Choices Ch. 02


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Then we just sat and talked, the conversation turned to politics and I knew enough to not get into that. I excused myself and went back into the bedroom where Tom was still snoring. I lay down on top of the covers and dozed off.

Brad was gone when I woke up, he drove down to deliver the contract bids. Tom and Cindy were sitting at the table when I came back out, she was still in just that T-shirt. Tom quickly leaned back and smiled at me.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Tom said. I was wishing I had been a fly on the wall, Cindy was blushing slightly and Tom looked flustered too.

"Morning. I have already been up once, Brad and I had a little visit." I looked at Tom and grinned, he blinked a couple of times but said nothing. There was a stack of pancakes on a plate, they were cool so I buttered some up and stuck them in the microwave.

They were strangely quiet as I sat down to eat.

"Brad should be back soon." Tom said. Just then I heard the truck in the driveway.

"I think he is back now."

Brad came in, sat down.

"All handled, we will know in a week or so." He said.

"I rented a warehouse downtown." Tom told me.

"We can base out of there, so for the next year or so I will be home every day."

I liked the sound of that, Tom being off on a job for days at a time always got to me.

"I was thinking that Brad could just use the big spare bedroom off the deck since we will be working together every day." He looked at me to see my reaction.

"You mean..for a year..or more?"

"Well, he has to live somewhere and we have lots of room." Tom said.

"What about with Cindy?" I asked, looking over at her. She was still being quiet.

"Cindy has an apartment, and a roommate. There isn't any room there."

"Oh. Well, I guess it's all right." I looked at Brad, he smiled at me.

"I won't be a bother, I can take care of myself." He said.

I shrugged, then went and got dressed, and headed to my office.

Brad moved in the next weekend. Tom set up a TV set and small refrigerator and stove, the big downstairs bedroom was large. It had a bathroom that was shared with the sunroom that had once been a massage therapy room when Lee and her husband Ted had lived here years before.

It actually made a pretty nice seperate living unit that way, it even had outside access through the side door to the deck, with a smaller covered deck upstairs off of a 3rd bedroom.

It was about a week later that Tom and Brad were notified that they had won the bid, a nearly 7 million dollar contract! They were pretty happy, Cindy came out and we had a party to celibrate. There was another half dozen couples, workers and their wives, plus other contractors hired to do some of the work. I met Jonathan, Cindy's roommate. That was a bit of a surprise, I had expected a woman. Jonathan was about 35 too, a nice looking man with a half bald head. Nearly everything he said was a wisecrack, he was funny.

There was nothing out of the ordinary about the party, the men huddled around and talked business while the women all sat around and talked about clothes mostly. I noticed Jonathan spent a lot more of his time talking to the women than he did the men. Several times he chatted with me in a flirting manner, I realized he was actually trying to hit on me a little.

I flirted right back, it was fun. His eyes kept dropping to the top of my dress, I was showing a little cleavage. I just let him look.

Finally they all started drifting out, Brad and Cindy and Tom and I began to clean up the house. Jonathan came up to me and thanked me for the nice party, holding both of my hands while leaning in to kiss my cheek. I thought that was cute, I noticed he took another long look at the top of my breasts. Then he left, too. I glanced over at Tom, he was watching me with a grin.

The house was a bit of a mess, glasses everywhere, the remains of snacks. We had it back to normal in about a half hour.

Tom put on some mellow music, a relief from the earlier noise. I sat down and relaxed, still in my dress.

"Why don't you go put on something more comfortable?" Tom asked me. Just then Cindy came out of Brad's room wearing just a T-shirt again. She plopped down on the couch, I got a flash of bare pubes before she tugged the hem back down, rather ineffectually. She was naked underneath, but I was almost used to it by now. I noticed Tom kept glancing at Cindy's legs, now curled up underneath her with her bare fanny sticking out.

Then he went over and sat in the chair on that side, that pissed me off a little bit. If she lifted up just a couple of inches her bare twat would peek out, she acted like she didn't even care.

I don't think she did, either. She was always in just a T-shirt or a T-shirt and jeans.

Plus she was hitting the wine pretty good.

I went in and put on one of my light robes that came just to my knees, then not to be outdone I slipped off my bra and panties. I came back out and sat in one of the chairs. Tom poured me a drink of red wine, I sat back and sipped it.

"Man, what a day." Brad said.

"Does anybody mind if I take off this leg, it's killing me."

"Go ahead, no problem." I told him. He unclipped it and leaned it up against the couch beside him, then began rubbing the stump.

"Do you need some help with that?" I asked him.

"Sure, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." I got up, snugged the belt on my robe, kneeled down in front of him, peeling down the sock. His stump looked reddish and flushed, I began to rub it firmly. Brad leaned back with a look of pleasure on his face.

"Damn that feels good!" He said. I noticed he was developing a bulge in the front of his shorts, it got larger as I leaned forward to rub his leg. Cindy noticed, too, and giggled. I glanced down, the robe was gapping and both of my breasts were all but hanging there in space.

"Sorry." I told him, I didn't mean to..." I tugged again at the belt.

"It's all right." He lifted his stump and set it over sideways a bit so I could reach both sides of it. I glanced at Tom, he was just sitting there staring at us. I let my fingers drift up Brad's thigh to the bottom of his shorts, then back down. His bulge was down that same pants leg, and it was becoming enormous.

Just like in the vision I had had a couple of weeks before. Then I saw the cloth lift slightly, the head of his erection appeared partly. I could see just part of the side of it, every instinct in my body told me to reach right on up his pants leg.

I barely managed to get myself under control, stopped and stood up.

"There, does that feel better?" I asked.

"Yes, thank you." He said. I sat back down and took another sip of my wine. Tom was pouring Cindy another glass, she was getting sloppy with the way she was sitting. He went and sat back down in his chair, I noticed he kept glancing down at Cindy's fanny which was now all but out from under the hem of the T-shirt.

I got up and went into the bathroom, I didn't really need to but I wanted to know how much Tom could see of her. I looked as I came back out, Cindy didn't have anything hidden, that was for sure. She was sitting on one hip with her legs curled back, even standing I could see right between her legs.

"Hey, Cindy, you are putting on a show there." I told her.

"Oh, sorry." She reached back and tugged at the hem, it slid right back up the instant she let go.

"Oh, well, these guys have seen me already anyway." She laughed and drank some more wine.

I sat down, mildly in a huff. I looked over at Brad and opened my legs slightly, letting my robe gap open. His eyes dropped right down, I grinned at him and idly scratched my knee, opening the gap a little more. I looked over at Tom, he was now watching me. Cindy's head was nodding, I knew she didn't have long before she would be out for the evening.

I decided to go to bed, so I got up and said my goodnights. Brad went over to Cindy and managed somehow to get her to her feet, they went into his room and shut the door.

Tom came in a few minutes later. I guess I was acting upset because he asked me what was the matter.

"You kept staring at Cindy, I saw you." I accused.

"Hell, she was sitting there with her ass hanging out, what was I supposed to do?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It obviously does, besides, you were teasing up to Brad."

"I was not!" I lied.

"Yes, you were. You rubbed his bad leg and if you had done any more you would have been rubbing his dick."

"It hurts him, I was just trying to help."

"That's why you sat down and spread your legs, right?"

"I was just sitting there, it's my house!" My voice was getting louder.

Tom threw up his hands and went back out into the living room. I waited for a long time, when he didn't come back I peeked out there and he was asleep on the couch. I just went to bed.

The next morning Cindy was gone when I woke up. Tom was talking on the phone and Brad was in the kitchen making waffles.

I went in and got some coffee and sat down. Brad served me a plate so I ate. He sat down with a plate of his own. Tom came in and told us he had to run downtown, something about a delivery that didn't arrive. He gave me a peck on the cheek and left.

"I didn't mean to cause any problems." Brad said, as soon as Tom was gone.

"You didn't. It was just that Cindy was sitting there like that and Tom was staring at her."

"That's just Cindy, she is pretty sloppy when she is drunk."

"I suppose so."

"Jealous?" He grinned at me.

"No..Yes, oh hell, I don't know."

"No reason to be. Tom and I talked quite a bit after you left. He really does love you, you know."

"Then why is he interested in someone like Cindy? Why does he want me to...?" I broke it off, realizing what I was about to say.

"Tom has needs like everyone, but he is especially proud of you. He sure has reason to be, too."

"Proud of me? I am just a middle aged woman."

"You are beautiful, Sally. Absolutely beautiful. Your body is so much better than Cindy's there is no comparison."

"She is younger..and slimmer.."

"She is skinny and flat chested actually, you are all woman."

"I guess I did let you look once." I giggled.

"I loved it, I would like it if you did it again, too."

"Really? You want to look at an old woman like me?" I was teasing now.

"Yes, I would. I would stand barefoot out in the snow for a chance to see you again."

"Probably on your steel leg, right?" I laughed.

We both broke up at that, I stood up to go into the bedroom to get dressed. I took a half dozen steps, looked back at Brad and smiled. He was watching me. I felt my body shudder.

I reached up and tugged the tie at my waist, then slid the robe off my shoulders. Brad was grinning ear to ear. I was standing half turned back to him.

"Well? How is this?" I said.

"Turn around for me, Sally." He asked, a catch in his voice. I turned to face him, watched as his eyes looked me up and down. I opened my legs slightly, swung my hips forward, held the pose. I wanted him to look at me.

"Come on, I will rub that leg for you." I walked into his bedroom and sat down on the bed, the robe gathered in my lap. He was right behind me.

"Take off the leg." I told him. He reached down and unclipped it, pulled the stump loose from the boot. There was a screw embedded in his leg that kept it seated in the artificial one. I stood up, still naked as he lay back on the bed.

"Let's take these off, too." I said, reaching for his shorts. I tugged them down, he was still soft.

"Tom wants a fantasy, I am going to give him one." I said, sitting beside him and rubbing his leg. I let my hands move upwards, in just a moment I was cupping his testicles in my bare hand. They were at least twice as large as Tom's.

I stroked up and over the length of his penis, it started to stiffen. In just a couple of strokes it was fully erect, a solid 9 inches long and a complete handful.

"Off with the shirt, too." I said, tugging at it. Brad sat up, pulled the shirt over his head.

"May I?" He asked, looking at my breasts.

"Sure." He eagerly reached out and cupped first one, then the other. Then he dropped his head down and suckled one nipple into his mouth, as my hand stayed busy on his big erection.

I sat there and let him explore me, oddly I didn't feel ashamed or even nervous. I wanted him. I just lifted up and turned to face him. I reached down between my legs and guided him to my entrance, then pressed down.

Tom wanted me to fuck Brad, so I was fucking him. That flashed into my mind and then vanished as I lost myself in the size of him. I felt so full, Brad was even larger around than Ben was. I had come to realize I liked the feeling of a large cock stuffed in me. I felt myself building, then I was mashing down at him as he let go inside me. I felt my insides convulse on him and I let out a little cry.

"Sally?" I heard from outside the door. "Are you all right?"

It was Tom. I felt Brad stiffen, try to pull away but I stayed on top of him.

"Brad and I are in here! I will be right out!" I called out. There was a moment of complete silence. It had come this far, there was no going back.

I grinned down at Brad as I felt him wilt and then slip out of me. I got up and reached for my robe, then I just tossed it over my shoulder. I went out, found Tom sitting in the living room, a surprised look on his face.

"What's going on?" He asked.

I laughed, that should have been obvious.

"Brad was just comparing me to Cindy." I grinned at him.

"Really? did?"

"Yes, I did. Now how are you doing, do you want some?" I reached down and tugged the snap on his pants loose as he sat there looking surprised. I pulled his cock out, it was hard as a rock, just like I suspected.

"You like threesomes, I hear. How is this?" I told him as I straddled him and slid my sloppy pussy over him. Tom let out a groan. He didn't last 60 seconds before he blasted loose inside me, too.

Tom didn't hold me that time like he usually does, I didn't mind. I slipped off of him and went into the bathroom to clean up. I got a couple of damp towels, stopped by Brad who was still sitting there on the bed. I wiped him up, left the towel, then went in to wipe up Tom. I was still naked.

"God, Sally. I didn't expect...."

"Well, you keep asking and hinting about it so I did it. It was good, too." I reached down and grabbed his pack of cigarettes, lit one. I took a puff and stuck it in his mouth, then leaned my head on his bare chest. I reached down and wrapped my hand around Tom's cock, stroked it a few times. It began to stiffen right up, my Tom never did lack in the virility department.

Brad came out, he had his clothes and leg back on. He stopped and watched for a minute.

"Hey, is everybody OK with this?" He asked, after a moment.

"Yes, everything is just fine!" I told him.


I am sitting here in front of my computor screen, finishing this up. Tom is downtown working today. Brad came in about an hour ago, he went into his room. I took him some coffee, he was sitting at the desk working on some drawings. I had loosened my robe some to get Brad's attention.

He didn't even really look up, engrossed in his work.

I came back out and wrote some more, thinking. Then I wrote the last portion of this story.

It is a fantasy, it is in my head. Tom has made suggestions, he would like it if I was to go in and do something with Brad. At least he has mentioned it several times, when we make love especially.

Thinking about doing that excites me, I have to admit that to myself. I have to admit I really do like Brad.

Just a moment ago Brad called out, asking me if there is any more coffee. I told him I would make a fresh pot. I did, and I can hear it finishing up. I reached down and loosened the belt on my robe even more. If Brad looks up, he will see me, there is no way to miss.

The coffee is done now. I am taking a deep breath. It's time. I think I have my courage up.

I set the two cups of coffee on my desk for just a moment. I am reaching down, right now. I am taking a deep breath again. I am mildly nervous. My robe hangs loosely, I am naked underneath it. No way can he not realize.

"The coffee is ready, I will be right in." I call out.

"OK. Thanks, Sally." I hear his voice.


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livinglineslivinglinesover 15 years ago

This made for a good read! Keep the chapters coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

just fabulous. wish more stories were like this

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