Developing Friends Ch. 15


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"Oh fuck." mumbled Alex.

"An extra tip. No obligation, just because." Anna said and Alex didn't know where to look first, but her eyes drifted down to the shaved mound and the slit that seemed to sparkle and Alex licked her lips as Anna laughed. "No touching." Anna whispered and Alex shivered a little and imagined having that body against her and in her arms and she felt the wet warmth in her groin and the ache as her nipples pressed against her bra.

"How would it work?" Alex said quietly. "I mean, who does what first?"

Anna smiled at her and reached a hand to stroke her cheek. "We can just all sit together. I do not know what turns you on, so you will have to tell me. Then... we see."

"You turn me on." Alex said, her voice stronger now. "I am wet just looking at you." Anna blushed and stroked over Alex's hair and down to her cheek again and then held out her hand.

"Come on, let's go to the other room." and Alex took it and followed, watching the way Anna's buttocks moved and dreaming of licking between them.

They decided on no photography, yet. To just have a gentle play and see how things progressed. Alex was yearning to touch Anna and not just hold her hand. Her lips parted every time she looked at her nipples and she looked at them a lot.

Anna sat on the sofa and beckoned to Alex to sit next to her and she did so somewhat awkwardly and Anna laughed.

"Maybe take some of your motorbike clothing off." She said and Alex blushed, having been so wrapped up with events she had forgotten she had only taken her helmet and gloves off. Alex stood and peeled off the outer weatherproof layer to reveal a t-shirt and some walking style trousers. She looked at Anna and still felt over-dressed and began to pull the t-shirt up, but then stopped, thinking it too forward. She heard Anna sigh and looked into her eyes and her hands went to the shirt again and Anna smiled. "Just get comfortable, female Alex." she said softly and Alex felt a whole lot wetter and she pulled the t-shirt over her head and Anna smiled widely at her.

Robert stood and took his shirt off too. "I feel out of place wearing so much" and both women laughed at him and then he went to sit next to Anna and she turned to face him as he moved to her and her mouth opened wide to his lips and one of his hands moved up her body to hold a breast. Alex watched, hearing the soft moans of both as they kissed and wriggled a bit as she sat, wanting to join in. Anna moved her hand down her lover's body and reached his trousers and her fingers fumbled to undo the buttons and zip and Robert groaned as she pressed her hand to the front of the trousers and rubbed.

Alex turned and moved back slightly, sitting almost sideways on the sofa as the lovers kissed and resisted touching herself, despite the aching in her breasts. There was a wet parting of lips and Anna turned and looked at Alex and took a deep breath, Robert's hand now resting on her belly. She smiled at Alex, the nerves showing in her eyes. "We could kiss." Anna said quietly and Alex almost burst with joy.

Anna sat up, fidgeting with nerves as Alex moved closer and her hand went to Anna's cheek and she leaned into the palm and sighed. Anna watched as Alex neared, her eyes dark and warm, desire flashing in them and Anna shivered a little as she watched the soft, female lips approaching open slightly and felt hers mirroring them. The touch was gentle at first, brushing over hers as Alex moved one way and Anna the other so they locked together and then the more experienced woman opened her mouth wider and took the novice with her as she sought out a tongue in the warm mouth and found it.

Anna stopped moving for a second, shocked at how easily she had responded to the kiss and how fast Alex's tongue had found hers and she didn't have a clue what to do next, but her body decided for her and her tongue began to move with the invading one as she closed her eyes and leaned forward into the body of the person kissing her, unconcerned now of their gender, just lost in the kiss as the lips moved, dancing with hers in a slow waltz. A hand touched her arm, smaller than Robert's, that was still on her belly. Anna reached out and found the warm body and her hand slid over it, down the back, fingers trailing down the spine, feeling the deep breathing of the new person. Anna groaned and felt Alex's soft moan as they shifted to move closer together until Anna felt the material of a bra press to her breasts, the fabric hard on the sensitive nipples, aroused and swollen by the kissing.

They both gasped and pulled away, Anna slightly shocked when her eyes opened to see Alex, so lost had she become in the kiss. Alex was smiling and moving forward and Anna froze for an instant, but Alex moved slowly and her open lips settled on Anna's bottom one and then closed over it as her tongue licked gently and Anna's moan flowed over Alex's face and the younger woman smiled inside, knowing she was winning now. Alex moved back slightly, still holding Anna's bottom lip in her mouth and then opened her lips and Anna whimpered, catching her breath long enough for Alex to move and take the lip between hers again and gently suck on it. Anna squirmed slightly, adjusting her position on the sofa to sit facing the younger woman more, moving forward slightly.

Alex let the lip go, her face against Anna's and her tongue continued to lick around Anna's mouth before it trailed over her cheek and jawline to lap over her earlobe. Anna trembled and realised she was losing control and needed to pull back before she succumbed to the more experienced woman. Alex bent her head and her lips moved to Anna's neck and the older woman groaned, but her brain was still working despite her body's yearning and she reached to Alex's head and moved it away enough to bend and open her mouth on the soft, young neck and Alex felt the kiss deep in her body and between her legs and she shuddered and let the novice have her way for a while.

Anna let her mouth go wide and grazed her teeth over Alex's neck and then her teeth nipped at the soft skin where the shoulder curved and the younger woman groaned. She kissed along the shoulder and her mouth nudged the bra strap until it slipped down Alex's arm. Anna sat back and stared at the young woman. The roles had switched, Alex now on the back foot, weakened by the sight and touch of the naked woman she wanted so much. "You are wearing too many clothes, female Alex." she said softly and Alex felt more juice flow from her. She stood and Anna smiled as she watched Alex's hands undo her trousers, the fingers shaking as they fumbled with the button and pulled the zip down and soon she was standing in just her black underwear as Anna smiled up at her. "That's better." she purred and Alex felt another shiver go through her as her pussy twitched.

Alex sat back down and thought about regaining control, but Anna was ahead of her and leaned forward and her mouth was open and on hers before her plan formed in her head and her instincts kicked in and she reached to Anna's head and pulled it tighter to hers as they kissed deeply, Anna's hesitancy seemingly lost now as Alex felt a tongue thrust into her mouth. She leaned back and pulled Anna with her and the older woman put a hand to Alex's waist as she pressed her body down on the younger girl. Anna pulled her head back as Alex gasped for breath and then moved to take the other side of her neck into her mouth and Alex could only groan as her hands stroked down Anna's back.

Anna sat up, smiling, eyes bright. She knew she was wet, wetter than she thought she would be, but she wanted Alex wet. "Want to carry on here, or..." she smiled wider, her teeth shining at the younger woman, "the bedroom?"

Alex was trying to think as well as catch her breath, but was massively distracted by Anna being naked and within reach. She knew this wasn't a done deal and resisted the urge to hold a breast or stroke that soft, smooth pussy, but it was taking a lot of energy doing so. "Bedroom?" Alex mumbled, her eyes transfixed by how hard Anna's nipples were and realised hers were probably as hard, given the pain as they pressed against her bra.

"You need to be naked if we go to the bedroom." Anna said, her eyes blazing into Alex and the younger woman could only nod, watching as Anna smiled at her, head tilted to one side. Alex sat up and reached back and undid the clasp and pulled the bra off and Anna's eyes dropped down to the dark and very hard nipples.

"So nice." Anna whispered as she stared at Alex's breasts.

"Can I just keep these on for a bit longer?" Alex muttered, looking down to her knickers, unsure why she needed them on, but disconcerted at the thought of being naked.

"We'll just play a bit more here then." Anna said and Alex knew she had lost the upper hand now, but those thoughts went as Anna leaned forward again and their lips met, this time Anna's fabulous breasts pressed to her bare skin and she felt how hard the red nipples were as they rubbed over her chest and Alex groaned and pressed her chest forward to rub on Anna as their tongues flicked together.

Alex was gasping again, the force of Anna's kisses sucked the air from her body and she slumped back as Anna sat up and turned and she watched as those tender lips went to her boyfriend and he pulled her towards him and away from Alex. Anna began to kiss down Robert's body and Alex cried inside, wanting it to be her nipples in those lips. She licked down his belly and then her soft voice asked him to stand and he moved to be in front of her as she pulled his trousers open and kissed the exposed skin, her hands pushing the material down as her mouth went lower. Alex watched, her eyes wide as she realised he hadn't worn underwear, his cock rising free as Anna pushed the trousers down and he stepped from them. She was the only one wearing anything now and that was just a pair of black knickers that were soaked and sticking to her crotch.

Anna turned and smiled at Alex and then looked back at the hard cock she was holding and put her lips to the swollen head as Robert sighed and his hand stroked over his lover's hair. "I might be biased, but I think this is the best cock ever." Anna giggled and then kissed it again. Alex just stared. She was sure she had a bigger toy, but it just looked so impressive as it pulsed and twitched in Anna's hand. Anna turned and smiled again and moved her head so her eyes were on Alex as she opened her mouth around the head of Robert's cock and then turned to engulf half of him in one go. Alex groaned, loudly, louder than Robert and her knickers soaked up even more of her as it ran out. Anna's eyes flicked to the younger woman and sparkled as she bobbed up and down several times and then pulled up with a satisfied gasp. "Delicious." she laughed and turned to Alex. "Want a taste?" Alex shook her head, ignoring the feeling deep in her groin now. "Sure?"

"Maybe if it had been in you." Alex said and Anna smiled.

"You want to taste me on Robert?"

"That would be nice. Your cunt on his cock, that would be delicious." Alex said, feeling a bit braver now.

"Oh, I would love to taste another woman on this beautiful cock." Anna said, staring deep into Alex as she spoke. "I bet you would taste so good on this dick, I would love to lick your cunt juice from Robert's cock." Anna was fighting back and Alex twitched more as the older woman spoke and she realised she was whimpering.

Anna turned and looked at Alex fully, letting go of her lover's cock now. "You can lick my cunt from Robert's cock if you like. You can watch him fuck me right now because I am so fucking wet and horny." and she turned and kissed the arrowhead on the underside of the head and the cock twitched, "Or you can taste my cunt directly." Anna said and Alex wondered how much liquid her underwear could hold back. Anna smiled, she could see the look in Alex's eyes. "But I would have to taste your cunt on this lovely cock."

Alex stood and peeled down her knickers. "Bedroom?" she whispered, her voice cracking slightly with nerves and desire and Anna smiled at her and Alex felt the trickle of liquid as it seeped down her inner thigh.

Anna stood and held her hand out to Alex and squeezed it when it fell into her palm. She walked and took the younger woman with her and Robert watched two lovely bottoms walk out and then followed, his cock hard and guiding him. Both of them were on the bed when he got into the room, Anna leaning over Alex, her hand stroking up the side of the younger woman, leaning onto her as Alex held her head to her with both hands, the soft kissing sounds drifting around in the evening air.

"It's ok, darling." Anna whispered as she caressed Alex's cheek. "Say no, or stop any time. Really." and she leaned back down and her mouth was wide to meet the open lips of the other woman. She looked at the slim body and her hand stroked over Alex's belly, causing a shiver and giggle and then her fingers nudged onto the thin strip of dark hair above the mound before the movement stopped abruptly, Anna suddenly realising she was about to touch another vagina and she still wasn't ready for that.

Her hand went back up as Alex sighed and the fingers glided between the pert breasts as they quivered. This time curiosity kicked in and the hand moved as finger rose onto the soft skin and Alex groaned as she watched the hand move over her breast and the fingers circle a nipple and her body strained, desperate for the touch on the dark point. Anna looked, entranced as her hand moved, letting her fingers drift from breast to breast, marvelling in the way Alex's chest rose and fell, breathing deep now and then a finger settled on one breast and began a spiral around the nipple.

Alex cried out and her body arched on the bed, the actions snapping Anna from her reverie and she looked up at Alex's face to see the pleasure on it as her finger continued to gently stroke around a nipple. Alex gasped and reached a hand up to stroke Anna's cheek and the older woman smiled and then the hand stopped moving and Alex almost cried with the disappointment, but then gasped loudly as Anna spread the fingers out across the breast and squeezed gently.

"Oh god." Alex mumbled and Anna smiled at her, seeing the pleasure in her eyes. "Oh dear god." she muttered as Anna squeezed again and her fingers opened and then closed, trapping a hard nipple between them. Alex was trembling as Anna gently kneaded her breast, watching as her hand moved on another woman for the first time.

Alex was lost now and her hand moved from Anna's cheek to her neck and she gently tugged her forward and Anna moved willingly. Alex held her breath as Anna exhaled onto the other breast, her mouth just above the nipple that strained upwards, desperate for a female mouth on it, wanting Anna. Alex felt Anna stop and pull up and she groaned softly and her hand moved away and caressed over Anna's cheek again and she looked down to see Anna's eyes looking up at her and Alex smiled back at the shining blue eyes that then flicked down to look at the breast. Anna's mouth opened silently as Alex's went wide with a cry and the younger woman arched up to press the breast to the lips that were sucking her nipple and her hands went to the back of the head to hold her there.

"Oh dear fucking god." Alex mumbled as Anna pulled her closed lips up, tugging the hard nipple with it before the mouth opened and Alex slumped down on the bed and shuddered. Anna moved over and took the other nipple into her mouth and Alex whimpered loudly and felt another stream flow over her labia. Anna sat up and continued to stare at the breasts, her hands moving over them as if to confirm they were real and she had just sucked the nipples of another woman. Alex pushed her chest up and Anna's hands squeezed again as she smiled and then opened her hands and bent to kiss the trembling lips of Alex and her soft kisses moved over her face to her ear and the softest voice tickled the younger woman.

"You can say no, but I would love to watch you." and Anna moved her face over Alex's and her eyes sparkled.

"Yes." whispered Alex and Anna smiled wider. "Ask him to go slow." she added and Anna smiled and her open lips touched Alex's cheek.

"Will you go slow with me?"

"Yes, Anna, oh yes." Alex said, almost sobbing with desire now.

"Do you want me to hold your hand?"

"Oh god, please." Alex said, her voice cracking slightly.

"Just relax, darling, he is a wonderful lover." Anna whispered as she moved to lie alongside the younger woman, felling the tremble on her skin and then she looked around to Robert and nodded and he moved around the bed and climbed on.

"Oh god." Alex mumbled and her hand squeezed Anna's

"Just open your legs darling." Anna said, her lips brushing Alex's face, small kisses on the cheek and jawline and Alex lifted her knees as a man knelt between them, his cock hard and ready to penetrate her.

Alex turned her face and Anna opened her mouth onto her lips, tongue darting inside and Alex reached and pulled her head to her as Anna's hand squeezed a breast. She felt lips on her nipple and sighed into Anna's open mouth and the sigh turned to a groan as both lips on her opened and closed slowly, moving about with a sweet rhythm, one set taking her own mouth with them, the other travelling down the breast to the other nipple and then going lower until she felt her hips lifting to meet their touch.

"Oh god." Alex pushed Anna back and stared into her smiling eyes as she felt Robert kissing her open vulva and both women turned to look down. Alex groaned and pulled Anna back for a kiss as her legs drifted wider and her knees raised to allow her first male lover to taste and open her.

Anna watched as her lover kissed and licked at Alex's labia, his fingers teasing open the lips as his tongue caressed and ran over them and probed as Alex groaned and her hips began to move with him. Alex was trying not to think it was Robert, but Anna and turned her face as she watched her boyfriend in action, her eyes wide with delight. Alex lifted a hand to Anna's belly and she didn't pull away, so Alex slid it higher and there was no response, well, not a negative one, instead Ann's body moved onto the fingers and she shivered when the fingers rested on the underside of a breast and the older woman turned to look into the dark eyes of Alex and smiled and then returned to watch her boyfriend as his tongue travelled up the wet lips of the younger girl and there was a groan from both women.

Alex was trembling now, the tongue between her legs was doing a great job, it flicked and lapped her lips, slid between her dark inner ones and opened them and then swirled over her throbbing clitoris, despite her brain telling her it was a man and to not respond too much, his touch and tongue were pushing her towards a climax, but she wanted something else, she wanted the woman who was kneeling on the bed next to her, watching her being licked out, she wanted Anna and her hand moved higher and she felt the soft skin of a breast and watched Anna's face as her eyes flickered. Alex knew. She knew she would have her, touch her and taste her. The hand went higher and Anna's head tilted back and she gasped and Alex stretched her fingers around the firm curve and felt a hard nipple slip between two of her fingers.

Anna looked down and her eyes sparkled and then she put her hand on Alex's and the younger woman groaned as the hand held hers tight to the breast and she continued to squeeze as Anna arched her body and sighed. Then Alex let go.

Anna looked down as Alex let out a loud groan and her hand trembled on her breast. Her eyes were closed and her head went back as her hips bucked up into Robert's face as she cried out again and shouted "Fuck" many times. Anna watched, mesmerised as the younger woman shook, her lover holding her hips to keep his face on her open labia as he continued to lick, the wet lapping sounds lost to the high cries as Alex orgasmed. "God yes, yes yes. fuck." she moaned and then put a hand down on the head between her legs and pushed it back as her hips shuddered and her legs twitched. "Oh my fucking god." she said as she opened her eyes and looked at Anna, who was still holding her hand to her breast tightly. "Fuck." she said and then giggled. "Fuck, he's good." and they all laughed as Alex gasped for air.