Corporate Bodies Pt. 01: Dishonesty


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It was nearly an hour later when the closing speeches were being made that we next saw Andy. He looked his usual smart, professional self and I began to wonder whether anything had happened at all, or whether it was all just a silly misunderstanding on Amanda's part.

That idea was dispelled fifteen minutes later when, the guests having departed, we employees were having a post-party debrief. As Amanda and I were collecting our coats at reception before heading home, we saw Yvonne leaving the lift alone and making a beeline for the front door.

She was obviously trying to get away without being noticed, but when she caught sight of us watching her she froze in her tracks. For a moment she seemed to panic, then looked as if she was about to run back the way she had come, but finally realised that she had been well and truly spotted and, with a deep breath, crossed the lobby to join us.

She seemed to be walking awkwardly, and as she drew near, Amanda nudged me and nodded towards Yvonne's bosom. At first, I noticed the necklace Amanda had described hanging down in the V of her top. Close up, it was both distinctive and beautiful and looked very valuable, but then I saw the state of the chest on which it lay, understood my wife's meaning, and all my attention was grabbed by our friend's condition.

Yvonne's face and chest were flushed pink, her lips were puffy, her hair was slightly dishevelled, and it looked like her make-up had been recently and clumsily re-applied. There was no mistaking it; our friend had had sex; very passionately, very recently and if her flushed complexion was anything to go by, very satisfactorily.

I stood open mouthed, staring at the woman I had thought I knew so well, but who now stood apparently freshly-fucked right in front of me.

Fortunately, before my gawping could cause too much offence, I was rescued by my clever wife who weighed in with chat about how well the evening had gone and the important contracts the company was trying to win on the back of it. Yvonne responded, clearly thankful for the diversion and a minute or two later, her husband arrived with their coats.

Mike either didn't notice his wife's dishevelled appearance or chose to ignore it because he bade us farewell as if nothing had happened.

Chapter Four

Amanda and I talked about little else in the car on the way home, both of us shocked that a close friend of ours could do such a terrible thing in such a brazen fashion, and amazed that her husband either couldn't see what was happening or else cared so little about it.

When I returned from taking the babysitter home, Amanda was already in her night dress and was brushing her hair. I undressed quickly and joined her under the duvet. It was too late for any reading and a moment later the lights were off and the room in darkness.

But sleep would not come. After half an hour's tossing and turning, a pained voice came towards me from across the bed.

"Please keep still. I'm trying to sleep!"

"Sorry. I just can't settle," I apologised.

"Neither can I with you shaking the bed like that. What's the problem?"

"I just can't get the image out of my mind," I confessed.

"Which image?"

"Those two!"

"Who? Oh, you mean Yvonne and Andy?"

"Yes. I mean, he's supposedly had so many women at work -- and outside it I guess -- it just seems strange that he should want her."

Amanda chuckled. "Maybe she's really good in bed. Have you thought about that?"

I laughed too, but I could tell it wasn't really a joke.

"I suppose she used to be a lot better looking. Remember their wedding photos on the mantelpiece? She looked pretty hot back then! Ouch!"

Amanda had poked me hard in the ribs.

"She's not your type," my wife said firmly.

"How do you know?"

"I'm a psychologist, stupid!"

"So, what is my type then, Professor?" I asked, rolling onto my side and stroking her tummy through her night dress.

"Well," she began in her 'professional' voice. "Based on a long term, in-depth analysis of your past history and expressed tastes... Mmmm that's nice..."

My fingers had strayed upwards to her small firm breasts and were toying with her nipples through the cotton of her nightie. They had instantly hardened under my touch. I rolled them gently in my fingertips then cupped the firming cones from which they grew.

"I'd say... I'd say that you prefer... mmmm... the less educated woman," she continued. "Someone more... mmm, that's very nice. Someone more compliant. Someone less intelligent than you maybe... less of a threat to your own intellectual status... And with much bigger boobs of course!"

I chuckled, my fingers stroking her tummy and descending to her lower belly.

"Lets' see if I'm right!" she said playfully. "A good theory has to be tested!"

I felt long slender fingers working their way into my boxer shorts and ticking the underside of my cock as it lay on my belly, semi-erect.

"Hmmm... there's evidence to support this but it's... inconclusive," she said, her voice low and sexy. "Let's see... she should definitely be someone less challenging academically," she continued. "Perhaps with a fuller figure, not slim and athletic like mine... Ouch!" I had prodded her in the ribs again, but she carried on teasing me.

I felt her fingers close around my shaft and she squeezed it firmly. It resisted her grip, hardening quickly.

"I'd say we were on the right track, wouldn't you? Definite signs of arousal here!"

Her voice in the darkness and her soft hands were so intense that I had abandoned stroking her lovely body and was selfishly enjoying the wonderful sensations she was bringing me. Amanda's fingertips traced along the ridge under my smooth swelling head, then down to my tight scrotum and back.

"Certainly, you'd enjoy someone softer and more cuddly than me; someone less bony when you're in bed with her; someone perhaps with larger, heavier thighs for your hips to slap against when you thrust into her!"

My cock was now very hard in her hand. I felt my shorts being lowered then the hidden hand began to pump my shaft slowly but rhythmically. My head filled with disturbing images of Yvonne talking to Andy, then Yvonne naked, her curves exposed, her thighs and tummy generously proportioned.

To my astonishment, I realised I was getting really aroused by the idea. Amanda must have noticed because she pulled back the duvet, exposing my bare midriff to the low light. My erection was mostly covered by her hand but as I watched, she lowered her sweet, blonde head towards my groin.

The next moment my swollen, sensitive head was engulfed by a warm, wet cavern containing a magic beast that writhed and squirmed all over its smooth end.

"Oh God! Amanda!" I breathed out into the darkness.

I felt a small, dainty hand cupping my balls, gently massaging them, running one over the other as her tongue sought out every secret cavern and indentation in my cock. From the tiny lips at its tip down to its thick hairy base, it felt like every cell on my shaft was being aroused all at once as she licked up, down and around its length.

"Can you picture it?" she asked, pausing for a moment in her expert ministrations. "Close your eyes!"

There was another kiss on my sensitive tip.

"Can you imagine..." one of my balls was sucked into her mouth. "Her doing this to him!"

The flat of her tongue passed over the sensitive skin of my sack in its warm cavern. It felt incredible for a moment then she spat it out and drew the other ball between her lips where it enjoyed the same treatment.

I let out a low moan.

"Mmmmm Ammmmannndddaaa! That's soooo good!"

"And you've been sooo bad thinking about one of our closest friends in that way," she teased as her middle finger slipped down between my thighs and tickled the sensitive place just above the cleft between my buttocks.

"Ohhhhh... that's amazinggggg!" I murmured.

A moment later, her attention had moved from my groin to my mouth. I could taste a little of myself on her lips as her tongue was thrust between my teeth. My hands rose to her breasts, but she brushed them away, raising her nightgown high above her waist as she rose on her knees and straddled my body.

"You don't deserve this," she smiled, reaching between her slender, athletic thighs and positioning the head of my rock-hard cock at the entrance to her vagina. "Don't you dare cum until I've finished with you!"

Slowly, agonisingly, she lowered herself down onto my shaft, her vagina monstrously lubricated but still wire-tight despite having given birth to two kids. My aroused, anxious pupils were fixed on her eyes, whose deep blue appeared black in the darkness.

Slowly, her svelte body swallowed my entire manhood in a single smooth stroke until her sparse, tightly curled pubic hair was pressed hard against my coarse wiry triangle.


Amanda paused and sighed, fully impaled on my monstrously erect cock. Her extraordinary eyes twinkled mischievously just for me, the only man who had ever known what it was to be inside her most precious place. I could feel my swollen head pressing hard against her cervix and the powerful walls of her vagina gripping me tightly.

And then she began to fuck me!

There is no other way to describe the vigour, passion and skill with which my beautiful, intelligent wife rose and fell, rose and fell, over and over again, driving my erection deeper and deeper into her body with every descent.

"Oh God!" I moaned, "Amanda that's... that's..."

"Fuck me!" she growled as the room filled with the wet slapping sounds of our colliding bodies. "Shut up and fuck me!"

My hands reached out for hers, our fingers entwining. I could feel her nails digging into the back of my hands as she continued to rise and fall. Inspired, I began to clench my buttocks rhythmically, thrusting myself upwards in time with each of her descents, hammering the head of my cock violently into the entrance to her womb, stretching her tight, wet inner lips around the thick base of my shaft.

"Yes! Oh Yes! Oh fucking yes!"

Amanda's growled words grew louder and louder as her arousal rapidly increased. A strong smell wafted from her groin towards my face and I looked across my own flat, athletic tummy to the place where our bodies were joined. Even in the low light, I could see the rim of thick white cream that surrounded the base of my shaft, felt my cock beginning to swell within her sweet body and the rising heat in my lower spine that told of an imminent climax.


Amanda clearly knew my body almost as well as I did myself. I tried hard to beat back the arousal, counting backwards in my head, imagining fat, ugly women and old male politicians in a desperate attempt to stop myself cumming before she had reached her peak.

Still her body rose and fell, slamming into mine messily and noisily as the unmistakeable smell of a woman's impending orgasm grew stronger and stronger.

"Yes! That's it! Don't cum yet! Dontcumyet Dontcumyet Dontcummm...!"

He words were choked away as the strength of the orgasm she had largely given herself, robbed her of the power of speech. Her deep blue eyes closed tightly then sprang alarmingly wide open as she came silently but violently above me.

With all this happening, I could not control myself any longer and with a moan so loud it surprised even me, I surrendered myself to one of the most powerful and intense orgasms I had ever enjoyed. My throat seized up and my chest went so tight that I was sure I was having a heart attack, as my lovely wife flexed and twisted in the throes of a climax as intense as any I had ever seen, even in porn moves.

Thick, pungent juices oozed from her slit and were spread across my upper thighs as her spasming vagina clamped and released my pulsating shaft over and over again. Again and again, semen spurted from the swollen head of my throbbing cock buried deep within her body, was smeared over her open cervix and pumped into the womb beyond.

The mixture of pain and pleasure was exquisite, but of course this intensity of orgasm could not last long. As the last few drops of my seedless semen spurted upwards into her smooth, toned body, I felt the grip of her knees on my chest loosen and the tightness of her hands on mine begin to relax.

Blood finally began to return to my fingers as her riding slowed to a halt.

Amanda was still for a while, her long blonde hair falling over her pretty face, her pink-flushed chest rising and falling as she panted for breath. I felt my erection softening inside her, then slipping messily from her loosened vagina accompanied by a torrent of sticky goo which spread all over my lower belly.

Amanda stared down at the pool between her spread thighs and giggled. I rose on my elbows and stared at it too. It was a very big pool.

"How much of this stuff can you produce?" she asked, pulling her hair away from her face and grinning.

"It depends on the incentive I have," I replied smiling, running my fingers from her knees towards her pink, open slit. "Besides, some of it came from you."

She leaned over and we kissed long and deeply before she lifted her shapely leg over me and lay alongside me on the bed. I reached across to the bedside table and, taking a handful of tissues, cleaned myself up before, exhausted, we both rolled over and tried to sleep.


An hour later, Amanda woke to find me staring at the ceiling in the darkness.

"What's on your mind?" she asked softly. "If you're after a second helping, I'm much too tired!"

I laughed.

"It's Yvonne and Andy, I suppose," I replied though my head was full of odd thoughts.

"You're still thinking about them?"

"Sorry. It's just that... well, it's Yvonne! I know Andy's supposed to have had lots of affairs, but she and Mike are two of our oldest friends. We've known them for so long, and I'd never guessed she was cheating on him."

"It surprised me too," Amanda agreed. "I suppose you never know what's going on behind closed doors."

"Poor Mike," I sighed.

"Maybe he knows. Maybe he's known for a long time and has decided to live with it. It's not doing his career any harm, is it?" my lovely wife said with uncharacteristic bitterness. "He can't have failed to see what she looked like tonight. If we could tell when she was dressed..."

She left the rest unsaid.

"It's weird," I frowned. "I mean, you think you know someone well and they bring out a surprise as big as this!"

"How well can anyone ever know anyone else?" Amanda asked quietly. "We're all capable of doing surprising things, given the right incentive. Everything is down to the right incentive -- and incentives can be positive or negative. Undergraduate Psychology, year two, term three."

She laughed at herself.

"I know you're right, but I still can't really believe it," I pondered aloud. "I mean, if nothing else, just look at her!"

"Don't be so nasty," Amanda scolded me. "Okay, she's put on a bit of weight with the kids but she's still an attractive woman and..."

"That's not what I meant!" I interrupted. "I meant she's Yvonne! You know, as in Mike and Yvonne! She's normal; just like us, not a scarlet temptress! She's got two kids like ours and a house like ours!"

"Just what do you think a cheating wife should look like?" Amanda demanded, laughing at my stupidity. "That she'd have devil's horns or maybe dress like a street hooker? She won't have the word 'slut' tattooed on her forehead, you know!"

"No, of course not, but..."

"But nothing! Psychologically speaking, there are plenty of reasons why a wife might sleep with another man. There are reasons why Mike might be okay about it too; he might even want it to happen. You can't judge someone's motivations and their relationships by the job they do or the address they live at! Everyone's different!"

I paused for a moment, silenced by her little tirade and of course, by the truth in what she had said.

"You're right," I conceded. "As you always are. It's just... unsettling. I mean If Andy can get into Yvonne's knickers, and they're just like us, then..."

"Then he might be able to get into mine too?" she completed my thoughts with razor sharp accuracy.

I nodded, ashamed of myself and my sudden insecurity.

"He's got a real thing about you, you know that."

Amanda just looked at me indulgently and took my hand in hers.

"You don't need to worry. There are simply no circumstances in which I'd let Andy, or any other man get his hands, or any other part of his anatomy, anywhere near the places you've just been."

I squeezed her hand in the darkness, relieved.

"Especially if he keeps calling me Mandy!" she added angrily.

That comment broke what little tension was left.

"Well, that's good news!" I said, smiling broadly in the darkness.

"Do you feel any better now?" Amanda asked indulgently.

"A lot better," I replied, rolling onto my side until I was facing her. "I love you, Amanda!"

"I love you too. I love you much more than you realise, you foolish man! Now go to sleep!"

As I drifted happily off to sleep, I began to understand just how very, very much I loved her and how very, very right she was about my foolishness.

Neither of us realised how very, very wrong she was about Andy!

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Painful to watch like a slow motion train wreck. But, God help him, he’s asking for it….

lexlogan8lexlogan8over 1 year ago

I'm so glad to have discovered literotica -- so many excellent writers! Jenny is among the very best.

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 3 years ago

A favorite writer that I lost track of, then was fortunate to rediscover. This is a great lead in. Without reading onward yet, I would hazard a guess that she’ll be answering to Mandy in due course.

Ma8grets3weaknessesMa8grets3weaknessesalmost 3 years ago

I agree with those that write this is a well-worn storyline, and not unique. The outcome is obvious. Nonetheless, the writing is outstanding and there is enough variation on the cuckold, reluctant but hot wife and her expert lovers themes to give our readers great erotic entertainment. Jenny is second to none in my opinion in her vivid descriptions, whether they are plaudinle or not. This is fantasy folks, not a documentary. Five stars f overall in my mind. I am a new follower and will read her work avidly even though I think I will know tge outcome of her stories, but the trip along tge way will be one helluva ride.

ice67ice67about 3 years ago

Just one word describes your writing, FANTASTIC!

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