Davy's On The Road Again Ch. 14


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Laura, for one, was amazed. "I can't believe you guys could just get up there and do that. You rehearsed for about an half hour last night, tossing out songs, some of which you didn't even play! You didn't even write up a set list!"

"No, these are songs we knew - or at least we could fake. It's more fun to just let it go like this. We let the music take us where it wanted to go."

"Davy's right, Laura. Each song sort of walked into the next," added Mark, "We kind of know the keys Davy sings in so it's really no biggie for us."

"That's easy for you to say," said Amy, "I'm just following along and hanging on for dear life. You may not realize it but when I took the harp break on the Randy Newman song, I was covered in flop sweat. On one hand, I think Davy gives me too much credit but on the other, I'm kinda glad he does because he trusts me to play the right thing and it gives me confidence to know that I can. Still, I'm not at your level but I give it my best shot. You guys make me sound good."

Mark and I refused to let that last sentence stand telling her that she was terrific, that she was a natural, and other honest compliments but she wouldn't hear it. Finally, I apologized and promised that I would spent more time practicing with her. Deb had the last word on the subject explaining to Amy that she should accept and revel in the fact that she had a bounty of talent and her voice was so good that even Linda Ronstadt enjoyed singing with her. That seemed to take some of the sting away.

The Wilsons drove us back to camp as the evening fell. George and Sarah would be leaving in the morning and Annie was pulling out around noon. Laura asked if she could get a ride to Jackson Hole to catch a plane. Since we were taking Mark and Deb there to fly out to New Orleans in the late afternoon, we agreed to leave around noon, too. As we got to the cabins, I exchanged emails with Tom and Sandy and asked them to stay in contact.

Packing up took no time. Since it was chilly, we sat around the fireplace in our cabin and shot the shit amid bottles of wine and lit joints.

"You know, seeing you perform and hanging with you has helped me a lot in developing this character. I see much more nuance and dimension, now. This was a great idea. Sarah and I are heading to Lake Como in a few days and I have a lot to think about. I also have two books of notes to chew on."

"My pleasure, George. Anytime, my friend. And I can't speak for Mark but if you ever want to go on a concert tour..." That brought laughter and hugs.

"What shall I do with the photos of your naked butts?" asked Annie. "Oh, I know! I'll put them on the web!" More laughter and veiled threats.

It was great sitting around our last fire. We were a tight bunch of friends, bonded for life after only a few days. As they drifted out, Deb hung back.

"We don't want to leave," said Deb. "We want to make love to you tonight. We want to end this wonderful adventure the way we started it. And we have a gift for you!"

"We have a gift for you, too," squealed Amy. "I can't believe this!"

Mark returned with a box. Amy handed Deb a box. We opened them together. Inside our box was an authentic antique Indian peace pipe. It was nearly 150 years old and it was made of stone, wood, beads and feathers. It was beautiful and I knew it would be a centerpiece in our house and in our hearts.

Deb opened their box and they gasped. Mark lifted out an antique Gaelic harp, dated 1835. Don't even ask what it cost. Amy saw it in San Francisco and we've been hiding it in Big Chocolate ever since. Mark had tears rolling down his eyes.

"We figured that this would look great on your wall of instruments."

He plucked it and picked out some beautiful sounds. Meanwhile I put a small screen into the bowl of the peace pipe and passed it around for a ceremonial toke. After the smoke went out, I removed the screen and tossed it away saying that no one would ever smoke from it again. We put our gifts away and solemnly walked into the bedroom. We stripped down and sat on the bed. Suddenly, I was disturbed about this.

"Listen to me. Let's not be so glum about this. It's not like we won't see each other soon when the Food Pantry tours starts up. We have a really deep friendship. In the last few months, we've been through a lot together, Obviously the bond is deep, I mean, just look at the gifts we gave each other...relics symbolizing peace and harmony. That's who we are, that's what we have. And we also have fun, a lot of it. So if you want to end this adventure the way we started it, let's have fun! Am I right or what?"

"Yeah, you right. Let's have fun." said Mark. "There's something I've wanted to do for weeks. May I, Amy."

"Go for it, Mark"

Mark slowly leaned over, took Amy in his arms and began to tickle her. She jumped, shrieking and laughing and began to tickle him back. The four of us wrestled around the bed grabbing and tickling each other until we were laughing hysterically.

"Okay, okay, okay. Enough!" yelled Amy. "Come here, Mark, we gonna have some big fun now! Lay down on your back!"

He did as he was told. On her knees, Amy straddled his mouth so that her puss was just above his nose. "Take a deep whiff!" She motioned Deb over to her and positioned Deb up against her. Their tits and their vaginas mashed together and they hugged each other close. "Ok, now lower down slowly!"

"Oh, my God!" At least I think that's what Mark said as he slurped on the two pussies over his mouth.

"I think he's dead and in heaven," I said. "I want a turn, too!"

I leaned down and took his cock into my mouth. "Hmm, somebody shaved himself recently." I began to suck on his knob and fondle his nuts. He was squirming in pleasure and panting in delight. The girls had their hands on each other's butts and were kissing. We went like this for about five minutes as the intensity rose.

"Come on, gimme a chance!" I said.

Amy and Deb rose up away from Mark as I took his place. Pussy juice was tripping onto me and it smelled oh, so fine. Immediately, Mark swallowed my dick and the girls lowered themselves onto me. "Oh, wow" came out muffled but damn, I was licking one long slit from asshole to asshole and back stopping only to swathe two clits. I was like a ravenous man, licking, slurping and sucking at this gourmet cunt feast. Mark was also doing an awesome job as my ass bounced pushing myself deeper as he sucked harder. Suddenly, Deb began to cream all over me, squirting her slippery shower. Her hand slipped down to Amy's clit hood and she diddled her until Amy, too, began to drown me. That was about it for me as I began to shoot my milk into Mark. He didn't swallow it though because as I began to settle down, he moved over to share it with the girls.

Amy moved away and positioned her butt at Mark's cock. He sighted his target and pushed his way in. Deb and I moved around to stroke his ass and his nuts. We were all bouncing hard as he began to thrust deeply into Amy. "Oh...oh...oh...Godyesssss." He shot his load into her bowels and stayed inside until it subsided and fell out followed by gobs of cum from her ass. He leaned down and licked his seed from her, cleaning her up.

We lay around dripping in sweat and smiling. "That was amazing" was the general opinion. We fell asleep on each other for several hours. Sometime in the night, they returned to their cabin but I never heard them as I was out cold.

The morning coffee was under threatening skies as we bid our farewells to George, Sarah and Annie. We were wearing our cowboy hats and Annie had to take one more shot. Annie promised to send us the proofs as soon as she developed them.

"Look," said George, "we'll see you again soon. We'll be in Italy for about six weeks. I have a shoot in Berlin, Paris and London that will last a couple of weeks. Then we'll be back in L.A. so I can loop some dialogue for an upcoming Pixar animation. I'll call you when we return and email you in between. Let me know the schedule for the Food Pantry tour so I can join up and help out. Meanwhile, you take care, my friends. We'll see you soon. With hugs and kisses, we watched them drive off.

We packed up our stuff into Big Chocolate and called Ranger Williams to tell him that his cabins were empty. He wished us well and thanked us again for the concert. telling us that it was the highlight of the season and to look for some video on YouTube that one of the Rangers took.

We drove out down 191 heading toward Jackson Hole. After passing Yellowstone Lake, we were mesmerized by new vistas. Damn, this place has a lot of waterfalls! Travel was slow as we headed toward the south entrance from all the traffic and stopping for herds to cross but what the hell, it wasn't a very long drive to Jackson Hole and the airport was just off the highway.

"So what are your plans now, Davy?"

"Gee, Laura, we're going to head down to Aspen and take some time off from the road. We have business to take care of and we both want to put down some roots for a while. I don't know how long a while but we kind of take it a day at a time. I know that I want to work on some new tunes and record them for a new collection, I also want to work on the older stuff with Shadow Morton so I imagine that I'll be spending some time in Malibu. And, oh yeah, I want to hook up with Los Lobos in Denver - what a great band...that's in a couple of weeks. I also want to see my daughter and my grandkids. So, we have a full plate before the Food Pantry tour starts up."

"We should be hearing from Graham Nash about that any day now," said Mark.

"Yup. Good. I want to work my schedule so I'm in Montauk in August for Buffett's Wounded Warriors thing. I also want to do some recording there as well."

"Are there any good studios out there?"

"There's one place...it's a secret studio where McCartney, Joel, Simon, Sting and Buffett sometimes lay tracks. I know a shitload of great players out there, too."

"Do you have many songs for the new album," asked Laura.

"Oh yeah. I've been writing a lot of stuff in the last few months. I have a few on CD already. Amy? Can you give Laura one of those CDs, please. This stuff is not for publication, Laura. There are only a few copies of them, ok. I'm giving it to you to help you write your article. Do I have your word that you won't circulate them?"

"Yes, of course, Davy. You have my word. I'll even sign something if you like."

"No need. To me, a person's word is bond."

"Off the record, I just want to say something to all of you. I've really enjoyed this trip. It was hardly work. I'm only sorry that you guys didn't invite me into your bedroom...I listened to you laughing last night and it sounded like you were all having such fun."

We all broke into laughter. Amy said that she wasn't aware of her desires but had we known, we would have offered an invitation.

"Well, I like to go both ways and it's easy to assume that you four have a very tight relationship. It kind of made me jealous some nights sleeping alone in the cabin. And, to be honest, it made me very horny. Between writing and masturbating, my fingers are sore!"

Deb and Amy looked at her and then crooked a finger toward the rear bedroom. Laura's eyes went as wide as saucers and followed them. Mark took the navigator's seat next to me.

"Go figure, Davy! I'm sure she won't be horny when she leaves that bedroom!"

"I'm telling you, Mark. One thing I have learned since I started this trip is that nearly everyone is bisexual. Or maybe it's just something about Big Chocolate..."

Mark smiled and shook his head. He then picked up the iPod and put some music on...New Orleans music...The Meters. Great driving stuff.

"I feel like a king,
'Cause I just kissed my baby,
And money don't mean a thing to me, no,
'Cause I just kissed my baby.
Feels so good, ha,
That I just kissed my baby.
Well, well, well I'm no fool,
'Cause I just kissed by baby.

Well, well, well, ya,
I know I can't go wrong,
All we ever do, ha,
Is decide to get along, yeah."

You could see the Tetons off in the distance and looking majestic. Mark and I shared a doober as we moved down the road, marveling at each new beautiful view before us. I checked my readings and was glad to see that we had plenty of fuel, enough to make it well past Jackson Hole.

"Little bitty boy, with a heart of steel,
You can't boogie now, but your sister sure will,
Feel good music, I've been told,
Good for your body, and it's good for your soul,
Gonna do it now.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
Hey, Pocky Way,
Hey, hey, hey,
Hey, Pocky Way."

"Mark, you've got to do me a favor in New Orleans. I love that place. You've gotta have a Debris Po'Boy or a Ferdie Special at Mother's for me. Man, I can taste that now. Damn, that's good eatin'!"

"Okay, I will. And I'll have some beignets, too. Twist my arm, why don't you?."

There was a lot of noise, mostly giggling and laughter, coming from the back bedroom. "They must be showing off their double dildo to Laura."

"No, I think she's getting the strap-on treatment! She has a nice little body...looks kinda tight...I hope she can handle it."

"Something tells me she can."

A rainstorm sprang out of nowhere as we crossed over Crawdad Creek. It slowed us up a bit as it drenched the road but it passed after about twenty minutes. As the Grand Tetons loomed closer, the sun was playing hide-and-seek, casting dramatic shadows across the snow-capped peaks.

I heard the shower going so I knew that the girls had finished their fun. A few minutes later, the three of them walked out naked.

"Laura is now part of our extended family. We initiated her. And, she has some good news for you, Davy."

Laura moved over to me and stroked my dick through my shorts. Her small breasts leaned in against my arm and I looked down at the landing strip that traveled from just below her navel to her sweet looking, puffy vagina. She licked my ear and said, "I think I'm going to have to hit up Graydon for a trip to Aspen in a few weeks...you know, just to fill in some, uh, blanks."

I smiled at the thought. "That works for me, Laura," I cupped her pussy in my right hand. "But right now, I think you deviates should get some clothes on. We're passing through the Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole is just beyond. But, before you do that, Laura, may I have your panties, please?"

"My panties? Sure." She brought her panties to me and I raised them to my nose taking in her delectable scent. Then I passed them over to Mark who did the same. Ever polite, we both said "thank you."

The girls went back to get dressed. Mark passed the joint my way and commented, "...and you called them deviates?" and we laughed.

The Grand Tetons were something awesome and it brought to mind images of The Misty Mountains from "Lord Of The Rings." It seemed more mystical and ethereal than Yellowstone, if that could be possible. The reflection of the Tetons off Jackson Lake gave me shivers. I was surprised at the amount of snow on the cabins by Colter Bay. Each bend of the road brought gasps. We could have easily spend some time here.

It wasn't long before the exit for the airport came up. We'd made good time and Mark and Deb had about an hour before their flight. Laura had about two hours. We parked Big Chocolate and helped them with their luggage. Since Laura was going back to L.A. for a few days before heading to New York, Mark suggested she stay at their house. He gave her alarm instructions and gave her the harp to take back, too. While they waited, Mark and I took the opportunity to take Santo for a walk and to toke up once more. Mark started getting all soft on me about leaving but I shushed him, reminding him that we'd see each other again soon.

"Call us and keep us posted. Send us lots of emails." Lots of hugs, kisses and tears and they were gone, up the boarding ramp to their plane. We said our goodbyes to Laura and got back on the bus. There was a big truck stop nearby so I fueled up.

"Where to now, gorgeous?"

"Aye, Captain My Captain. Stay on 191 through Rock Springs and then get on 430. We'll cross into Colorado near Dinosaur National Monument and then catch 318 East to 40 south to 64 to 13 into Aspen. Want to spend the night near Dinosaur?"


"Good...'cause tomorrow, I want to stop at a magical place before we get to Aspen."

"Cool. I'm game. You can lead me anywhere baby. Listen, while I drive, why don't you practice your harp a little. I put on some good tunes and you can work out a while. How's that?"

I put on some easy stuff...Eagles, Jackson Browne, Geoff Muldaur, Linda Ronstadt, Bobby Charles and drove off south. Amy played for about a half hour and she was damn good. Like I said, a natural.

About a hour later, we pulled into a KOA for the night. Tomorrow, we'd check out Dinosaur and Amy's 'magical place' before we landed in Aspen. We called Stevie and Sally to let them know our plans. Amy called her caretaker and asked him to prepare the house. We relaxed and looked at all the pictures we downloaded. We checked our email and YouTube. But we basically left everything for Aspen. Tonight, as we munched on sandwiches and chips, we snuggled and were very glad to be next to each other. Now this was paradise.


In Chapter 15, Davy and Amy return to Aspen. There's much to do and lots of good music, good friends and good times ahead. Your humble narrator is going to take a break from the saga after the next installment but fear not, there's lots more to tell and I will continue it.

Thanks for your nice comments and encouragement to keep the story going. Please vote on how you like it. Any names and persons used in this story are purely coincidental, fictional, nonexistent and utterly intentional. All the lyrics are copyrighted, too. If you want more of the music, listen to "The Ol' Hippie Show".

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Cc19275Cc19275over 2 years ago

Great stories, makes me wish I was with them. My kind of music too.

zorbvenkyzorbvenkyalmost 9 years ago

too much of good old usa you're not a hippie

a hippie is a man of the world not of any country

phooey to you


goinghighgoinghighabout 14 years ago
thank you

thanks for the great story

john1946john1946about 14 years ago

It just continues to be a great series and oh the memories.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

O how I wish I was with them. The songs and things they talk about makes me fit right in. Love the writing and I love reading these stories. Keep it up

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