Caught On Camera Ch. 01


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Gingerly picking up the soiled panties it was evident they were not only covered in semen, but had obviously been worn by some female. She chuckled to herself thinking that Aaron must have gotten them somewhere and jacked-off into them. She knew that he masturbated regularly but this was the first time she'd seen any women's undergarments. She was just about to dump the underwear and photo fragments in the wastebasket when she noticed the face on one of the tiny fragments was that of her best friend Lisa Bardoorian. It didn't take Sally long to piece the photo back together to see what had been destroyed. Lisa looked like a common whore that had just been fucked by a pack of motorcycle bandits. It was obvious she had just pleasured herself, and this raised all sorts of questions in Sally's mind. Retrieving some transparent tape from the desk drawer, she taped the picture back together and putting the soiled panties and pantyhose in a plastic grocery bag she went to her room to try and figure out the mystery.

Sally didn't say anything when Aaron went off to school on Monday morning, and all day at work she mulled over the situation. Should she confront Aaron with the evidence, or talk to Lisa about the photo. If Aaron had taken the photo, why had he torn it up? Did the panties belong to Lisa? They were certainly small enough. Was Aaron fucking Lisa? That's all she'd need would be for her eighteen year old son to be fucking her best friend.

The solution was to confront Lisa. After dinner that night she called and invited herself over. With the taped up picture nestled against the pantyhose and panties in a large envelope she marched into her friend's living room where both Lisa and Marie were sitting. "Lisa we've been friends since before we started kindergarten. In all that time I don't think we've ever lied to one another. Please tell me what you know about this picture, and these ladies undergarments." Sally said pulling the photo and panties out of the envelope.

"Well...I had inadvertently left the shades open on the window, and Aaron was on his way to school to take pictures at a basketball game, and he saw me." Lisa explained. "Who tore it up, you or him?" Sally asked.

"I did, when he tried to bribe me with it. He wanted to look at me naked, and well...I don't know what to say." Lisa stammered.

"Just tell her that you got all hot and bothered watching her son masturbate, and took all your clothes off for him. It's no big deal. Besides, Sally, both of us think he's kind of cute, and maybe we'll both teach him the ins and outs of sex." Marie chimed in.

"Since when have the two of you come over to the other side? I don't understand what it is you see in a young boy like Aaron?" Sally questioned.

"He's cute." Lisa laughed. "When's the last time you looked at his dick. I don't think I've ever seen anything that looks so delicious. I just want to eat that boy right up."

"Shit! You two are nothing but hypocrites. For over twenty years you've both claimed to like girls, now all of a sudden you're interested in my son. Piss on you guys, I'm going home."

"Don't forget to take a good close look at that handsome stud that's living with you." Lisa laughed. The two women hugged and giggled as Sally left.

Once at home Sally went straight up to Aaron's room. He was in bed and looking at his photo stash while lightly stroking his cock when he heard his mother outside his door. Quickly stuffing the photos inside a book, he pretended to be reading when she came into his room.

"Aaron, honey, I just was over at the Bardoorian house and I know about you and Lisa and the picture. I love you, and I just very curious about why you would do such a thing? Lisa is the same age I am, why would you want to look at a nude forty year old woman?" Sally said as she sat down on the bed right along side of Aaron's hip.

Aaron was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting to be confronted like this and he stammered and hemmed and hawed for several long seconds. Finally he decided to answer as truthfully as he could. "Mom I'm curious about the female body. Lisa said she would show me her body but she wanted to watch me masturbate while I looked. The only problem is that I didn't get to see anything. I wanted to get a close up view of her female parts, but I was so caught up in just looking at her nude form that I ejaculated before I got a chance to examine anything, then she just laughed at me and left."

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry. But if you wanted to look at a nude female, why didn't you ask me?" Sally said before she realized what she was implying.

"Oh, would you really let me look at you?"

"Ah...ah..." Was all Sally could mumble. She was caught between a rock and a hard place. She wasn't really comfortable with the idea of letting her eighteen-year-old son examine her body, but at the same time she wanted him to look at her rather than her sluttish best friend Lisa.

"Please mom? I really am curious."

"All right. Let me go to the bathroom, and I'll be right back." Sally broke out into a light sweat as she sat on the toilet stool. I just have to think of this as an experience like going to a new doctor, she thought.

Aaron jumped out of bed as soon as his mom left the room and stashed away the photos stuffed between the pages of his book and slipped on his pajama bottoms before crawling back into bed and under the covers.

When Sally came back she was nude under her robe and when Aaron asked her to lie down on top of the covers she did as he requested and loosened the belt of her robe. "May I touch you as well as just look?" Aaron asked.

"I guess so...but...oh, OK, just do what ever you want. I'm fine with it." Sally said as she prepared herself and tightly shut her eyes. Aaron kneeled along side his mother and slowly parted the robe and looked down at her naked form. Her breasts, while neither huge nor small didn't jut out from her chest as he imagined they would, but rather sagged off to the sides. Her nipples were dark red, and seemed to be very pronounced, and Aaron couldn't resist taking the closest one to him between his thumb and forefinger and gently squeezing it. Next he ran his whole hand over the far tit and felt it's weight and got a hard-on as he felt its movement under his hand. Sally could feel the electric current run from her nipple to her clit and wanted to cry out as she felt her only child wrap his lips around a nipple and gently suck. Sally bit her lip to keep from screaming in ecstasy as Aaron kept sucking and rolling the nipple around with his tongue as his hand slowly went down her torso and approached her pubic hair. Sally had an overwhelming desire to open her legs so that he could and would explore her most secret places. As the hand went though her fur she brought her knees up and spread her legs as far as possible allowing the hand to go all the way down to her anus.

Sally's juices had overflowed her vagina and as the young man brought his hand back up two fingers easily slid into her now gushing love hole. She realized that Aaron had shifted his position on the bed and was now between her legs when she felt his hot breath on her fully extended clit. "Please Aaron...Stop..." Sally pleaded. She knew that they were right on the threshold of engaging in sexual intercourse and she was acutely aware that there was a possibility she could get pregnant, and that was the last thing she wanted. She was greatly relieved when he backed off and allowed her to close up her robe.

"Thanks mom. That was really neat. Would you show me how women masturbate? I'd really like to see how that is done." "Not now, please. Maybe next time." Sally said before she realized what it was she had said. She didn't want to think about a next time. She didn't know if she could resist fucking her son if they had a next time. She didn't know what it was she wanted, she only knew that it was time to get away before they did something that they would regret for the rest of their lives.

With that she got up and tied her robe tightly around herself and headed back to her own room.

The next morning after his mother had let him explore her body, Aaron was feeling pretty good about himself. He decided it was time to talk with the girls from the high school cheerleaders' squad. The day before he had been scared to say anything to either Tammy or Christina. He shared second period lunch with Christina and vowed to not chicken out this time.

"Christy, can I talk with you privately for a few seconds?" Aaron asked the cute cheerleader, as she was getting ready to get in the lunch line. "There's something I want to show you."

"Sure." Christina said as she stepped aside. She had always thought that Aaron was good looking as well as nice. She didn't want the whole school to know that she liked girls and not boys, so she wasn't opposed to being seen talking privately with someone like Aaron Olson.

"I've got two pictures that I want you to have." Aaron said when they were out of range for anyone to see or over hear them. "I figure you might not like to see these in circulation throughout the school."

"Oh my God! How in the world did you ever get these pictures? Emily will kill me if anyone sees these. God...I just didn't know. I was just getting in a couple of really, really quick feels. I didn't think anyone could see. Does anyone else know?"

"No, and I'm not ready to show them to anyone else or make any additional prints. I figure if I gave them to you, you might agree to do something for me."

"What is it you want?"

"Well, I want to enter the photographers contest at the community college. Mr. Balance always seems to win with nude photos of his ex wife. I'd like to enter some nude photos, but I need a model. Would you consider being a model? Maybe you and Emily together."

"But I don't want any nude photos of me posted at the college any more than I want pictures like these to be passed around the school." Christy cried.

"In the photo shoot your face won't show, and really I don't even need you completely naked. I'm positive no one will know it's you. Really all I want is for you to maybe just show a little of your cleavage."

"What cleavage?" Christy laughed. "My tits are so far apart you couldn't push them together with a snow plow. I'll tell you what though. I'll ask Emmy what she thinks. She has great cleavage, and if she agrees well, maybe we can work something out. OK? Meet me by the girl's locker room after sixth period. Both girls were waiting for Aaron, and agreed to pose for him as long as they could not be identified in any of the printed photos. They also would have the final say on each and every picture and Aaron had to agree to destroy the negatives of the cheerleading squad. Aaron agreed without hesitation.

"If you guys have the time we could do a shoot right now. We could walk to my house and afterwards I could give you both rides home." Aaron said. "I think an hour to an hour and a half would give me an idea about how things are going to work out. Would that be agreeable?"

"Lets do it." Emily said and the three trekked off towards Aaron's house. Aaron was glad he had thought far enough ahead to stock up on both high-speed color film as well as some black and white. He wanted to pose the girls with back lighting so that their facial features wouldn't show, but at the same time he wanted to get clear sharp photos. He also wanted to get some shadow affect with the black and white film if he could.

"What I want to try and do is show the beauty of the female form, so I want to try and capture the curve of the hip as well as the 'S' shape that is so unique to women. I'm not looking to do something pornographic, by that I mean straight on T & A shots. I want things to be you know what I mean?" Aaron stated, wondering if they were buying this bullshit he was spewing out. His only real motivation was to see the two classmates naked in all their glory.

"May I start with you Christy? If you would just slip your tank top off, I'd like to take a photo over your shoulder with just the thin bra strap showing. Stretch your head off to the side so that your neck is elongated please." Next he took a couple of pictures from the back with Christy holding her arms over her head so that the muscles in her back were well defined.

"That looks pretty neat." Emily said. "Your neck looks really long that way, kind of like a Modigliani painting." Christina was feeling pretty good about herself at this point and when Aaron asked her to remove her bra she didn't even hesitate.

"First cover your breasts with your hands, not so tightly that you don't show anything, but maybe just support them a little without squeezing."

"Am I doing OK?" Christy asked.

"Just great. Emmy, would you mind standing behind Christy and covering her breasts with your hands?" Aaron asked.

"Do you want me to take my top off too?" She asked and without waiting for an answer removed her top and bra before stepping up right behind her classmate and lover. Pushing her own hardened nipples into Christy's back, Emmy reached around and gently cupped the small firm tits of her friend.

"This is really a great shot." Aaron said. "But I think it would be even better if you were both just wearing panties. Would you guys mind taking off your jeans?" Aaron locked his eyes of the dangling breasts of Emily as she bent at the waist and pushed her jeans down. The breasts just seemed to have a mind of their own as she hopped up and down on one foot taking her feet out of her socks and pant legs. Emmy was wearing little hip hugging panties that were yellow with blue teddy bears all over them. Christy's tits didn't move at all, they had big puffy nipples but the breasts themselves were small and seemed like they were glued to her chest. Her panties were black thong things that had a two-inch wide waistband, and a tapered strap that got lost between the cheeks of her ass.

"Those are really cute panties Emily, but blue teddy bears don't look very erotic. Would you mind slipping them down? You can keep your front up close to Christy so you won't show anything." Aaron realized that not even in his wildest dreams had he ever guessed that he could be talking two beautiful girls into taking off their clothes. The entire picture taking so far had been with Aaron behind the girls, or from behind and above. He figured now was the time to get them to show more of their bodies.

"Turn around Christy so that the two of you are facing one another. Keep your hips together, but bend back at the waist and look away from me. That's good, now pull back a little from each other and put your head on the other's shoulder. Emmy let your hair fall around your face so it shields it somewhat. That's good. No wait a second just hold that pose."

Aaron walked over behind Christy and gently pulled the panties down over her ass and bending down he had her lift first one foot then the other so that she stepped out of them. He had his nose just inches from her ass crack, and could clearly see the light peach fuzz hair that grew on her ass. As he leaned back on his heels, he stared at the one inch wide neatly trimmed pubic hair of Emily Thompson.

"I never thought taking nude photos would be so hard." Aaron laughed. "Seeing you guys all naked like this has turned my dick into stone. I can't even get up from the floor my jeans are too tight."

"You could take your pants off." Emily said. "In fact as long as we're being honest here, I'd like to see your dick. I've never see an adult live one. How about you Christy, wouldn't you like to see his dick?"

"Yah, I would. As long as he's getting to examine our parts, we ought to get to look at his. Come on Aaron, you can still take pictures with your dick swinging in the breeze, can't you?"

"I guess so, if you don't mind looking at my ugly old pecker, I don't mind showing it to you." Aaron said as he stood and dropped his pants and pulled off his t-shirt. When he pushed his shorts down, his cock shot straight out from his body. The knob was glistening with pre-cum.

"That's not an ugly old pecker." Emily said laughing. "It looks cute. I have a vibrator that is that exact same size. Did they use you for the model in the Victorious Pleasure Catalog?"

"Nope, this is the first time this guy has seen the light of day in the presence of members of the opposite sex. You two are the first and only girls I've ever let see it."

"I think it is pretty impressive. In fact, I'm almost willing to admit that it looks beautiful, at least as far as dick's go." Christy laughed.

"If either of you ever want to get up close and personal with Mr. Personality here, you just let me know. In the mean time I'd like to get one more pose out of you two. OK? Christy you sit sideways on the couch there, and I'd like Emmy to sit between your legs and lean back."

When Christina sat down on the couch and spread her legs Aaron saw her wide-open shaved pussy for the first time. Her little puffy nipples were stiff, and when Emily sat down between her legs Christy automatically hugged her friend tight up against her own body.

"Christy pinch Emmy's nips just a little so they tighten up, and then put one hand right over her pussy. OK? Emmy put your arms up over your head so that one forearm is covering your eyes. OK, now Emmy let your knees fall apart as wide as they go. Great."

Both girls were flushed and sexually stimulated by the afternoon's activities, and when Aaron knelt down with his head right alongside Emily's hip both girls had their eyes shut and were not even aware that he was there. Christy's fingers were making small tight little circles over her friend's clit as Aaron fisted his own stiff pole. The panting of the two girls drowned out the sighs and moans that Aaron was emitting while the aroma from Emmy's saturated cunt permeated the room. When Christy noticed that Aaron was jacking off while closely watching her masturbating Emily, she reached out and put her hand over the slick wet knob of his long thin cock. Aaron tried to hold back his reaction, but quickly ejaculated onto the hand around his dick. Only seconds later Emily followed with a climax of her own.

"That's a first for me." Christy said. "I've never helped a guy jerk off before, and I've never ever felt cum before."

"What are you talking about?" Emily asked while she rolled over onto her side and got up on her knees.

"While I was doing you Aaron was doing it right along side us, so I sort of helped him. Do you want to smell it? How about tasting it? It has a weird taste, kind of salty don't you think? Christy said as she and Emily started giggling. Holding up her fingers that had been in Emmy's pussy, she added; "You want a taste of Emmy, Aaron?"

"Certainly, but I'd prefer tasting it from the source, rather than second hand so to speak. What would it take to get you both to kneel on the couch side by side? That would really be so cool. I bet nobody's ever done that."

"Come on Christy. Today is the day for a lot of firsts for us. Let's let him have a taste of the 'essence of women' get your ass up here next to mine."

Emily's pussy with its dark hair around the edges was gapping open and was wet with juice. When Aaron ran his tongue up through the open lips he ran smack into the hard little knob that was her clit. He took a good half dozen long licks before going over to sample Christy. Christina's pussy lips were pressed together, looking much like a camel toe. Aaron ran his tongue over the smooth shaved lips and all the way up to her puckered star shaped anus. On the third lick her lips open and with a few more licks he got a good taste of her shaved puffy cunt. When Aaron sat back on his heels, both girls turned and sat side by side in front of him.

"Do you have a condom handy Aaron?" Emily asked. "As long as I'm trying so many first today, I think I'd like to have your cock inside me."