Coveting Ch. 14


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A drop of sweat ran from his hairline, down his forehead. Mavis threw her arms around Vince and sensuously licked the drop of perspiration from his brow with her pink tongue.


Milford returned carrying a small package, and made his way past his wife, Carol, who was sitting next to Tex Wheaton with her hand on his thigh. He leaned in and gave her a perfunctory peck on the cheek and whispered something into Wheaton's right ear.

As he turned toward Margie, Wheaton sent his left hand into Carol's bodice and brought her breast out into view.

Milford sat next to Margie and, placing the package on the table in front of them, pulled her to him and sent his tongue so far into her mouth that Margie thought he might be performing a tonsillectomy on her.

In the center of the living room Vince placed his palms against the reed thin, Mavis' hips and enjoyed the feel of her hipbones sway under his hands.

"Move them higher, I think you'll enjoy it more," she whispered huskily into his ear.

He brushed his fingertips across the silky fabric of her dress, felt what had to be the underside of a pair of fantastic tits and explored further, his fingers tingling as Mavis' nipples stiffened under his touch.

Beneath the sounds of the music and his breathing, he was aware of people murmuring. He registered the fact then ignored it as Mavis dropped her hands to his ass and pulled his hips in tight. His right thigh fit nicely between her legs; he slid one hand down her back, scraping his thumbnail along the cloth, until his thumb was hooked comfortably into the cleft of her jutting ass through the dress. Mavis moaned into his mouth as he tasted the sweetness of her lips. He smelled her, musky and warm, and when he pulled back to look at her he saw her eyes were half-closed, and he decided to lick her lower earlobe.


The doorbell chimed, and Milford left Margie to answer it.

A tall, lean man in a blue, pinstriped suit stood at the entrance; just behind him was a lovely brunette in a dark blue dress.

"Ah, you must be the Mims, welcome, I'm Milford Lambert. My wife Carol and I have heard many good things about you. Come on in, unfortunately, the party's already started."

"Sorry we're late. It couldn't be helped; there was a terrible accident on the parkway that had us stalled for over an hour."

"It happens," Lambert said, as he escorted them into the living room and performed introductions all around.

Drake and Shanna Mims had been to these type gatherings before and quickly sorted out who was with whom for the moment, and Shanna Mims gravitated over to Bobbie Radford and promptly sat on his lap.

"I'll try to make up for lost time, sugar," she said and kissed him warmly on the lips.

"Hi, I'm Drake, and you must be..."

"Ginger, Ginger Radford. Your lovely wife seems taken with my Bobbie."

"That's what happens at these affairs as I recall," he replied.

"You have a wonderful memory," Ginger said with a broad smile. "Would you happen to remember where the master bedroom is?"

"Ginger, I'll be perfectly honest with you; I've never been here before, but I love to explore erotic places, and if you'll come with me, I bet we'll find it in no time at all."

Laughing delightedly, Ginger took Drake's hand and followed him out of the room.


Lambert watched Drake lead Ginger toward one of the master bedrooms and then after nodding to his wife, Carol, returned to sit next to Margie.

"So are you going to tell me what's in the package? Margie inquired, already giddy with sexual excitement.

"Why don't you guess, my dear?"

While this little conversation was taking place, Carol was quietly circulating among the other guests, whispering to each. She even ventured out to intercept Vince and Mavis, still, shall we say, dancing in the middle of the room. Although to be candid about it, they were no longer dancing. Vince was alternating between Frenching Mavis's lovely mouth and neck and squeezing her right breast, which had come into plain view following some excited handling.

At Carol's words, the couple came to an abrupt stop and turned to face Margie and Milford, as did almost everyone else.

"Is it a sex toy?" Margie asked, eyes glittering with excitement.

"Not really," Lambert answered. "But if it were, would you use it in front of these nice people?'

Margie laughed lewdly. "If you thought I should, sure," she replied.

"Open it, they want to see your expression when you do," he said teasing her to some extent.

Like a child at a birthday party, Margie tore open the package and found a small box.

"Oh..." she gasped. "Did you buy me jewelry?"

"Open it and see," he said.

Opening the small box, Margie found a pair of diamond earrings that glittered brightly.

"My God, Milford... they must have cost a fortune!"

"There is a catch, my dear," he said with a smile.

Holding one of the earrings in her hand so the others could see it, she replied, "And what would that be?"

"I want you to perform for us. I want you to be our entertainment... well the better part of it for the evening. Do that and the earring are yours."

"You... have something in mind?" she asked tentatively.

"Are you accepting the challenge?"

"Yes... I guess I am. Vince... are you okay with this?" The question had a certain plaintiveness to it. Vince knew she wanted the diamond earrings. And as they had come to the Lambert's fully expecting to pair off with at least one or two others he saw no problem with her accepting the gift, although there seemed to be an element of his wife prostituting herself to obtain the earrings.

"Go for it baby," he answered as his hand wrapped around Mavis' waist and pulled her closer to him.

"All right, Milford. What am I expected to do?" Margie said with a forced smile.

"Gentlemen and ladies, let's move all the furniture against the walls. We need more room, Lambert said.

The guests jumped into action, moving couches and chairs as instructed but leaving the large coffee table in the center of the floor.

Carol produced several large bath towels and laid them over the top of the coffee table. When she straightened up, she laughed and then addressed the others.
"It appears that Mr. Mims and Mrs. Radford are making good use of our bedroom down the hall. From the way they're going I wouldn't be surprised to hear some interesting sounds coming our way shortly."

A quiet mirth spread around the room, as each person formed a mental picture of what was going on 'down the hall.'

And then everyone's attention focused on Margie, who stood just here she'd been for the last few minutes.

"May I have your attention, please?" Lambert called out. "Will everyone, everyone except for Mrs. Morgan that is, please get naked?"

Margie appeared stunned at the request. Everyone else began stripping.

Margie found that she was focusing on the men, ignoring the women as everyone disrobed. She took note of Bobbie Radford cock encased in a tiny wisp of g-string material and smiled as he shook his well proportioned appendage out of it and into plain sight.

"Yes," Milford sang out, "Old Bobbie's really hung, isn't he?"

What hit Margie first was that Bobbie was not erect, but his penis must have been at least eight inches as it hung out of the small sack that passed for a g-string.

Milford's big dick was no surprise to her; nor was her husband's, and she glossed over them in her haste to evaluate the remaining man facing her.

Tex, waited until he was certain her eyes were on him before exposing himself to her.

He was fully engorged and made his cock jump at the moment Margie's eyes focused on his manhood – all ten inches of thick meat.

The word, 'Jesus!' formed on her lips, but went unpronounced as the knowledge that all these men would have carnal knowledge of her in the ensuing moments.

Margie was stunned for a moment and had her eyes riveted on the respective men's genitals for several long seconds before turning them on the women, who were not entirely nude.
Carol Lambert wore a lacy-white garter belt with matching hose attached by garters. Margie caught herself wondering why she would wear such attire when thigh-high hose performed the same function without the necessity of garters, and then realized it was for the eye-catching appeal the garter belt would have on the men present.

Mavis Wheaton stood beside Margie's husband, with her missile-shaped breasts jutting proudly forward, and emerald green, crotchless panties revealing her shaven pussy for all to see.

Only Ginger Radford was actually nude, and she was now posing with one foot up on a hassock, thereby opening her pussy enough to flash the pink to anyone caring enough to glance her way.

Lambert stepped forward, and spoke clearly and distinctly. "And now Margie, the floor is all yours. You can direct anyone or everyone to do whatever you want them to do....

"To you."

Now Margie began to grasp what was expected of her. She was to make their entertainment. But how?

It only took a moment for her to reach a decision. "Mavis, please lose the panties,' she said coolly.

Mavis complied, and her excitement was revealed by a certain glistening sparkle on the lips of her shaven pussy.

"Would the ladies please be seated on the couch and chairs over there," she pointed out which couch she meant, and they quickly went to it and sat.

Margie swallowed, before speaking again, then said, "Gentlemen, will you form a line facing the ladies. Please don't put yourself in front of your wives."

Margie studied the seven individuals before her.

Her husband, Vince was facing Mavis as she thought he would.

Milford faced Shanna, and lastly, Tex was looking down at Carol's missiles.

Just then Drake and Ginger strode back into the room. They were, as far as Margie was concerned, conveniently nude.

"Ah, one last change, I'm afraid," Margie said giddy with her new found power. "Ginger, will you have a seat alongside the other ladies?"

Thank you. And let's see Bobbie will you move over to Ginger?"

"No can do, Margie," Milford said. "They're already a couple."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Margie replied, "My bad. Vince, please stand by Ginger. Bobbie please stand by Mavis.

Vince glared at his wife for a second, and then complied.

"I know that leaves Drake and me out of the loop, but it will do for the moment. I think you'll all agree Drake in currently incapacitated, at least for the moment, but then I'm also sure it's only temporary. So if you will, Drake, please stand next to me."

Margie took a moment to scan the women facing her. There was an unmistakable hunger in their eyes. Then she said, "Ladies, please spread your legs. Show those lovely cunts to the men standing in front of you."

The three women on the couch, Mavis, Shanna and Carol responded and Shanna made it seem more erotic by putting a knee over the leg of each women beside her, leaving her looking as if she was sitting in a gynecologist's examination chair.

Not to be outdone, Mavis and Carol promptly hooked their outside legs over the arm of the couch, thereby displaying their cunts in similar fashion as Shanna had, bringing a frown to Shanna's face and a chuckle from the men.

Margie glanced at Ginger who was seated in a large easy chair. As Margie's eyes settled on her, Ginger, almost guiltily raised her legs up and placed them on the arms of her chair.

There was a soft exclamation from Vince on seeing what had to be Drake's semen oozing from Ginger's open cunt. When Margie saw what her husband did a second later, she gasped, but retained her composure.

It's not the first cream pie I've ever seen, she thought as she searched for her next words.

Margie took a moment to examine the men's erections as they jerked and bobbed before their potential partners, and then said, "Ladies, I know you're anxious to get going, so why not begin by putting a finger or three up your respective holes and stir the honey in there?"

All four women immediately did just that. None of them could contain the satisfied groans that came from their throats almost in sync with the others.

"Gentlemen, please provide your ladies with a little bump and grind and make those cocks dance with joy!"

Lambert turned his head to Margie as he along with the others complied, "Enjoying this, Marge?"

"I am, Milford, thank you for asking."

"Keep it hard, gentlemen," she called out. "If it means stroking it some, do it."

At that point, with the women fingering themselves and the men stroking their cocks, Margie flipped off her pumps, and with Drake's assistance, stood on the towel covered coffee table.

"Attention please!" Drake called out. "I believe it's Showtime!"

Margie stood on the table, legs apart and let her dark hair down, tossing it over a shoulder and then bowing her head so that it fell across her face, effectively hiding her from view.

All eyes are on her now, although Mavis has taken Bobbie's cock in hand and given it a tentative lick, she is also watching Margie's every move.
With a slow, deliberate motion, she teased them all; men and women alike, lowering the spaghetti straps and allowing the top edge of her dress to slip slowly down her body.

As the sewn edge of the material stuck on the hard points of her nipples, Margie giggled and rolled her shoulders provocatively, releasing the nipples with an inaudible pop. Moments later, the dress cascaded toward the table top, exposing her taut tummy and pantied hips.

Drake was the first to call attention to the dark patch of Margie's crotch. "See how wet she is!"

Laughing and curious, Margie bent over to see for herself and exclaimed, "Look, I came without using my hands!"

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. And spying Mavis's mouth on Bobbie's cock, she quipped, "Hey, if I'm not using my hands, neither can you!"

Then as if to prove her point, Margie carefully balanced herself on one foot and brought the other leg ever so slowly up to her knee before reaching down to take hold of the sole of the foot, pulling it even higher.

This action served to widen her thighs, making the wet spot on her mons veneris more pronounced that it had been.

Everyone else in the room stopped moving. Fingers fell out of pussies; hands released throbbing erections; all eyes locked in on Margie's every move.

Slowly, Margie kept raising the foot.

Vince was stunned. He had never seen his wife do anything like this before. She had, of course, performed the occasional striptease for his benefit in the past, but that had been nothing like this.

The foot came to rest when her heel came to rest in her crotch, covering the wet zone. In fact, when she felt it come to rest on her clitoris, she smiled out at her audience and spoke.

"It would seem that I'm the last person in the room to touch one's self. If you'll kindly take note, I am balanced precariously on one foot while masturbating my pussy with the other. You have noticed the spot on my panties, um, that would explain my reason for leaving them on this long. Now if Mr. Mims here will assist me and keep me from falling I'll get on with things."

Drake placed his hands on her body, bracing Margie as she brought her leg back down.

"Thank you, Mr. Mims," she said and deftly peeled the panties from her body and handed them to him.
"A gift for your kind help in a time of need," she said laughing wantonly.

Drake pressed the moistened undies into his face and inhaled.

"Mmmm, delightful aroma here," he shouted as he brandished her panties in the air.

"Why not give them all a whiff, Mr. Mims?"

Drake went first to the chair where Vince stood by Ginger.

"Care to have a sniff?" he asked Ginger, who quickly accepted the panties, spread them apart to locate the moisten spot and slowly licked the wet gusset from top to bottom and then handed them to Vince.

Not to be outdone, Vince put the crotch between his teeth and chewed and sucked away for several rather long seconds before relinquishing the panties to a somewhat startled Mims.

"I, um, I'm familiar with that odor and taste. I highly recommend it," he said and drew a chorus of cheers from the others present, including Margie, who clapped her hands joyously.

As the panties reach those around the couch Margie realized she had to recapture their attention again and called for quiet.

"Please, enjoy the um, fragrance as my um, present reaches you; but if the others would please resume either fingering or jacking off I would appreciate it. Oh... if anyone and I mean anyone, has an orgasm they will have to leave the room."

Several women almost stop masturbating. None of the men have been stroking themselves enough to be in danger of coming before told too.

Satisfied that she had regained control of the situation, Margie faced her audience and squatted on the coffee table and began to stimulate her own clit. Her face was perfectly aligned with the women's cunts. Deciding to reciprocate, Margie changed positions so that she sat on the edge of the table facing her audience. Her calves were hooked over the side of the table, leaving her spread about as wide as she could possibly be without someone pulling each leg further apart.

But Margie went that extra mile, as it were, and using her fingers, she pried her cuntal lips apart, revealing the pink flesh of her inner vaginal walls.

"Let the game begin!" She yelled, and the men as one, advanced on her, leaving the other women behind.

A second later, five throbbing cocks were extended over her.

Tex's formidable weapon is actually touching her right breast.

"Oh, Tex," she exclaimed, "It feels like you're on fire!"

"I am, Margie. For you, I am."

"Guys, can you see my clittie?"

They quickly admitted that they could indeed see it.

The other women could resist no longer, and joined the men around Margie as she teased them and herself by using her middle finger to tease her engorged clit up and down then back and forth.

"If you'll all pardon me," she said giddily, "I'm making up for lost time here. I may have been the last to start pleasuring myself, but I make up for the lost time quickly. Why don't you all join me. Oh, and you guys... I want you all to come on me. I don't care where, but get it all, or most of it on me, understand?"

The men roared their agreement and began masturbating.

Margie's eyes widened as she saw that they seemed to have different techniques. And this surprised her.

She had watched her husband masturbate many times and had thought other men performed in similar fashion, but on seeing Drake using a sort of twisting motion, she glanced at Vince and noted his style was just a simple pumping up and down. This caused her to watch Tex, who had a different approach entirely. Tex was using the palms of his hands and rolling them over his penis as if he was clay snake and he would add some saliva to his hands every so often.

Milford was also unique in that he was pinching his nipples with his left hand and jerking himself furiously with his right.

The differences in their masturbatory styles caused Margie to reexamine the women's technique. There were shades of difference to it. For example, Shanna had three fingers jammed into her snatch with her palm pressed down on her clit.
Ginger was flicking her finger over her clit so fast that her movements were just a blur to Maggie's eyes.

Carol was pinching her nipples extremely hard, and pulling them way out from her huge breasts. Margie thought it awfully painful and wouldn't have attempted it unless wanting to replicate Carol's feelings as she climaxed.

Mavis, the closest woman to Margie, wasn't rubbing her clit at all, she had her index finger hooked into the entrance of her vagina, obviously having located her g-spot and garnering the incredible sensations to be obtained from that wonderful little inner bulge.