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"Mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"I don't mind." I sat there expecting him to say something, anything about what we had been doing, he didn't. I really expected him to suggest the next step, sex of course. I was halfway ready for that, also, all he would have needed to do was suggest it in a nice way.

He didn't. We sat and read our books, then he got up to go.

"See you later?" He asked, his stress was on the word "See."

"Yes." I smiled, not quite able to meet his eyes.

"Good." Then he walked away.

"OK." Was all I managed. Weird, so crazily weird. I tried again to read my book but all I could do was stare unseeing at the page.

I left my curtains down when I got home, spending time with make work. I cleaned, put items away, anything to keep my hands busy, my mind off what had been going on. I needed to get myself back into control, for several days I had felt a mix of passion and shame.

None of that was me, not really. At least I thought it was not.

This was all insane, Nathan was a blatant exhibitionist, yet I didn't think that I was, not really. I had done some things in the past, those were in moments where I felt in control though. I have always had that deep down need to be in control. This situation was not in my control, it was like he was leading and I was following.

I really had exposed my bare breasts, my most secret spots, not to a lover, that would be completely different. Rather to a man who was a stranger, who had done the same. This was terrible, dangerous, illicit.

I was not winning the inner battle, I kept telling myself that this was wrong but my body was wanting him to look, to see me. The vision of his big solid penis, erect and swollen kept filling my mind.

Finally I gave up, walked to my curtain and looked out, expecting him to be there, waiting. His light was on, but the curtains were drawn. I waited, not sure why but I did. Nothing happened, finally I went to bed.

For the next several weeks, each time I peeked out the curtains were drawn. I got up each day and went to work, shuffling patients to different sections, doing my job. I did several hires, one was a young woman named Alma, I offered her the position of being my personal assistant after looking over her resume. She had all of the skills I needed, and it only took a week for her to fit in perfectly.

Alma was only 30, and a very pretty young woman, well built. She dressed attractively but businesslike. Her fingers flashed across a computer keyboard faster than anyone I had ever seen before, she soon knew where every file was and folders appeared in seconds when I asked for them.

Alma quickly became much more than an employee, someone on staff. She became a friend, which of course I know very well is something I should not allow. An employee can be discharged easily should the need arise, a friend adds complications.

But she was so good at her job, so efficient I could not see how that concern would ever be a problem for me.

We began to catch lunch together, visit, things developed into girl talk. One day I mentioned to her that there was a man in one of the nearby apartments that exposed himself to me. I saw her ears perk up at that, I carefully didn't mention the rest though.

"Did you call the police?" Alma asked me.

"No. He is in a completely different section, I just saw him out my window."

"But he was doing it deliberately?"

"Yes, I am sure of that."

"God. I saw that once myself, at a beach. A guy was sitting there wearing a bathing suit with those baggy legs, his thing was just poking down, right there in front of me."

"What did you do?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Then he saw me looking, and it started to get bigger. It made me kinda hot, really. He was doing it deliberately." Alma giggled at that.

I laughed with her, took a sip of my tea.

"I don't know why that got me going but I practically raped my boyfriend that night!"

"Sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend." I said.

"You shouldn't have any trouble at all, you look really good. Why don't you?"

"Work gets in the way, after my husband died It took me a long time to get over that."

"Well, you should date, it would be good for you."

"Maybe, if anyone ever asked me." I laughed.

That was all that was said, but it got me to thinking. Alma had said that her own incident seeing a man, a total stranger expose himself had gotten her excited, just like had happened to me.

I knew about those types of activities of course. My late husband would easily become wildly aroused if I dressed in a way to tease or offer accidental peeks. One time I had deliberately exposed myself completely to him and one of his friends in our home, thinking perhaps it would be enough, that he just might make me stop.

He didn't, rather, he became so excited he and I ended up making love right in front of the other man. Oddly, that also excited me beyond belief.

I would have sworn that it was something I could never do, and even though I did do that, it still was like a dream rather than a reality.

Realizing that Alma admitted her own excitement in a situation similar somehow helped me cope, I felt a bit less shameful.

The other thing that popped into my head was her comment about it being on a beach. It had been a very long time since I had a real vacation. One nice part about my job is that I am also in charge of that, I knew that Alma could handle my office for a few days so I made a phone call and booked a room at a city down by the coast.

The weather report predicted sunny days and temperatures in the low 60's, not exactly bikini weather but I had enjoyed walking the sandy beaches before, especially following storms, and the resort I booked at had an inside heated pool.

With the weather predicted to be nice, I drove the Corvette. A very cute young man opened the door for me when I arrived, he seemed excited at the prospect of getting to drive the machine, even if it was just to park it in the lower parking garage.

"One scratch and you die!" I teased him, handing him a five dollar bill.

"Yes, Miss, I will be very careful!" He told me, then his eyes fell to my breasts. He looked quickly away, I had on a very thin patterned blouse and no bra, I knew he got a glimpse of my nipples through the cloth because his youthful face turned bright red.

I grinned, picked up my purse and went inside. Things like that tickle me, I suppose any woman likes to be noticed. Besides, he was really cute.

"Miss." He had called me. I smiled to myself at that, I was sure he was not a day over 20.

The room was very nice, it had a small balcony which overlooked the pool area. It was deserted. I put the few items I had brought along away, then slipped on my bikini to go down and get some Sun. I picked up my wrap, not wanting to be walking down the hallway in just my sunning suit.

By the pool, I selected a lawn chair and settled back, reading my book. It wasn't overly warm, or cool either, it was perfect. A couple of times I spread some lotion on my arms and body carefully so as not to end up burned. There was no one else out there, a bit of a surprise.

At one point I slept.

Voices woke me up, I could hear two young men talking, they were behind a large above ground planter that separated an inner patio area from the pool.

"...must be rich, that car has to cost a hundred grand!" One of them said.

"Naw, half that I think." The other one said.

"Still, she is something else. I could see her tits right through the..." His voice faded as he turned or something.

"Really? Wish I could see them. Probably a cougar on the make." They both laughed at that.

"Man, I would hose that in a New York Minute!" The first one said.

"Did you check the register to get her name?"

"Yea, Sally somebody, a rich Doctor."

"Doctor? No shit? Probably here for the government deal."

"Yea, but she doesn't look like any Doctor I ever saw."

"You on room service tonight?"

"No, parking damn it. Bunch of scientists in for that science offshore project they are building, cheap bastards too. No fucking tips at all!"

".....need to find me one like that...." I heard as their voices drifted away.

It hit me that they were talking about me. I couldn't help but giggle at that. Later, I felt my back getting warm, so I gathered up and headed for my room. There was a big A frame sign in the lobby, it read "Welcome NOAA." whatever that meant. I figured from what I heard it was probably the science project they mentioned.

I forgot about that and went up to my room. I took a quick shower, tugged on my light lounging pajamas, prepared to settle in for a quiet evening. I realized I was a little bit hungry so I called room service for a sandwich and some wine.

I thought about putting on a robe but then feeling a little bit naughty I decided to just answer the door in my PJ's. The outfit was two piece, not really sheer but on the thin side and I knew it outlined my body nicely.

I answered the knock that came rather quickly, expecting one of the young men, but a young woman perhaps 25 or so stood there with a tray.

"Hi, I'm Janet." I let her in, she set down the tray, I handed her a tip.

"Thank you, I am on duty until seven, let us know if you need anything." She smiled, her eyes taking in my outfit.

I smiled back, then sat down to eat. Later, I picked up the little advertiser they had sitting on the table. It listed several restaurants and cafes, some night clubs, other things to do in the little seaside resort town. Nothing that I was really interested in, until a folder slid out between the pages.

"Pamper yourself!" The bold headline read. It was an advertisement for a massage in the room. That sounded wonderful to me, I have had a few of those in my life.

I called the number, but the young woman that answered apologized, explaining that they had no one on staff since it was a Sunday evening.

"All right, perhaps tomorrow." I answered, and hung up. I might as well go to bed, then get up early for tomorrow, I thought.

I had just poured myself a nightcap from the robo bar when the phone rang.


"Good evening, my name is Simon. The front desk told me you called for a massage, if you still want one I would be happy to serve you." A young man's nervous voice said.

"Oh. Are you a masseur?" I asked. The voice sounded like this was just a kid.

"Yes, well, almost. I have been taking night classes and I could really use the practice."

The first thought to pop into my head was to say no.

"Besides, I can really use the money, it helps to pay for my classwork." He added quickly, eagerly.

"Have you even done one?" I asked, laughing to myself. This was almost hilarious.

"Yes. Well, just in school. I am really good!" He said proudly.

"I don't know...."

"I am the man who parked your car today." He said.

My ears perked up. The cute one? I managed to stifle a giggle. Suddenly the idea of this really nice looking young man rubbing my body struck me as probably being fun.

"OK. I guess so. That does sound really nice." I said, without thinking it through clearly.

"Great! I will be right up!" He hung up.

Now what in the hell have I done? I thought.

It wasn't 60 seconds later, he knocked on the door. He must have ran all the way. I didn't have time to even change clothes.

Simon came in carrying a big table, it looked to be well used. He was obviously doing his very best to look as professional as possible. I sipped my drink and watched as he struggled with the folding legs, getting the support cables wrapped the wrong way, then he had to fold them back and start over.

He set the table upright, I looked at it and could see it was set for someone at least six inches shorter than he was.

This was starting to look like it might be interesting. I grinned to myself, reasonably certain this young man didn't have a clue. He certainly seemed eager, though.

"Well, Simon. Would you like a drink?" I asked him.

"I never drink when I am working." He said.

"OK. I assume you don't mind if I have one, and you might want to set the table a little higher."

"Oh, sure that is fine, go ahead." Then he looked down at the table and blushed.

"I will go get ready while you finish setting the table up, how will you want me?" I gave him a sweet smile, he was doing his best to not look at me in my thin pajamas.

"You can take off...I mean, you can...usually it's just..." He turned bright red, I could see he wasn't sure what to say.

I gave him a bright smile.

"Well..undress to your level of comfort!" He answered finally, sneaking a look at me, then he looked quickly away. He knelt down and began adjusting the table legs.

"I guess I will just take everything off then, that's normal isn't it? Will a towel be OK for a cover?" Now I was having fun teasing him, he didn't even have any sheets for the table.

"Yes. I guess..whatever you like."

I went into the bathroom, taking my sweet time. I took off my pajamas, picked up one of the huge bath towels and wrapped it around myself. I wondered what he was going to do about sheets for his table? I found a second huge bath towel, thinking I would put that on the table to lie on.

"Ready?" I called out finally.

"Yes." I went out, he had found a spare sheet in the closet, folded it on the table. He had also set up a pillow at the top of it. He still looked to be really nervous to me.

"Are you going to go wash up while I get on the table?" I asked him.

"Oh! Yes. OK." He went into the bathroom, I slid on and lay face down, spreading one towel out first, tugging the other towel over my body.

He came back out in seconds, I barely made it. I waited, he stood there.

"Is something wrong, Simon?" I asked him finally.

"I forgot my oil." He said.

"I have some lotion there on the nightstand, that will be fine."

"Oh, OK. Thank you." I heard him step across the room and then back. He placed his hands tentatively on my feet and began to rub. His hands felt amateurish, scattered, but it still felt good. I let out a sigh to encourage him.

Quickly, a little too quickly he shifted to my calves. He could have rubbed my feet for a half hour and I would not have minded.

The hotel towel I had over me was very large, it came from almost my shoulders to the middle of the back of my knees. His hands worked up and down my legs, stopping each time just short of the bottom of the towel. Then he turned for some more lotion, and stepped up to my shoulders.

"You can go higher on my legs, Simon, I won't bite you!" I teased him.

"Oh. Well, OK. I just don't want to offend you."

"Relax, there is nothing you can do that will offend me." I turned my head to look at him. My God he was young, I knew I would hardly be able to wait to tell my friend Pam about this one.

Simon carefully folded the towel up about two inches, now his fingers could reach a ways up my thighs.

"The heavy muscles in my thighs and my fanny really need the work." I told him.

"I spend a lot of time on a bicycle." I added.

"OK. I can tell, your legs are really strong looking." He answered. He began to do long strokes up the sides of my legs. He spent quite some time doing that, almost like he didn't know for sure what to do next.

"After a long bike ride, my leg muscles really ache, especially the inner thigh." His hands stopped for a second, then started back up. I didn't need to look to tell that he had just blushed again.

"I...err...I can work that out for you...if you don't mind?"

"Oh, I don't mind, I have had lots of massages before so I am used to it, besides, I am not really bashful."

"Good. I mean, as long as you are comfortable." He still seemed hesitant.

This was getting to be fun. I began to think that he was not going to even touch my fanny at all, or do anything about my upper legs, but his hands finally went up my legs, then he folded the towel over to bare my left butt cheek.

"Is this OK?" He asked.

"Sure, go ahead, it's fine." I told him.

His fingers flowed up and over me, a bit too light, almost ticklish. He repeated that over and over, finally I rocked my hips to open my legs and encourage him. That made the towel slip a little. He didn't reach to tug it back, so I moved my hips some more, felt it slip again. It was a pretty heavy towel. Then I felt it slide, it fell off completely onto the floor.

"I'm sorry!" He rushed around to pick up the towel.

"Oh, you can leave it, it will make it easier." I told him.

He hesitated, but then stepped back to the table. After quite a long time working on my upper legs and behind, he walked around the head of the table to the other side. He repeated some of the same motions on that side, but stopped a bit too quickly.

"Can you do some long sweeps up my legs, both at once?" I asked.

"Sure." He reached across, put one hand on each leg and stroked upwards.

"Not like that, go down to the foot of the table, it's easier and feels better."

"I..OH. All right." He stepped down to the foot of the table, put one hand on each calf. Then he leaned forward as his hands slid up to the base of my fanny.

I rocked my hips to open my legs, until one foot was over the edge of the table on both sides. I felt him again hesitate for a moment, I knew my vagina was now in his view. I could even hear his breath quicken.

Then his hands swept upwards again. He began to get bolder, until finally at the top of each stroke he was spreading me open widely.

I felt my body begin to flood, if he would only just reach in there and touch me I knew I could orgasm. I hadn't really planned on that but now I wanted to orgasm. His hands were teasingly close. After at least five solid minutes of that I couldn't stand it any more, his hands were going up into my butt cheeks, then pressing me open. I knew that each time he could see clearly between my legs, it was starting to drive me nuts.

"Higher!" I said, a bit forcefully.

Simon's hands came upwards, stopped at the base of my fanny. I felt what must have been his thumbs slide inwards, they pressed against my sex. I groaned as a climax swept over me, that was all it took. His palms cupped my ass, fingers splayed outwards, his thumbs flicked up and over me until another incredible orgasm blasted though me.

Simon wasn't very good at giving a massage but he sure seemed to know how to do that part of it, either that or he had a lucky accident.

I finally relaxed, then without his asking I rolled over onto my back and settled in. It took no time at all for Simon to have his hands on my breasts, his fingers busy flicking my nipples. He seemed to have lost all of the initial shyness.

When he stroked down my stomach, one hand went straight to my pussy, cupping me. I opened my legs to allow that. His index finger slid right inside me, he began to finger fuck me. I let my hips lift to meet his efforts, watching the expression on his face. It was cute, he was playing now, and a let him play, basking in the fading sensations of my climax.

In short order I even had another mellow orgasm.

Then I sat up, smiled at him.

"That was pretty good, I am glad you didn't mind being more..intimate."

"I wasn't sure at first but really are pretty. I didn't mind at all." He said.

"Well, thank you for letting an old woman feel good."

"You aren't old, you can't be more than...thirty." He lied. I laughed, hopped off the table completely naked. Simon was looking me up and down now, the shyness was long gone. I dug in my purse and found a hundred dollar bill, handed it to him. His eyes widened for a moment, then he stammered a thank you.

I was still naked when he left, he seemed to be slightly reluctant to go. I shut the door behind him, sat down and started to chuckle. That had been fun, Simon was so very shy at first. I was fairly sure he had never really given a massage before in his life.