Jason had thought to say no, but his affection for Cathy and his curiosity to know more about her wild side demanded he meet with her. The boy handed him a second note:

If you are reading this you have agreed to meet with me. Please come to Charro’s 30 minutes after you open this note.


It was not a long walk to the little beach bar so he did not rush. He needed time to prepare for what he knew would prove a very challenging meeting. How could she do those things? Why would she do them? These and many other questions raced through his mind.

Cathy watched him approach still unsure of what she would say. They had shared so much this past week and had grown so close, but it was not possible for them to go onward without showing him her hidden side. She had chosen to show him what he saw knowing he might respond as he did. His reaction made her wonder if she could ever find a man who would accept her as she was. Jason meeting her this morning provided a glimmer of hope.

Cathy stood and waved as Jason neared the bar so he could see she was seated alone and away from any outside listeners. “Thank you for coming.” As they sat down the waitress delivered drinks. “I took the chance you would accept my ordering for us.”

“Cathy, I’m sorry for how I screamed at you last night. You know I was very upset.” He paused then slowly and cautiously said: “I need answers to so many questions.”

“I understand what you are saying, but the answers will make more sense if I can tell you my story. Jason, what I’m about to tell you is neither pretty nor short. Can you sit there and listen without interruption? That may prove impossible, but will you try? Good.” Cathy paused before she began a story that began 15 years in the past.

The Purchase

“Up until the Friday night after my 18th birthday I was a totally sheltered girl. If you will a truly innocent virgin; the proverbial babe in the woods. I had never dated; I didn’t even know about masturbation. Everything changed that night.”

Her 18th birthday fell on a Tuesday that year. In the Wilkins household birthdays were not a big deal so it surprised Cathy when her mother told her there was a function this weekend in her honor. It was adults only so none of her sisters or younger cousins would attend.

Saturday evening arrived, but before leaving the driveway they put a blindfold over Cathy’s eyes telling her it was a surprise. She tried to keep track of turns, but it was futile and she quickly conceded she had no idea where they were so she waited. At last the car stopped, they removed the blindfold, and she was lead into a large empty building.

It was a warehouse-size structure with no windows and the heavy walls and doors made it soundproof. Along one wall were bleacher seats while the floors were covered with wrestling mats. Other visible furnishings included comfortable chairs, ottomans, and couches.

Cathy was lead into a stark room containing one chair and a clothes rack. In this room her two youngest her aunts waited. They told her to change into the clothes they had laid out for her. What Cathy saw was a large white Polynesian style dress and some very dainty and skimpy underclothes.

“I can’t wear those! There is too little there.”

In a very ominous tone her aunt said: “You will wear exactly what you are told to wear. Now change.”

No one had ever spoken to Cathy in such a manner and it so frightened her she immediately obeyed. The aunts departed leaving Cathy alone with her many thoughts. One of those thoughts was the realization the silky bra, g-string panty, garter belt, and hose felt good on her body; she did not know the word, but they made her feel sensuous. What aided that feeling was the drug hidden in the last glass of water she drank. Its purpose was to relax Cathy’s body reduce her inhibitions; it worked.

By the time Cathy was brought again into the big room she was docile and surprisingly to her unashamed; anything sensual would have sent her into a whirl of pleasure. There was no resistance left inside her and she was very susceptible to any suggestions.

A platform stood in the middle of the room around which sat a large throng among which were many of her relatives plus people she did not know. She wondered why they were here. At her aunt’s direction Cathy stood platform facing the crowd. Behind her a wall-like structure with many binding points was lowered, and to which Cathy was quickly bound. She was the first bound in that manner. Nine more followed; nine other girls she had never seen before and would never see again.

The drug kept her from screaming in fear and protest. Instead she meekly did as directed. After a moment the same aunt came toward her with a pair of scissors and with no emotion or wasted movement removed the white outer dress leaving her standing in the tiny, revealing underwear. Cathy was scared, but this was also exciting. She did not understand why the gusset of her panty began to dampen.

When the last girl was bound and their body displayed the crowd shifted to the food and beverages at the other end of the room. The girls were alone except for the occasional person who strolled by grasping chins to turn heads from side to side, and feeling tits and pussy lips through the thin material coverings. Cathy was unable to outwardly protest and appeared docile, but her body inside was in turmoil. No one had ever before touched her on those private areas of her body. The pleasurable aspects of sex and relationships were a mystery to her and she did not understand her excitement or the increasing dampness between her legs.

Cathy did not know how much time passed before the crowd returned, but without ceremony her mother, in company with nine other women, came forward and cut away her bra and panty. She was then handed a clipper and razor to remove Cathy’s pubic hair. Not a single strand was missed as two men lifted each leg and spread them to allow full access.

An older lady and man move to a nearby podium and spoke: “Ladies and gentlemen you have had an opportunity to inspect the merchandise, and you have determined the authenticity of Dr. Bouche’s certification of virginity. The opening bid for lot number one is $25,000.” With that the auctioneer took charge.

They were auctioning her. How could this happen? Why?

Back and forth the bids flew until only two bidders remained. The increments increased as each strove to complete the purchase. With a final unanswered bid Cathy was bought for a record $272,700.00 by Robin and Tom Ames.

For that money Robin and Tom, purchased a five-year ownership right to a young female human certified as a virgin. They owned Cathy and could do with her as they wanted to mold her into whatever they desired. Not waiting for the remainder of the auction they collected their property at the door where she was whisked into a limo for a short ride to a private airport and away from the only life Cathy had ever known; a life she would revisit only once, but that is another story.

The First Night of Training

Two hours later the plane landed on a private island some 50 miles off the coast. All this was told to Cathy to dissuade any attempts at escape, and once she deplaned she was no longer bound.

Her owners had not fully decided on the ultimate goal of her training, but it wasn’t really important right now. The most intriguing idea for Robin and Tom at the moment was introducing their slave to sex. This was something they had talked of ever since they received their invitation to the sale. They had looked at photographs of the offerings and decided Cathy was their primary choice provided the cost stayed below $300,000. She was an investment they hoped would make them a great deal of money, but she was also a toy. One reason for going to the sale was an opportunity to direct a girl’s transition from virgin to woman. What they had not yet decided was how would they take the prize? Would the experience turn her head toward or away from sex? Each direction offered rewards beyond that one night so the choice was based on what would please them the most. As they studied Cathy on the way home they decided to create someone who loved sex.

Still naked Cathy sat on a soft leather couch in a large room with a sunken floor. As she sat there the sky was lightening to the east as sunrise began to approach. The couple, wearing long dressing gowns instead of the evening attire they wore to the auction came into the room. Cathy, still naked did not make the slightest move to cover herself.

“Cathy, you will address us as Mistress Robin and Master Tom. You will always refer to us in that manner. Do you understand? We’ll see.”

“I know you’re confused and scared, but you need to listen to me. You may have many thoughts on the matter, but in spite of the law and anything else the fact is you belong to us for the next five years. Your family sold you as an indentured servant. At the end of five years we will release you to go where you want. Between now and then we can do anything we desire. We can hurt you or make your time wonderful. The decision is ours.”

Cathy was scared. She did not understand how it was possible in the 21st century for these people to own her. Why would her parents do this? Her mind was confused and tormented, but she listened to the woman.

“Do you have any questions?”

A million questions were in her head, but she said nothing. With her silence the dance began as Robin leaned down toward Cathy placing their lips together. It was gentle accompanied by the soft rubbing by Robin’s tongue. Their kiss lingered and lingered without an increase in passion or intensity. Robin simply allowed her lips to sit upon Cathy’s until the girl’s curiosity was aroused and she extended her tongue to explore; to explore the lips and beyond. To feel one tongue against another as they dueled for space. Once the barrier was broken Cathy’s natural hormone balance took control pushing her to seek more information with her tongue.

The kiss intensified with both trying to tickle the tonsils of the other. Cathy, so focused on what she was doing was unable to detect the effect the kisses were having on other parts of her body. Fluid was beginning to drip from between her legs causing a damp spot on the couch. Her nipples were erect and her body temperature was elevated.

A second set of lips began to kiss her neck. At first Cathy did not respond, but gradually she sensed the arousing presence. She enjoyed the passage of the lips up and down her neck and upper shoulder, and when a hand joined she enjoyed its presence also. The hand lightly stroked everywhere the lips had previously gone, but eventually it went to new places; it circled and encased her breast.

Cathy’s first response was to jump, but what emerged was a pleasurable moan. The hand tenderly caressed the bulk of her breast stroking around, up, and over the surface. Lightly it rubbed never staying but a moment in any spot. As it glided over the upper surface Cathy sensed a specific tingling point; her nipple was aroused. Tom also recognized the arousal as the next time he moved upward he paused allowing his fingers to grasp and softly pinch the erect tissue. This brought forth another moan of pleasure.

Robin, without losing contact with Cathy’s mouth, shifted her position to sit on the couch alongside the girl. She then broke the kiss to begin placing small nibbles on Cathy’s face, along her neck, descending down the girl’s chest to her breast. On the breast she lightly kissed and licked every curve until after an exasperatingly long time Robin enveloped the erect nipple with her lips. Not just with her lips, but also with her tongue and finally her teeth. Each increment increased Cathy’s level of pleasure. She experienced sensations she had never imagined, and each was more pleasurable than that before. A momentary apex was reached when Robin sharply pinched the nipple with her teeth. Cathy’s body tensed as she experienced a pleasure wave throughout her body; she experienced her first orgasm.

As she calmed down Tom followed a similar course of action on her other breast. His teeth scraping the sensitive nipple tissue sent Cathy on a second orgasmic ride. This one was no less intense, but it was understood so Cathy’s reaction was not as dramatic. She was so focused on her upper body and she did not recognize the efforts by Tom and Robin to spread her legs exposing her completely hairless pubic area. This position was not recognized until Cathy felt Robin moving to kneel between her legs.

Cathy came into this situation a complete innocent and was confuse if what was happening was right or wrong. What she knew for certain was her body felt good in response to everything that Master Tom and Mistress Robin had done to her. To her mind such good feelings could not be a bad thing. Cathy set aside all her fears and accepted that her owners would only bring her pleasure. When the next new sensation arrived Cathy was not prepared for its intensity. Robin licked alongside one labia and it was such a new feeling that Cathy jerked in response.

“Be still my child. Much more and better is to come.” whispered Tom in Cathy’s ear.

The young girl gave into pleasure-seeking spreading her legs as wide as they would go to allow Robin full access to her groin area. Cathy wanted to feel more and Robin did not disappoint her. With well placed strokes the experienced lover cleansed the outer surface before increasing the ante by spreading Cathy’s nether lips and running her tongue along the inside of each. Never once did Robin touch that most sensitive of nodes found at the top of the labial fold; the clitoris.

Carefully, Robin brushed her tongue along the surfaces before she concentrated on the tight hole at the bottom. The entry to Cathy’s vaginal canal was in need of stretching before Tom could, with minimal discomfort, could enter it, and this stretching began with Robin’s tongue her fingers. Through out the time Robin worked at the hole Cathy began to cum, and cum, and cum until she was almost continually arched upward off the couch. At the base of an orgasm when her back was on the couch Robin grabbed Cathy’s ankles and passed them upward into Tom’s hands. While this swift move surprised Cathy it more importantly exposed the other sexually important structure on this part of Cathy’s body; her asshole.

Without a moment’s hesitation Robin affixed her lips around the little brown spot and began to suck. She sucked and released, sucked and released causing a throbbing sensation around the aperture. Cathy knew this was wrong, yet the pleasure was so intense it could not be wrong. For a moment she was in conflict, but only for a moment then she again gave into pleasure.

Tom arose from the couch to stand behind Robin spreading Cathy’s legs. In this position he stared at the vaginal area visible above Robin’s head as she used her tongue to rim the young girl’s ass. Cathy did not notice that Tom was naked and his penis fully erect.

Robin departed from Cathy’s anal opening and shifted her lingual stroking along the labial folds. After a few well applied licks she moved slightly upward enabling her to strike the nerve nexus of the girl’s body. With her tongue she lashed out at Cathy’s clit and the internal explosion could be heard throughout the house.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW! Oh, God what are you doing to me! It feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

Robin had no intention of stopping now, but she was going to stop very soon. She continued her lingual assault until Cathy thrice more arched all of her body off the couch screaming out her releases. After bringing her down for the last time Robin moved to stand behind Tom as he took Cathy’s ankles in preparation for the next phase.

Tom knelt to partake of the juice flowing from Cathy’s cunt. It was as sweet and copious as any he had ever known. As much as he wanted to remain was not his present job to eat her pussy. His job was to fuck her pussy, her ass, and lastly her mouth, and to do it in a way for her to enjoy every step along the way..

“Cathy, I am going to insert my penis into your body. Another way of saying that is I am going to fuck you with my cock. It may sting, but afterwards you will feel even better than you feel right now.” Having said those words Tom positioned his cock at her entrance, carefully pushed it inward until he met resistance, and then shoved with all his might ending Cathy’s time as a virgin. The pain was intense as he passed her hymen and Cathy screamed, but in just a few moments she realized her pleasure was beyond what she knew before. A man was inside her body bringing her pleasure. Cathy seemed to orgasm with every few strokes and Tom allowed her to enjoy the moment for a few minutes, but there were other places he had to visit; other places which required preparation.

Tom continued to stroke into Cathy’s body, but he spread his legs to allow Robin access to the girl’s asshole. Robin greased her fingers with lubricant and with perfect timing as Tom entered her pussy so did Robin enter into Cathy’s ass. The first penetration was with one finger which made girl’s anus initially contract. After Cathy relaxed Robin inserted another finger, and then another until she had four fingers moving in and out of the orifice, and never once did Cathy raise a complaint. From Cathy’s perspective it was an added dimension that enhanced her already intense pleasure level.