Descent Into Oral Servitude


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“Karen, we’re finished, we both need to move on. Perhaps we can remain friends but right now I need you out of my life.”

She simply smiled and her hand unconsciously moved down to her sex. I decided to be brutally blunt.

“I’m not going down on you. If you try anything so help me I will hurt you.”

“You make a very brave threat for a man who is totally helpless.”

She knelt down and retrieved something from under the bench.

“Do you remember how you used to pester me to try anal sex? How you tried to assure me that it would be relatively painless and that I might come to enjoy it? I think I told you that you could have it on the day you let me rape your arse first. I don’t remember you pressing the point after that. Well I think the day has come to resurrect the debate.”

I could see now that she was holding a webbing harness and, as I watched she stepped into it.

“Karen, don’t even think about going there…”

She pulled the harness up around her waist and thighs and began to tighten the straps.

“Karen! Speak to me!”

With the harness in place she was left with a metal ring resting over her sex. She knelt once more and seemed to ponder.

“Perhaps I ought to go easy at first… as you’re still a virgin. You are still a virgin, aren’t you?”

As she stood once more I saw that she was holding a double ended dildo. At one end it was white, smooth and about five inches long. The other end comprised a frighteningly realistic cock. It was about seven inches, maybe eight, with a moderate girth. It was sculpted with a retracted foreskin and every vein had been etched in. The two ends were separated from one another by a metal disk.

“Does it seem familiar to you? I had it sculpted from memory. Not too bad don’t you think?”

She was right. I was looking at a shocking representation of my own cock even down to the slight lean to the left. It was clear that the whole thing had been pre planned for some time and I was gripped by a heightened terror. I quickly reached the conclusion that she was unbalanced if not altogether unhinged.

“Karen, Sally will be back any minute, Free me know and talk this through.”

“I don’t think Sally will be back any time soon do you?”

I looked up to find that Sally was rearranging herself on the desk top so that her back was to me. To my amazement her fiancé was hard again and she was reaching behind herself to open her sex invitingly.

I pulled my eyes away to find that Karen was slipping the smooth end of the dildo through the harness’ metal ring. She groaned as she slowly pushed it home and then there was a loud click as the ring mated with the disk on the dildo itself. She was left with the facsimile cock jutting out in a mocking erection.

“Now how do you suppose we should lubricate it?’

She stepped forward and rubbed the tip of the phallus mockingly across my lips. I wanted to swear at her but I kept my mouth determinedly closed.

“It’s your choice. You’re going to take this whether you want to or not. It’s up to you how easy you make it on yourself.”

“When did you become such a fucking bitch!”

“My, my, you’ve developed a filthy mouth recently. Now, I’ll give you one last chance. You can suck this one or you can take the alternative. She reached down and picked up a second dildo. It too had one smooth end but the other was a sculpted cock that made mine look tame by comparison. It could have been modeled by Sally’s fiancé.

“Do you like it? I got my current lover to make a mould. Twenty year old football player, no brains, but incredible stamina.”

I felt as if I had been kicked in the balls. I had no doubt that she was telling the truth and any hopes that I entertained of trading on her lingering feelings for me suddenly evaporated. I was more determined than ever not to co-operate.

“If that’s the way you want it…”

She moved out of sight and the next thing I heard was the whine of servo-motors. Under my stomach the bench began to move. It was slowly rising to form a back rest but, being restrained, I was lifted with it until I found myself lying over a hummock with my arse forming a high point.

“Please! No!”

Karen had mounted the bench behind me and I felt something touching my vulnerably stretched anus. As soon as I shouted she desisted but seconds later she had the phallus held to my mouth again.

“One last chance.”

Karen, please, don’t, if our marriage ever meant anything to you don’t do this.”

“I’ll count to three. One…two…”

What could I do? I opened my mouth and she pushed the latex monstrosity between my lips.

“There’s a good boy.”

I wanted to gag but managed to keep control as I made the shaft as wet as I possibly could.

“Very good. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

She continued to goad me as she turned the shaft in my mouth but, finally, she withdrew it altogether.

“Karen, I’m begging you…”

She was behind me again and I felt her cool hands on my buttocks applying just enough pressure to ease them apart.


She held the head of the phallus at my opening and moved it back and forth by tiny degrees. I reacted by clenching as firmly as I could.

“Why don’t you make it easy on yourself. Just relax.”

She applied a little more pressure as I held the tension but she knew as well as I that it was only a matter of time. She waited patiently until I was forced to relax for a second and then she pushed. The penetration was less than half an inch but I screamed more in frustration than pain. She held herself in place as I tried to expel the intruder but, now that she had breached the threshold, my muscles did not stand a chance.

I heard her laugh as I continued with the futile struggle and then she began to move gently back and forth.

“Please! Karen!”

She was priming me, teasing me perhaps, as she moved the head of the shaft in and out of my opening which could no longer resist. Then, finally, it came. She leaned her weight into me and, inch by inch, she forced the shaft home. I was beyond screaming, when I felt her thighs against the back of mine it was as though I had been cleaved in two. I felt a tear of shame trickling down my cheek but she was not finished.

“Oh god! I should have done this years ago.”

She began to thrust, gently at first, but then more forcibly as she focused on her own pleasure and then I realized that she was mimicking what was happening in the next room. Sally’s fiancé was building up a head of steam as he took her from behind. He was moving ever more quickly and Karen was matching him thrust for thrust. Now I was in real pain but Karen no longer cared. She was in a frenzy and it was as though the three of them were racing one another towards some orgasmic finishing line.

Through my tears I could see that Sally and her partner had made it again and, thankfully, Karen got there too. She held the shaft deep inside of me as she started to come and I unwillingly shared each tremor of pleasure.

When it was over she dismounted and reset the bench to the horizontal. My arse felt as though it was on fire and I could still feel the phantom of the shaft deep inside.

“I’m going to turn you over now. I’d advise you not to struggle.”

My first thought was to do exactly that but whilst I was still in the straitjacket I was at too much of a disadvantage. If I could not appeal to Karen then my best hope rested with Sally and so I allowed her to turn me onto my back and to refasten my legs.

Sally came into the room shortly afterwards but I did not regard it as a good sign when I saw that she was still naked.

“Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?”

“You should think of it as a continuation of your treatment. When I first spoke you I knew that you were holding something back. If I was going to help you I needed to fill in the blanks and so, for your own good, I made contact with your wife. She told me about your behaviour and her novel form of retribution. Those issues are between the pair of you I neither condemn nor condone. What is of interest to me is your submissive streak. Every man has one but most manage to suppress it. At the extremes, however, it can either manifest itself as violent misogyny or as an urge for degradation.”

It seemed bizarre to have her standing there stark naked whilst she expounded her theory but I had no choice but to hear her out.

“Your case is interesting. In my opinion your personality lies at the degradation end of the spectrum but, unlike a classical masochist, I do not think you would actively seek it out.”

“With all due respect I think you have read me totally wrong. Now, if you do not want to face a charge of assault you’ll let me up and then we needn’t see one another ever again.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t do that, but I will help you in the best way I can.”

“What are you doing?”

She had slipped up onto the bench..

“I’m giving you the degradation you secretly yearn.”

She moved up to straddle my head.

“Get off me now or you’ll regret it!”

I had noticed, through the glass, that she retained a thick growth of pubic hair but now that she was poised just inches above my face I could see that she had silvery blonde hairs halfway up to her navel and across her inner thighs; it seemed unnervingly at odds with her carefully groomed professional image.

“Clean me up…”

She opened herself and I was almost ill. Her fiancé had filled her to capacity and now it began to slowly leak.

“I’ll kill you…”

At that moment I think I meant it. I struggled like a caged animal but, restrained as I was, even her light weight was enough to defeat me. She back on my chest, riding me like a bronco, until I ran out of strength.

“I can sit here for as long as it takes but, I warn you, if it takes very much longer you’ll regret it.”

I followed her look off to one side to find that Karen had taken off the harness but she was holding the larger phallus threateningly.

“So what’s it to be?”

“Please, I can’t, not this.”

“Oh you can…and you will…get it while it’s hot.”

She lifted herself back over my face and held herself just within range of my tongue. I continued to refuse but then I felt Karen teasing the phallus underneath my buttocks. I doubted that she could penetrate me whilst I was still on my back but I certainly did not want to put it to the test.

“Don’t be such a cry baby…you might find that you like the taste.”

I had not been able to prevent the tears starting to my eyes as I overcome with shame.


I sounded pathetic even to my own ears and perhaps that’s what prompted her to take matters into her own hands. She lowered herself onto my mouth and then reached down to pinch my nostrils closed. I lasted about thirty seconds in which time I changed my fevered mind several times. I wanted to bite her, to make her feel pain, but I knew that Karen was not joking and she was in a position to hurt me beyond measure.

So, I opened my mouth and surrendered. For a moment she did nothing more than remain where she was but my stomach turned over as the first few syrupy drops plopped into my mouth. The taste was salty but somehow stale and I wanted to spit it out but she only released my nose for a couple of seconds and I was again fighting for breath.

I knew then that I had to get it over with before my stomach betrayed me altogether. I pushed my tongue into her, opening her up, and allowing the contents of her sex to flow freely.

“Oh yes!...That’s good.”

I had to swallow three times to take it all but then the taste changed.

“Keep going…make me come.”

She was incredibly aroused and, whilst I could still taste his residue, the taste was now essentially her. She began to work herself over my mouth tickling my face with the profusion of pubic hair and then she started to come flooding my mouth with one last deep rooted deposit.

She slid off of me and I found myself looking up at Karen.

“I just can’t wait to give that a try.”

“It will be a cold day in hell…”

She seemed amused by my defiance.

“Oh believe me you’ll do it, but in the meanwhile there’s something else you can do for me.”

She moved up onto the bench and, assuming the position that Sally had just vacated, she casually fingered herself as she looked down into my eyes. After the trial I had just been through the prospect of paying oral tribute to her should have been more palatable but my hatred for her at that moment made it, if anything, even more loathsome. There was no doubt in my mind that it was she who had put Sally up to it.

“I’ve missed you sweetlips but, from what I’ve heard, you’ve been keeping in practice.”

Her taunt was one step too far.

“You’re very brave right now but you should give some thought to finding a very deep hole to hide in. I am going to come and find you, wherever you are, and you are going to pay. Believe me, my revenge will be both cruel and painful.”

I was speaking with a passion that I had not felt for years. I meant every word but, more importantly, I drew strength from it. She could do what she liked but she would do it in the knowledge that I would be waiting for her in the shadows. I searched her eyes looking for a hint of unease but she remained coolly detached.

“We’ll have to see won’t we? Right now you had better make a good job of it because, if you don’t, Sally is just itching for an opportunity.”

I could not see her but I could hear the frighteningly familiar jingle of the harness as Sally stepped into it and pulled it up her legs.

Still comforted by thoughts of a slow and appropriate revenge I decided to get it over with.

“Wise choice.”

With those words she lowered herself so that I could do what had to be done. The dildo had left a slightly acrid taste but her nectar was still free flowing from her earlier orgasm and it did not take much to bring her to the edge. I felt my way towards her clitoris to finish her off but she confounded me by shifting further forward.

“Lick it for me…”

I froze in horror.

She had reached back to part her buttocks and positioned herself so that the dusky pink rosette of her anus was positioned over my mouth.

“Sally, I don’t think he wants to co-operate. Teach him a lesson.”

Once again I felt a cold but more persistent probing beneath my buttocks.


“Then lick it.”

Her tone was almost imperious, a woman who was no longer prepared to be denied and he command was reinforced as Sally stabbed again but this time more forcibly.

I put out my tongue and licked tentatively at her crease. She was perspiring and the taste was dank and salty with traces of arousal. I moved slowly, almost fearfully, towards the rosette itself. As I passed my tongue across it it distended slightly like a blind sea creature seeking food. The sensation was unnerving but I dared not stop. I licked more boldly but, as I continued to do so I felt her body beginning to relax. At some point I felt the pressure on my own buttocks being relieved and I was vaguely aware that Sally had moved back to the head of the bench where she was, no doubt, taking great pleasure in witnessing this final ignominy.

Karen was relishing it too. She was in no hurry for me to resume my attentions elsewhere and the odd trickle of moisture across her perineum suggested that she was finding it equally if not more arousing. I was resigning myself to it when the hammer blow fell.

“I want to feel it inside…”

There was no doubting her meaning. She changed her position so that she was squatting over me with her cheeks stretched apart. I laid there, immobile, wanting to believe that I had heard wrongly but Sally tapped the phallus meaningfully on the top of my head.

“Do as she says.”

I had heard of such things but had never believed them. I was convinced that the tongue did not have sufficient strength to do it and that is why I went through the motions pressing half-heartedly against the unyielding ring of muscle.

“Try harder damn you!”

I speared my tongue and pushed a little more forcibly and then it happened. Very slowly at first but then more readily her rosette yielded and, suddenly, my tongue was buried deep inside her. Fastidious as Karen was the taste was still primal and my natural instinct was to withdraw but she was having none of it. She settled more fully on my face.

“I want to feel it moving.”

It was hard to oblige but I worked my tongue in and out and was surprised to feel her internal muscles squeezing sympathetically. Incredible as it seemed she was approaching an orgasm.

“May I?”

“Be my guest.”

Sally had posed the question and I was fearful of what it presaged but then I found her face above mine. I watched wide eyed as she put out her tongue and started to lick at Karen’s clitoris with rapid purposeful strokes.

“Oh God!”

Her legs suddenly seemed reluctant to support her and I found myself bearing even more of her weight but with both of us playing our part she careered towards the inevitable. As her climax shook her she twined her fingers behind Sally’s head and pulled her more firmly to her - and then she began to scream. It seemed never ending but at some point she squeezed my tongue so painfully hard that I had to withdraw. After that she bounced uncaringly on my face as Sally worked her magic until the very end.

It took them some time to regain their composure but then they left me. I shouted after them but it availed me nothing. It was a good while later when they returned showered, dressed and freshly made up.

“Are you going to let me go?”

“Well it seems you have put me in something of a dilemma. Perhaps I ought to leave you whilst I go and find a deep hole…”

She said it with mocking amusement.

“…To save you having to look, as of next week, I am going to be in London for a few months. I’m going to be giving a lecture series at City University and I was thinking where better to stay than with you.”

“You must be out of your mind.”

“Not at all. All it needs is a little co-operation on your part. The question is how to secure that co-operation.”

I craned my neck as she rooted around in her handbag.

“Oh dear God, No!”

She was holding a perfect replica of the tube.

“Since you saw fit to give away the original I had to have another especially commissioned but this one has all the benefits of modern technology. It’s impervious to x-rays and this one really does contain hidden triggers.”

“Take it away from me!”

“Don’t be silly. Lets see how it fits shall we?”

“Sally! Stop her!”

“Calm down. It’s for the best. You just don’t appreciate it yet.”

I screamed like a banshee and struggled until I could feel blood on my ankles and inside the straitjacket but they had all the time in the world. When I was exhausted I cried and I begged but they simply laughed. I put up one last feeble fight as she slowly slipped it on and then turned the rings to tighten the wire around my ball sac.

“This time no one will know the combination but me. One day, if you’re a good boy, I will free you but, in the meanwhile let’s just call it a period of oral servitude. You will service me, or any one else I choose, without demur.”

The tears were so thick in my eyes that I did not notice them heading to the door until Karen turned and laughed as she made one final passing remark.

“Of course you can take your chance if you want. Just dial it in when you think you’ve given me the ultimate orgasm …”

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