Confusion Ch. 04

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Things go to hell.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/18/2003
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Chapter 4: What Have I Done

Not to his surprise, he again found the door opening into his room locked. His lips curled in a smile to think that Joe had done it again. He must be slipping the lock on as he was closing the door, thinking he was unlocking the door. Using the key, Don silently opened the inner door and passed through leaving both doors open behind him to make it easier and quicker for Joe to get back to his own wife.

As he was leaning over, placing the key on the dresser, he heard someone whisper. He straightened up to answer, when he heard Joe's voice, "Hey, lover. No need to whisper, you can't hear a shout between these rooms when the doors are closed. Remember me checking it out? And Don won't be finished for at least another hour."

"Bet he takes longer," he heard Diane say. "He's not had a new body in front of him since we were married. At least, I don't think he has. 'Lover boy' is liable to be there all night."

"He may at that," Joe answered. "That woman of mine is sure to be a spitfire knowing she may be getting PG. But whatever, he won't be in here before he knocks on the door. I locked it, so we won't get interrupted if he gets done early."

Don fell heavily on the chair where he had laid his clothes. He wondered how the two he could just see under the covers in the bed, just ten feet from him, failed to hear the thunk he made when he hit the chair. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a small squeak came out. He felt he had been slammed in the gut, and the wind knocked completely out of him.

"You know, I was pretty upset with both of you last night," he heard Diane say. "I almost threw you out and went home to mama."

"I know, baby. And I wouldn't have blamed you. But as I explained last night, having Don father our kid was my idea, and Jenny liked it too. The game we're playing was Don's idea, but give him a break. Don's pretty straight and I bet he tells us he thought you already knew what this was all about or something like that."

"Hey, big boy," Diane rejoined, "you'd better count me as one of those straight arrows too. And you said something about getting Jenny pregnant. Was that just smoke you were blowing to taste the peach?"

"No way," Don heard Joe say. "I've got such a low sperm count, the Doc said I counted negative. We want a baby real bad honey. Jenny told me the only man she would ever consider having a baby with, other than yours truly, was Don. She's near as much in love with him as she is with me. She thinks he has more to make a great kid than I do. I should be the jealous one here, but you know I really kind of agree with her. I've got some really strange relatives, on both sides. I figure if I raise the kid, I'm the Daddy. Let Don be the sperm donor. The kid's going to walk and talk and act like me, he's going to call me daddy. The kids going to ask me to borrow the car, not Don."

"Guess you're right, Joe," said Diane. "But damn it, I wish he had let me in on what was happening. He may have been sure I wouldn't go for this swap, and maybe I wouldn't have agreed. But he should have given me a chance. It feels like the son of a bitch loaned me out for a night or two while he tried another model. Right now I don't know what I would have said before he sent you in to slip that big salami to me. I'm still pretty steamed at him for that."

There was a short silence, and Don saw the covers moving then heard Joe say, with a throaty deep voice, "Feels to me you're steamed in another way, right now lover. Let's see what else that salami can do, Diane honey? We've got a lot of time to enjoy one another, let us see what we can do tonight."

The bulge under the covers heaved up and Don heard a sloppy kiss, then heard his wife moan. He could just make out movement under the covers about where Diane's hands would be if she were running them over the ass of a man lying atop her. He heard her gasp and moan again.

Fumbling, he gathered his clothes and started putting them on while tears silently ran down his face. Soon dressed, he sat back down for a moment, wondering what to do now as he listened to his wife and best friend making it under the covers on his bed.

Finally standing, Don walked to the hall door making no effort to hide the noise. Hell, the two in the bed were too busy to hear him. He stumbled back to the dresser and picked up his wallet, car keys and the key to the hotel room. Walking stoop shouldered back to the door he paused a moment longer, with his hand on the door to the hall outside, uncertain as to what he should do.

"Uhm, that was so nice," he heard Diane say as he paused, his forehead resting on the door, before going out. After a moment she continued, "Joe, I'm still so scared. What is Don going to say? Did he really agree for you to fuck me? I truly love him, and if I hadn't been so mad last night you never would have gotten in me. If I hadn't been so furious at Don, I guess I really wouldn't have even considered this. It's just I'm still so damned pissed at him. You're a good lover Joe, but I love Don, and if for no other reason that will always make him the best lover for me. And let me tell you, there are a lot of other reasons."

"Diane, honey," Joe answered, "I know all that. If I didn't think the same was true of Jenny I wouldn't be here tonight. I wasn't planning to fuck you last night, but you were so sexy I couldn't stop myself. Besides that I guess I was a little jealous of Don being with Jenny."

Jenny suddenly spoke from the doorway, "God, I'm sorry to interrupt, is Don here? He left me after giving me the strongest orgasm any woman has ever known. I didn't even know he got out of bed. I'm sorry Joe, but this is weird. Where is he?"

Jenny was standing in the doorway between him and the others and he saw that he was hidden from the others by the door standing open between them. Knowing they couldn't see him he just stood, silently listening, trying to make sense out of this. Something didn't seem to fit and he couldn't figure out what it was. He didn't make a sound, just stood with his hand on the knob of the door to the hall.

"What! What did you say?" Diane half shouted.

A light snapped on in the room, but left him in shadows where he stood. He heard a sudden thump, and heard Joe's voice. The thump must have been Joe jumping out of bed.

"He must be in the bathroom, Jenny." He almost snarled as he half ran back into his room.

"Oh sweet Jesus!" Don heard from his wife. He heard her running toward the connecting room doors, her robe billow out behind her as she pulled it on.

Jenny whirled, following them into her and Joe's room. "He's not IN the bathroom. After I recovered from what he did to me, I realized he had been gone too long and that's the first place I looked!" she exclaimed.

Don stepped through the hall door and, as he began easing it closed, he heard Diane, "He's not here. Oh God, he's not here. This is so weird! What's going on?"

Don shut the connecting door quietly and firmly, making sure it latched and locked. He had to think, and was so stunned and confused he had to be alone. Quietly opening the hall door Don stepped through. As he was closing it he heard Joe shout, "Don, are you in there? We have to talk, man. Open up!" and heard him pounding on the connecting door between the two rooms. The door Don had just closed.

Don stood for a moment, thinking then turned and strode to the stairs, going down them two at a time. Suddenly he felt hurried to get outside into the open air. Once there he half stumbled to his car, got in and drove off. Glancing in the rear view mirror as he turned down the long drive he saw only two windows lit in the resort, those to the rooms the four of them were occupying. His face gray and totally devoid of emotion he turned onto the road before the lodge, driving away from the highway and home. He had to get somewhere to think.

- - - - -

At the lodge, Joe was still knocking on the connecting door but he had an unhappy expression on his face. Behind him his wife was just slipping on her robe. The worried and bewildered expression on her face added to the tension in the room.

Diane had collapsed into one of the two overstuffed chairs. Her hands held to her face her body covered by the robe. She seemed completely unaware of anything but the monsters of worry and jealousy roaring through her head.

Turning at last from the door, Joe turned to Diane and asked her to open the door to her room. Diane just looked at him, then suddenly understood he wanted the key, which she didn't have. She told him softly that the key was still in the room.

Joe angrily stormed to the hall door and had actually opened it before Jenny reached him to stop him. Pointing out he was nude, she convinced him to dress before heading to the front desk to get someone to open the door to Diane's room.

Diane surfaced from her fog enough to get on the phone while Joe was dressing and she called the front desk. Telling them she had been visiting with another couple and left her key in her room, she requested they open the door for her, explaining her husband was either so sound asleep he didn't hear her knock or himself had gone for a walk. It was almost 2:00 AM.

It took fifteen minutes, but the door was finally opened and with trepidation, the three friends went in to see what had happened to Don. He wasn't there of course, and they found no indication where he had gone. The only things Diane found missing were the clothes he had worn yesterday. She assumed his wallet and keys were still in the pants pocket. The only room key they found was the one Diane had in her purse so he must have taken the key.

Joe tried to cheer Diane up by telling her Don was just off to think. His taking the room key showed he was planning on returning soon.

Diane sat down on the high-backed chair Don had dropped his clothes on when he got ready for bed. The chair he had collapsed onto when he heard and saw Diane in bed with Joe.

"Joe," she began slowly, "what exactly is going on? I mean, this was weird to begin with and it's gotten worse. What's going on!"

Joe, speechless for once, just kind of looked around obviously not knowing what to say.

Jenny broke in, "Diane, honey, this thing is maybe my fault. But I can't figure out why Don disappeared." She then told Diane how she wanted a baby, and the problems she and Joe had run into.

Summing up the story, she added, "So you see, honey, Joe and I talked and he understood how bad I wanted to be a real mother. I asked about artificial insemination, and we talked it over. It made sense so then we discussed who would be the sperm donor. When it came down to it though, I couldn't handle having some strangers cum poked into me, it just made me shudder. Joe is the only boy in his family, and we can't stand any of his cousins. Most of them are a little strange, and don't even mention our brothers-in-law. When we started considering men we knew there was only one, and that was Don."

Diane looked confused, "So how come I woke up the other night and find out Don had snuck off into your room? What's that have to do with artificial insemination? I married the guy, you don't have to sell me on his good qualities, although last night he was almost dead"

Jenny, looking uncomfortable, answered, "Well see, Diane, when we got around to talking to the Doc's about it we found out what it costs. We can handle raising a kid, and with luck we maybe can help get it into some college or other. But they're asking thousands of dollars to get some Doc to play with a fake cock to get you pregnant. We don't have the kind of money to both get pregnant and raise the kid." She shrugged helplessly, then continued, "So we, that is I cause Joe wasn't real fond of the idea for a while, I asked Joe if we could just have Don get me pregnant. I figured we'd talk it over as two couples and if you and Don were OK with it, and Joe said he was, then Don and I could do it a couple times when I was fertile and that would be it."

Jenny stopped talking, and went to the dresser where Don had left a bottle of Canadian Club, where she poured herself a drink and fished out an ice cube from the nearly melted ice bucket. As she did so she continued, "What happened Diane, was Don told Joe he wanted to play out a fantasy he had, using me as a 'victim'. He was going to sneak into the room, slip in my bed and then 'do me' in my sleep. I wasn't to wake up until he was actually in me. Guess he didn't tell you that part of it when you agreed to the idea, huh."

"Uhm," Joe broke in, before Diane could say anything, "it was a bit more complicated than that. I guess Don had some kinky ideas I never gave him credit for. What he wanted was for him to go do Jenny like she said, but he never talked it over with Diane."

Jenny exploded, "What the Hell are you saying! That son of a bitch didn't clear this with Diane! Holy shit Red Rider, did you go along with that?" she asked Joe.

"Let me explain," Joe said, throwing his hands in the air, " Don said he and Diane had the same fantasy, with Diane being the gal getting it while she was asleep. He told me Diane was really attracted to me, and they had played that game out often enough that he knew she would really like it. He said she would get a real kick out of finding out their game was real. He convinced me she'd have no problem with either Don going with you or me doing her. Last night I found out that wasn't quite the way it was, but it was a bit late to change things then. He was already doing you Jenny, before Diane woke up while I was getting her hot. I was worried Diane would kill him, and then me if I couldn't settle her down. Sorry about that."

The room fell into silence, with Diane steaming in her chair and Jenny sipping her drink. After an hour or so, Joe stepped back into his room and went back to bed. He figured neither woman was going to let him do her that night, and his balls were about to burst. He'd really been looking forward to a long session with Diane before good old Don got done with Jenny. It didn't help when he rolled into bed and right into the huge wet spot that Don and Jenny had left in the bed. He got up and took a shower to get the slime off him, then crawled into the room's second bed and went to sleep.

- - - - -

Don drove for a half-hour before coming to another lake. Finding a place to park with a good view he sat down to think. Nothing seemed to make sense.

At first he figured Diane and Joe had a thing going, and his heart almost broke. Then he remembered their conversation, and got totally confused. He knew he wasn't the smartest chicken in the hutch, but what he knew and heard just didn't add up. For one thing, when Jenny burst into the room she seemed to know he had just done her. She wasn't mad, but instead was upset that she couldn't find him.

And it had sounded like Diane and Joe had gotten it on last night too, when he found the door locked. That hurt a lot, but he couldn't really hold it against her because he'd just done Jenny, twice. But everyone seemed to be more aware of what had been going on then he was.

Don was very confused, hurt and felt very lonely. Pretty soon he got cold, too, so he left the lake and drove until he found an all night diner. Going in he got a cup of coffee and a roll. There he sat nursing the coffee until well past sun up. When the waitress began suggesting they needed his stool for paying customers he got back into the car and headed back the way he came.

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Dumbguy69Dumbguy69about 13 hours ago

Why did she call him red rider. That is weird to introduce a nickname like that. Also this story is all sorts of fucked up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

to widowedidiot; Jim(actually Joe) is doing some fast tap dancing to CYA. Don has no fantasy and bneither dies diane, about being or doing a sleeping victim. Don never tol;d jore that diane had a thing for him. Joe/jim is lying his ass off and prolly desperately hoping that Don never asks either bitch about what they were told by joe about the why who where what and how of this cluster fuck. Im thinking that dianes history, joe is going to have another reason why 1- his sperm cnt is low and 2- why he cant get his "log" up no mo. Diane is the most innocent but fucked up big time by letting Joe fuck her before verifying w/ Don WTF was going on. rk

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Well what else did he expect?.It was obviously a plot for Joe to get to fuck Dianne.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago

This story got kind of confusing. How many times did he step out into the hall? It was quite a few times. The end one was that he had the handle of the door with his head resting on it then closed the connecting door and stepped out once again into the hallway. Must have real long arms to be able to reach from the door to the connecting doors. And where did Jim come up with all this story? Did I miss something?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

dumb cuck shit.

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