Davy's On The Road Again Ch. 10


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Linda greeted her friend, Lloyd, and I saw his eyes sparkle. Ed whispered that it looked like he was making a screen test. Then he said, "Hey, I know him. He worked as an advisor on a show I did."

"Hello, Mr. Harper. Mr. Begley, nice to see you again. Linda! I'm Detective Lloyd Taeger. The guy in the cuffs over there is Tom Avinet. May I have the bugs you discovered, please?" I handed them over. "I have the portable recorder in his car. This is good, I've wanted your ass for a while now, Mr. Avinet, but you're a slippery bastard."

Avinet was sweating profusely. "I don't know what you're talking about. These ain't mine."

The kid said, "I ain't going to jail for this. You owe me $250. You gave me these and told me where to put them."

Lloyd looked at Avinet and laughed, "It looks like you're in deep shit, Tommy boy...your accomplice just fingered you." He looked at the uniforms and told them to bring him in and book him. They began to read him his rights.

"Wait, wait a minute," cried Avinet. "This guy at Warners paid me to do this. I swear. I've done some stuff for him before. Come on, let's make a deal."

"You can tell me all about it at the station house. Take the kid, too." They were both led away. Lloyd said that I could press charges if I liked but since they were in possession of illegal bugging devices, it wasn't necessary and this way, we could keep it away from the press. He also suggested he sweep the bus before he left. He couldn't find anything else and after some private words with Linda, he took off, too. We all went into the bus and I closed the door and drew the shades.

"I promised him he could take me to dinner. That's not so bad. He's kind of hunky - and these days, I used use a hunk of that."

I lit a joint and took a deep drag before passing it around. "It's kind of lucky that I spotted the kid prowling around. I've got to call Jimmy and my people in New York, if you'll excuse me for a couple of minutes."

I made my calls and filled everyone in on what had just gone down. Jimmy was thrilled. He thought it would make a good chapter in his next adventure novel. He also asked if he could pass along the bad news to the brass at Warners. "You know, you have them by the short and curlies now. I love it." I told him to wait on it as I was sure my lawyers wanted to make the first call. He agreed and said he wanted to write this down immediately. He was positively cackling. My New York call went just as well and I could visualize them all jumping up and down.

I went over to my desk and opened my lockbox. I peeled off a bunch of bills and handed them to Amy, Debby and Linda. "Here's a thousand dollars each. I want you all to piss this away today. Buy stupid stuff, buy anything. Let's all celebrate. It's not everyday that an artist gets freed from all contracts, gets all his rights back and gets back at the people who fucked him way back when. Revenge will be very, very sweet." I danced around holding my sides in laughter.

The girls were giddy as they headed out. Amy asked them to wait while she finished her makeup. Debby said, "Screw that! Let's go get done!" Linda grabbed her arm and said that they still had to pick up someone else and they ran out, jumping into the Caddy.

"Whew!" I said! "This is good day!" We sat around and shmoozed a while. The weed calmed us a little but we were all plenty euphoric.

"Listen Davy," Ed said, "If you want, we can take a drive over to the Tesla Showroom. It's just down the road in Santa Monica and Elon is over there today. He said he wants to update the bus for you. He was telling me that since he and Ferrin first customized this bad boy, there are some things he wants to tweak. You guys up for it?"

"What the fuck? It's only a buck." I said.

"No, no, no," Mark quipped. "If Vanity Fair and Annie Liebovitz want to do a story on you and Amy and the bus - it sounds like a trade-off freebie to me."

'Come on, guys, let's go." I put out some treats and water for Santo and locked up the bus, making sure I hd all the security on. We piled into the Bentley and drove off laughing like loons. Ten minutes later, we pulled in front of the Tesla showroom. Elon Musk immediately came out of his office and greeted us. He showed us around several cars and talked about the upcoming sedan. He was a real car buff as well as a fast talker and a sharp salesman but a very fun and entertaining character.

"There's a few things I'd like to do to the bus, Davy. I'd like to update the computer software. I want to tweak the ESS and the PEM modules. We can increase the range for you...a bunch of things under the skin and maybe a few more luxuries for you. Ferrin liked it more utilitarian but we can make it classier and well as more efficient. It won't change the footprint at all. What do you say? I can price it up for you and get back to you with it."

"It sounds great, Elon. (Of course, I hadn't a clue to what we was talking about but I knew it was all good.) Since Graydon wants to do a story about our travels - with Annie Liebovitz behind the lens - it'll make the story even better!"

"He does? Oh, wow! Let me go wild, Davy. Forget about the price, we'll call it a wash!" Mark privately winked at me.

"Go for it, Elon. But listen, before you make any changes to the interior, you'll have to clear it with Amy. She has the final say on the interior. Now, how 'bout you join us for lunch and we can talk about this. You know the neighborhood. Where should we go? I'm hungry."

After a discussion of what kind of food we wanted, we ended up at Amelia's Espresso. Maybe we pigged out a little but, hell, the food was delicious. Elon never stopped talking about their latest designs, the health of the company, the future...if it was about his car, he talked about it. Ed tossed some ideas about making the car even more green than it already is. He's a fascinating guy, that Ed. Mark and I just smiled and chomped away.

I picked up the tab and we strolled out toward the pier. It was a glorious day and fun, too. We stopped into a few shops and picked up baubles for our queens. We stopped into McCabe's and I bought some strings, a new strap and a sweet little ukulele. We stopped into Ye Olde Kings Head Shoppe, too. I got some chicken treats for Santo at Trader Joe's. We browsed Second Spin and signed a few autographs. Ed bought some stuff for his bike. We even went into a sex store. In fact, the only stores we avoided were the clothing stores. By the time we got back to the Bentley, our arms were full of new toys. We even carried flowers back. I know how to make my baby smile.

I arranged with Elon to take the bus for a couple of days. I asked Mark which hotel we should check into and he replied, "Nonsense, you two are staying with us. I won't hear of anything else!" It was late in the afternoon by the time we drove off. Ed rode his bike back and we followed behind since all his stuff was in the trunk. From his green cottage, we drove back to the bus and stretched out trying out the crap we bought at Ye Olde Kings.

Amy and Debby pulled up about an hour later loaded with bags. Mark and I were plenty smashed and we made a silly show of the flowers we'd bought them. Buying your woman flowers always has a magical affect and these women were no different.

"Did you boys have fun today?"

"Yes, we did. Since our encounter this morning, I've been floating. I think that it's safe to say that I will get back all my rights and properties. After that, we can enter the new world of Internet sales and marketing and be in control of the whole thing. It's something I've wanted for years. So today, Mark, Ed and I went to a meeting with Elon Musk who wants the bus for a couple of days so he can upgrade it and update the controls. The best part is that he's doing it all for free in exchange for the Vanity Fair story. But I told him that he first has to clear all the interior stuff with you, A. We strolled around Santa Monica, had a great lunch and bought lots of toys...even some for you guys."

"...And you're going to like them," added Mark.

"Oh, goodie. I love presents," said Deb, "but first, how about Amy and I give you a fashion show?"

Amy asked, "What hotel shall we stay at while..."

Mark cut her off. "No hotel. You're staying at our place. No discussion on this, it's already decided."

"Double goodie! We're going to have big fun! Come on, Amy, let's show off!"

They walked into the bedroom. Mark pulled a bag of weed from his pocket and filled his new bong. He poured some cold white wine into it and we took some killer hits. We could hear the women giggling as they changed. We just sat there toking and grinning like assholes. Mark suggested we sing the Miss America song when they walked out.

"First outfit!" Amy yelled and the women strode out as we sang, "Here she comes, Miss America" to them. They both looked fabulous. Amy was in a sleeveless red silk gown and pushed her tits up and hugged her curves. Debby was in a dark green and silver gown. It was slit along her legs and very elegant. We applauded them.

"These are both couture from Givenchy." Mark and I looked at each other and shrugged as they went back into the room.

Next were very chic daytime outfits. "We got these from Moon Zappa's store. Cute, huh?" We nodded. "We also got some jeans, bathing suits and..." she said as they went back into the bedroom.

They were giggling again as they were changing. "Your attention please!" shouted Deb.

They strolled out in new panties and bras. "Nice," I said. "Pretty," said Mark.

"And now, for the finale!"

As they were changing, Mark and I commented as to how we could give a shit about their underwear as we only wanted to remove them.

They walked backwards into the salon. Their ass cheeks were defined by the thin strings that rode up their crack. Slowly, they turned around. They were wearing crotchless panties and bras with cutouts for their nipples.

"Now, you're talking fashion," said Mark. They turned around again and bent over displaying the view from the rear. "Golleeeeee," I muttered.

"Linda took us to this naughty store where she bought an outfit to wear for Lloyd. What do you think?"

"Lucky Lloyd!" said Mark.

I pointed down to my hard-on pressing up against my shorts. "I'm not thinking...but he is!"

Amy strolled over to me and, grabbing my head, pushed my face into her framed puss. Debby just backed her ass into Mark's face so he could easily stick his tongue into her.

"I think they like this outfit the best, Debby," Amy said as she backed away from me.

Deb moved away from Mark and leaned her tits over my face. "What do you think, Davy?" I licked her nipple and said I like the ease of access a lot.

"I bet you do."

"I like these, they are really comfortable. I can wear this under a skirt and you can just bend me over. The bra will look great under a t-shirt. I like when my nipples peek out, it turns me on to turn you on." Amy smiled.

"Yeah, me too," said Mark.

We relit the bong and passed it around getting even sillier. Mark said they we had bought some new clothes, too and he nodded toward the bedroom. When we returned, we were both naked but wearing our shorts on our heads. The girls roared.

"Let's see what you guys bought today."

I took the uke out of it's case and started to play, "Yes, Sir, That's my Baby." We showed off the strings, capos, rosin and music stuff. Then came the dope paraphernalia. I tossed Santo a chicken treat."

"That's it?" said Deb.

"Oh yeah, I forgot!" We each pulled out boxes of chocolates and dried fruits for them.

"Yum! That's a good start!" Next, I gave Amy a gold and stone necklace and earring set. "Oh, I love it. They match my eyes." Mark gave Deb a pair of pink diamond earrings. I then handed Amy and box containing several Bakelite rings from the nineteen-forties. They were very retro. "Oh, my. Real Bakelite jewelry. I love them, Davy." Mark gave Deb a similar box and she damn near swooned.

"And no for the finale! One, two, three!" Mark and I pulled out ten-inch cut-glass dildos.

"Oh, Jesus. Look at that!" They took them and held them, felt them, weighed them and then licked them. Amy sat down on the floor and spread her legs, slowly inserting the glass cock into the crotchless panties. Deb sat down next to her and did the same. They were showing off to us as we stroked our bones.

"I like the weight of it," said Amy, "It's kind of slick, too. The shape is great and it's ticking my g-spot."

"Yeah, I like that g-spot feeling, too. The head is very flared and it hits me right in the right place," added Deb who began to pump it with fervor.

I moved off the couch and squatted over Amy's head allowing her to suck me in while I watched her move the glass cock in long slow motions. She pulled my butt down so she could swallow me deeper. With my knees on the floor, I bent over and smelled her twat. I licked her clit and then moved back to watch some more.

Mark kneeled down and started to rub their pussies and tweak their clits. Deb had now moved her hand onto Amy's breast and was enjoying her pop-out nipple. I pulled myself up and moved over Deb's head so she could now suck my cock. Whereas Amy was more delicate, Deb was a bit wilder and sloppily drooling all over me and occasionally letting her teeth slide along the underside. I dropped down and filled her mouth. I leaned over and sucked on her clit. Her pussy was far more musky than Amy's. After a few minutes of this, I pulled off her and sat back down on the couch to watch. I lit the bong and sucked in the wine-flavored smoke.

Mark was now getting a blowjob from Amy as Deb slid her finger in and out of his ass. They were all panting and nearing their climax. Debbie rolled over and joined Amy on Mark's cock as her hands roamed Amy's body. One hand took over on the dildo. She rolled onto Amy's leg and began to rub her puss against it. The dildo fell onto the floor and I leaned over, picked it up and licked her flavor off it. Mark began to cum as the girls shared his spunk, letting it drip over their faces. Mark pulled back and fell onto his ass. Amy and Deb were deep into fucking each other. It was a wonder to watch.

Deb was bouncing on Amy's leg while keeping up the rhythm of the dildo, now deep in Amy's canal. I could no longer sit and watch so I kneeled between Deb's upturned ass and easily slid my dick into it. "Oh, yeah. Fuck my ass, Davy. Harder...fuck it." Amy raised her knees and, with her feet flat on the floor, began to moan and heave as her orgasm rose. Debbie was merciless and she pounded the cock into her. She leaned over and licked Amy's little man-in-the-boat which sent Amy overboard.

"Oh, my God. Fuck me. Ohhhhh...." It was that guttural moan/grown/scream I loved to hear. Debby let go of the cock and watched Amy's pussy contract and squeeze it, her juices dripping down her leg. Amy laid back, the top of her head against Mark's balls.

Deb was shaking her head and sighing as I plowed her butt. I reached around and diddled her clit but I couldn't keep up the position so she took over for me. The butt floss of her panties added an extra thrill as it rubbed against my cock. "Here it comes, Deb."

"Fill my ass," she replied. So I did. I pulled out letting it drip into her crack. I quickly grabbed her glass cock and filled her pussy. Her fingers beat a tattoo as she humped the dildo and twirled her fingers over it. My cock was still hard and I slipped it back into her ass. She gasped and started to quiver. We fell to the floor together as her orgasm filled her and her ass squeezed me dry. Laying on her back, I reached around and squeezed her nipples. They seemed to pop out of her bra to greet my hands. It became uncomfortable and I slipped off her. I sat with my back against the couch and refilled the bong. I passed it around.

"Nice underwear, girls, or did I mention that already?"

"No," Amy laughed, "but thanks for the compliments. And thanks for all the cocks! That was fun!"

Between tokes, Mark said he was hungry and wondered if anyone want to go out to eat or maybe bring in Chinese. Amy suggested, "Why don't we stay in and just whip something together and then fuck again."

"I second that motion," said Deb. "All in favor?" We all raised our hands.

It was not your typical evening's entertainment in our bus that night. We set a blanket on the floor and, sitting around naked, had a picnic of hot dogs, fish fillets and fries, accompanied by wine. For dessert, we had fruit salad, much of which ended up on our bodies which we promptly gobbled up. Then we ate each other.

"I can't wait until you guys sleep over at our place. I'm already making plans."


In Chapter 11, we handle some business deals, upgrade the bus, have a non-pajama party and prepare to hit the road again.

Keep those beautiful comments coming; vote early and often and enjoy the story. Any names and persons used in this story are purely coincidental, fictional, nonexistent and utterly intentional. LOL!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Corky's is the bomb. The Rondezvous is for tourists. Dry, dry, dry.

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