Cougar Ch. 03


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He also started to erect when I touched him.

"Where do you feel the pain exactly?" I asked him.

"Right here in my right nut." He said, reaching down and pointing at the upper portion on the right side. I felt around again, there was no mass or anything, but I could feel a stiffness in the cords. They were not only puffy but had an angular feel to them.

I also noticed his right testicle was larger than the left, but there is nothing really abnormal about that.

"It appears to be all right, I am thinking it might be a mildly strained muscle from the heavy lifting, you should perhaps try lighter weights or different methods until it heals up."

"Yea, it's usually just when I do the squats." He said.


"Yea, when I go like this." He suddenly dropped down, then back up with an imaginary weight.

I barely managed to keep a straight face at that, this huge man dropped down and back up right in front of us to demonstrate the movement, with his hairless genitals just hanging there. His thigh muscles were amazing.

"Oh. Well, yes, I think that might be what is going on there, just avoid the exercises that cause the pain."

"OK, Doc." He grinned at me.

"I notice you aren't circumcised, has anyone checked you recently?"

"Naw, nobody. Well, Caroline does but she ain't no Doc!" He guffawed at his own joke.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"Go ahead." I reached down and slid his foreskin back, the head was large and light purple, it appeared normal. He began to erect very quickly so I let go.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"No problem, it's a perfectly normal reaction." I told him.

"My dick just goes up by itself sometimes, especially if a woman touches it." He said, his face actually reddening.

Alma stifled another giggle, I shot her another look and managed to keep a straight face.

"Is there any pain when you ejaculate?" I asked.

"When I what? Oh, you mean when I get off?...I ain't got no girl friend right now. Just sometimes...when I see Caroline."

"Who is Caroline?" I asked. That was his second mention of the name.

"She is the babe at the beauty salon, the one that does the waxing." He grinned.

"Oh. I see." I thought I did, anyway.

"How about when you masturbate?"

" mean whack off? I don't do that none." He looked flustered at that.

"Yes, you do." I smiled.

"I don't..well, sometimes but.." He shot Alma a sidelong glance, she never changed expression, bless her.

"I got to before the shows, because if I..if it gets hard it can stick right out of my outfit."

That did it, Alma giggled, I very nearly did myself.

"It's all right, that's normal, I just need to know about the pain."

"OK. Yea, well, I don't notice it none then."

"Good. All right then, please turn around and press your elbows on the table."

"Oh, Man! You ain't gonna stick your finger up my ass, are you?" He complained, but he did as I asked. It was a good thing he was looking away because now Alma had a hand over her mouth.

"Well, yes, I am." I told him, pulling on a fresh latex glove.

"Oh, man!!" He moaned. I lubed the glove and pressed inside him, his heavy muscles made it difficult but I managed. He was perfectly normal, I stripped off the glove, reached for a box of tissues and handed it to him.

Kevin stood up and turned around, he looked ridiculous standing there with the flowery gown on backwards, his fairly large hairless penis sticking straight out.

He was looking down at the box of tissue, I knew he really didn't want to wipe himself with us still there.

"OK. All done, you can get dressed now." I told him, then Alma and I left.

He came out in just a few minutes.

"OK. I want you to avoid any of the weightlifting that causes the pain, see if it doesn't clear up by itself. If it doesn't, then I want you to come back and see me."

"OK. Thanks, Doc. Maybe I will." He left, I went back to my office. Alma came in a few minutes later.

"That was something else, I couldn't believe that guy just standing there like that."

"You get used to things like that in this profession." I grinned at her.

"Doesn't it get boring after awhile?" She asked.

"No. It never does." I laughed.

"We should see more patients!" She blurted out.

"Maybe, we could once in awhile."

"Don't I need to be licensed?" She asked me.

"Not really, not to just be an observer, you do if you ever actually touch a patient or handle anything medical."

"I think I want to go on to nursing school, that really was something!" She said, we both broke out laughing.

"I liked the part where he said he had a pain in his ball." I had barely managed to keep my manners myself when he said that.


Friday afternoon Alma came in and asked me if I wanted to go with her down to the coast for the weekend. I thought about it, why not?

"Two girls can maybe do better than one." She grinned at me.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking maybe to that casino, it's just a few miles up the coast from that resort you stayed at."

"You aren't likely to meet anyone in a casino." I told her.

"We can stay at the resort, maybe you might see that Simon guy you told me about. If not, then we can run up and play a little bit."

I actually had not thought about Simon for some time, now I wondered if he was still working there. I realized I wouldn't mind that one bit.

Saturday morning found us headed down to the seaside city, it was a bright sunny day. We had a disc playing and were puttering along at about 50 mph, in no hurry at all.

"I never rode in one of these before!" She told me. I had called the parking lot and had the attendant bring out my Corvette since it was a nice day.

"I like it." I told her, then I explained how I had come to own it. By the time we got to the resort I had told her all about Lee and Ted, I even told her about that one night with Lee's brother. We were getting to be close, sharing stories. She told me about her boyfriend and how he showed up from time to time but it never seemed to go any further than that.

"He is good but not that good!" She giggled.

We both laughed at that.

A young man I had never seen before came out and took the keys, I told him to be very careful with the machine because I was fussy. Alma was looking at me curiously as he drove the car inside, so I told her that wasn't him. The young man appeared to be about 18, he had pimples on his face.

"I didn't think so!" She grinned, we both laughed at that.

We got a second floor suite this time, with two bedrooms. I went out, I could see the long jetty stretching out into the ocean, waves were rolling in and crashing over it.

"It's so beautiful down here!" Alma said as she joined me.

"Cold, though." I tugged my sweater snugly around myself. We sat and watched for awhile, then went back inside. I turned on the fake gas fireplace, the room warmed quickly.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked her.

"Let's hit the lounge and see if there is any action." She said.

"Do you want me to bring my medical kit so I can take blood tests?" I laughed at her.

She giggled at that.

"Not much chance of anything like that happening, but I brought along some stuff just in case. Two good looking gals out alone? If we can't get laid, we aren't trying very hard."

I knew what she meant, I had a pack of condoms in my purse, too. I really had no plans to just pick up some guy, but one never knows.

"We are terrible, aren't we? A couple of girls on the make." Alma giggled.

Down in the lounge, there was just a couple of younger men in there. It was early, though. The bartender was the same man I had seen there a few months before. We both ordered Papaya juice, he looked at me for a moment.

"You were in here awhile back, weren't you?" He asked me.

"Yes, on vacation."

"Welcome back then, on me." He grinned, setting down two glasses.

"I remember the drink, not very many people order this." He looked over at Alma and smiled, she smiled right back. Then he went down the bar, rubbing imaginary spots off of it.

"Don't get in any hurry, girl!" I whispered to her.

Alma laughed.

"Damn, he is cute!"

I was about to tell her to take it easy and not grab the first male available when I heard the voice behind me.

I looked around, Simon stood there. That caused a brief flutter in my stomach.

"Well, hello!" I said.

"Hi, yourself." He smiled. "I saw the car down in the parking garage, I was sure it was you."

"May I join you ladies?"

"Sure." I said. Alma had a huge grin on her face as I introduced them.

"I have heard a lot about you." She told him.

"Some of it good, I hope?" He cracked.

"From what I hear, very good. You do massages, huh?"

"Yes, I just got out of school so now I am on staff here part time, plus I get calls from time to time at other hotels. I want to open an office once I get some money saved up."

"Really? What do you charge?"

I was starting to get a little bit upset with Alma, she was leaning forward being rather obvious. I couldn't kick her because she had scooted over and Simon was between us.

"$60 per hour is my going rate, but I do have a sliding scale."

"Oh, does it get real inexpensive if everything slides real good?" She teased, one eyebrow going up.

"Alma!" I shot her a warning glance, she got that and leaned back. Poor Simon just blushed.

"I need to jet, I have a booking upstairs in a few minutes. Married couple." Simon got up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Later, maybe?"

I nodded. He grinned, then turned and left.

"Jesus, Alma. Catch your own guy." I whispered to her.

"I'm sorry, I was just teasing him. Besides, I was watching those two over...." She glanced back at a couple of men in business suits that had come in.

One of them saw her glance, he came up to her and asked her to dance. She smiled, gave me a sidelong glance as if to say I told you so, and they headed for the dance floor.

Just then a skinny kid that looked to be about twelve but was probably thirty asked me to dance, so I got up. He turned out to be a darn good dancer, even if he was an inch shorter than me.

It flashed through my mind that I was glad I had not worn heels.

"I'm Kerry." He introduced himself.

"Sally." I answered. I noticed he was dancing slightly on tiptoe, trying to be as tall as I was.

It was hilarious to hear him do his very best to keep up a conversation, and he held me at least six inches away. After a few minutes of that I moved in closer until I was planted against him.

For an instant his eyes got big as he felt my breasts touch his chest, then he relaxed.

What the hell, we were down here to have fun so I was going to. Plus Kerry really was a very good dancer, it felt like we had done it for ages.

Over the next couple of hours we danced several numbers, then somehow he was sitting with us at our table, along with the taller guy that Alma had caught.

I might have tried to catch a guy for myself if there had been any show up that interested me at all.

The guy Alma had captured was named Robert, and he had already begun his move to get to second base. He was sitting with his arm around Alma who was snugged up tightly to him.

Kerry was still keeping up his animated conversation, he didn't really interest me much in that way but I made no effort to chase him off.

I was killing time until Simon came back. I suppose that was unfair to Kerry but it's the truth. He was fun to dance with but that was all.

I remembered very well the sessions with Simon the last time, and I was in no mood to take on some young fellow I might need to train.

Simon didn't come back, at two in the morning they gave last call. Kerry asked me if I would like to continue the evening in his room but I declined. He looked mildly crushed, but said good night and left.

Back in our own room, Alma and her catch vanished quickly into the other bedroom, leaving me to my thoughts. I almost decided to just get up and go down the hallway, I knew Kerry was in the room just three doors down since he had told me he lived there in some of the monthly rentals the hotel had.

Almost, but instead I just went to bed.

The next morning I woke up, came out to find Alma and her new man sitting on the deck on the side facing East, watching the Sun come up. Both of them were wearing the white hotel robes, I had on my pajama set. I knew my nipples poked out pretty good through the thin material.

I really didn't expect him to still be there, or I would have put on a bra but he glanced at me and didn't appear to even notice. I hesitated, then decided to hell with it.

I got some coffee and joined them. I had no more than sat down at the tiny little table when I noticed that Robert's penis was sticking out the front of his robe. I glanced at Alma and she winked at me.

"Sorry, I was playing with it." She reached down and covered him up. Robert didn't seem to be even in the slightest bit embarrassed at that.

It took over two hours to get rid of the guy, I did find out he was in town working on some local project. He also claimed to be single although he was probably lying about that since I spotted the light band of skin on his ring finger.

"I think that guy is probably married." I told her as soon as he was gone.

"Yes, probably. I just don't know what I was thinking! Maybe I was hoping? His dick is only about 5 inches but wow was it hard!" She laughed like that was funny.

I realized I was learning a few things about my new friend and I didn't really like all of it.

We decided to go walk on the beach, the Sun was shining but the wind was blowing, the Oregon coast can be really cold early in the morning. Then the sand was hitting us, we only made it a few hundred yards and I wanted to go back.

Alma thought that was a good idea, she had worn a coat but she was also too cold. We made it halfway back when I looked up and Simon was jogging our way. He had a jacket in one hand.

He got up to us, wrapped the jacket around me with a grin.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked. All he had on was some running shoes and bathing trunks. Tall and slender, Simon really was on the physical side.

Alma appeared to be nicely impressed.

"No. I am used to it but I figured you might be too cool so I grabbed a jacket and headed out when I saw you go by. When the wind kicks up off the ocean, it gets cold really fast and the sand stings."

He put his arm around me, that felt nice so I leaned into him. The three of us made it back to the lobby, I started to hand him back the jacket.

"Keep it, I can just come up to your room later and get it...if you would like me to?" He grinned.

I felt myself flush, I knew exactly what he meant. Then I realized that I would like that very much.

"OK. I will be waiting." I smiled at him, he smiled right back.

"My God! That guy is a hunk! He is gorgeous!" Alma said as soon as we were out of earshot.

I didn't answer, just unlocked the door.

"If there is any left over, can I have some?" She giggled.

"You won't have any trouble at all finding your own man." I told her.

"I will make myself scarce when he shows up." She grinned.

Simon was sitting on the couch talking to Alma when I came out of the shower. I had a towel on and my hair was wet and stringy, no makeup at all.

"Hi! I brought my table, I was hoping you would want me to...."

"God. I'm not even dressed yet." I said. My hand instinctively went to my hair, making some worthless attempts at fixing it.

"I would just have to have you get undressed anyway." He grinned.

Alma laughed at that. I gave her another of my scathing looks.

"Well, I gotta go. I think I will go flirt with that cute bartender."

"You mean Sam?" Simon said.

"I guess, I didn't get his name."

Simon just grinned as Alma left. Then he turned and looked at me.

"Sam is gay." He chuckled. That was funny, I started laughing too.

"Come here." He asked, patting the couch.

"I'm not ready, my hair, my..."

"You look beautiful, all fresh and damp looking. Here, give me the towel, I will dry you off."

In short order he had me lying on the couch as he used the towel to wipe at imaginary droplets of water. He did use it briskly on my hair, then he picked up my hairbrush and brushed it out for me.

That simple act was so sensual, it's difficult to explain. I was completely ready by the time he began to brush his lips on the back of my neck. He laid the towel aside and reached down and picked me up, carrying me to the bedroom. I lay there and watched as he removed his clothing, his erection was already engorged.

Once again, we had a lovemaking session that is like something out of a fantasy, if anything I climaxed more and stronger than the last time I was with him. He was building to his own second peak when I thought of the condoms in my purse.

Then I no longer cared.

Some time later, far later, I heard Alma come in. There were low voices, then I heard the door to her room shut quietly. Simon was still nuzzling my breasts, I even felt slightly sore between my legs.

It was daylight when I woke up, I felt for Simon but he was gone. Right at that moment I didn't want him to be gone. I lay there quietly, thinking of everything.

I had just let the young man take me again, without any resistance at all. In fact, the truth is that I was eager. I sat up, reached for my clothes.

I was pulling on my pajama top when I heard a noise, something bumping something. I went and peered out the bedroom door, Simon had a big roller cart with plates of food. Alma had just stepped into the room, a man in one of the white robes I hadn't seen before was right behind her. All Alma had on was a pair of tiny white panties.

"Oops!" She said, bringing one arm up to cover her breasts.

She giggled, then turned and darted back into the bedroom, emerging just moments later with a robe on.

"Sorry." She said to no one in particular.

"No problem, I have seen pretty ladies in their underwear before." Simon told her with a smile.

"Wow!" I said, opening the door wide, checking out the huge mound of food.

"Morning, sleepyhead. I thought you might be hungry so I had the kitchen set this up. We have Cantaloupe, Watermelon, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and Coffee and some Milk."

We all piled into the tray of food, it was delicious. After that was finished off, Simon left to return the tray.

"This is Frank, I found him down in the lounge last night." Alma said. I looked at him and nodded, so far he hadn't said a single word.

I didn't see any white band on his ring finger this time, but he caught me checking that out.

"I am just in town for the week, heading back home as soon as we finish here." He told me. His voice was very deep, there was a trace of a southern accent. I also noticed he kept glancing down at my breasts, all I had on was my shorty flannel pajama set again. It covered me completely, but the top was rather thin and I had no bra on.

"Where is home?" I asked.

"Arizona, I am an engineer with the NOAA project."

I nodded. I kept hearing about that, some government science thing. It meant there was a solid string of men around.


"So how did your night go this time?" I asked Alma as soon as we were alone.

"Well, it's two in a row that probably won't get a second chance." She laughed.

I wondered about that, Alma had obviously bedded two different men in just two nights. While I had been with Simon, I did know him. I was wondering just how loose my friend really was.

Then I felt a sad mood slip over me. My mind flashed back to the years I had spent with my husband. There was no way to ever recapture that, this I knew.

I was really no better than my friend Alma, Simon was a nice looking man but to me he was really just a boy. I liked him, but it was an affair, for fun. Nothing more than that and there never would be.