Cote d'Azur Wedding Ch. 02


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I responded, "Oh, I have known him for a long time. I have been coming to Europe for many years."

I had answered her question, but not directly, and she probably wanted to probe a little further. But I saw an opportunity to go back over to Jurgen and excused myself.

Knowing that everyone was likely watching, I approached him from the side and put my arm around him. He looked at me and put his arm around my shoulder. I lifted my head up and kissed his cheek.

I thought it was a nice gesture to show our relationship was not him "bringing his niece." I was confident the ladies had noticed as well.

I felt Jurgen lower his hand so it was now low on my waist. I pulled him tighter to let him know it was OK. He got the message and I felt his hand caress my lower back and upper hip. It was not sleazy in any way, but could not be interpreted as us being only casual acquaintances. It was the least I could do.

He is extremely intelligent and perceptive, so I was confident he understood and appreciated it.

The party was a very great time. The drinks, dancing, music and overall atmosphere were all lovely. At one point, Jurgen mentioned he wanted to ask a few of the women to dance and asked if I minded. I absolutely did not mind, in fact insisted he should do whatever he liked and of course he should be social to his friends.

I told him that I was going to the 'powder room', and that with this dress it would be easier to use my own room. He nodded.

The hotel in Nice is just lovely. It is of an old, classical style, but gave a sense of class and elegance. I went through the lobby on the way to my room and received many looks, smiles and greetings from the hotel staff.

I was almost to my room when the valet who had come to Jurgen's room earlier was coming down the hall with a room service tray.

"Bon soir, mademoiselle. Do you need anything?"

"No thank you, Marco."

He said, "Very good, au revoir."

I got to my room and was glad for a minute alone, despite enjoying the party immensely. I was careful with my dress when there was a knock at the door.

I answered it and saw Marco holding an ice bucket, "I know Madame did not request anything, but I thought you might like to have ice."

I let him in, "Thank you Marco."

I was looking through my purse for a tip when he waved me off, "Monsieur has asked that you are well served. I cannot take any tip from you as he has already taken care of that."

I smiled at the thought that once again Jurgen had been so thoughtful in his arrangements.

Marco continued, "Is there anything else, mademoiselle?"

I smiled, "No, thank you Marco. I feel very well served. Will you walk me back to the elevator please?"

I did not really need an escort, but it was a good way to transition.

"Of course."

He held the door and we walked back. I thanked him as we parted and he gave me a nice smile. I returned to the party and saw Jurgen on the dance floor with one of the ladies his own age. He saw me and smiled. I returned the smile with a wave and I headed over to the bar. I had to decide among too many good options for what to drink, but the delicious red wines they were serving won out.

I had conversations with various people who came up, but I walked around a little bit too. It had not been my intention to stop by the photographer, but he smiled as he saw me. He was packing up his things.

He said, "Was your escort upset by our conversation?"

He sounded a little bit worried, so I said, "No, not at all. I told him I had considered it to be a compliment."

He looked relieved and smiled, "Merci, Madame."

I said, "Under different circumstances, I would have strongly considered your offer. I would love to have pictures dressed this way in this kind of a setting."

My comment was completely true.

He replied, "Well, please let me know when you are returning and maybe we can set something up."

I inquired, "What would you use the photographs for?"

He said, "Of course you have control over that. I am looking to build up my portfolio. I want fashion modeling, glamour, and other things, but that is completely dependant on the model. What style of photographs, and where they can be shown, is something you decide."

I considered his comments and was thinking about the proper response when he continued, "But you set the limits."

I asked, "What did you mean by 'other things'?"

He smiled, "I am hesitant to say, mademoiselle, until we know each other better."

I continued, "That is no answer. Please, tell me what you have in mind."

He was intelligent, and carefully crafted his response, "Never anything more than the model agrees to, but sometimes the photographs may include lingerie or artistic nude photos."

I suspected that was what he was alluding to, but I did not want to be so forthcoming yet even though that was the kind of photographs I secretly wanted too.

I replied, "Please let me think about it."

He said, "I hope I did not offend you. I would be also happy to photograph you in this elegant style. You have a face, and may I say a body type which the camera loves."

I said, "Thank you. I am not offended by the styles you mentioned, but I do not want them to get around."

He picked up on that, "I would only use them for my personal portfolio; you could have that in writing."

I smiled, "I have your card. Maybe we can discuss this more by email for when I return."

He responded, "I would love to photograph you. I guarantee you will look beautiful."

I was still thinking about all of this when he continued, "Please write me with any questions you have before you make a decision. I understand modeling can be a very difficult decision, especially at the beginning. Give me a chance to set you at ease with any fears you may have."

He was doing a good job of anticipating my concerns and I felt relieved a little bit that he was aware of the reasons behind my hesitation.

I said, "Look, thank you for your comments. I have always wanted to model. A setting like this hotel is very intriguing. Let me think about it some more and I promise I will contact you if I have any concerns."

He commented, "I promise your photos will be fantastic. And you can always change your mind on your comfort level at the time."

I replied, "Thank you, I think I would be alright with some of the lingerie style photos as well, but we would have to shoot those in the room."

He shook his head no, saying, "It is very easy to shoot in various places in the hotel if you do it when other people are sleeping. The hotel is very flexible that way as long as the guests are not disturbed. Of course, we do lose some of the best lighting....."

Just what I wanted to hear. And as he was checking me out while we talked, to be true to myself, I had to admit to being very turned on by the concept.

I rejoined the party to find Jurgen talking with a group of people near the bar. I walked up, but did not interrupt the discussion. I did saddle up to him though, and he responded by putting his arm around my waist as before.

I got another drink, although I had been pacing myself recently and felt fine. This was definitely not the kind of party where I wanted to drink too much.

The discussion was in German this time, so I could not follow, but I could tell Jurgen was glad I had rejoined him as I felt his hand move in small circles around my lower back. I squeezed his arm a couple of times in response.

We danced a couple more songs and then I danced with some of Jurgen's friends while he danced with their partners, all very cordial. The main party and ballroom were beginning to wind down. Some of the older people had already left. Naturally, the younger crowd was still around, but I wondered if the type of music they had been playing was really appealing.

We were informed the band would be playing a couple more songs and then finishing, so Jurgen and I reconnected.

While we were dancing, Jurgen said, "So Beth, have you been enjoying this?"

"Very much. I am having a great time. Your friends have been very kind."

Our dancing was close, but not overly so and I could feel his firm hand on my lower back as he led. I rested my head on his chest as the music became slower.

Finally the music ended and everyone applauded the band. Typical after weddings, some people would begin saying their goodbyes to the bride and groom and to their own friends. Others still hung out in the bar area, and Jurgen and I moved there as well. I was still feeling very much in control, so another drink was not a problem for me. It looked like everyone in this sphere could handle their alcohol well. Nevertheless, some people had to drive or get taxis if they were staying at different hotels and the group became smaller.

The bar in the ballroom was not the most comfortable as you could not sit down. You had to move to the regular tables if you wanted to do that. So the group of about 10 people decided they would move over to the hotel's main bar area.

I told Jurgen I was going to go up to my room for a minute and would join him at the bar. It is not that easy to use the ladies room with a long dress and fancy lingerie, but I could manage alright and the extra privacy of my room was better.

The group was already having a good time in the bar when I returned. The piano player appeared to be very good and the place was louder due to a pretty good crowd in addition to those of us who had attended the party.

Jurgen rose and motioned for me to sit at the bar as I arrived. The bar stools were of normal height, meaning higher than conventional chairs. Also the leg rests were at a level to give the effect when I crossed my legs of showing more leg than normal. Coupled with people standing near us as we talked, for a second I felt like a lot on display. I had been pretty careful with my dress all evening, but it was just a fact that people could see a lot of my breasts and I had to be careful not to have a nipple slip.

I had a glass of champagne and was re-engaged in the conversation, and as Jurgen was standing beside me, I could feel his hand rest on my bare shoulder. I placed my own hand over his a couple of times.

The lighting in the bar was totally different than the ballroom. Difficult to describe, but they had some small high intensity lights on the ceiling pointing at the bar area. The effect was that my jewelry looked dazzling. The diamonds were sparkling and beautiful.

At one point Jurgen took a seat next to me. I turned to face him. He took my hands in his and squeezed. I simply smiled at him, "Are you doing alright Jurgen?"

"Fantastic," he replied.

Our hands were clasped resting on my lap, but with his hands under mine, they were against my leg. Even though I was wearing stockings, it was still a different sensation. As we unclasped our hands, Jurgen seemed to be quick to pull back as not to be too forward. At least one of his friends had caught it, and I did not want to have Jurgen embarrassed.

I smiled at him and took his left hand closest to the bar in my own hand and placed our clasped hands on my leg again. But this time, I put my palm over the top of his hand as his hand wrested on my leg. It was not a big deal though; his hand casually rubbed my knee.

Jurgen gave me another knowing look of appreciation without saying anything.

It was now getting late anyway. A few couples had said goodbyes and there were only six of our group still at the bar. I was a little tired. It had been a long day with the travel, as well as the dancing, etc. As the bar was getting ready to close, Jurgen suggested we have one more drink up in his suite and then call it a night. The bartender and his staff really liked that idea, so they could close up and go home. We all gave our respective orders and they would bring them up to the suite.

The other two couples were also staying at the hotel, which explained why they were not pushing hard to leave. We all headed off to the elevators and Jurgen's suite. The evening was still not too cold and the terrace off his room was magnificent with the breeze and the moonlight on the sea, the lights of Nice very visible.

The bartender brought up the drinks. We toasted the bride and groom and the wonderful party. Clearly everyone was a little tired and soon the others picked up and headed for their rooms. I stayed behind with Jurgen.

After an evening with so many people, it felt good to have some peace and quiet.

Jurgen said, "I cannot express my gratitude to you tonight. I am very happy."

I said, "No need Jurgen. I had a great time and feel fortunate to have attended. It is I who should thank you."

He took my hands and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I responded by giving him a light kiss on the lips, "Thank you Jurgen."

We stood on the balcony looking out over the moonlit Mediterranean Sea and he put his arm around me as before, saying, "It really is a magnificent view, isn't it?"

"Yes, I will never forget this evening. Actually, these entire last few days have been very memorable."

I continued, "By the way, I think you had better help me with the jewelry. We don't want to get you hunted down by your friend."

He laughed. I turned around to have him help me off with my necklace. He put his hands on my upper arms and slowly moved them over my shoulders. I had not expected that, but it felt nice. He gave my shoulders a squeeze and then he unclasped the necklace.

I turned and smiled, "I sure hate to give that up."

He responded, "It will never look better than it did on you tonight."

I said, "You are very charming. Thank you."

He got out the jewelry case and placed the necklace inside. In the meantime, I took off the bracelet and was about to remove the earrings when Jurgen said, "Please let me help you with those."

I smiled and let him. He leaned in as he tried to figure them out. It would have been much easier to do it myself, but I understood the point of his small gesture.

He fumbled a little, but finally got it right when he rested his hand against my neck. So much for the left ear. He then moved to my other ear and got it more easily, but like something out of a comedy. He dropped it and it fell down to rest in between my breast and the dress.

He said, "Oh my, I am so sorry about that."

I laughed, "You could not do that again with a hundred tries."

I reached down and pulled it back up. He laughed as well, "Sorry."

I said, "No big deal. Since you paid for the outfit, we will call it even."

He responded, "No, I got the better of the deal. Money well spent. My friends are all suitably envious of me."

I did a little twirl, "No so bad then? Who thought a scientist could clean up well?"

He laughed, "Let's just say I saw your potential."

I caught the smirk in his face as he said it.

I said, "Ah, but if I had ugly tattoos at the dress fitting, I bet you would have come up with a debilitating illness suddenly."

He laughed again, "Yes, thank goodness for that."

I went up and gave him a small punch to the stomach, saying, "That is for all women everywhere, you cad."

He caught the playfulness though and pulled me toward him. We hugged each other tight, and he said, "Really Beth, seriously. I don't know how to thank you."

I held him tightly, while I replied, "You already have Jurgen."

His hands caressed my shoulders and back. I did the same to him.

I asked, "Would it be alright if I use your bathroom for a moment?"

"Of course."

It was not a spur of the moment decision. I had thought about the possibility all day, but I had not decided, but would see how things went.

I took off the dress while in the bathroom and hung it over the door hook. I looked at myself in the mirror. Stockings and garter, French cut panty and the corset bustier which exposed my breasts. I don't have a big head about my looks, but I also know I look good. And this outfit came right out of a romance novel. I turned out the light in the bathroom and came back out in the room.

Jurgen saw me and I thought he might faint.

I said, "You never really got to see the entire ensemble. I thought you should at least get to take a look."

With that, I did another twirl, "So what do you think?"

For a lawyer who always knows the right thing to say, he was lost for words.

I said, "From your expression, you look disappointed with the choices. I will have to call and rebuke Angela."

He laughed, and came over, "You look magnificent. Simply wonderful."

I said, "Could you help me off with the corset, please? It is not uncomfortable, but I have been wearing it all day."

I stood with my back to him as he undid the fastening hooks. I tossed it on the bed, still with my back to him. His hands first went to my waist and then rose higher until he was cupping both of my breasts, followed by a squeeze.

He lowered his head and kissed my neck, and I reached up with my hand and placed it on his head. He responded by lowering one of his hands down my stomach and began to rub my pussy over my panty.

I was on fire.

He turned me to face him, saying, "I did not expect this."

I responded, "If I thought you expected it, it would not be happening. This is new for me as well. I don't want this night to end."

He leaned down and we kissed. It was not rough, not awkward. It was very passionate but still tender. Our tongues met.

I had gotten the wrong impression of Jurgen. I thought he was a little shy, somewhat timid romantically. Instead, I realized he had been a gentleman, but now that he was invited, he was clearly taking the lead. I had taken charge initially by walking out of the bathroom dressed only in my lingerie, but it was if a baton had been passed.

He picked me up in his arms and carried me over to the bed where he gently set me down. He leaned in to kiss me again, but he also ran has fingers up my inner thigh and then lightly grazed my pussy again. He only now removed his jacket and sat beside me on the bed.

He smiled at me and cupped my cheek an ear in his hand, "I do not want this night to end either."

With that, he kissed me again, but it was quick on my lips and then he moved to my neck. I felt his tongue as well as his lips as he moved down to my shoulders and finally to my breast.

He knew what he wanted, but he was in no hurry. He spent a long time carefully caressing my breasts with his hand, tongue and lips. It would be wrong to say I had responded, as I came out of the bathroom with my nipples fully hard from excitement. However, he had a wonderful way about him and I was simply enjoying him giving me pleasure. I gently touched his back with my hand.

He must have spent 15 minutes on my breasts, so it was with both anticipation and a little regret when he began to slowly kiss and lick me lower, taking his time over my stomach area. Whether it was with his hands or mouth, I would describe him as tender and passionate at the same time, never rough. He jumped over my panty area and kissed me on the skin area between my stockings and panty. While he was doing this, I felt the fingers of his hand extremely lightly running up my calf and inner thigh. I shuddered in a good way.

I reached down to unhook the garter belt, but he pushed my hand away and looked at me with a soft expression, "No, no, I will do everything for you. Relax."

I know what I like in the bedroom and frequently can be the leader or sharing the lead. But I had to admit I was enjoying being pampered this way.

Jurgen knew what he was doing with the garter belt and quickly had the clasps free from my stockings. He rotated the back clasp and also soon had the garter off. He got up and walked over to my feet and lifted up my leg. He lightly kissed my calf but stopped by the time he got to my knee. He did the same thing with my other leg. Then he took my shoes off and rubbed my feet. Not really a caress, more of a brief massage. He then kneeled at the foot of the bed and began to peel off my stockings, starting with my left leg. He kissed and licked my bare leg, but this time not stopping at the knee. He went up about half way on my inner thigh with his tongue.