Caught by My Boss Ch. 17


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"If you don't mind looking at naked woman, it's worth it."

"So give us an idea."

"Well, she has small tits, but big nipples, I mean big nipples!"

"What about the rest of her?"

"She's shaved bare. Her lips are tight. You can't see the inner lips on her. But you can see pussy."

"How about her ass?"

"She's a little hippy but it looks pretty firm. Nice curve to it. And she has two dimples, one just above each cheek. It looks good when she is walking away from you."

I was standing there with my eyes on the floor because I was getting embarrassed. They were talking about me like I wasn't even there and they were talking about my private parts like they were clothes or something. He mentioned everything that I thought were my imperfections. My smallish boobs and my ass, which I had always thought was too big. I gave a sigh of relief when two more guys walked up to the table. And then I remembered that I was going to be taking all my clothes off in front of them. My face felt like a furnace.

"So who's the chick that wants to strip?"

"Not a chick, Bill. She's standing up right there."

I sort of peeked up and saw the two new guys. They both looked me up and down.

"So where are we going?"

"There are some research rooms on the fourth floor. I know for a fact that most of them are unlocked. We can go to one of them."

"Well let's go then. I want to see her naked. That is if she goes through with it."

Melody had been silent while all the chatting about me went on. Now she spoke up.

"Oh, she'll take her clothes off. She's an exhibitionist."

The ringleader of the girls stood up.

"All right, let's go and see if she is on the level on this."

They all stood up. The three guys from my first little exhibition walked back to their table. Two of the girls didn't seem like they wanted to go along.

"Nicky, I don't think its right to expect her to do this. Her friend spoke up for her."

"She's had her chance to say no, hasn't she? She's still here isn't she? I think her friend is right. I think if we take her up there she is going to do it. I don't particularly care to see a woman nude, but I think it's going to be funny to watch her. Especially now that Bill and Josh are here. Taking her clothes off in front of us is no big deal. With them here it's a much bigger deal. Besides, it's not you doing it. You're just going to watch. Besides, remember last year's spring break?"

The girl who had slightly protested, I think it was Jessie, turned red. The others giggled. I thought that perhaps Jessie had done something on spring break that she would just as soon have forgotten. The ringleader led us, the six of them and Melody and me to the elevator.

It was dead silent in the elevator and I was getting more nervous.

The one who had spoken up moved next to Melody and me.

"What does it feel like?"

"What does what feel like?"

"Taking off your clothes like this."

"It feels dirty, embarrassing, naughty, nasty, humiliating and exciting."

"I don't understand how you can do it."

"Sometimes I don't understand it myself."

All too soon we arrived at the fourth floor and Nicky led us to a room. We all walked in and the others sat on chairs or leaned against counters and Melody patted my shoulder and stepped away from me. I was the center of attention as I unbuttoned my jacket and removed it. I then took off my blouse and after that my slacks. Almost everyone was grinning as I stood in front of them in my underwear. My outer clothes were neatly folded and set on a desk that was behind me. I was terribly excited. I both wanted this and didn't want it. And the conflict of my emotions to show myself and the normal feeling of person to cover up were driving me crazy.

As I reached behind to unhook my bra they were all grinning because they now knew for sure that the stupid woman in front of them was actually going to do what she had said. The catches came free and the straps of my bra slid off my shoulders and down my arms. Then it was off and I held it in front of my boobs for a moment. I turned and set it down on my clothes and turned back to face the girls and boys. My nipples were erect and tingling.

"They were right about the small tits, but look at those nipples!"

I had calmed down somewhat, but that comment made me flush. For some reason when someone commented on my shortcomings, my smallish boobs being one in my mind, I always seemed to blush.

Now I couldn't wait any longer. My thumbs found my panties and I pushed them down, lifting my left foot to get them off that leg and then my right to pull them completely off. I just dropped them behind me and stood with my feet slightly apart in front of everyone. I watched them gaze at me. Melody spoke.

"Sabine, why don't you turn away so they can see your bare ass and then walk up to each of them so they can see you better."

I just turned around and stood with my back to the room. It's stupid but I could feel their eyes on me. Almost like gentle touches to my skin, all of which was now shown to them.

"She is hippy, isn't she?"

I put my hand up to my mouth to stifle a soft sob of humiliation as the casual comment on my ass washed over me. Then I turned back and chose Jessie. I walked up to her and stood directly in front of her. Her mouth quirked in a smile and her eyes went from my face to my boobs and my erect nipples and then down to my bare pussy. I felt so humiliated!

The rest of them were the same. Some grinned while they eyed my body. Some smirked. One gave me a frown, the other girl who had seemed hesitant about the entire thing. But each and everyone ran their eyes down my body ending at my pussy.

"Lady, how would you like to come to a frat party?"

I felt my stomach clench. Melody spoke again.

"We'd have to think about that."

"If she dressed just like this she'd be a hit."

"I'm sure she would but it's not something I would want to commit her to just yet. Besides, isn't she a little old for a frat party?"

"Not if she is willing to take off her clothes there."

"We'll think about it. Sabine, you can get dressed now."

I put my clothes back on quickly this time. There was almost too much of chance of being caught. Melody and I walked out and to the elevator. The girls and boys followed us. We got on and Melody pushed the button for the first floor.

"I never expected to have this happen when I was studying."

We got out and Melody started to walk off with me behind her.

"Wait a minute. If she decides to come to a frat party how is she going to find us."

Melody was quick on her feet.

"Nicky, give me your phone number. If she decides to, we'll call Nicky and she can find out when a party is scheduled. We'll get the information from her."

Nicky scribbled out her number.

"So nice to see you."

The double entendre in that remark made me flush red again.

Melody and I left and I was a wreck. When we got to her car and got in it I started shivering, thinking about how stupid I had been but also about how exciting and arousing it had been.

When we got to my apartment and were inside Melody looked at me.


I looked at her curiously.

"Isn't there something you want to do?"

"Yes, there is."

"And that is?"

I wanted Melody to do it to me but I forced that down.

"I want to masturbate."

"Fine. Get your clothes off. Hang them up and join me in the living room."

I went into my bedroom as Melody went into my small living room. I removed my clothes and hung up the suit and my blouse. I stripped off my bra and panties and walked into the living room naked. Melody was seated in my chair that was across from the couch.

"Sabine, I have to tell you that I am not entirely comfortable with this, but I do understand that you are probably very horny. So, please go ahead."

I sat down in front of her, perhaps six feet separating us. I had my ass on the edge of the couch. I put my feet up next to my hips and I was completely displayed to her. I so much wanted her to do this to me but I understood. My left hand went down and started rubbing my seam. My right hand followed and spread my lips and I found my clit. Then I looked at Melody and rubbed my clit. To her credit, she met my eyes and watched me masturbate right in front of her.

Because of all the pent up feelings and excitement of the evening it didn't take long. Shortly after I started in on myself I was panting and humping my fingers and then I stiffened up and my orgasm washed over me. I sat in front of her, my hips bucking and my face screwed up as the spasms blew through me. It was one of my best orgasms ever, made better by my friend watching me. When the last spasm had run through me my hands slipped outside my legs, leaving my open, glistening pussy in front of her.

"I think you should go to bed. You've had a tiring day."

"Ah, Melody, would you come with me?"

"I'm not sure that is a good idea."

"I promise that I will be good."

"That's what I am afraid of, Sabine."

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I just want you with me."

Melody got up and walked over to me and took my hand. She led me into the bedroom and pulled the covers back. Then I watched her take off her outer clothes. She got in bed and I followed her, putting my back to her. I was still nude. She wasn't. We covered up and I fell asleep. I was really tired from everything. At three in the morning I woke up, disorientated. Something wasn't right. And then I realized what it was. Melody was pressed up to my back, her right arm across my side, her hand on my stomach and she was snoring softly. I snuggled back into her and could feel her warm breath on my neck. I fell back asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very well written. The excitement and incredible feelings of humiliation is growing with each chapter. At first I thought that Sabine was a woman that was caught and forced into doing things that were only going to get worse. Well, worse is a pov and yes it is going to get worse but so far Sabine has not been caught by the police. What Melody just pulled on Sabine got Sabine so aroused and horny that even Melody was not comfortable. Not sure just what Melody is going to go with this new found Dom attitude and I am hoping that both of them come out in reasonable good shape.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Wow... this got me, again! Soo humiliating! Thanks so much. Mmmmm...

JimmyJumpJimmyJumpover 14 years ago

As ever, Sabineteas creates the perfect atmosphere, which make the described scenes the more enticing. What I like best about Sabine --and every female character created by Sabineteas-- is that they are 'everyday' women, with normal thoughts and feelings, who, on a reugular basis, fall prey to their own sexuality, in most cases exhibitionism with a pinch of masochism.

But thanks to the fact that Sabineteas knows her 'pappenheimers' --and because she keeps a neat line between the 'normal' and the sexually aroused state of mind of her female lead-- the story never becomes forced or over-the-top.

What's also nice to see is, as the story evolves, how this line between Sabine's rationality and giving-in to her sexual impulses becomes more blurry with every 'forced' exhibition...

Very well done.

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