Death Becomes Them

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The adventures of Damian and Annalise.
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I hope you enjoy this work of fictional horror. Eveything in this story is one hundred percent fiction and in no way depicts an real event or place. It is a fantasy, not reality.


I seem to have startled you.

No, I am not a doctor.

I am Death.

Only you can see me. I am your final comfort and your last nightmare. We have a few moments before you begin your journey. Certain, shall we say, 'requirements' that must be satisfied and are not quite complete.

Pardon my rather elated demeanor for I am quite pleased tonight. Shall I tell you of my magnificent acquisitions? And how I first met them? On the other hand, would you rather? Yes, I thought you might like to hear my story.

I suppose I should begin with when I first encountered Annalise. She was smothering a man with a pillow; I was there of course. Such a clever woman, I admired her immediately. Placing a sedative in his drink before making love to him was so adroit. She drank deeply from the well of his frantic passion. Then, while he was in a weakened state, she brought him to me. I think it was at that point I fell in love with her.

I saw her wedding ring, but that did not matter at all, not to me. A trivial obstacle in the way of my pleasure, easily swept away. I basked in the aura of her evil. This woman would be mine. As I led her puzzled victim away, I gazed at her perfect body, her long, dark hair. Oh yes, I would claim this one for my own. I know her thoughts; she is so easy to read. Would you like to see what I see? Of course you do.

My name is Annalise and I am one of few. I am a female hunter. I hunt human beings for my pleasure, for their pain and their demise. I look like any other woman. No one knows of my true nature, except my victims and by then it is too late. By day, I perform the humdrum, everyday chores of a typical suburban housewife. By night I live to stalk and kill.

I do not love my husband. He is a typical boring man. I married him for one reason, to appear as an adoring wife so no one suspects what I truly am. I know Damian cheats on me because when I awaken he is gone. Perfect. Let him have his tawdry couplings, his silly little whores he meets in bars and coffee houses. Now is my time to hunt. I rise and dress in a slutty outfit, leave our home and travel downtown. I carry in my cheap, plastic purse a small bottle of sedatives, a scalpel and a stun gun.

I walk the strip, blending in with the regular hookers, searching for just the right victim. This is an excellent hunting ground, it is so easy to draw them in, their pathetic urge to fuck me overrides their reason and caution. A little drink, the sex and then they are mine. I choose the eager ones, they are the easiest to control and they love me right to the end. Here comes one now, so willing to be alone with me, so unaware. He is stopping, we negotiate a price and we walk to his motel. Little does he know this night will be his last. I will pleasure him, make his last night one of the best in his life, and then rip it all away.

I stop at the soft drink machine near his room and buy two cokes. I walk slowly into the room knowing his eyes are on my every move. I exaggerate my movements, swaying my hips, my braless breasts moving under my cheap satin shirt. I wear my red-haired wig tonight, the long curls moving about my face as I strut enticingly about, fueling his desire. I can tell by the look on his face that he wants me and I want him. He wants me as a sexual partner; I want to kill, I need to kill and I must kill.

I pour two glasses of the cold coke, adding a shot of vodka to each. In his distracted state, he does not see me add a little pill to his drink, hiding it with ice cubes. We caress and hurriedly undress each other. He is fat and hairy, not unattractive, but perfect for my needs. It is easy, so easy to let him think that the dizziness he feels is from his passion and the booze.

We lie on the bed and he moans as I take his stiffening cock in my mouth, deep throating him until he is rigid and ready. I straddle him and press his cock head against my wet pussy lips. He is panting with desire, mumbling unintelligibly as the sedative does its work. I see his eyes begin to glaze over and I know I must hurry. I take him inside me with a twist of my hips, riding smoothly on the velvet shaft as he moans in his delirium.

I lean over him and he sucks my breasts, I move the pillow closer to his face. I continue to fuck him, as he grows drowsy, slowly weakening. I pull the pillow over his face as my orgasm rises, pushing down as I impale myself on his cock. He cannot resist me, his hands scrabbling against my arms as his life drains from him. His body jerks as I hold him tightly within me, cumming in my gripping pussy as life leaves his body. I orgasm as he dies, the feeling so intense, so erotic, I cum once again on his softening cock and he is dead.

I dress quickly and remove all traces of my presence in the room. I arrange the body to appear as if it is sleeping. I smile as I think how the motel staff will react when they find him. I hurry home to shower and return to bed before Damian returns from his lover's tryst. I feel wonderful, so alive and so very, very powerful. For the moment, I am complete.

Is she not magnificent? Such an amazing woman is Annalise. Is it no wonder she captured my heart. As time went on, we met often her hunger to kill was insatiable; her thirst for victims never quenched. Selecting, then stalking her prey with an innate skill I have seen in few others of her kind.

Soon, however, I encountered her equal in blood lust and viciousness, her own husband. Damian Saunders appeared to be as strait-laced and proper as his wife was. I say appeared, because under that veneer of middle-class blandness there lived the most fearsome of predators, a hunter of human beings. His favorite prey were prostitutes, those on the bottom rung of society he rightly assumed no one would ever miss, pathetic creatures often addicted to drugs and alcohol, easy targets to satisfy his burning urge to kill. His favorite method of delivering them to me was a red satin ribbon tightened about their necks and tied into a perfect bow. The authorities never bothered to investigate the death of another hooker, and seldom bothered to look under the red satin bow.

Such a magnificent pair of human predators, each unaware of each other's nocturnal existence, yet living under the same roof. But I am getting ahead of myself. I know that Damian is ready to tell his story. Allow me to share his thoughts with you as I did with Annalise.

I wait for Annalise to fall into her usual deep slumber. She is the perfect wife, so loving and a moral woman, a true rarity in today's world. Ahhh, I get ahead of myself, I am Damian, accountant by day and pure evil by night. I am a murderer; I kill hookers, the dregs of society, and the ones who are never missed. I have a 'little bag of tricks' I use, such a wonderful little kill kit. Inside I have red satin ribbons I use to strangle the life out of the whores, I also have condoms, dildo, handcuffs covered with a smooth quilted material to prevent bruising, latex gloves, stun gun, and a small pair of scissors. Why scissors? I take a small piece of hair from each victim and put it in a Ziploc bag. Yes, I take souvenirs and I keep them in a locked metal box in the safe downstairs. These little mementos keep me sane in times when I cannot hunt, the reminder of what I have done.

She's asleep. I slowly creep out of my bed and go into the bathroom, when I come out dressed in black jeans and a dark green jacket, my favourite hunting outfit, Annalise is still sleeping. Something about this outfit seems to reassure the whores, maybe because it looks so normal. I quietly walk to the garage and take my little bag of tricks that I prepared earlier from its hiding place behind the old fridge. I walk out into the night and take the bus to my secret building where I keep an old car, the one I hunt in.

I drive downtown where the whores are. There are many to choose from tonight, such a wonderful selection. Ahhh look at the redhead, her cheap outfit announcing what she is, her curly red hair obviously a wig. Too easy. Tonight I need a challenge. One not so cheap looking, addicted to a hard life and depraved. I drive by her, something about her figure reminds me of Annalise, my perfect lady. Why would such a piece of trash like that whore remind me of Annalise? Strange.

There she is, tonight's kill. Blonde, twenty pounds overweight, too much make-up covering her tired face, the short vinyl skirt hardly covering her plump ass and her thin t-shirt showing her sagging breasts and cheap bra. I pull along side her and we make our deal, not smart, she gets in my car. It will be her very last car ride on this earth.

We drive to the dark alley and I pull over. I pay her the money and she unzips my pants and starts to massage my cock in her very experienced hand. I tell her she feels so good and ask if she would go to a room and I offer her twice as much money. Her eyes light up with the prospect of easy money and she agrees. Two blocks ahead is a motel where the night clerk does not pay attention and we rent a room. I tell her I keep a bag in the car so he will think I am spending the night and she believes what I say. The whore is excited to make so much money tonight, stupid cow. I am excited because I know what I am going to do with her body. We continue like before, she unzips my pants and my cock is already hard for her, not for her stinking pussy but for her death. I let her play with my cock, knowing it will be buried deep within her cunt as she takes her last breath. She undresses and walks over to me, trying to be sexy, but it is not her sex or experience that excites me, stupid woman, she does not have a clue why my cock is so hard. I smile at her and she undresses me. I had thrown my bag of tricks beside the bed and it is slightly unzipped allowing me easy access to its contents.

I let her put a condom on me and get on top and pleasure herself on my erection, while letting my arm dip down and touch the bag. The rough material under my fingers feels almost alive to my touch. I can feel the stun gun and I pull it out. I watch the whore throw back her head with her orgasm and while she does so I zap her with the stun gun. Her body goes slack and she slumps on top of me not even knowing what happened.

I throw her off of me and quickly handcuff her with the padded cuffs. I pull the condom off my cock for now, I have more, and I place a few of my 'tricks' on the bed beside her, the red satin ribbon, the huge dildo, the scissors and the Ziploc bag. I put latex gloves on my hands and quickly clean anything I have touched while she is still stunned. Slowly she starts to awake only to realize she can't move. Her eyes look panicked until she sees me, then she looks very scared. I tell her not to worry, I am just kinky and she relaxes. Stupid woman. She thinks I just want to fuck her while she is tied up; ok, I do, but she will never be free of me.

I hold up the dildo so she can see it. She relaxes further, they always do. My cock is throbbing because it knows that soon it will delight in her orgasm as she dies. I bury the dildo into her dripping pussy, still wet from her orgasm when she fucked me. Then I held up the pretty red satin ribbon and trailed it along her skin. The soft material made no sound but I know she likes the feeling on her body. I caress her entire body with it and slide it up to her neck and drape it there. I press my gloved finger up her ample ass, driving it deep into her. Let her think that's why I wear the gloves. I do not enjoy this part, but it makes it simple for me fuck her ass later.

I pull the silicone cock from her wet pussy and push into her ample ass. She squirms for a moment but soon she adjusts to its size. I then put a condom on to my own engorged cock. I let her watch as I slowly perform this task, her eyes telling me she appreciates that I practice safe sex. Then I stand before her. She has become very beautiful to me tonight, her blonde hair shining in the dim light of the cheap room where she will soon die.

Slowly I come towards her, no fear is upon her face as I approach her. I lower myself to her body and push my cock deep within her pussy. The dildo is still in her ass and I slowly and rhythmically pump both into her. It feels so wonderful and she is enjoying this as well. I can feel her squeezing my cock within her, the feeling is so intense, she thinks it will soon end, but it just beginning. She floods my cock with her pussy juices and closes her eyes and as she does my hands tighten on the ribbon around her neck. I pull it tight and fuck her hard and fast, her eyes fly open and look at me in astonishment, the fear upon her face excites me and I pull the soft ribbon tighter.

She can't breath, she can't move, she is having the most intense orgasm of her life and she is dying. She knows it and I know it and as her body starts to go limp I cum, she feels my cock expand and shoot an as I spasm I pull the ribbon tighter. She is dead when I pull my soft cock from her body. Such a beauty, I kiss her cooling lips and snip a lock of her hair and place it into the Ziploc bag. I tie the pretty red ribbon around her neck like a necklace and uncuff her hands. I arrange her body upon the bed so that her arms are by her side and her legs are closed. They will remain closed forever more. I have saved her from more degradation.

I gather my things and go out to my car and drive away leaving my pretty lady behind, she is no more use to me. Her last act was so kind, so pure and I know she loved me. I will remember her forever more as that. Now I return to Annalise and my dull accountant life. I slip back into bed with my sleeping wife; she almost looks as if she smiles in her sleep. Is it because I am so happy after my trips in the night she looks that way?

Look at them blissfully sleeping. Both content in the knowledge they have taken another life tonight, their perverted lusts satisfied for the moment. I am even more determined to have them for my own. They will be my acolytes, my surrogates, and my companions in my realm of eternal darkness.

It only remains to choose how I will bring them to me. It would be easy enough to arrange a misstep crossing a street. A slip of a knife while preparing a meal. No I will be subtler, more amusing, more arousing, they deserve no less than my best. It has been ages since I walked among humankind, a creature of flesh and blood, reveling in the multitude of sensations mortals accept without thinking. I will become an enticement, a lure to bring them to me.I will become their victim and they will become mine.

The night is warm and humid as I walk the city streets, stiletto heels clicking on the grimy sidewalk. To passers-by, I appear as a young girl, scantily dressed and wearing heavy make-up, world-weary eyes scanning the passing cars, looking for her next customer. No, not that one ... nor that one ... ah, there is the one I seek. So handsome, so polite, we negotiate a price and I get in his car. He thinks I am a stupid whore, but tonight it is he who will be surprised. He is dressed, as always in black and green, he looks so normal. I know what he is about and yet my body feels strangely at ease.

We arrive at the motel and he opens the car door for me, ever the gentleman. He looks at my firm breasts under my t-shirt and licks his lips. While he is distracted, I see Annalise emerging from a doorway three rooms down. I make sure she sees us and engage her curiosity. Did she just see her husband? I smile at him and saunter towards the motel room door, round ass swaying against my miniskirt. He leaps ahead and opens the door with a flourish, waving me in. I notice he has brought his bag of toys with him. The room is redolent with the scent of disinfectant and the air is stale, typical of all cheap motel rooms. He takes me in his arms and we kiss hungrily. Long forgotten emotions rise to the surface and I feel the hot blood of desire sweep through my body. We frantically undress each other and fall on the sagging bed, kissing and groping in a frenzy of lust. I see a flash of red from the corner of my eye as Annalise slips silently through the door, her eyes widen as she recognizes her husband in bed with me.

Damian senses movement behind him and looks around. His body stiffens as he sees who appears to be his wife standing at the foot of the bed. The red wig and the revealing clothing are confusing to him, but her steel gray eyes and pouting mouth are unmistakable. He rises from me and stands before her, his stiff cock proclaiming his surging passion.


"Annalise! What are you doing here?"

"I might ask the same of you, and who is this little tramp?"

"She is, why are you dressed like that? And why are you wearing that wig? You look like a ..."

"A whore, yes Damian, your sweet little housewife is a filthy whore. And how does that make you feel? Do I arouse you Damian? Am I more exciting than that pathetic creature on the bed? When was the last time we fucked Damian? How long has it been?"

Before he can answer, I call to them, "Hey, no problem. I'll do both of you, but it'll cost extra."

Damian grabs his wife and they exchange a burning kiss. She strips off her clothing and they climb on the bed with me. I offer my breasts to them and they begin to suck my stiff nipples. My hands find his stiff cock and her wet pussy and I begin to masturbate them, bringing their passions to a fever pitch. The feelings are exquisite as their fingers enter my pussy, probing deep and rubbing my clit. The room echoes to our moans and whimpers, then my spine arches as I orgasm, my hips rising to meet their fingers. I thrust into Annalise's pussy and rub her clit, my other hand moving rapidly on Damien's throbbing cock. She screams in pleasure and cums on my hand as Damien blasts wads of hot cum on my belly and thighs. We lie in a heap, panting for breath, bodies quivering from the intensity of our release. Annalise's wig has fallen off during our intense lovemaking, revealing her long straight black hair. Damien reaches across my body and caresses her face. She smiles and kisses his fingers, her tongue tasting my pussy juice. I sense that they want each other and I am happy to oblige.

"You guys are fun," I say purring with pleasure and pulling Annalise to me and kissing her. "Why don't you eat my pussy while your husband fucks you? No extra charge baby."

Annalise is on her hands and knees in an instant, spreading my legs apart, waving her ass at her husband. He moves behind her, grips her waist and plunges his rigid cock into her soaking wet pussy. She moans and slides her tongue between my wet labial lips. I grab her by the hair and grind my pussy on her face, her body shaking as her husband fucks her hard and fast. This is more exciting than I remember and I am overwhelmed with lust as Annalise devours my pussy. Damian grunts with effort as he pumps his wife's pussy, his chest on her back as he gives her sharp jabbing thrusts, her squeals muted by my wet pussy. I sense their approaching climaxes and urge them on.

"Ohhhh, that's right, fuck that filthy whore," I scream at him. "Fuck her dirty cunt while she sucks my hot pussy. Suck me, baby, eat my gooey pussy until I cum on your filthy whore face!"

Damian fingers Annalise's pussy, rubbing her clit with his thumb as he fucks her. The fucking and the foul words pouring from my mouth bring Annalise, then Damian to orgasm and I cum with them. Screaming and sobbing we cum repeatedly, finally collapsing in a welter of sweaty bodies, panting from the exertion. I watch with half-closed eyes as they sit on the side of the bed, kissing and hugging. One could almost forget what horrific killing machines they are as they show a newfound affection for each other. As much as I am enjoying myself, it is time to end my little charade and claim what is mine. However, I decide to have one more bit of fun.