Cry Wolf Ch. 01


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"Did you recognize the guy running around the stadium before?" Coach asked Ted as they headed to the locker room.

"I think so," Ted answered. "Or maybe he is a visiting relative."

"Who do you think it was?"

"Coach he looked like Robert Jacobs."

"The smart kid?" Coach had Robert last year in one of his health classes.



Robert was napping later that afternoon when he heard the doorbell. He jumped up quickly and looked around. After moving to the door he took a sniff and smiled.

"Hi Robert," Megan Falling said when the door open. "Remember me?"

He smiled. 'Organic Chemistry last year. You sat in the third seat on the forth row."

She chuckled. "So you do remember me. Can I come in?"

"Sure but I need to warn you that my parents are out of town."

Megan couldn't get over the change. "Are you wearing contacts?"

He moved aside and let her in noticing that she was still wearing her cheerleader costume. He could also smell her heat. "Lasic," he lied. He walked her out to the sunroom where he had lately spent most of his time.

"So what's up?"

Megan smiled and stood by the glass door. "We..I mean I saw you running this morning and thought that I've known you since elementary school but never really you know got to know you."

"You're friends with Amy right?"

"Yes, since forever," she giggled. "So did you say your parents are out of town?"

"Yes, they will be back on Sunday." He answered smelling her heat getting stronger. "Would you like to stay and keep me company?"

"Robert!" She laughed. "You've changed so much. Didn't you kill a wolf not too long ago?"

"I'm not sure. I think that the wolf is still living." He moved over to the large soft rug in the middle of the floor and laid down on his back. He felt his penis growing but didn't try to hide it.

Megan had told Amy that she was only going to spend a few minutes finding out about Robert but when she saw his excitement she decided to stay longer. "Are you the wolf?"

"Maybe," he answered. "Why don't you come down here and find out?"

Suddenly Megan was the hunted. Normally she could tease with a boy and the boy would back down but he was very confident. "I don't know you that well."

"I thought that was the reason you came by. He turned over onto his hands and knees and moved towards her.

"Yes, but..." She stopped when his face moved up to her knees. "Robert..."

"Shhh," he grinned smelling her heat getting stronger and stronger. As he moved his face upward his tongue licked over her soft flesh. Anna had taught him all about licking pussy so when his face moved up under her skirt he saw his covered target.

"What are...are you doing?" She gasped when his tongue pressed into her covered and very damp pussy. "OH...OH ROBERT!" She cried when his strong fingers reached up and pulled down her two sets of panties. "OHHH!" His sharp tongue pierced into her ready inner lips and deeply inside of her hot oven. "OH MY GOD!" Her hands held onto his head as his hands moved around to cup her soft bare buttocks.

Robert didn't stop licking and sucking as his body rose upward lifting her up over his shoulders.

"I'm going to fall!" she cried out with her head almost to the ceiling. She grabbed onto the top of the curtain rod over the door and leaned back as Robert attacked her moist sex. As he brought her close to cuming she heard her cellphone ringing and knew it was Amy. "Don't stop," she begged him.

Robert took his time until he could smell and feel the orgasm coming. He moved his face out and carried her over to the leather sofa before lying her down on her back. She closed her legs out of modesty. "Do you want me to take everything off?"

"Yes, but first I think you should call your parents and tell them that you are sleeping over at Amy's house tonight."

"But...oh I see," she grinned. She called her parents and left a voice mail and then called Amy. "If my parents call you tell them that I'm sleeping over and can't come to the phone."

Amy was surprised. "Why? Where are you staying tonight?"

Megan was about to tell her when Robert pulled off his running shorts and boxers. "GOD!"

"God?" Amy asked. "You are staying with God tonight?"

"I think so," Megan smiled. "I think I'm going to heaven." She hung up and tossed the phone next to her. After removing her cheerleader clothes she walked up to him now sitting on the sofa. "Please go slow. My last boyfriend was tiny compared to you. How do you want know?"

Robert did have a preference. "Will you get on your hands and knees?"

Megan smiled. "So you like doggie style?"

"Not doggie," he thought. "Wolf style."

"WAIT...YOU'RE TOO BIG!" She moaned feeling him having trouble getting into her tiny hole. She felt him move back and then forward. Again and again he did it pushing harder until the crown slipped in. "AHHH!" She relaxed once he was in and started to push back as he pushed forward. Like Anna he bottomed out.

"You're splitting me open," she gasped holding onto the carpet. Back and forth Robert went until she begged him to turn her over.

Robert kept connected and did what she wanted. He could now see her tiny nipples on her petite breasts and leaned forward to lick and suckle them.

Megan knew now what fucking was all about. Her past boyfriend was lucky to last a minute but now Robert had been fucking her for at least five minutes. Now in the missionary position she was ready to have her first orgasm. "ROBERT...IT FEELS SO...SO HOT...SO TINGLY." Her strong cheerleading legs curled around him as he moved into hyper drive.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed when her body exploded. "AHHH!" She passed out.


Megan wasn't sure if she was dreaming because it was dark when she opened her eyes and felt Robert's huge cock fucking her again. It felt so wild and uncontrolled. "Don't stop. Don't ever stop," she laughed. He didn't stop until she climaxed again and then again. It was midnight when she managed to crawl up away from his sleeping body and grab her phone on the way to the bathroom.

"Hi, it's me," Megan whispered to Amy. "Sorry about hanging up before."

"Where are you? I was about to call the police. You shouldn't say that you were with God and are about to go to heaven. I thought you were killing yourself."

"Sorry, I guess I would have thought that too. I'm at Robert's house. His parents are out of town."

"You must be joking. Robert?"

"He's amazing Amy. So big. I never knew..Oh my god. I don't know how many times I've climaxed."

"Are you on drugs? Did he drug you?" Amy asked thinking maybe date rape.

Megan laughed. "Can you cover for me tomorrow at practice? I might be late."

"I should come and get you," Amy said.

"I'll kill you if you come near here. He's mine Amy. All mine."


Amy covered for Megan the next morning telling everyone she was feeling bad but the girls all turned and saw her walking into the stadium with Robert's arm around her shoulders.

"Sorry I'm late," Megan grinned. She put down her equipment bag next to theirs and turned to kiss Robert. "I'll see you later."

Amy could see Robert up close now and without the glasses and with fifteen more pounds he did look hot. "Hi Robert." But he didn't even look her way and took off running.

"Doesn't he like me?" Amy asked her best friend.

"I don't think so. He heard you say to me "Why is everyone making such a fuss over a nerd?" at the hospital."

Amy laughed. "You must have told him because he was across the street."

"No, he said he heard you."

Amy watched as Robert took off over the mound again. The coaches were also watching. After three laps around the stadium Roberts coasted in and sat on the bleachers watching the cheerleaders. He turned quickly when he heard the gate open and saw the head coach coming his way.

"You're Robert right?" Coach Milnar asked as he approached.

"Yes sir. Robert Jacobs."

"Have you ever played football son?"

"Once on Xbox," Robert joked.

The coach laughed. "Well, I've noticed your speed running and I don't think any of our guys can run once around the stadium and you just did three laps. Why don't you come out for the team?"

Robert looked at Megan who waved back at him and then out at Ted who looked cocky as he threw the football. "If I do can I tackle and hit other people?"

Again the coach laughed. "Yeah but you might want to gain some weight first."

"I gained fifteen pounds last week and should do another fifteen this week," he said smiling. "Can I use your weight room?"

"Anytime you want," the coach grinned. "So you would rather play defense."

"Yes sir," Robert smiled looking at Ted.


After touring the weight room with the coach they moved out onto the field to meet the team.

"Guys gather around," Coach Joe said. "We have a new member to our team. Robert Jacobs."

"You're kidding right? Ted asked. "He might raise our IQ level but what are we doing to do with a geek?"

The coach saw Robert getting angry. "Well, I will have to say that this geek is in better shape than most of you and can probably run faster than anyone here."

Ted and a few other seniors laughed.

"OK, practice is almost over. Everyone line up and if any of you can beat Robert around the outside track I won't make you run for a whole week of practice. But, if he beats you then you will have to run another lap."

Even a few heavy linemen laughed figuring they could beat the class nerd. They all lined up and the coach yelled for them to take off.

Robert held back some to stay with Ted and a few of the faster players. He was looking over at Megan when he heard Ted whisper, "Trip him." His instincts caused him to jump just as one of the guys legs moved out in front of him. They watched as Robert smiled back at them and took off. "Shit." Ted grumbled.

"Are you kidding me?" The coach asked when Robert ran up to him. The rest of the team was at least a quarter of the track back. "Where did you learn to run like that?"

"It just comes natural," he answered. Robert turned and saw the pack of pissed off guys. Normally he would have run but Robert was not normal.

"Looks like you all have another lap," the coach grinned. "Come on Robert and I'll show you around the lockerroom and get your football gear."

Robert followed the coach and glanced over at the cheerleaders and dance team who had finished practice and were watching him walk by.

"See you later Robert," Megan smiled.

"See you at my house," he said confidently.

As they walked towards the field house Amy pulled Megan aside. "You have to tell me everything."

"My whole body is sore," Megan whispered. "God, we must have fucked at least ten times last night."

Amy laughed. "Now I know you are joking."

"I'm not. I never knew that sex could be so wild. Once he fucked me while carrying me around the house. He is amazingly strong and soooo big."


The coach left Robert at his new locker and while he was piling the football pads and helmet into the locker he sensed someone standing behind him. His head jerked up and when he felt the danger he quickly jumped to the side. Ted's fist pounded into the locker door.

"FUCK!" Ted cried feeling the pain in his fist.

Robert moved into a defensive stance and looked at the three huge linemen standing to Ted's right and left. As Ted tried to shake off the pain on his right fist a large guy lunged to grab Robert with both hands. Robert quickly slid downward making the guy miss him and as he rose up his right fist pounded into the guys balls. "AHHHH!"

Robert quickly jumped up onto the bench knowing he had to take higher ground. The second lineman moved slowly towards him with his hands outward ready to grab him. "Come here geek," Jeff James said moving closer. "I'm going to break every bone in your body for making us run that extra lap."

Robert looked behind him knowing he had no escape route. As Jeff reached out to grab him with his right hand Robert knelt down and jumped up onto the lockers.

"Fuck, how did he do that?" Jeff asked the other two. They heard him jump down the other side and figured he would run away before they got to him. "Let's rip up his equipment," Ted grinned. As he pulled out Robert's shoulder pads they heard Robert's voice.

"Put them back in the locker and I won't hurt you."

Jeff, Ted and Mark turned and saw Robert's red face, orange eyes and messed up hair. He looked like a fucking madman or animal. "I'm out of here," Mark said moving along the lockers until he was free to move out of the room.

"Me too," Jeff said not wanting to mess with this guy.

"Cowards," Ted said noting that he had at least thirty pounds on Robert. "You know I can't win if I fight you. If I win my father will kill me and the coach will kick me off the team. And if I lose I won't be able to show my face in school anymore."

Robert sensed the agression turning into fear. He saw the boy's sweat forming on his forehead and heard Ted's heart pounding faster and faster. "I'm willing to forget about everything." He held out his hand for Ted to shake.

Ted was proud of his muscular body and when Robert's hand appeared he figured he would squeeze it until he broke a few bones. Their hands smacked together and both squeezed as hard as they could. It took Ted three seconds to realize he was weak compared to the nerd. "SHIT LET ME GO!"

Robert smiled and did as the quarterback begged. He closed his locker and locked it and when he turned Ted was gone.

On the way out of the field house he saw Amy standing alone. He tried to walk by and ignore her but she moved into his path. He smiled when he smelt her sex and felt her body temperature rising. "Where is Megan?"

"In the whirlpool," Amy answered. "Trying to sooth her aches and pains. Seems you did a job on her."

"Did she complain?" Robert asked feeling his manhood growing. Of all the girls he had dreamed of fucking Amy the most.

"Not at all," Amy smiled. "I wanted to apologize about what I said when you came out of the hospital. I've always liked you."

"Is that right?" Robert asked. "Why haven't you ever told me?"

"Stupid I guess," Amy said truthfully. "I guess I got caught up in the cheerleader-quarterback thing. You know I once told you that I like you."

He laughed. "In the first grade."

"It counts," Amy laughed.

Both were laughing when Megan walked from the building carrying her cheerleader bag. "What's going on?"

Robert could sense the anger in her and moved between the two girls. "Nothing. Do you want to go somewhere and get something to eat?"

"Yes, you," Megan said moving up to him and pulling his lips down to hers.

"I..uh..will call you later," Amy said. She turned to leave but felt Robert's hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw his smile.

"Why don't you come too?"

Amy glanced around him at Megan's pissed off expression. "No, you two go and have fun." Before she turned she glanced down at the long hard bulge in Robert's shorts.

"Don't even think about it," Megan whispered as they watched Amy's cute ass wiggle away towards the parking lot. "Why don't we go back to your house?"

"I thought you wanted to eat?" He asked still smelling the sexual scent of Amy even though she was at least two hundred feet away.

"I want you eat you," Megan laughed.

"Just eat?" Robert asked.

"My pussy is too sore to do anything else," she answered.

"Eating is fine," he said while they walked towards his car.


The End of Chapter One.


Ending Note: This is not your typical werewolf story so don't expect any midnight with a full moon killings. But wolves do get horny too. Don't forget to vote and if you want to find my new stories faster put me down as a favorite author below. Cheers..Slick.

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