College Chancellor and Male Virgin


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"There are some babes out there aren't there" mentioned the bartender. "Any girl in here would dance with you. Wait until some of the nice ones who are a little bit older come in. They will impress the hell out of you. They are the ones who are sexy as shit buddy."

"Yeah, really" Kyle asked. "Do you know a woman by the name of Hollows that comes in here?"

"You know her? Oh she's a fun person and the one who's lucky enough to strike it up with her for the night is gonna have a blast. If she invited you or suggested you come in, this could be a fun time for you. She'll show ya a thing or two dancing wise. You will not forget it either."

"Really" Kyle asked wide-eyed, "she's really a fun time? I mean I know she's older then she looks. I think she's actually hott too. But is she fun like I think?"

"Oh yeah, she should be in maybe about 9 or so. Just sit tight, alright? She'll come up to the bar, put in an order and find herself a table for the night. She'll ask different guys to dance with her unless she's set on one dude. Maybe that's you, huh?"

Kyle was excited that a woman, although older but looks a lot younger and most likely experienced as hell, might find him the right fit for her weekend expedition. He became anxious as the minutes rolled on.

Finally she walked in. Her hair was done right. It was pulled back in a soft ponytail as if she just left the beauticians; she was dressed to kill. "She's fine isn't she bud" said the bartender.

She dressed as if she was a thirty something. If one didn't know, they'd swear she wasn't any older then thirty to thirty two or younger.

She glistened with youthfulness. She was dressed to kill. She wanted to dance up a storm. With who, only god knew at the moment.

What she wore said it all. Slowly she walked in wearing a short peach toned dress with spaghetti straps. It was incredible on her. She had the body for it. Her legs were perfect for it. The hemline consisted of ruffles and a sash. Her legs moved gracefully and she looked sexy too. She did not behave look the Chancellor he knew. This was a woman, who behaved as if she was single and on the hunt. So where was her husband or what was was her husband doing he wondered but then he thought, who cares.

"Wow look at how she comes across" he thought as she said hi to several people. When he saw her in the dress, the short sexy ruffled dress he realized how hott that body of hers really was.

He didn't notice it when she was running, but she wasn't trying to impress anyone in the morning. She walked towards him but did not see him yet. That's when I saw her shoes. As he looked he realized how they perfected her calves; how they blended with the rest of her lower body. Perfectly shaped thighs united subtly while they descended upon her calves and the pumps she wore pronounced her gorgeous turns of her thighs and calves.

Then all of a sudden this babe of a woman says, "Hiiiii Kyle, I am surprised you are here. Where is Kara, did you bring Kara with you? Did you come all alone" as she acknowledged my presence. Dressed like she was, she was out to party and she wanted to look and feel sexy like any woman would. Soon enough I had to grow up if I was no longer going to be a virgin. I would learn a lot that weekend but I wasn't one thing and that was a virgin.

She says, "I'm not with anyone and if you are interested I'm looking for a dance partner tonight. Would you care to be my one and only" she asked. I was caught up in how she worded her question but I was also caught up in what she was wearing too. "You look rather nice in that shirt. It sure is becoming on you. It looks really fine on you. Stand up and let me get a better view of you" she added.

Her voice was perky. It wasn't business like in comparison to the day before in her office, although she was friendly.

"May I buy you dinner Kyle? I'm hungry and haven't eaten and before I have a drink, I'm going to have a sandwich. What about you? Please join me will you? I'd love the company tonight. Are you in the mood for lots of dancing because I am" she asked with quiet laughter in her voice.

"Thanks, but I did get something already" I said. Her light hearted approach was putting him at ease. He began to see the upside of a woman he didn't see the day before. She was a fun person and he began thinking in the back of his mind, "Cool beans this is doable. I could hang with her tonight."

He said to her "Let me pay for the sandwich Mrs. Hollows. It's on me." She accepted and oddly, after thanking him, she patted his hand.

The server came over and took her order and I told her to run a check. "Now that's what I call a true gentleman. You have fine manners. Are you as good a dancer too?" He smiled impishly.

"Uhhh I don't know" he said with a pause but her attitude eased tensions.

Boldly he added "You will find out soon enough how good I really am. How's that sound Mrs. Hollows?"

"I'll tell you one thing for sure, before this night's over you're going to be calling me by my first name only. I know that for sure. Neither of us is going to have a problem with that. I guarantee you."

He thought "What did she mean by that" and then wondered, "What is her name by the way? I don't even know her name."

"Do you know my first name" she asked out of pure coincidence. "It is Catherine. Now you know my first name." Her whole face lit up like a chandelier. "I want you and me to have fun and the only way that's going to happen is if we are at ease with each other. This morning when we ran into one another, I felt very comfortable around you. I liked you right away Kyle. In fact, I liked what I saw in you yesterday in our interview. You are an intelligent man. You're gifted. You're handsome. You probably have other qualities I'm not even aware of. I think that any girl or woman for that matter would be lucky to be with you. I know I am." Her glistening eyes sparkled.

He felt a strange rush and said "Ummm, thank you." Then he blushed. She told him not to feel embarrassed. He added, "I appreciate the compliment."

"You should appreciate them because they are from the heart. While we wait lets go out and dance. Come one, let's go, and dance. This song isn't hard to dance to and there's enough room for us out there." She hopped out like a young cheerleader. She grabbed his hand and pulled to the floor.

She got right into the feel of the music while he took a while to feel it. They danced while she smiled and studied him. He looked around at others. Once in a while he would look at her and catch her smiling at him. It was a contagious smile. He eased up and began getting into the groove of the music.

She gave him the thumbs up sign and stepping closer to tell him he had great moves. She thought to herself how fine he looked while dancing. Finally her sandwich was served so on their way back to the table she stopped at the bar and ordered drinks.

"Is this straight up or am I receiving an extra drops?" She laughed and acknowledged the extra drops of rum. She swallowed her food down and they were back out dancing.

"You love to dance don't you" he asked her and she said yes. "I do too I guess. I wished I danced more."

"Well Kyle, if you come to this university, we could dance all the time together couldn't we? However I'm sure you also would want to dance with girls your own age next year, if you came of course. But for the time being, I'm all yours and I'm all yours all night too." She smiled and winked while they danced. He wasn't embarrassed but felt weird what she said. His face flushed but she smiled and winked at him again.

They danced almost three quarters of the evening. Slowly he was getting a buzz from the rum he was being served. Unaware of the buzz he enjoyed Catherine's company more and more. She was fun, sweet, and sexier then hell. The dress she wore with its ruffles and her figure which was highlighted by the design enhanced their relationship. She didn't have any flaws. She was graceful, charismatic, and respectful as well as warm.

Finally they took a break, went outdoors for fresh air, and talked a bit. He saw the girl who brought him home the night before and quickly retreated into the club. He didn't want to be seen there by her and especially with Catherine. He didn't want the girl to think wrong of him.

She asked what was wrong. He tried to explain but he fumbled his words. "Is it someone you know who might see you? You don't want them to know you are with me? I don't want to cause any problems. I can understand how being with an older woman gives wrong impressions. Does it bother you that you are with me? Seeing as though I am older then you, I hope that isn't the case honey."

Looking at her he realized he came to the club because he was curious. He liked what he saw when she walked in and he made his mind up to enjoy her company regardless of what it entailed. He told her there was a girl he met who warned him about this club. He didn't want her to know he was here. But he told her he knew he wanted to come here because of Catherine's invitation. He reassured her of that fact. She was happy.

The night progressed; they sat for a spell and she was tired. They had run out of gas. She felt it was time to go but some slow songs were being playing by the band and both wanted to get out and dance so they would feel better. She wanted to feel that tender warmth from somewhere. She felt a need for love.

He thought to himself, "Well Catherine, yeah she is older; am I going to get satisfaction dancing with her? Yeah I think I am."

The dance floor was spacious and it allowed anyone to dance comfortably. With respect to Kyle and Catherine, she held him close. He wasn't comfortable at first. "Isn't this nice" she whispered. "You're a nice partner. I'm so glad we hooked up. Are you happy?"

He saw an earnest look in her eyes and thought "Wow does she really like me? This is crazy; she actually likes me." He smiled and nodded yes and thought, "Go with the flow and see where this leads."

"Mmmmm, this is so nice" she said as her head rested against his chest. She closed her hold around him, holding him affectionately. "I like being held like this Kyle, its nice being held by a man this way." "Yeah it is nice" is all he said but he pulled away and smiled. "You're very attractive Mrs. Hollows."

"Ohhh thank you Kyle but I don't see myself as a woman, so to speak. I still feel as if I'm a young girl. You know a twenty-five year old girl, can you believe that? Oh please, please call me Catherine. I'd love to be called Catherine."

"I will, okay I will Catherine. Can I ask you something personal?" She told him yes. "How old are you actually? I mean you only look like you are thirty. I hope I didn't ask the wrong thing. I hope I didn't."

"Kyle, Kyle, mmm Kyle that is so sweet of you. No I'm not thirty and does it matter how old I really am? I'm not as old as you think honey and it's awesome that you think that of me. Mmmm, you're so sweet" and she kissed his cheek. He stepped back uncertain how to respond.

She asked him if he was uncomfortable due to her kiss. "Ummm no I it is fine; it is okay" and he smiled. "I'm not sure how to feel" he added.

"What do you mean honey" she asked as they continued slow dancing. I like you. I think you are sweet and you're a loveable person. You are great company and I could spend an entire evening with you."

"You mean as in the whole evening? Define whole evening would you, as in you, me, and the rest of the night, together? You mean all night long?"

She looked directly at him and delicately smiled. Warmth emitted from her and again he rushed with excitement. He was surprised at her remark. He had no idea the woman, the chancellor of the university, a hott looking lady would ever be attracted to a guy like him. He though he was too young. He wasn't even out of high school yet. Although 18, he could pass for 19 or 20. He was good looking and smarter then most. She liked his intelligence for one amongst other tangible factors.

From nowhere, a hand padded his rear end. His head which butted up against hers pulled away and looked with surprise at her.

"Would you like to leave Kyle and take a drive, and relax? We could take a stroll at a park nearby and see how the evening progresses? How does that sound? I'll take care of the bill; let's go back to the table collect our stuff and I'll let you drive my BMW. Does that sound interesting?"

"Umm okay, alright, umm that sounds uhhh fine I guess. You want me to drive?" He thought as they left the dance floor and while she was ahead of him "Wow is this heading where I think its heading? Does this woman really actually think I'm good looking? Does she wanna have sex? I have to be kidding myself, I have to be."

She handed him the keys but he carefully walked outside looking cautiously to make sure no one was around. Of course anyone could have been in a car and saw him walk out, so he was even more careful as he left. He safely made his way to her BMW, which was the only one in the lot hopped in starting up the engine.

What he didn't know was that Kara was in another vehicle next door; she saw him get in the car. Out walks the chancellor and gets in the same car. Out of nowhere everyone hears, "Oh fucking shit," and nothing else. They asked her what was wrong. She said, "Nothing, nothing at all."

They drove off heading towards a nearby park which was next to a hotel. In that hotel was a penthouse suite available for important board members and other personnel. That weekend it was hers for the taking. Kyle didn't totally realize it but he was about to be involved intimately with the University's Chancellor. She was becoming excited however there wasn't any indication of it at that point.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

And I can guarantee you that a placement counselor would not work his or her way up to CHANCELLOR at the age of 41. It is NOT that easy. Stupid story and not very well told.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Does this continue?

This story seems kinda incomplete. Does this continue elsewhere? I looked at the author's bio page and from the titles I can't figure out where the next part is.

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