Death and Cheating


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I said, "Do you have any idea why I'm crying Shirley?"

She said, "Yes. Because I got fucked tonight by the new man in my life. The man you'll have to deal with from now on."

I didn't hear all of what she said. I answered by saying, "No I'm crying because of the love we don't have any more. I'm crying because of the feeling of grief and sadness that washed over me tonight when I realized you were cheating on me. I'm crying because we are done as a husband and wife. I'm crying because I have only hate and contempt for you now. It's like I have changed completely over the past four hours Shirley. I can't believe it. I went from worshiping and loving and adoring you to hating and wishing you were dead. I would have died for you Shirl. I would have done anything I could to keep us together. Anything, that is but being a wimp and a cuckold. God help me I wish you would die right now in front of me! You have hurt me so bad. And you have killed me inside! I'm dead inside now. I feel nothing, no love, no desire, happiness, and no tenderness for you. Only sadness and hate!"

She looked at me and finally she said, "You are so sad Bud. You have no idea what has been going on have you? You just realized it tonight. That's sad. You are sad." She stood there for a few seconds and then finished by saying, "Look I'm really tire. Are you done for now? We'll discuss it to the end tomorrow."

I said, "Oh Yes! I'm done and we're done Shirl. We're done completely. I hope it was worth it. You lost your house, your husband and I sure hope your kid."

She said, "Children! We'll see about all that Bud I don't just plan to roll over and let you take everything. But even if you do, I still got a newer and better lover. He's a doctor, Bud! He's rich and his cock is so much bigger and better than yours is. He loves me and I love him. We told each other that tonight after he shot his wonderful warm cum in me for the second time in two hours. Two hours Bud! When was the last time you could do that? Never not since the first year we were married."

I said, "You never give us two hours to know Shirley. You're always in a hurry."

She said, "That's because you're idea of sex is a waist of time. You fuck like an old man. Ray fucks me like a stallion!"

I said, "I was good enough to give you two children!"

She laughed and said, "What makes you think our children are yours! What make you think you're the father of any children?"

She laughed and I felt myself shrinking more and more from those words.

Then she stop talking and just stood there looking at me like I was the most pathetic person she had ever seen. I said, "Are you telling me you know for sure that I'm not the father of our two kids?"

She smiled and said, "I got you worried now don't I? To tell you the truth Bud I don't really know. They may be, or they maybe are one of the other two men I was fucking at the time. None of us used protection because you wanted kids. I never did and figured you would take care of the kids giving me more time to get laid. I figured if ether of my lovers got me knocked up you would think you did it anyway. So I don't know who the fathers are for our children. But I doubt it's you!"

I asked why and she told me, "Well to be honest, you're just to small in the cock department to get anyone knocked up. Your cock isn't big enough to cum that deep inside me to mix with me seed."

I sighed and said, "Seven inches is big enough for a normal woman! But for a whoring bitch of a wife, maybe I'm not! Well at least you're not sure. That's good I'll have then tested."

She yelled, "The hell you will. You leave our kids out of this you pin dick SOB!" I said, "Why Shirley? Why did you stay married to me if you have been cheating on me all these years."

She said, "Well for my family and yours I guess and for security. You know I did love you Bud when we first got married. But that all changed after the first time I got laid by a real man with a real cock. That was about three months after our first child. I guess he came on to me and I loved the attention and how I felt, young and free. You took care of the kids and I let him fuck me almost every other night for six months when we worked together at nights. And I guess I have been waiting for the right guy ever since. You know, a doctor with a big cock! Someone who could take care of me in every way. I wanted more pout of life that a small cock husband and two kids Bud.

I said, "And Ray? Is he the one you have been waiting for?"

She smiled and closed her eyes and said, "Yes! Yes Bud I'm afraid for your sake he is. He asked me to leave you tonight and live with him. Quite frankly Bud, I was going to tell you that in the morning when we got up. I was going to tell you I wanted a separation. But honestly it wouldn't have done us any good. Look we have been done as a husband and wife for a long time. Well at least I have as a wife. I think you seeing me like this, with his fresh cum running out of my body will make it so much easier for both of us. Now, I guess there's no thinking about it or waiting or trial separation. We can just split everything 50/50 and get on with our lives."

I said, "So there's no chance we can work this out. I love you Shirley and I have since the day I saw you the first time. I'd be willing to work hard to make things right with us if you will."

She smiled again and this time I saw a very evil look on her face. She said, "I don't see how Bud. That is unless you can stand me being with him whenever I want to be. I will tell you right up front I will be spending more time with him that I will with you. But you'll have the children anyway so you should be OK. And I'll tell you what, I'll stay married to you for the kids sake until they get older. But! You'll have to deal with no sex from me at all. My body and love will be for Ray. I'll only be a mother for the kids. If you can't handle that, then I guess you'll loose me forever."

I couldn't believe what she was telling me. My brain didn't work it wasn't registering! I just looked at her. Tears were running down my face and I was almost sobbing with sadness. My heart was being broke and now she was stepping on it.

She smiled a little and said, "Look at me Bud. Don't hold your head down. Look at my body, body you can see how used it is. I loved him using me. Look at my breasts they had his mark all over them. Look at my nipples see how red and swollen they are from his hands and mouth. Then look at my pussy! Look at it Bud! Look at my pussy and see it still leaking out of me. The body that now belongs to him completely is dripping with his fluids. It's cum Bud! And I'm full of it! I have been fucking him for more than two hours! We usually fuck for three! Three fucking hours Bud, not three minutes like we do once in awhile, but three hours. God! He can go forever. He fucks me like you never did, not even the first times together, not on our honeymoon, or anniversaries or any time we have been together. He thrills me and drives me wild with lust, desire and passion! He wants me all the time Bud and I want him. He's SO much better than you in everything."

Her words were cutting into me more and more and the really sad thing was I knew she was doing it on purpose. It was time for me to strike back the best way I could. Guilt and embarrassment was all I had so I said, "How about being a father and someone who use to respect and love you like you were the only woman on the face of the earth? Or, does he love you because he dresses you like the slut you are now and fucks you like whore you have become. Does he want our children too Shirl? Does he tell you he love them? Or are you all he'll take when you leave me?"

She didn't answer me right away. So I continued, "Will he love you when you're sick or hurt and maybe so ill you can't fuck him any more? Will he love you then? How about when you're old and can just about stand and walk let alone fuck in 10 different positions? Or like I think he'll do, use you up and then leave you for another newer and younger woman? Who was the woman before you Shirl? Have you ever met her, seen her, know her talked to her about him?"

She said, "He was married a few years ago but he's single now. No I haven't met his ex wife and I don't want too. I know he desires me and wants me more than anything else in his life right now. He's even told me we could move away so I wouldn't have to se or bother with you again. He loves me and I love him!"

I said, "No Shirley I don't think he is better than me in everything, only making you a fucking cum slut for his cock. Does he force you to suck his cock and does he make love to you tenderly and with love and decency? Or, does he hurt you and uses your body like a $100 whore? From the looks of you it seems to me he uses you like a whore."

She said, "He fucks me wild and with more lust in his thumb than you have in your entire body! He fucks me like I have never been fucked before! You wouldn't understand what it means to fuck someone like that because you never had it in you. Your little cock can't compete with his. And you last a tenth of the time he does me. Multiple orgasms Bud, multiple orgasms every time I fucked him, even the first time we were together it was better than with you. So far he had made me feel like I have never felt with your little dick. He makes me feel so fucking good every time I fuck him and believe me I have fucked him many, many times in the past months."

I said, "Well good! And I can see he cums a lot too. Let it run out of you babe. Let it cover you. Let it knock you up for all I care. He'll never love you the way I loved you and he'll never be the father and husband I was to you and our kids. NEVER!"

She just looked at me but didn't say anything. So I continued to tell her, "Does he love you and our child like you know I do? I don't think so Shirley. He loves one thing fucking you and making you the cheap whore you have become. You become a whore for him don't think you haven't. You gave up your children and your married life with me for a bigger cock. I hope for your sake he's worth it a year from now. Eight years from now, if you make it that long, he'll cheat on you and I'm sure you weren't his first or his last. Guys like him never change Shirley. All he wants is a victory and his was with you when he fucks you. That first time what three months ago was his victory! Then he keeps getting rewarded each time you lower yourself again by dressing or acting like you have been doing and go back to him. Good luck with him, I'm betting once you move in with him he'll loose that excitement and after less than a year he'll be cheating on you with someone younger.

She said, "Fuck you Bud. You're just hurt and upset now about him and me. You're just talking sour grapes, that's all it is Bud. We are in love and we fuck each other like wild animals. He's wonderful! And he's taking me to the Caribbean next week. Yes, next week I won't be here. Ill be packing my things, my new things, and my most sexist things and be leaving you over the weekend. When I come home I'll get the rest of my stuff. Then we can deal with whatever you decide with regards to the divorce or if you want me to stay and act as the kid's mother, but remember, I won't be your wife! We'll deal with all that when I get back from my wonderful trip.

I had begun to walk away as she was saying that part to me. I was sick and my head was raging with pain. I just couldn't talk to her about this any more. It was over and I knew it. She was yelling now as she finished her last comment to me, "Yes, we'll deal with it when I get back from the Caribbean. When I get back from my honeymoon before my wedding, I'll have my lawyer contact yours on Monday. Here's his card with his telephone number on it. Ray gave me it to me to give to you in the morning, but you might as well have it now since you know about us."

I don't know what happened after that. I still don't recall it at all. There are dark places in my brain that show nothing, like I was sleeping. But here's what I do recall. When I heard the last comment she made about dealing with me after her wonderful trip and honeymoon and before the wedding, it was like someone shoved a dagger into my stomach. I bent over sick and began to gag as I began to vomit. I stood up and began to turn seeing her standing there with her hands on her hips, her breasts red and raw, her legs open and cum slowly running down both legs I vomited again on the rug!

The last thing I recall for sure was I began to run back towards her. There was a hate in me now I didn't realize I had in me since the war. I knew I was going to kill. I couldn't stop. It was like all the training as a Navy SEALS came back to me and in a flash I knew Shirley was going to die. I had snapped! I had gone absolutely mad!

She saw me and it took a second for her to see the look on my face. Hers turned pale gray. She screamed and tried to get in the bathroom and close the bathroom door. She pushed from the inside as I pushed from the outside. She yelled, "You better not touch me you SOB!! Get out! Get OUT! GETTTT OUT!!!!!!!"

She pushed as hard as she could but didn't make it! I pushed the door hard and it hit her knocking her backwards. She reached out with her hand to try and stop her fell. She didn't make it again. She fell back and hit her head hard the edge of the tub. There was a popping sound and then a small pool of blood began to form next to her head next to the tub. She just lay there. I felt her pulse and knew she was dead. I called the police.

It was a long and really bad two months. During which I had a hearing regarding her death and if I was going to be changed with her death. The good Doctor showed up and told the judge about the affair they were having. He also told the judge she was going to separate from me and that she was going to tell me the news that weekend she died. He said he was the one who had put the marks on her body and he was the one who had sex with her that night twice. He felt that when I saw what he had done to her I snapped and killed her.

When it was my turn, I told the judge I didn't know anything about the affair until I saw my wife's body lying there. My wife never said a word to me about and that I must have been asleep when she got home at 1 AM. I acted in total shock when I told the court about it.

As for what I said happened, I told the court about the dinner that night and that she had worn her new blue dress. I even had the restaurant manager and waiter explain that we were there and that she had left early to go to the hospital to work on a little girl. I had no idea she was meeting a lover instead. The story I gave was I was in bed when she got home and didn't know what time she really got in. The kids were over her mothers and no one else was in the house. I woke up when I heard a loud bang sound come from the front of the house. I got up to see what the sound was from. That's when I opened the door to the bathroom and saw my beautiful wife Shirley just lying there. I told them I called 911 immediately and tried giving her mouth to mouth until they showed up.

I cried real tears during the entire trial. They were real tears because she had broken my heart and killed me inside. They weren't any tears there because she was dead. The judge didn't think there was enough evidence for a trail and he declared her death a terrible accident.

Now I have only one problem. Do I seek revenge on the good Doctor Ray? Remember it takes two to tango. And think if a beautiful well built woman came on to you would you care if she was married if your cock was buried as deep as you could get it and she was going wild fucking you? I wasn't sure yet but then I saw my two kids in the hallway with grand mom. I did have a blood test taken but they never knew why. I told them they had to have one if they wanted o go on a Disney cruise with me when school was over for the summer. They were my kids by 99.978% proof from the DNA test

Do I seek revenge on Ray Stevens? Na, why take the chance unless the hate I have for him right now can't be dealt with and won't go away? But as my dead wife said, "I'll deal with all that when I get back from my wonderful vacation.

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TLHianhinTLHianhin17 days ago

I gave up reading halfway through the piece. Badly needs editing. No structure at all to the story line.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Is it a surprise that cheating leads to bad things?

The reader has to decide if there is culpability and if there is, were it lies.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

WTF a seal would never have left Dr Ray alive!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Story wasn't half bad, but you real needing an editor. The other stupid part was about him being a "navy SEALS". This guy was to much of a clueless cuckold, to have ever of been a Seal. As far as wanting to kill her, anyone would feel like that after what she said, and had done to him with the cheating. But love the pushing the door "accident", not that she didn't Deserve it..

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