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"Oh. And I'm 41 years old and divorced, so if you want to turn around...."

He let go of her hand to take the wheel to turn into their restaurant. As he did, Cam said, "Not a chance. I want to know everything about you, Kate Bennett."

"It's not that interesting. I can promise you."

He pulled into a parking space, looked over, and said, "It is to me. Now, if you'll give me a sec, and I'll get your door."

Kate's heart was pounding in her chest, and while it made no sense logically, the fact remained that it was as he offered her a hand to stand up.

As the hostess seated them Kate's head was spinning as she tried to restore order to her brain and to her life. Sure, he was attractive. And yes, she hadn't been on a date let alone with a man in...ages. But this was just inexplicable.

Their server came and introduced herself and asked if they wanted a drink.

Both were surprised when the other said, "No, thanks. I'm fine."

"You don't drink?" Kate asked.

"No. Never. You?"


"Religion, health or something else?" Cam asked in a way that wasn't nosy.

"Health. Definitely. I know they say a glass of wine can have heart benefits, but I prefer to abstain."

He smiled politely, and when she finished he told her he felt exactly the same way.

"Purple grape juice has the same benefits, but how many people drink it for what small amount of good it purportedly does?"

"Good point. I don't drink at all, because I want to be able to get up early and workout and not have any sense of dullness."

Cam used both hands to pretend he was searching for something in front of him which caused to laugh and ask what he was doing.

"I'm looking for the wire."

"What? What wire?"

"We obviously share the same brain, and I'm looking for the connection."

It was so corny Kate had to laugh.

"I run every other morning," Cam told her after he stopped 'searching'.

"Every other morning?" Kate teased. "What a slacker!"

"I'm in the gym on the those other days--smarty pants."

Kate was connecting the dots. She was learning why she liked him in spite of the obvious reason why she shouldn't.

They ordered and continued talking, and the big question Kate had was how he ended up buying laundromat.

"I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life when I got accepted to the Naval Academy. My parents were poor, so Annapolis took care of college. But as far as a career, I couldn't see me staying in the Marine Corps for even 20 years. Don't get me wrong. I loved the Corps and the sense of brotherhood. Same for the Academy. But I wanted other things, too."

"Such as?" she asked without prying.

He got serious as he looked at her and said, "A wife. A family. Stability. Maybe a nice home with the white picket fence, and a dog."

Kate felt a pleasant shiver when he said those things.

"Okay, but why the laundromat?"

"I got sidetracked, didn't I?"

His smile was so amazing, and his hair and face and body were....

"So then I...."

"Wait. I'm sorry. What did you say before that?" Kate had to ask.

Her brief brush with fantasy cost her an important part of his answer.

"I was just saying that growing up poor taught me the value of money. I resolved early on that I would live as frugally as possible for nine years to give me options when I left active duty. When I got out earlier this year, I had a fairly significant amount."

"Enough to buy the laundromat?"

"No. Not hardly. This one cost $750,000, and that's on the lower end."

Kate couldn't believe what she just heard and it showed.

"I know, right? Anyway, my former CO--commanding officer--retired around the same time. Before we both left the Marine Corps we talked about business opportunities. He really does his research, let me tell you. Oh and he's from the Seattle area. He mentioned laundromats, and had it not come from him I'd have scoffed. So I started doing my own research. In the end, he got several officers who'd worked for him at one point or another to invest with him. I am."

"I know it's early, but is it working for you? Financially and in terms of your expectations?"

"In a big way. I'm actually looking at another investment with my former CO whose name is Rich, by the way. He's looking at a gas station/minimart which is significantly more expensive than a laundromat."

"I'm amazed and impressed in so many ways," Kate told him truthfully.

"Life is short, and while I'm not going to take up base jumping or swimming with sharks anytime soon, I don't want to let important opportunities pass me by."

He looked right at her then quietly said, "Or important people."

When Kate looked away he sensed she might have felt that was too much, too soon--or worse.

"I hope I didn't just say something wrong, Kate."

"No. Not at all. It's just that...."

He knew she was struggling to find the right words and sat patiently knowing she would.

"I...I shouldn't be here. With you."

He raised an eyebrow and continued giving her space.

"It just doesn't make sense to me."

"Because?" he floated rather gingerly, knowing what was coming next.

"Cam. You know why."

He waited a few more seconds. She didn't speak so he did. But first he reached for her hand. She looked at it then at him, and somehow her hand moved on its own and stopped when it got to his.

"Here's what I know. I don't have a hard time finding...."


"I was going to say...someone to spend time with me, but...yes," he said as he smiled warmly and squeezed her hand.

"But I have never once met anyone who so immediately captivated me. Call that...well, call that whatever you like, but it's true. I know your...age. And you know mine. It may be important to you, but trust me, it isn't to me. Not when we share connections. And you can't deny that we do. Kate, I can honestly say that I have no desire to 'see' or 'be' with any other woman."

He waited for a moment as their eyes locked then said, "Just you, Kate. Only you."

Her heart and stopped racing until he said those last few words, and now it was doing it again.

"But what about the family you want?"

"Are you saying you wouldn't even consider that? With me?"

There was no emotion but concern in his voice, and it made Kate think hard.

"I...I never think about that. Not anymore, anyway. I did want a second child in the worst possible way, but my former husband wouldn't even talk about it. So...I just quit wanting that, because it was too painful."

Cam saw her eyes getting glassy and said, "Kate. What's wrong?"

A tear fell and Cam moved closer and handed her a paper napkin which she used.

"I guess...I still want that," she managed to say as another tear rolled down her cheek. "I just haven't let myself think about that for at least ten years."

She looked at him then said, "But I do. I do want that."

Her brain knew Cam was going to kiss her, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. And then it told her that she wanted him to kiss her, too, and she kissed him back. One soft, short, amazing and gentle kiss that set her heart on fire.

"I will never hurt you, Kate," he quietly told her as he removed the tear that had fallen.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" she asked, her voice unsteady.

He moved his hand between their foreheads, and that made her smile.

"The connection."

"Yes. The connection. Between you and me."

She also did the same thing and smiled.

"I can't see it or touch it, and yet I know it's there, too."

"You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"I think maybe I do," she whispered as she leaned over to kiss him.

Neither of them knew their server had walked up or that she was smiling and wishing she had someone like that in her life.

"Sorry," she said when the kiss ended. "I didn't mean to stare. You guys are just so...perfect for each other."

"I think so," Cam said in reply without taking his eyes off of the beautiful woman who'd just kissed him.

"Can I get you guys any dessert?"

"No, thanks."

Together Kate and Cam said, "We're good."

She left the check, and left them staring into one another's eyes.

"So now what?" Kate asked as Cam held her hand.

"I have something I want to show you. Unless it's past your bedtime."

"Ha-ha!" she said again. "It's only 8:45, so I've got a full 15 minutes before then."

Cam smiled and laughed then kissed her again.

"You are so amazing," he told her.

"Hardly," she said. "But I love hearing you say that."

"Get used to it. I plan to say many, many nice things that are also true."

"Okay," she replied, knowing that what little fight that was in her was now gone.

Outside the air was even colder.

"How long is this cold front supposed to be with us?" Kate asked as she shivered.

"A few days maybe?"

The car took longer to warm up, but Kate had a different perspective on...everything...and it didn't seem so bad.

"This won't take long. I'm just excited to show you."

"I really don't have to be in bed by nine," Kate said with a little laugh. "I might even hang until ten. If I have to."

"I'll have you back by then," Cam promised.

He pulled into a very brightly lit gas station with a large grocery mart, and Kate assumed he needed gas.

"So this is it," Cam told her as he parked near the front door.

Kate realized what he meant and felt stupid.

"Your next investment."

"Yes. And I want you to meet someone."

He ran around and opened her door then took her hand and led her inside.

They no sooner got in when Kate heard a loud, "OORAH!"

Cam hollered back, "Semper Fi!" as the two men converged.

"Cam. Good to see you!" the older man said.

"You, too, Colonel. Oh. This is my...."

He looked at Kate who smiled and stuck her hand out.

"Hi. I'm Kate Bennett."

"Rich. Thomas. It's a pleasure. Cam told me he had date with a beautiful woman, but I had no idea!" Rich said as he looked at Kate.

He then looked at Cam and said, "You know you're dating above your pay grade, right?"

"Go for the brass ring, right?"

Kate thought the older man was also handsome. Short, salt-and-pepper hair, square jaw, tall, fit, and he also had a very nice smile.

"Rich, as I mentioned, was my CO, and we're looking at this property as our next investment."

Rich got serious and said, "I was just talking with the current owner, and they seem motivated to sell. I did a little checking to make sure they weren't motivated because of some external pressure, and it's not. They're just ready to retire, so I think this is a great opportunity, Cam."

"I've been looking myself, and since we both came to the same conclusion--I'm in."

"This is exciting!" Kate said as she realized Cam was 'pulling the trigger'.

"Naw. This is business. Dinner with you was exciting."

"This guy's a charmer, Kate," Rich told her when he saw her reaction. "But he's also one of the most honest, decent men I know, and I've met many hundreds of fine, young men, so you can take that to the bank."

"I'm learning that about him," she said as she looked over at Cam who smiled at her.

"All right, Rich. I just wanted to show Kate the property. Let me know when and where on the deal, okay?"

"Will do, Marine. And Kate? It was truly a pleasure meeting you."

He smiled at her and said to Cam, "She's a keeper. For sure."

Cam put his arm around her, and for a moment, it felt so right she felt like she and Cam had been married for several years rather than out on a first date. She put hers around his waist and told Rich it was nice meeting him, too.

As he drove Kate home he looked over and asked her, "Is it too early to let you know I'd very much like to see you again?"

"Since I was hoping you'd say I'd like that, too."

The moment she saw his hand move her way she moved hers, too.

"I had a great time with you tonight," he said as he held her hand more firmly.

"Me, too. I did have some concerns, but...not anymore."

"Anything not related to the different years we were born?" he asked, the ubiquitous smile on his face.

"No. Just that."

"And now?"

"I haven't dated since...well, let's not go there."

Cam chuckled as she continued.

"So I can't say that you're wiser and/or more mature than most men, age."

She got another smile and finished her thought.

"But you are most definitely at least as wise and as mature as any man I've ever met, so any concern I may have had about that is gone."

When he looked her way and smiled she asked if he had any.

"No. None."

He focused on the road as he said, "I'm not only optimistic, I'm confident and goal-oriented. I'm not a jerk who 'takes what he wants'. I just happen to know what I want now. And I plan to pursue it."

He gave her another quick look then added, "Passionately."

"Passion is good," Kate said, her mouth feeling dry all of a sudden.

They drove hand in hand and in silence until they got to her house. Cam pulled into the driveway then went around to open Kate's door.

"Let me walk you to the porch," he said as they stood just inches from each other.

Kate's heart was pounding so hard she thought it might explode as she said, "Why don't you come inside."

"Kate. Are you sure?"

"No, but I've never been a confident person. I second guess myself all the time. Sometimes I...third guess myself."

Cam smiled and stroked her silky hair as Kate shivered and talked.

"But there's something about this that just feels right. Does that make any sense?"

In heels, she was only two inches shorter than Cam, and as she looked into his eyes she knew the answer. When he kissed her, she was certain.

"Let's get you inside," he said as the kiss ended.

The end pf their kissing was short-lived as the moment her coat came off she kissed him and pulled him to the bedroom then kissed him again. Kate flipped the light on for a moment, but when Cam pulled her close and kissed her, she reached behind him and turned it back off.

"Uh-uh. You are too beautiful to hide in the dark."

"Cam. I...I don't want you to see me and leave," she pleaded in spite of her intense fitness and nutrition regime.

"Never. Going. To. Happen," he told her as she tried to turn the light off again.

He pushed her to the bed then told her to undress him. She'd never had a man say something like that to her before and found it erotically intoxicating. She unbuttoned and unzipped and lifted and pulled until he was standing in front of her wearing only what he came into the world with.

He kissed her, and she gave him her tongue as she reached for him.

"Mmmm," she moaned as he grew in her hand.

She'd always hated when her former husband tried to push head somewhere she didn't want it to go, but the moment Cam did it, she fell to her knees and did something else she had never cared to do. With him, however, it wasn't 'dirty' or disgusting or anything like that. It was beautiful and wonderful and...very sensual.

Kate came three times in the next half hour and two more an hour later. Were she to think about it, she'd have known that was about half as many times as she'd done that in all the years she was married. Sex wasn't boring or routine after all. It had only seemed that way because she wasn't with the right man.

As she lay in his arms Cam told her, "I've seen you naked, and I'm not leaving."

He waited for her to look up at him then asked, "Surprised?"

"No," she told him her heart full for the first time in forever. "Just promise you never will."

"I promise," he told her before he flipped her over causing her to scream with happiness as she begged for him again.


Thirty days later Cam signed on the dotted line as a co-owner of the gas station and minimart. Liv wanted in, too, and the three of them pooled their money for a downpayment of $400,000 on a $2.5 million deal.

By the time Cam married Kate Bennett a year later, he'd begun receiving a regular check as both businesses continued to grow and prosper as the pandemic ended.

She got her new washer machine, and along with everything else, she eventually moved them into a new home that she Cam bought together after selling hers.

Megan initially thought her mother had lost her mind (and all of her marbles, too) when she finally told him the man she'd fallen in love with was 27 years old. It wasn't until she met Cam that her fears and anger began to fade.

He was everything her mother had promised him to be and more. When she couldn't find a single thing to hold against him other than his age, Megan gave up resenting him and even came to respect him. He made her mother happier than she'd ever seen her, and that alone was reason enough to accept him.

When she graduated from college three years later, Cam hired her to run the minimart he and her mom co-owned after she proved herself more than capable of handling it.

Megan also had another adjustment to make when she learned that she was finally going to have the baby brother she'd always wanted. She had no idea her mom had wanted the same thing, but when Noah Allen Kennedy was born, she cried when Kate said to the tiny baby boy, "Mommy wanted you for so long, sweetheart. She just had to wait for your father to find me."

Cam heard it, too, and while he still denies, both Kate and Megan swear they saw a tear in his eye.

When Noah Kennedy left for the US Naval Academy 18 years later, his parents were quite wealthy. They were also quite generous and gave to charities of all kinds, and often helped other young entrepreneurs get their start.

The four members of the Kennedy family weren't a part of the Camelot Kennedys, but they were every bit as close and loving. But how could they not be when they shared so many deep and lasting connections?

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Ravey19Ravey198 months ago

Another sweet loving story. 5

WillcropWillcrop8 months ago

This was just another example of how well minded puts together a story. I have re-read the stories again and again

OldHippieJimOldHippieJim8 months ago

Soft, gentle and loving. All of the things that can make a good, loving story enjoyable. Light on the sex, heavy on the emotions. Thanks for a good read, again. Five stars.

OldbutboldOldbutbold8 months ago
you did it again KOMRAD 5 stars lol

How you manage it is beyond my thinking but well done mate ,only one question did Kate get her new washing machine ????? , lolololl

Hiram325Hiram3258 months ago

I'm glad you're back. 5 stars of course.

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