Cote d'Azur Wedding


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I checked in at the desk and got my locker key. The lockers were separated for men and women, but the rest of the facilities were mixed as was typical in Germany from my experience.

I got undressed and headed off to the showers. I considered a massage, but while I was not in a rush, I did not have enough time for that. The showers were one large cordoned off area but there were no barriers between shower heads. There was a middle aged couple already showering when I arrived.

I hung up my towel and quickly rinsed off as it had not been long since I showered last. I thought about keeping my hair dry, but quickly relented and soaked down my long hair.

There were a couple of temperature saunas to choose from, but I cannot really handle the very hot ones and enjoy it. The lower temperature room was full when I entered. The entire spa area seemed fairly crowded actually.

While there were many people already inside, it was still easy to get a seat. I like to lie down in a sauna when possible, but this evening everyone was sitting. Everyone is nude in a German sauna, but sometimes people will wear their towel around themselves. That was not the case this time as everyone had laid their towels on the bench underneath them. Local rules, at least for tonight. I took my towel off and did the same.

While subtle, I could see a couple of the men glance as I removed my towel. Of the eight people already seated, there were two couples and the rest men. Except for one guy who looked to be in his 20's, I would have said the rest were late 40's or older. Not being egotistical, I was clearly the most attractive compared to the other women.

It was interesting there was no conversation going on as I had become accustomed to. Very quiet.

It was hot enough that soon the crowd began to turn over as people became overheated. I soon began to work up a good sweat as the heat poured into me. I was happy with my choice of agenda for the evening as I relaxed and enjoyed the warmth.

After a little while, I could spread out and lay down as enough people vacated. The spa was busy though, and after a few minutes two couples joined and I needed to sit up again to make room.

The newcomers disrupted the silence as they carried on their conversation from outside. They greeted everyone as they entered and then continued their discussion. I knew they were speaking German and I could pick out every other word, but could not really follow. Both couples were about my age and the noteworthy aspect from my perspective was that all were attractive. But further, I had to admit I had noticed that both guys were well endowed. For that matter, the women were also very curvaceous, not unlike my own body type. But as I sat there sweating, I became a little bit horny as the guy's nice equipment sat facing me.

I was not anybody's object of attention though, as they were all engrossed in their discussion. Nudity does not translate to sex, but I have to admit that often I can find myself mentally drawn to the topic in that kind of a situation.

I had been in long enough by now and needed to cool off. I headed off to the showers for a cool rinse and then off to what I would call a relaxation room. The other choice was to lay out by the pool for a bit, but maybe that would be next time. It was not dark, but the lighting was low, with new age music in the background and several benches side by side.

I had the room to myself and I went in to lie down. Local rules could apply here too. I had seen people lay out nude or covered on different occasions. As I was by myself, I selected a bench on the far end and laid out nude. I closed my eyes and thought. On a couple of occasions I could hear the door open, but apparently after looking around, they changed their mind. I wondered if they had opted for a different place, or if me fully nude had influenced the decision. The latter made me smile.

The next time the door opened I could tell the person had decided to stay and heard them take the bench next to me. That was fine, but I resisted the urge to see who had joined. However, I did sneak a quick glimpse after a couple of minutes. It was one of the guys I had seen in the sauna. He was laying out nude as well. I wondered where the others he had been with earlier had gone. Maybe to the pool, or perhaps still in the sauna?

I did recognize his face and hair, but I would not be telling the truth if I did not also admit I again noticed his long penis. I had only looked for a brief moment, but I had a longer gaze from the sauna.

I had no intentions of imagining anything with him realistically, but the fantasy opportunities were delicious. As I resumed my eyes-closed mode, I imagined him sneaking glimpses of me. Only for my own fun, I parted my legs a little bit as my game continued. The thought he was looking only exaggerated my fantasy and I could feel my nipples get hard even though the room was warm. Talk about mind over matter.

My little fantasy got interrupted abruptly though, as the door opened and I could hear multiple people join. From voices, I could immediately pick up it was his companions. With my bubble burst, I waited another minute and then headed out.

I went back to the sauna and sat down. This time there was only one man in the sauna. He reminded me of Jurgen by his looks.

He greeted me as I entered to which I replied in kind.

He said, "American?"

I responded, "Yes, was it that obvious?"

I mean really, I had responded in what I thought was pretty good German. But apparently not that good.

"Just a guess."

I smiled and he picked up the dialog.

"I travel to the U.S. quite a bit, and I have learned to pick up the accents."

I replied, "Not bad. What parts of the U.S. do you visit?"

He had really been all over, and I learned he was in a job not that different from my own, visiting many companies affiliated with his German firm. He also was an engineer, he spoke quite excellent English, and the dialog was very comfortable.

I learned he lived in Northern Germany, but was visiting Munich on business. He was interested in what I did and asked good questions, but was not too pushy or asking personal information.

It is a very interesting human psychology laboratory to be having a conversation with a perfect stranger while sitting completely nude. While this was common for Germany, and I enjoyed it very much, I could also recognize that it was not quite a completely casual situation for me. And consequently, like clockwork for me, even though the hot sauna had me sweating very well, I could feel my nipples harden up. In this case, I felt a twinge of embarrassment. It made me sympathetic to the dilemma a guy has in such a situation when you could see someone get an erection. Hopefully my own state was not quite that obvious.

I wonder if I will ever get my own self-analysis completed. He was not some movie actor handsome, but he was not un-attractive either. The middle ground. Not someone on the street to whom I might be drawn. Yet, sitting in the sauna while we had casual conversation reminded me of my own passions.

While he had been in longer than me, I had enough heat for the moment.

I stood up, saying, "Time for me to cool off a little."

He also stood, "Yes, me also."

We headed out together and he followed me to the showers. We were standing next to each other as the water rushed over us. I was toying with the idea of finishing up and started to lather myself up.

I admit it was a little awkward when he held out a bar of soap in his hand and said, "May I help you?"

I was caught a little off guard and he must have noticed, as he continued, "Sorry, I meant with your back."

Whether he had originally intended that or not, I smiled at either a clever follow-up, or a polite clarification.

I looked at him and said, "Thank you."

He stood behind me as he soaped up my back. I was waiting to see how far he would try to go, but I have to admit he stuck to my back and shoulders. The only 'liberty' was switching to his flat palm after the initial pass with the bar of soap.

I rinsed off completely then and turned, "May I return the favor?"

He smiled and nodded his head. Either he had made a very polite gesture, or my response was the intended response. No matter.

He was taller than me, but not by much over my 5'7" frame. He was not what I would call buff, but certainly not overweight. I would guess he was in his 50's.

I soaped his back much as he had done for me. He also rinsed off and headed to get dry towels. He got there first and instead of handing me the towel, held it out fully spread, saying, "Allow me, please."

Hey, I don't mind being pampered. He never touched me with his bare hands, but it did feel stimulating as he blotted my butt and front with the towel. Maybe it would have been courteous to offer to do the same, but I was not quite ready for that.

I said, "Thank you again. I am not sure what you call it, but I am going to lie down for a little bit."

I had looked over at the relaxation room as I said that, to which he nodded his head.

He said, "I was thinking the same thing, would you mind if I joined you?"

I said, "Sure, no problem. By the way, my name is Beth."

He held out his hand, "I am Arne', very nice to meet you."

There was another couple in the room already, but the same bench I had last time was open as well as the one next to it, which Arne' took. This time however, I left my towel on as I lied down. Last time I laid face up, but this time I opted for face down.

It was not so suitable to talk this way, but we did continue our conversation. I did enjoy talking to him; he was intelligent and courteous, which is enough for me to be social.

Arne' was also laying face down, and he had also kept his towel on.

I was thinking while we were talking and it occurred to me he had taken somewhat of a risk by offering to soap my back and dry me off. I had not so much experience with German spas to know if that was customary or not. It had not happened to me before. But I recognized that he might have been a little hesitant and if so, I had to admire his courage and his manners that he had not done it in a crude way.

The other couple had left and we were still talking. At one point, I did a full stretch with my arms held out straight.

Arne' obviously noticed, "Would you enjoy if I massaged your back?"

I had been to enough German spas to know this was not just a normal courtesy, but it was not exactly unappealing either. I did not immediately respond though, and he must have realized I was considering his offer.

He continued with a laugh, "Don't worry, you will not have to return the favor."

Some people have an ability to put others at ease, and I appreciate that talent. I laughed, "Well, very perceptive of you to notice I wanted a massage, but I was revolted by the thought of having to do you."

He got the sarcasm, and laughed, "Well, since we have that out of the way."

I had not exactly said 'go ahead', but he took my joke as tacit permission. He stood up and started to rub my shoulders.

My towel was wrapped across my torso. It was wide enough to go down about half way on my thighs, but my shoulders and arms were bare. His touch felt very nice, but I am a real sucker for a massage.

He was not pressing too hard or too light; actually he got it just about right to the degree I like. But he asked at one point, "Too hard?"

I told him it was just right as he continued. He moved his hands down my back over the towel as we continued talking.

I said, "You seem to know what you are doing."

He responded, "I am just an amateur, but I enjoy massages myself and fortunately you seem to like it about the same way I do."

I did not reply, but I enjoyed his attention.

He continued as we talked about various travel destinations we both had experienced. I would say we had similar tastes in general.

He pressed his thumbs down on my middle back and the pressure on my muscles felt great, causing me to stop mid-sentence.

He asked, "Are you alright? Was that too hard?"

I responded, "No, no. It actually felt good what you did."

He said, "Please do not take this as too forward, but if you want, they have oil and it would be easier."

I did not reply right away, so he continued, "But it is perfectly fine if you just want to continue this way. I am content this way."

I replied, "Thank you for asking. I think you misread my hesitation."

My reply was apparently ambiguous and he did not respond, so I continued, "Yes, let's try the oil; that sounds very nice."

My ambiguous reply was partially deliberate, giving me a little time to think. I realized I would have to lower my towel for us to proceed."

He walked over to the end of the room to get the oil. I lifted myself up high enough to undo the towel from the front and let it hang over the sides of the table. Arne' returned and saw my new towel status, as he folded it over my butt to expose my back.

It occurred to me that for the spa to have oil available in the room, that massages like this were probably common.

I felt him pour out the oil along my spine, followed by him quickly spreading it all over. Then he started with the deeper massage.

He asked me how it felt after a little and I honestly replied it felt great. He was actually pretty good at it. He never said anything, but after a little while he began rubbing my feet. I am also a real soft touch for a good foot massage and he was doing a good job. With him at the end of the table, we were not talking any longer, but it still felt very comfortable. And I was very surprised by the unexpected pampering.

He gradually moved up to rub up and down my calves and eventually was massaging my lower thighs. He never adjusted the towel from the original setting, so my back continued to be exposed, but my butt and upper thighs remained covered.

He said, "So how did I do? Am I hired or fired?"

I responded, "The price was certainly attractive, I think we'll keep you on staff for a while."

He laughed at what I considered to be a clever remark.

He said, "So shall we continue?"

I said, "Ah, so you want to go from amateur to professional? I am happy to be your subject."

The bottom line was that I was enjoying the massage immensely. I would have bet real money that he was enjoying it too.

He pulled the towel off completely and gave my butt a pat. I felt him pour oil on me again, followed by Arne' spreading it onto my butt and thighs. Of course I knew when he offered to continue that it would be fully uncovered. While I did not know him well, I felt safe and I thought to just enjoy the circumstance and not think too much.

I also could guess that Arne' would not have complained while rubbing my butt cheeks deeply. I was not going to complain as it felt great. But I will have to admit I was not exactly prepared for my reaction when he was rubbing my thighs. The only way to describe it was he was making me feel very aroused. This went on for a couple of minutes when I changed the dynamic.

Arne' was standing at my feet and running his hands up over my outer legs and hips. After a few times like this his fingers went just slightly under my hips and lifted me up for just a split second before going down and repeating the process. After a few times, I responded by assisting his lift of my hips almost in rhythm to his massage.

There is no way to blame him or the circumstances. On one of the lifts, I subtly but deliberately shifted my left leg outward so that there was now a small gap between my thighs. I was pretty sure Arne' must have noticed, but he just kept up his standard massage. On another pass, I slightly shifted my right leg, widening the gap a little.

After a bit, Arne' stood at the side of the table and was massaging my left leg. I felt tingles as he moved up higher, now that there was enough room for him to include my inner thigh. He did not actually touch my pussy, but he came pretty close. He was perceptive enough to be watching for any reaction.

He moved over to the other side of the table and did the same thing with my right leg. He had both hands wrapped around my lower thigh as he moved up. I liked this style and lifted up my hips as he got high on my leg. He got close again to my pussy without touching it and went down again to my calf.

I shifted my weight slightly this time, raising up my entire right side and rolling a bit onto my left side. I moved and lifted my right leg out so my thigh was off the bench.

Arne' moved up again, this time very slowly with both hands wrapped around my thigh. At the top though, his right hand continued up higher so it went up my stomach just under my breast. His left hand was up high on my thigh as he squeezed me. He repeated this move again and I felt his finger rub against my pussy.

I shuddered with delight. He may not have understood, asking in a whisper, "Are you alright."

"Yes, that feels fantastic."

He got the message now. His finger found my sopping pussy and I felt him slide in. He squeezed my breast with his other hand. Really, I almost came right then.

He then began to slide his finger in and out, rubbing against my clit as he did so. I was tensing up while he did this, causing him to pause.

I said, "No, keep going." Now he understood and I felt him slip two fingers inside me and carefully but assertively bring me to a quick orgasm. I shuddered again as he kept fingering me and then I slowly relaxed. Arne' recognized he had made me come, as he quickly slipped his face down to my pussy and licked my juices.

I came to my senses finally, realizing that someone could have come into the room at any time. But it was worth it, as my orgasm was very intense.

Arne' stopped licking me and I leaned up on my elbows, "That was fabulous, thank you, oh my god."

He stood up and smiled, "I was about to thank you for letting me do that."

I stood up and said, "You are getting better thanks than that. Your turn."

He grinned and was getting up on the bench laying face down.

I said, "Nope, face up. And you won't need that towel."

This was not a massage. As soon as he was on the bench, I bent over and took his soft penis in my mouth. I might have thought he would be hard, but maybe he was nervous.

It did not matter, as I got another treat feeling him get hard in my mouth. He was average size and shape, but he was not circumcised and I did not have too many experiences like that.

This was not going to be a long, slow blow job. I was cognizant that we could get interrupted and I positioned myself with my back to the door, so that if I heard it open, I could lift up quickly and cover him.

I could take most of him in my mouth and I did, sucking deeply. I began caressing his balls and I could feel him get harder. I can always tell when a guy is getting close. I paused for just a moment to suck on his balls while I stroked him, intending to finish sucking him off.

I was not fast enough though, as he shot a big stream into the air landing on his stomach. Oh well, more than one way to orgasm. I continued to stroke him now while I stood and watched. He sent out another smaller spurt and then more came out onto my hand. I had to admit he had accumulated a pretty big load. He had his eyes closed and finally started to relax.

I released his dick and cleaned him off with the towel just as I heard voices outside the door. I covered him with the towel just in time as two men came in, greeting us as they came in and found their own benches. I was still standing fully nude, but I was not the least bit shy by that so soon after Arne' and I had both gotten off.

I leaned down and gave him a light peck on the lips, saying, "Are you ready?"