Chained and Chastened


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Kneeling at the trough the prisoners hands were still cuffed behind them, bare asses raised and vulnerable. The nazi maidens moved behind them and began to whip them, almost playfully at first, then harder and harder. The miserable captives, new pain added to their humiliation, writhed, winced, moaned and slobbered through the sticky gruel. Kristin straightened up to protest, received another stinging whiplash, and decided "what the hell". Glumly she pushed her face back into the slop; she was still hungry. Oww! One more slash across her already welted butt!

Schmertz nodded again. The matrons removed the food trough and prodded the women erect. Hair and faces smeared with the sticky gruel, heads hanging, some sobbing openly, they scarcely resembled the proud unit that had marched into the training hall less than 24 hours earlier.

"Let's wash up, girls! You have a big day ahead!" Scmertz's voice mocked them. The matrons turned on the high velocity hoses again. Totally dispirited, the cuffed women scarcely resisted as their faces were hosed clean. They stood in a rough line, dripping and shivering again.

The leather sheathed colonel strutted before them, smiling her malicious smile : "I think you need a little exercise, a little honest toil out in the sun. Time for a little change of uniform. Matrons! Guards!"

The guards had not been active during the feeding degradation, but, lounging against the walls, had enjoyed the ignominious feeding at the trough, and especially the spectacle of twelve lovely asses jutting provocatively and thoroughly whipped . Hot Damn! Now the guards came forward and stood behind the women, holding their cuffed wrists (and also pawing and prodding their sore bottoms). The matrons lined up in front of the prisoners with lighter cuffs and chains in their hands. At a signal from Schmertz the guards unlocked the heavy irons; before the girls could even rub their numb wrists, they were recuffed, hands in front.

The colonel pointed to a pile of scuffed weatherbeaten calf high boots. "Boots! Put them on! Quick!" The prisoners were so grateful for the new light

cuffs, linked with eighteen inch chains that allowed them to use their hands for the first time since their initial handcuffing that they didn't question the order. In just a few minutes, booted and chained, they were lined up and marched out of the stable and into the bright sunlight.

"Girls! Today you will work. Very hard, I'm afraid. Arbeit Macht Frei! I mean, work leads to freedom. You will run to the work site. Now! run!"

The guards and two of the matrons, indicated the path. The chained nudes were prodded and whipped along a gravel road and trotted into a dry grassy meadow on the agency grounds.


It was still early in the morning, but the sun was already bright. At first the heat was welcome to the soaked joggers, but soon they were beginning to sweat, urged along by the whips of the guards. From their prior training all of the women were fit; still, after the first quarter mile, a few began to gasp and lag; the whips urged them on. *

They were herded over a little wooded rise into what appeared to be a gravel pit, dusty and forbidding. The women looked at one another with dismay. What kind of?...

Schmertz had arrived iin a light truck. Piled in the back were picks and shovels. "Achtung! I mean, Attention!" As this hellish ordeal progressed, Kristin noted, the dyke was getting more and more Germanic. What was that about?

The leather clad colonel continued: "Each of you. Grab a shovel. Climb down into the gravel pits! You will move fourteen tons of gravel from one side of the road to the other--or else! Get to work!" The captives grudgingly accepted the shovels handed out by the guards and shuffled down the steep rocky slope. Reluctantly they began to shovel; they had no other option. The brutal guards and matrons made sure of that. * The arduous hours passed, the sun was now malevolent beating down on their bare bodies. Shovel, shovel, shovel again; anyone lagging was whipped. Bending and groaning, they continued to toil. It was evident that this was just make work; later, someone (maybe them) would move the huge gravel pile back to the other side of the road. This was not useful work; this was just one more sadistic punishment.

It was nearly noon. The exhausted women had been shovelling for nearly four hours. Several had slumped to their knees, unable to continue despite the guard's and matron's lashings. Kristin, gleaming with sweat, continued to shovel, driven by some sort of foolish pride: 'that bitch is not going to break me" she kept telling herself. "and when I expose this fucking operation!..."

Alongside her, sweating, dusty but with fire in her eyes, Maria, a Latino hairdresser, swung her shovel, muttering under her breath. "We will beat these pendejos, these lousy cunts, eh? " she whispered to Kristin. "Fuck them all!" *

Kristin nodded and managed a tiny grim smile. "Right. Somehow, we're going to take these sadistic assholes down! And I do mean that evil lesbian!"

Most of the laborers were exhausted, slumping, sprawled in the gravel pit despite the urging of their captors. Schmertz intervened: "Prisoners! You have done very poorly this morning. But for now, a short respite. Water. Soon you will work again. Except you." She pointed to Kristin. "I don't like your attitude. You whisper to others, you have an arrogant posture. You will submit to me before we finish, I promise you! But for now, keep shovelling! The rest of you, drink!"

Kristin had hoped to blend into the class, to be unobtrusive; her own sense of self and pride had evidently betrayed her--or maybe that dyke had a letch for her. Anyway, it was too late to change her fate; she kept shovelling, now glistening with sweat. Schmertz watched. Behind her, one of the guards chuckled at her plight. * The other women, sprawled exhausted in the sun, watching Kristin's ordeal (each thinking 'God, I'm glad that's not me') were given bottled water, which they downed greedily. Colonel Schmertz in her tight dominatrix leathers seemed immune from the heat; she strode among the weary women, riding crop in hand, giving an idle flick here and there; a nipple, an exposed ass cheek.

Almost fainting, slick with sweat, Kristin continued to shovel gravel.

"Prisoners! Slackers! I am allowing you a slight break in the woods, out of this burning sun." The captives nodded approval, Now rehydrated, they were more aware of their sunburns, especially those usually covered areas; many had severely burnt rosy bottoms and boobs. Schmertz hadn't finished.

"But what's a picnic in the woods without a companion? My guards will accompany you" Grinning broadly, the guards descended upon the women, making their selections and tieing, then dragging their helpless choices into the woods. Susie, no longer the clueless blonde bimbo., was first.

Most screamed, fought, tried to scratch or kick; about half of the tired captives, spirits already broken, dully followed their likely rapists over the rim of the gravel pit.

Marcia, the redheaded travel agent, had long since given up. Slumping, head down, she allowed herself to be tugged across the rocky terrain with scarcely a fight. *

There were more prisoners than guards; Alice the librarian and Celeste, a classical violist, made a break for it, running into the woods. They didn't get far. Three of the matrons captured them almost at once; I won't describe the lesbian indignities that followed. Hint: think dildos and strapons. *

Maria fought like a tiger; Chuckie, the guard who seized her, parried her scratches and kicks and bites, getting more turned on all the time. He was too strong for her as he forced a gag, between her teeth, tied her, and with one hand in the ropes he had tugged through her crotch, goosed her into the woods. She never stopped struggling. *

Kristin, exhausted, had finally dropped her shovel. Schmertz, sitting under a portable umbrella out of the direct sun, motioned her to join her. Kristin hesitated, but finally shuffled up the hill and slumped at the colonel's feet. What more could she lose?

"Kneel, slut!" The dominant woman lightly whipped Kristin's belly, then breasts. Wincing, the weary blonde knelt between Schmertz's leather clad thighs. "That's much better! I will not tolerate insolence! Understand?" She slashed the kneeling blonde across the hips. Kristin gasped. Schmertz tangled one hand in her hair and jerked her head up, staring fiercely into her eyes. "In each class there is one trouble maker. Don't let it be you. I am fully aware of your dossier, newslady! After this afternoon's work time, I think you'll need special attention." Kristin, trembling, could not meet the concentrated venom of her gaze. She felt her will to resist crumbling. At the same moment, she sensed a perverse sexual vibe from the lesbian, and her own unbidden response.

A hoarse scream interrupted this standoff. In the road, a muscular blonde was standing, legs spread, swinging her shovel and shouting at the guard who was trying to tug her into the bushes. Elsie, a divorced 'trailer trash' waitress, had been relatively meek and subdued through the first hours of the ordeal. Now she lost it. She charged the guard with a vicious swing of her longhandled shovel.

"Bastards! Cocksuckers! Get your hands off me!" She swung the shovel so fiercely that the guard, a beefy crewcut redneck type, backed off momentarily.

Elsie charged up the slight slope towards Schmertz's umbrella, flushed with rage. "You! You bitch! You're the worst! You rotten dyke! I'm going to..."

Now two guards wrestled her to the ground. Her last fierce shovel swing had been only a few feet from the colonel. A bit shaken, Schmertz got to her feet, pushing Kristin aside.

Her voice trembled slightly: "This is intolerable. Sgt. Schwartz, hold her! Corporal Dienst, get the heavy shackles from the truck!" She reached for a whistle dangling from a lanyard between her breasts and blew a shrill blast. "All hands out of the woods! At once! Return to the work site to witness punishment!"

In the trees some of the guards still toying with their captives cursed. They had waited too long to finish raping their naked victims. But they feared

the bitch in charge.. so, grumbling, herded the girls back to the gravel pit. *

Soon all the captive women and their tormentors were ranged around the furious colonel and Elsie, held face down in the gravel by the muscular corporal. Some of the guards were hastily adjusting their uniforms, zipping their flies. Their stumbling chained victims exhibited embarrassment, shame, rage, and in one or two cases a slight satisfied smile.

Colonel Schmertz stood erect, almost rigid. She was fuming. "I demand--and will have--total obedience!" Furious, she slashed Kristin , still kneeling, across her lower back. She continued. "This presumtious rebel spurned one of my loyal guards and her chance for an idyllic romantic interlude under the trees. So be it! She will now experience a more public courtship! Otto, the shackles first, then proceed. The rest of you, watch! "

Otto (Sergeant Schwartz) down on one knee, smiled as he pushed Elsie's face into the dirt and gravel. His big hand quieted her squirming body as he shackled her with heavy iron wrist cuffs and connecting cuffs that spread her legs.

* The chained captives and then the guards grew silent as Otto knelt between Elsie's thighs, unbuckled his belt, opened his fly. He was erect. He spat on his hands , lubricated his rigid shaft and thrust into her sandy pussy.

She screamed, once, then moaned with each savage thrust. It was over in just five or six minutes. Just before Otto ejaculated, most of the captives sensed that Elsie's cries of protest had modulated into near orgasmic moans. Otto withdrew, tipped an ironic salute to Colonel Schmertz, adjusted his trousers and stood back, at attention.

"At ease, Sergeant. Any questions, prisoners?" Schmertz surveyed the audience; chained women and newly horny guards.'Elsie twisted, struggling in the dirt, now sobbing quietly, drippiing, sandy and wet.


The captives and even the guards stood silent, rooted in place. This act of cruelty was over the top in savagery, even for the dark Colonel. Even Otto, as he rose from the violated blonde, dusty and sobbing, swiftly wiped the smile of triumph off his face as he confronted the ring of appalled watchers. Schmerz tried to regain control:

"Let her stay on her belly for the rest of the day. The punishment was

deserved! The rest of you, pick up your shovels. Back to work! Move that gravel, if you want to eat tonight." the colonel ordered. She gazed down at Kristin, who was staring at her with loathing. She tousled, no, tugged her blonde locks one more time. "You too, sweetie. Start shoveling. I'll deal with you--later."


The sun finally set. The exhausted prisoners, sunburnt and glistening with dirt and sweat, prodded by the guards stumbled back to the barracks. Those lucky enough not to have been raped were still nearly in shock, almost unable to process the hellish day behind them. And maybe more to come. Elsie, at the end of the end of the chained women stumbled , eyes wide, unseeing, mumbling to herself. Her public rape had been by far the most brutal humilition so far. Every captive was cowed by her misery.


They had been rechained, of course. When they finally stumbled into the barracks, Colonel Schmertz purred maliciously: "Such a long hot day. I think a nice cold shower will perk you up."

There were howls of protest and weary rage as once again the matrons strapped the girls to the showers, turned on the highpowered jets of icewater, and repeated the cruel ritual. Dashka prowled among them again, sexually abusing them. Schmertz enjoyed the spectacle hugely, keeping her eye on Kristin, licking her thin lips, and for a few moments. hosed the women herself.


After fifteen minutes of the ongoing torture the colonel singled her intended victim out of the crowd. With a curt nod, she signalled one of the nazis to cut Kristin down. She took personal charge of the shivering sobbing blonde and whipped her up the short path to her personal quarters,

Kristin expected the worst, what ever that might be! She bit her lip, tryiing to summon up every ounce of her fast fading will to survive--and, somehow, get even.

Closing the door, the colonel stood close to her captive, now wearing one of her brunette wigs. Her voice was a bit lower, a bit softer. "Listen to me. I have selected you for my personal slave. A great honor. The others, they will--complete the indoctrination, go --wherever they are assigned. You will stay with me." The sexual overtone in her purring voice was

unmistakeable. She picked up a coil of thick hemp rope.

Kristin shivered. What now? And at this low point, she began to feel a perverse attraction, an unbidden--'no! no! It cant be sexual! 'she told herself-- warm pelvic stir of arousal. Colonel Schmertz approached her slowly, smiling , now frankly seductive..

Kristin had recovered a bit from the grueling quarry work and the chilly hosing that had followed; some of her spirit was returning. Her voice quavered as she made a last futile protest; she sensed what was coming. "What makes you think I would be your slave? You evil bitch!"

Slash! Slash! Schmertz's riding crop was swift; two deep welts crisscrossed Kristin's breasts. "I will have silence! One more outburst and I gag you. For now, I think you need to know what slavery--real slavery-- means. We'll start with some ropes. Arms behind your back! Down on your knees!"


Kristin hardly struggled. She was exhausted from the shoveiling. And that punishing whip! Her lashed breasts throbbed. She allowed Schmertz to bind her, first just wrists and arms. It seemed to take a very long time. Even after more than a day of constant handcuffs, Kristin was not prepared for thr intricate painful web of harsh hemp with which the evil brunette enmeshed her. *

An even more painful more confining network of harsh cords encircled her thighs and ankles; she was shoved onto a bench and roughly hogtied . Through this ordeal like the others she held onto a tiny core of hatred for

this evil creature, even as her sexual attraction grew. She would never let he hatred go, she vowed to herself, she would never surrender her soul. Her body seemed to have a different opinion; her vagina moistened. The ropes were knotted even tighter. She gasped on the leather clad bench.


The leather clad officer stood back, smiling as she surveyed her handiwork, She gave Kristin a contemptuous nudge, then a kick with her sharp toed boots. "And I think a nice gag to aid your meditation." She strapped a harness ball gag into her mouth, and stood again: "Now that's an appropriate posture of helplessness for a slave! Think about that; I'm going to take my own shower--much warmer than yours, of course--and then we can--relax together. My sweet slave!."

Kristin writhed in her stringent bondage for about twenty minutes; she could hear the colonel humming to herself in the splashing shower. Gretl emerged, nude. Her skin was lightly oiled, she wore some sort of musky scent. She had removed her wig, was blonde again.Slowly she redonned her her Nazi cap, her high boots., her handcuffs. She bent over Kristin, flourishing her .45, flaunting her sex, the total dominatrix. She said: *

"My little slave, my liebchen! You are very fortunate. I had planned to whip you until your magnificent ass was bloody! Perhaps I shall do so later. But for now let's explore some of your other duties. You are to pleasure me at my whim!" She knelt again, running her hands over Kristins roped body,

stroking her breasts, harder and harder, twisting her nipples erect. Her hands slid down the blonde's belly, between her thighs, gently then more roughly parting her vaginal lips and exploring her. Kristin struggled, whimpered behind the big gag; Schmertz continued to toy with her, cat and mouse. To her dismay, Kristin found herself gettiing stimulated, turned on. The colonel sensed it too and chuckled.

"Now we get better acquainted, no? You may call me Mistress, or Gretl, perhaps, if you are very very good. I will call you my little schatzi. Maybe not so many ropes now, and I have use for your mouth without that gag."

Kristin held her breath as she was partially untied. Maybe this was her chance...Gretl continued: "but I think we use the handcuffs againl That's right, behind your back. Not too much freedom all at once, right?" She stripped off her leather fetish gear, put on her brunette wig and leaned back on her bed, nude,, beckoning to Kristin. "Join me, slave." she purred. Shie was totally evil, but eerily attractive, Kristin admitted. *

"This is ridiculous!' she told herself. She had never been attracted to women--well, there was that one time with Jodie, her college roommate, but she had been drinking that first time. Those other times though; Kristin preferred to remember them as just a--very intense friendship; nothing perverse about a little naked cuddling and stroking and--all that other stuff. Jodie was a brunette, too, but not as voluptuous, as sexy as her sadistic captor, now lolling , thighs spread, inviting, no, commanding her to...

'I'm chained! I have no choice! It's not as though I want to..."? Kristin bent, nuzzling the musky flesh of Gretl's pouting labia. Ummm... "Kneel. Between my legs. Now show me your devotion. That's right." With one hand in Kristin's hair she gently pushed the slave's face into her shaven crotch. The musky odor was much stronger now, not some cologne, but the sexual essence of Schmertz herself. Her head held firmly in place by two strong thighs, Kristin found herself kissing, then licking the soft folds of the moist fragrant vagina, the swelling clitoris. Her mistress sighed, shifted further torward on the bed "Yes. Yes. LIke that! Now! Deeper!"