Conference Conception


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I was a drunk, jealous, woman. A dangerous creature indeed!

Monica was still talking but her words were washing over me. Will was my husband; he had married me and was going to have a family with me, not her, however good a figure she might have. Whatever my feelings had been, I was going to give him his Conference Conception and was going to give it to him that very night.

If only I could remain conscious.

Just then my husband returned.

"How's the patient?" he asked his protégé.

"I think she needs to lie down," Monica replied indulgently.

"I've never seen her like this before," Will said in a whisper. "What in God's name did they put in those drinks they gave her?"

The same question occurred to me but I couldn't voice it.

"The guys are waiting for me in the bar," he told me quietly. "They're the last votes I need so I can't keep them on ice too long."

"You go," I insisted. "I'll be okay."

"Let's get you to bed," he grinned. "It makes a nice change, me being the sober one." He laughed ironically. "But that won't last long if I know those two. They're all-nighters!"

With Monica on one side of me and Will on the other, I was steered through the bar then led along the corridor to our room. It was, thank God, on the ground floor like all the other rooms the company had booked for the night; I'm not sure how I could have handled stairs in my heels.

When they got me into the bedroom, Will lowered the zipper on the back of my dress then made to leave.

"I'll be waiting for you when you get back," I mumbled as sexily as I could manage. "We've got unfinished business!"

He laughed aloud.

"You'll be fast asleep!"

"Then wake me," I smiled with a leer. "I want you to know I'm very proud of you, Mister Senior Partner," I slurred though I meant every word. "I want you to have what you want."

My hands brushed against my belly.

"I'm proud of you too," he replied, kissing me on the lips. I hiccoughed silently. "You've done a great job tonight too. Everyone thinks you're amazing."

"Don't embarrass me," I protested though his words made me feel good inside.

"You've never looked sexier too. Maybe the idea of a Conference Conception is making you feel a bit turned on."

I blushed. In truth it was the last thing I was feeling but I couldn't tell my husband that.

"Maybe he'll be a Senior Partner's Baby as well," Will added with a lustful leer.

"Don't be too long," I whispered, hinting that I might perhaps be open to his advances. "I'm not sure how long I can stay awake for you."

"I'll be back as soon as I can," he smiled. "When you do go to sleep, you'd better make sure you drink a lot of water. You're going to have a sore head in the morning."

His words were a chastisement but the tone of voice in which they were said was soft and caring. I kissed him on the lips again, the room spinning slowly as our mouths met.

"I'll be back soon. The way you look tonight it's just got to work!"

He was right; it was the perfect opportunity. After all, I would never be more relaxed than I was then and to be honest; William had seldom looked as drop-dead-gorgeous or been so manly and impressive a husband as he was that night. Besides, the thought of Monica waiting in the shadows gave me no choice.

If I did get knocked up, maybe next year I would have a lot more in common with the bimbos too.

Alone in the room, I undressed, pulled on my shortest, sexiest nightgown and climbed into bed, leaving the door unlocked so that Will could get back into the room later. I tried reading by the bedside light while I waited for him to arrive but it was hopeless; I was too tired and too drunk and within a few seconds I had fallen fast asleep.

I don't know how long I dozed but it felt like a short while later when I awoke with a start from a dull but vivid dream. My head was spinning as was the room. I was still alone in bed but thanks to my dream was totally convinced that I had lost my handbag. I sat bolt upright then looked around the room. It was nowhere to be seen.

Of course! I had given it to Will to get the key when he had opened the room's door. He must have put my bag down in the corridor when he and Monica helped me take off my shoes. It must be just outside; thank God we were at the end of a quiet corridor; there would be few passers-by who might steal it.

I threw back the duvet and rose unsteadily to my feet. The room span even more and my tummy threatened to empty itself into my mouth but I could not let my purse, papers and credit cards get lost. At least there wasn't far to go.

In my tiny nightie I staggered across the darkened room and opened the door. The corridor was pitch dark; the night lights must have failed. In my drunkenness, this seemed like a blessing; there was even less chance of anyone finding my handbag or seeing me retrieve it.

I took a deep breath and stepped out into the blackness of the corridor. The door closed behind me but being such an old hotel it didn't need a key to open so I wasn't concerned. Moving unsteadily, I looked in the most obvious places but my bag wasn't there. I moved further along the corridor, peering into the darkness for a shadow the right size and shape but still found nothing.

Puzzled, I tottered my way further along, feeling along the floor with my hands as well as searching with my eyes, becoming more anxious with every step and more grateful that the almost complete absence of light was hiding my half-exposed body from prying eyes.

When I reached the fire door at the end of the corridor I could go no further. I turned and looked back. In the low glow of the emergency light I could see the four doors to the rooms on the left hand side and a handful of chairs and other pieces of furniture against the wall on the right.

There was something dark on top of a bookcase about half way along. I felt my drunken way back along the wall until I came to the shadow and grabbed it.

It was my handbag!

With a huge feeling of relief washing over me, I crossed the corridor to my room and turned the handle. The door opened easily, I pushed it and went into the room, desperate to get back into my bed, to sleep off the remains of the alcohol and wait for my wonderful husband to put a baby in me.

The room was even darker than I remembered but I knew where the bed was and made a beeline for it.


I stubbed my toe hard on something large and solid on the floor that felt like a suitcase. Cursing my husband for moving things around when he had put me to bed, I edged my way round the unknown object and to my relief found the side of the bed within moments.

I climbed in, annoyed that the sheets and duvet had become so cold so quickly but I needed sleep so badly I didn't really care. My eyes closed the moment my head touched the pillow and sleep came like a thick blanket.

Sometime later I was woken again by the door opening. There was a flash of dim light from the corridor emergency light then the door closed again with a click and the room was in total darkness.

"Is that you?" I whispered in a slurred voice.

"Are you in bed already?"

The voice was equally slurred. I opened half an eye but it was too dark to see what state my husband was in. I gave up; the room had almost stopped spinning but I still desperately needed to sleep and I felt distinctly sick.

"Mmmm!" I replied. "I've been waiting ages."

The power still apparently off, the light switch didn't even click. Instead I heard the sound of clothes being rapidly removed in the darkness then the bed rocked as a large male body slid alongside me.

"I'm tired," I protested half-heartedly. "I know I promised but..."

I was curled up with my back towards him, ready to fall asleep again when I felt hands beginning to stroke my bottom, sides and the back of my legs. Even in my tired, inebriated state it felt pleasant; very pleasant; even more so when the hands reached round to caress my boobs through my nightgown.

"So shy?" the whispered voice behind me asked softly.

Surely he wouldn't try and have sex with me now. Surely he could tell how tired and tipsy I was. But then he was tired and tipsy himself, a promise was a promise and there was always Monica...

"Shhh!" the soft wordless voice in my ear was sweet and reassuring. "Don't move!"

It was good advice; although the nausea was much reduced, the way my stomach still felt suggested it would be wise to keep my mouth pointed away from humankind, just in case...

The stroking continued gently; the fingers expertly placed. On the one hand it was relaxing and soothing, on the other, despite my tipsy tiredness I could feel myself becoming quickly and distinctly aroused. After the last two weeks of abandonment, even in my inebriated state this focussed attention on me was very welcome.

I lay still, enjoying the touch of his hands on my body; on my bottom, around my sides to my boobs, on the backs of my thighs, taking their unhurried time before sliding under my nightgown, raising it and gently stroking my bared tummy and thighs. I could feel the reassuring, arousing warmth of a large, strong male body close behind me, his hot breath on my shoulders and in my hair.

"Mmmm! Niiiice," I slurred, still very much feeling the alcohol in my veins.

In reply, the hot breath moved across my back and down my arm, followed by showers of tiny kisses and the long, slow stroke of the tip of a warm tongue between my shoulder blades as downy upper thighs began to rub gently against the back of my legs.

"Mmmmmmmm! Very niiice."

William could be sensitive and romantic when he tried. I had imagined that the pressure of work combined with the magnitude of the task he had to undertake at the conference would make him crude and insensitive in bed. To find out I was wrong, even in the small hours of a drunken evening was very pleasing indeed. I relaxed into his touch, feeling his legs, fingers, breath and tongue doing their badly-needed work on my body.

The sensations were amazing, heightening my senses as far as the alcohol would allow while still keeping me mellow and open. I felt the hem of my nightgown being slowly raised and instinctively lifted my hips to let it pass, my arousal growing by the minute.

The gown slipped further up my body, exposing my boobs. It stopped and a warm, delicate hand began to caress my firming globes and stroke my oh-so-sensitive nipples. I could feel them hardening under its expert touch and leaned back against the strong, masculine chest behind me, giving free access to my soft, white flesh.

The darkness was all but absolute but I made it even darker by closing my eyes, feeling the soft hair of a male chest against the delicate skin of my back and a hardening erection pressing against the underside of my buttocks.

A warm hand slid over my cheeks, massaging their soft flesh and running a finger along the cleft in between. I gasped in surprise as fingertips passed over my puckered anus before finding the base of my slit and sliding along my crevice.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned, my voice still slurred.

The kisses on the base of my neck resumed.


I could feel something else against my cleft now, something warm, long, smooth and very firm. My reservations crumbled; I knew what I really wanted now and it was what my husband wanted too. Something to make our lives complete; something we were both ready for now he had secured the all-important promotion.

"Make a baby in me," I hissed.

"Are you sure?" the voice from behind my head was low, breathy and very sexy.

"I want it," I hissed again. "I want my Conference Conception."

I felt the long, hard, smooth object being rubbed along my cleft. I pressed back against it and felt its smooth end slip between my outer lips.

"Still sure?" the voice asked one last time.

"God yes!"

The smooth rounded end was moving up and down my slit now, seeking my entrance. I raised my upper leg to ease its way and a moment later felt its tip insinuating itself between my inner lips. I opened my thighs further then shivered with pleasure as my entrance began to stretch around the amazing pole of muscle that, I hoped and prayed, would soon transform me into a mother.

There was a brief rocking of the bed, a bunching of male muscles.


I sighed loudly and contentedly as a desperately-desired erection slid smoothly past my tight entrance and into my vagina.


The voice behind my head purred contentedly as the long, thick shaft slipped deeper and deeper into my cavern, sawing back and forth until I felt the touch of hot hips against my buttocks and the pressure of an erect penis against my cervix. We lay still for a moment, my vagina gripping the invading shaft tightly, my body adjusting to the long-awaited invasion.

It was amazing how different this new position felt, lying on my side being entered from behind at a new and unfamiliar angle. The surprisingly long, extra-thick shaft was rubbing against my insides in new and exciting places, stimulating me in way I hadn't felt in years of marriage.

Perhaps it was the alcohol relaxing me; perhaps it was the excitement of being so close to securing the precious Senior Partnership we had both worked so hard for. Perhaps it was the new acceptance of my future as a mother but the sensations emanating from my well-filled vagina were like nothing I had felt before.

I had heard that baby-making sex was like no other but until that moment had never experienced it myself. Perhaps my previous reluctance to conceive had robbed me of the exquisite pleasure I was now glimpsing; if that was so then I had been a foolish, selfish woman. Now my entire body was focussed on the penetrating shaft that would soon fill my fertile body with life-producing sperm.

My head span as I pictured what was happening inside me; the smooth end of my lover's cock pressed against the entrance to my womb, for the moment unmoving. The tiny lips from which his life creating sperm would soon burst forth was positioned next to the pink passage through which they must swim. Hidden behind the meaty ring of my cervix would be one of my eggs, waiting to be penetrated itself and for new life to begin.

Then all such thoughts were driven from my mind as that wonderful cock began to move in and out of me, slowly and softly at first but with gathering speed and force. I felt strong hands on the sensitive skin of my hips and sides as the long, slim shaft slipped in and out of my tight, damp cavern.


I sighed aloud, feeling the ridges and undulations as they passed repeatedly through my tightly-stretched entrance, penetrating deep into my body with every stroke, each one more powerful than the last. I began to moan, feeling his hands on my body again, on my sides, on my hips, on my boobs, on my nipples.

It felt good; it felt better than good; it felt right. Tonight it was special; tonight it would work.

The Conference Conception we had joked about might not be a joke after all.

But first there was to be pleasure, and pleasure in abundance as the long, strong shaft was pulled back until only its head remained in my body before being thrust hard into me again.

Maybe the alcohol was having the same effect on my husband as it was on me; relaxing me, taking away the tension that might have prevented me conceiving before. Maybe it was the knowledge that we were deliberately trying for a baby that was making the difference.

Just as I had seldom felt this aroused before, so my husband's lovemaking had never been this sensitive before, never been so arousing before. His erection had never felt this big before; had never filled me like this before, had never brought this much pleasure before.

William and I had made love many times in many positions but this was new; not only was the cock inside me moving in and out, the hips to which it was attached were being twisted, turning the wonderful shaft as it was thrust, churning my insides, touching me in different places, no two strokes the same.

Where had my husband learned to do this incredible thing? The sensations were amazing, the warmth inside me growing faster by the second...


The first orgasm took me completely by surprise, making my whole body shake. The second followed hot on its heels, making me moan out loud into the silence of the room. As the heat of my orgasm washed through me, I promised myself I would be different from now on, would lighten up and enjoy sex more; would even let myself get drunk more.

If the rewards felt as good as this all things were possible! If this was what a Conference Conception felt like, I wanted to be knocked up now!

Instinct took over. I began to move my hips in time with the penetrating phallus, pressing back onto the magical cock within me as it was thrust forward over and over again. I moaned as the pleasure mounted even higher; the cock inside me thicker and harder than it had ever been, its head now battering my cervix with every stroke.

I could feel another, much larger climax building within me. Will must have felt it too because he began to thrust even faster and more powerfully, trying to bring himself to orgasm in time with mine.

"Yes! OH GOD YES!" I wailed helplessly.

"Guh Guh Guh Guh!" the noises from behind my head were almost feral in their passion.

"Oh Yes! Oh Yes! Don't stop Don't stop!"

"Guh-Guh-Guh-Guh!" He couldn't be far from his climax now.

Driven by pure animal instinct, I clamped down as hard on his cock as my pelvic floor would allow. The sensations multiplied. My whole vulva came alive.

"Oh my Gggggooooddddd!yyyeeeooowwww!

The climax that hit me was the strongest I had experienced in my entire life, rocking my body with its intensity, depriving me of breath, opening my eyes wide and forcing my quivering vagina into spasm. I could feel it gripping the invading phallus tighter over and over again as if trying to milk it dry and draw its owner's entire body into mine.

"Cum in me!" Cum in me! Cum in me!" I croaked for all I was worth. "Seed me! Give me my babyyyy!"

The effect behind me was profound. The head of the cock within me suddenly swelled, filling me even fuller. Its strokes became short and erratic too... Then the dam burst and I felt the unmistakable sensation of a man's cock beginning to pulse and throb and ejaculate inside my body.


The ejaculation was a big one; the throbbing deep within my pelvis seeming to go on forever. However much alcohol had been consumed, it was clearly not interfering either with performance in bed or production of semen.

The cock within me pulsed as my body was filled with raw male sperm. My drunken, helplessly-orgasming mind filled with the image of millions of tiny wriggling creatures cascading from its tip and surging into my body on a desperate quest to find my egg and impregnate me.

And this time the egg would be there! This time they would find it!

As I lay there trembling, I knew this with absolute certainty. My head span, my tummy churned. At that very moment I was certain I could feel the beginnings of new life being formed within my hitherto unused womb.

Nothing in my life had prepared me for this. A sensation this fundamental could only result from a woman fulfilling her deepest, most basic reason to be on this earth! As my body was wracked by the last few orgasmic spasms, I finally understood what it meant to be a real woman; what it meant to need a child; the desperate desire to be seeded; what the creation of new life within me really meant.

I wanted the wonderful, primeval feeling it to last forever but of course it could not. Eventually the throbbing within me came to an end and the movement behind me grew still. I could feel panting; hot male breath on the back of my neck as my whole body began to tingle in post-coital glow. The erection inside me began to soften then slipped from my body leaving me feeling empty and vulnerable but with true contentment in my soul.