Caught On Camera Ch. 04


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Aaron looked like the Eiffel Tower had been transplanted from France to the junction at his thighs. Both girls knelt on either side and admired the smooth tall phallus that was beginning to drip pre-cum from its shinny bulb.

"It must be fun to be a boy." Megan gushed. "Imagine having one of these to play with all the time."

"I'd rather play with the equipment girls were issued." Aaron laughed. "Megan why don't you shift around just a little and give me a little taste of the honey box you've got between your legs?"

"You really want to do that? Brent said only sissy's and queers do that!"

"Brent's an asshole. He is so dumb he couldn't poor piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom. You get up there and sit on his face, and I'll sit on his dick. That way all three of us can enjoy this party at the same time." Sara said.

"Oh my God! Ooh...Oh shit does that ever feel good." Megan exclaimed as she wiggled her pussy down and around on Aaron's talented tongue. "God I love this!"

Aaron was having the time of his life with not one but two beautiful teen-age cheerleaders working him over like experienced whores. He concentrated on making sure his pubic bone was stimulating Sara's clitoris as his tongue and nose were doing a job on the sensitive sex button belonging to Megan.

"Let's switch." Sara said after a bit, urging Megan to get off Aaron's face.

"Go easy on me Aaron, I've never done this before." Megan explained while she squatted over his stiff prick and slowly lowered herself.

Expecting some resistance Aaron stiffened himself and waited, but Megan easily slid down on his shaft until their curly hairs mingled. Holding still she gradually shifted her weight off her hands and knees until she felt the full length of her first cock nudging at the notch of her uterus.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Was the only sound coming from Megan when she felt the in and out movement of Aaron's long slim tool working up a froth with her vaginal secretions. Leaning forward she planted her lips of the recently vacated mouth of Aaron and mashed her massive chest against his. She was only vaguely aware of the tangy taste of her own essence mixed with that of Sara's on Aaron's lips and tongue.

Megan didn't know what was happening exactly when the sensations surrounding her vulva went into overdrive and she experienced an orgasm of greater intensity than any in her entire prior life. But as wave after wave of pleasure swept over her she realized that Sara was tonguing and licking all around Aaron's embedded cock while she was being fucked for the first time in her life. When Megan collapsed and rolled off Aaron's still stiff cock, Sara gobbled up his meat and drank her fill at the spewing fountain of teenage lust.

The three teenagers cuddled and held each other close until shortly after midnight when Megan drove Aaron home. Late the next morning at work Aaron was surprised when he saw Brent Ninehouse enter the store. It was obvious that he was in a confrontational state.

"You fucking my girl friend? Asshole. I saw that picture you took. How did you get her to take all her clothes off? Did you drug her? I ought to kick the shit out of you. Asshole."

"Look Brent. Yes I took the picture. But you know that Megan is a nice girl. I didn't see any more of her body when I took that picture than the picture itself shows. All the girls got into position and I was called in and took the photo. Think man. Don't go accusing Megan of being somebody that you know for a fact she isn't. I like her, but no more than I like the rest of the girls on the cheerleading squad. OK? Use your brain, man. You know what kind of girl she is."

"You're not shitting me are you man?" Brent said before he realized that Aaron was right. After all he hadn't even gotten to second base with her, and he was a star football player, so why was he worried about this little shit.

"You know I wouldn't shit you man." Aaron said as they shook hands.

After dinner that night Lisa and Marie Bardoorian came over to play bridge. Aaron drew Lisa as his partner, but couldn't help but count his blessings. Here he was participating in a card game with three beautiful women that he had lusted after for ages. Just a few weeks ago he had masturbated while conjuring up mental pictures of what they looked like naked. Now he not only knew what each of them looked like, but he had fucked them all. He thought that it was probably very unusual for a guy to sit at a table with three women and know that he had fucked them all.

About a half hour after they started playing Sally Olson opened up a new topic of conversation by saying; "What was that young man in the store all upset about this morning?"

"Ah...ah...that was Brent. He's a football player and dating one of the cheerleaders. I took a picture of the seniors on the team for the yearbook and he was a little upset about the photo. I guess he thought that I was trying to date his girl friend or something." Aaron said after stammering for a bit and finally deciding that telling the truth was going to be the easiest way out of this predicament.

"Was that one of the pictures you took at the game a couple of weeks ago?" Lisa giggled.

"No this was a staged photo, where I had all the seniors on the team in one shot."

"Do you have a copy of the picture at home? I'd like to see what it was that he was so upset about." Sally asked.

Aaron didn't want to show the Bardoorian sisters or his mother the almost nude photo of the girls, but he knew they'd pester him until he showed it, so he went up to his room and returned with the picture.

"Very sexy." Marie exclaimed. "How did you ever talk them into exposing their breasts for you like that?"

"I'll bet that's a cropped photo." Lisa interjected. "It is, isn't it Aaron? Those girls are completely nude aren't they?" When Aaron just blushed and held his head down she continued; "You've become quite the stud haven't you. Are you screwing all five of them as well as Marie and me?"

"What!!!" Sally screamed, as her eyes got as big as saucers.

"And I'll bet my bottom dollar we can add sweet Sally, your own darling mother, to that list can't we. Well, speak up Aaron. Two weeks ago you claimed to be the only eighteen-year-old virgin in town. Now it looks like you're fucking the school cheerleading squad as well as half the middle aged women in town. At least the three of us sitting at this table."

When Aaron finally looked up he saw three beautiful women staring back at him. He loved all three women very much, and did not want to hurt any of them in any way. He just sat and thought for several long moments.

"Lisa, you're a Judge. You should know better than to make accusations without knowing all the facts. I will not acknowledge your outbursts, except to say this. I will not talk with you, or anyone else, about the women in my life. I don't think it's fair to anyone. What ever it is I do behind closed doors is between those of us in that room, and nobody else. I will not answer any questions about my love life to you, or anyone else." With this Aaron turned to look at Marie, then at his mother. "Is that perfectly clear?"

"Aaron sweetheart, we don't want it any other way. All of us agree with you one hundred percent, except Marie and I have a vested interest in your sex life. After all, we're trying to get pregnant. Please answer me this. Are you screwing those cheerleaders?" Lisa asked.

"No." Aaron replied while thinking that he was being at least partially honest. He hadn't screwed them all. He had slipped his dick in everybody but Tammy White.

"Thank you for being honest. Now, Sally. Don't try to weasel out of admitting that you've sampled the wares of your young son. It's written all over your face that you have. Just tell me, how many times a week do you think your share should be while Marie and I are trying to get ourselves impregnated? Would you be willing to limit yourself to once a week?"

"I...I are you guys serious about getting pregnant?" When both women nodded in ascent, Sally continued. "I guess that would be fair. What I don't understand is why you're trying to get pregnant, and why it is that you are using Aaron as a sperm donor."

"It's just something that happened. After a great deal of thought, we both want to become mothers. We're almost out of time, and when Aaron became available it just seemed like the natural thing for both of us to do. We won't be asking him to provide financial or fathering support." Lisa said.

"We both hope that he will like our children as he grows older, but that's a decision for way down the road. We both just want babies now." Marie added.

"Well I guess I can relate to what you're saying. I think about becoming a mother again every once in a while myself. Aaron and I have already agreed that we will limit ourselves to Sunday nights after my dad gets back. Would that be all right? We sure wouldn't want anybody to find out about this." Sally stammered.

"OK Aaron, we're going to shift from our agreed upon schedule and from now on you get to service Marie on Tuesdays, and me on Thursday and of course your mom on Sundays. And please, please, please...limit your sexual activities to the three of us. You know the two of us are lesbians, and are only screwing you to enable us to have children. I know it may be hard to go along with our wishes. In fact it may be impossible. But please try to limit yourself to just the three of us. If you promise to try, that's all we can ask."

"Lisa, Marie, Mom. I promise that I'll try. OK?"

No one was interested in cards anymore, so the sisters each gave Aaron a kiss and went home. After Sally gave her son a good night kiss she also went up to bed. And as Aaron crawled between the sheets he figured that he'd dodged a bullet, and was one lucky son of a bitch.

Sunday Aaron spent most of his afternoon at the shop developing film and late in the afternoon he had almost everything ready to deliver. He decided to call Christy's house figuring that if her dad answered he could ask for Christy and ask her if she wanted to go out for a coke. When he called Claudia answered.

"I have your photo's as well as Mary Martin's ready. When would you like me to deliver them?"

"I'll meet you at the Burger Heaven right away. I'll bring Mary with me if she's available. You stand in front and look for us. When we drive up just come out to the car. OK? I'm home alone now, but my husband is due any minute. OK, we will see you soon."

After Aaron hopped in the back seat Claudia drove a couple of blocks and pulled over to the curb. Aaron handed her a package of twenty, eight by ten's photos under a mat that was cut out to look like a keyhole.

"These are just super. They're much better than I had even hoped for, and a bargain at twice the price. Every woman that sees them will want some of her own." Claudia said.

"And when they find out what a stud muffin you are, you're going to be a very busy young man." Mary added while she looked through her set of three by fives and picked out twenty to be blown up to eight by ten.

"You pick out ten for each of us of these lesbian ones. What ever you think are the sexier. Pick out the ones that turn you on the most, after all you're a guy just like our husbands are. You can wait a month or so to enlarge them because we'll hit our guys with these others first, then after they calm down we'll hit them again with the new ones. That sound all right to you Mary?"

"Great. And can have my set enlarged by Wednesday? If you drop them off after school we can both hit our husbands with the evidence when they get home from bowling that night." Mary said.

When Aaron walked home he was a little apprehensive. He didn't know what to expect from his mother now that she knew he was sexually active with her two best friends. He hoped that she would make some sort of overture so that they could rekindle their sexual exploits. He didn't see her when he got home, so he headed up to his room to finish up his schoolwork, and about seven thirty a movement in his doorway caught his eye. His mother stood in the doorway with the hall light shining through the thin red negligee she wore. With her legs spread wide apart the light from behind outlined her legs and ass in intimate detail. Her pose was very suggestive.

"It's Sunday night, honey, don't you think it'd time for bed?"

"God but you're sexy mom. Are you coming in here or are we going to your room?"

"Go take a shower and Join me in my room. I'll be waiting." She said.

When Aaron entered the bedroom he found his mother under the covers and facing away from the door. Crawling into bed he ran his hands over her hips and upper thighs, which resulted in the thin material of her negligee ridding up and over her hips. Spooning his nude body up against her backside he maneuvered his hot stiff cock so that it slide between the crease of her tight firm ass cheeks. The more he rubbed his hard thin cock against her tail bone, the harder it got until he reached a point when he just had to penetrate the hairy opening to his mothers sole. After he completely engaged himself, he rolled his mother over until they were both on their backs with his mother on top of him. Both Sally and Aaron enjoyed the way his hands felt roaming over her body. Aaron enjoyed the feel of his mothers protruding nipples and pliancy of her soft but firm breasts. As his hands roamed over her stomach and into her furry patch of pubic hair, he was overwhelmed by the incredible textures of his mother's body.

Enjoying the feel of the stiff cock stuffed in her pussy and the hands roaming over her body caused Sally to climb higher on the ladder of sexual excitement. But her inability to move her hips and use her own hands to reciprocate, forced her to roll off her son in a frustrated fit of frenzy. Climbing back on top, but this time face to face, she ground her cunt into the stiff rod rising from her son's middle while simultaneously wiggling her sweat soaked boobs all across his chest until they both exploded in joy and satisfaction. Both happy and content in their new relationship they drifted of to sleep snuggling as only lovers can.

The next morning Aaron could feel the sweat run down his armpits as he waited outside Miss Jamerison's office. He had no idea what she wanted with him, but feared the worse.

"Come in and sit down Aaron." Ellen Jamerison said.

"Yes madam." Aaron said thinking that he never realized how hot this gym teacher looked when she got all gussied up like she was now. She had on dark brown pumps with medium sized heels and cream-colored nylons. She was wearing a fairly short brown pleated skirt and a long sleeved tan silk shirt. Her physical assets were displayed in all their glory. Aaron thought that this was maybe the first time that he had ever seen her all dressed up. She had always worn baggy sweats that hid her legs and boobs. Her jet-black hair was oiled in order to highlight her sleek curls. For the first time ever, at least as far as Aaron knew, she had lipstick on.

"Close your mouth and put your eyes back in your head. My first question was going to ask you how I looked, but I don't need an answer to that. I can tell you approve of the new me." Ellen laughed as she shifted in her seat and crossed her legs.

"Oh my god!" Aaron hissed before he realized that he had verbalized his thoughts, which he seemed to be doing a lot lately. Miss Jamerison had exposed a long expanse of naked leg between her stocking top and the gusset of her panties. The starkness of contrast between the cream-colored stockings and dark inner thigh skin with the whiteness of her panties was a real turn on and caused his cock to try and fight its way out of his pants.

"All my informants told me you were really cool about female sexuality and nudity. Now I find that you get all discombobulated just getting a peak up at my crotch. What happened?"

"Miss Jamerison, can I call you Ellen when there isn't anyone else around?" When she nodded yes, he continues. "Never in my wildest dreams had I ever expected something like this from you. Ever since I was in your class I perceived you as being almost asexual. Now I find you looking like a million dollars and even flirting with me. It's just unreal. What happened? And how does it relate to me?"

"Thank you. I guess you mean that as a compliment. To make a long story short, a couple of months ago I met a really cool guy and I want to surprise him with some glamour pictures. Over the last year I've lost fifty pounds. Today starts the beginning of my new effort to show myself in a different light. The girls say all your photos are great, and from what I can gather you're discreet. Therefore, viola, I want you to take a couple of pictures of me."

"Really? Shit. Excuse my French. I thought you were going to chew my ass out for the photo I took of the girls. Sure, I'd love to photograph you. When and where do you want to do it?"

"As soon as possible, and I think it would be best if we did it at my apartment." Ellen said.

"I could do it today after school. I'd need to pick up some lights and stuff at my house before hand though."

Ellen and Aaron met up in the faculty parking lot and she drove him home, and then to her apartment building. They hauled all his photography equipment up to her living room.

"We could do something in your bedroom, or here on the couch or just about anyplace." Aaron suggested. "A soapy bubble bath might be sexy as hell."

While the tub was filling and after Aaron had set up his lights Ellen debated with herself on what she should wear, if anything. She finally decided on nude considering that all her panties were nylon and when wet would reveal everything anyway. When the tub was filled she climbed in and called for Aaron to come in.

Aaron took several pictures and tried to keep his erection under control. The swirling suds would make her almost purple nipples play hide and seek with the humid air in the cramped bathroom. When she placed one leg over the edge of the tub her entire pudendum with its shiny pink nucleus came into view for a microsecond.

Aaron's hard-on wasn't lost on Ellen, and when he suggested they try a couple of shots in the bedroom she agreed.

"Hand me a towel, well you please?" Ellen asked as she rose up out of the water but was still standing in the tub.

Her words didn't register on Aaron as he was busily ogling this dark skinned beauty through the lens of his camera. The water dribbling down between her full firm breasts and the mingling of soapy suds with the dark rich curls that surrounded her cunt made for a very erotic scene.

"A towel please." Ellen said again, and this time her words worked through the mush that Aaron called brains, and he complied.

"Face down on the bed please, Ellen." Aaron said before he started a series of poses that ended with her on her hands and knees. "You have a beautiful figure. I love the way your breasts look when you're bent over like that and your nipples look absolutely perfect. How are you doing? Still having fun I hope?"

"I'm doing great. Posing like this is a real turn on. How about you? From the bulge in your pants it looks like you're having as much fun as I am." Ellen laughed.

"You got that right." Aaron said with a chuckle. "Let me take one more shot. Roll over on your hip and face the wall, but look back at me."

When Ellen complied Aaron left his camera on the tri-pod and walked over to the bed and looked down at the gorgeous woman. It was hard to believe that this nude bombshell was one of his teachers. It was even harder to believe that she moved and posed in any way that he asked.

"Move this leg up just a little and roll a little bit onto your stomach." Aaron said as he put his hand just behind her upper leg and gently pushed. When she moved he let his hand slid up the back of her thigh and on and over her firm rounded butt cheeks.