Devonny Ch. 11


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She slipped her dressing gown over her night dress and wrenched the door open. "Yes?"

Gabriel Davenport stood there looking incredibly pale though his eyes glittered strangely. A shock of dark hair fell over his brow. He stepped into her room, at once lifting his hand to trail the back of his fingers over her cheek.

"Is it true?" His voice was no louder than a whisper.

Devonny searched his pallid faceand cocked her head quizzically. "Is what true, Gabriel?" she asked in wonder. Her brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"

Gabriel took her chin between his thumb and his forefinger. "He said that you had allowed him to touch kiss you."

Eye widening, Devonny took and unsteady step back from him. Her breath left her. The air in the room was charged. "Who said this thing?"

"Elijah." Gabriel's intent gaze tracked her movements. "Is it true?" His voice was silky and low though wrath seemed to simmer below the surface.

Devonny opened her mouth to deny it but she halted. Yes, Elijah had always been overtly familiar with her and she had not protested beyond stepping out of his grasp when he exceeded his bounds. And he had kissed her. She thought back to that faint brush of his lips against hers, intended to shock her out of her sadness.

Gabriel watched the emotions flicker over her soft features. But she did not deny it when she lifted her eyes to his. His chest tightened.

Her eyes grew wet and she trembled slightly. He was angry with her but he did not care to see her cry. "Devonny—"

Unexpectedly she darted around him and raced from the room.

"Devonny!" He stood frozen as he watched her gown whip around her ankles as she fled in a swish of white gown and mantle, bare feet carrying her away.

She tore down the hall toward the opposite wing of the house. Her blood seemed to pound in her ears as she was overcome by anger and emotion. Before she knew what she was doing she flung open the door to Elijah's apartment.

Elijah bolted upright in bed at the sudden intrusion, the sheets and mantle puddling around his bare torso. He pushed his hair out of his eyes to see Devonny standing, trembling at the foot of his bed.

She spoke through clenched teeth, her hands balled into tiny fists. "How dare you!"

Elijah slipped from the bed, careful to wrap the sheet around his lower half as he did so. "Devonny—" he began.

"NO!" She shouted, cutting him off. She skirted away from him when he reached for her. She shook her head vehemently. "I asked you to keep me out of your games and your plans to hurt your brother. I BEGGED you!" She continued backing away from him, mirroring his movements when he would have edged closer. "You promised me it would never get so far—that you would never jeopardize my position here."

Elijah's expression was pained. "Please, Devonny. I lost my head. I don't know what I was thinking."

Her gaze grew distant as her face saddened. "What must you think of me?" Her eyes shot to his. "Did you think that because you buy me pretty things, that I would allow you to use me?"

His shoulders slumped. "Of course not."

A strange giggle bubble up from her throat. "How silly of me." She laughed but tears slipped beyond her lashes. "Nothing comes without its price. Is that what you meant by your small touches, by that kiss? Were you hoping to get me into bed as payment for all your generosity?"

Elijah's eyes widened at her accusation. "No."

Devonny smiled a disturbingly vacant smile. "To think...I had thought that because you spoke to me as an equal—treated me like one—that you actually thought of me as one." She shook her head. "How could I have been so stupid?" she murmured for to herself than to him as she turned to go.

"Wait, please!" his hand closed around her wrist.

A resounding crack filled the room and Elijah and Devonny stared at one another, his hand still closed around her wrist. She had slapped him. She blinked rapidly in disbelief of her own actions. Good Lord. She had hit him.

Elijah stared at her in utter shock as she paled.

"I'm sorry," she rushed out. "I should not have...I'm sorry." She tugged frantically at his grasp only to have him enclose her other wrist and drag her against him as he trapped her hands against the flesh of his bare chest. His heart thudded at a brisk pace beneath her palms as his chest rose and fell.

"Devonny," he ducked his head to meet her gaze when she would not look at him. He sighed when he caught her eyes. There was such pain in those amber depths and he was the cause. His voice was soft, wounded. "I'm sorry. I deserve that. I'm sorry."

Gabriel cleared his throat behind them, causing Elijah to release her abruptly.

When Devonny turned to him, her flushed golden cheeks were streaked with tears. She stepped swiftly away from Elijah, her eyes darting between the two men. She wrapped her arms around herself as thought to ward them off.

Her voice was strong though it wavered with emotion and anger when she spoke. "Am I some plaything to the two of you? To use in your games when the mood strikes?"She lifted her chin in defiance, eyes flashing. "I am in your employ, your servant though you seem loath to call me such. I will clean up after you, cook your meals, launder your linens, mend your clothes...but I will NOT let you treat me so. I will not be subject to your whims and petty rivalry." She swallowed thickly. I cannot bear any more of it."

"Excuse me," she mumbled, brushing by Gabriel on her way from the room. It took every fiber of his being not to go after her. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and beg her forgiveness.

Instead, he met his brother's troubled gaze.

Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "What a bloody mess."

"What you said wasn't true was it?" Gabriel ground out.

Elijah glanced at him. "Not in the way I phrased it. No," he sighed.

And without a word, Gabriel turned on his heel and strode from the room, slamming the door so hard it seemed to rattle the entire room.

Devonny raced down the hall back to her room, stopping short when she saw Moira there in her dressing gown, a long grey braid peaking from beneith her mob cap.

Moira stopped mid-stride in her pacing when she saw Devonny in the doorway. "Are you alright, child?" she asked, wringing her hands.

Devonny's face crumpled and she dissolved into tears as Moira's arms closed around her.


Gabriel found that it was all but impossible to catch Devonny alone over the next few weeks. She had abandoned her walks in the gardens. She no longer lingered in the stables talking to Orion and the other horses in hushed tones as she slipped them apples and carrots from the kitchen. Even they seemed to miss her presence.

She was ever in the kitchens helping Ursula with the meals or helping Sadie launder the bedding or mend clothing. The only break in her routine came when Theodore Edmondson would call. She would allow him to accompany her on short walks or on a ride about the property. Teddy Edmondson was the only one for whom her somber façade seemed to crack.

But she did not look well. She looked drawn and tired. It seemed as though every bit of spark that she possessed had gone out of her.

It was killing him.

Elijah had taken to showering her with elaborate gifts , all of which had been surreptitiously been returned to his quarters at some point.

Gabriel was ever watchful for an opportunity to speak to her but none ever came. He wanted to avoid arousing the interest of the rest of the household but it looked as though it could not be helped.

He strode into the kitchens that were bustling with activity in preparation for the evening's dinner party and multitude of guests. The kitchen was filled with people he'd brought in from the village to help in the work. He spotted Devonny amidst the chaos attempting to slip outside in the commotion.

"Devonny." His voice boomed over the milieu halting all activity.

They all turned to him with wide eyed looks. All except Devonny who froze, her delicate shoulders hunching.

"I would speak to you now, please," he said and her honey colored eyes grew round.

Defiance flickered in her gaze and for a moment he thought she would refuse him. But she seemed to think better of it. He allowed her to pass before him as she shot him a glare. He nodded to the staff, watching in mild shock. "Please continue," he nodded and departed, but not before Moira who was overseeing everything fixed him with a warning look. He smiled thinly at her in reassurance.

Devonny awaited him in the main hall, her expression apprehensive.

"To the study if you please," he motioned for her to continue ahead of him.

Gabriel inhaled deeply as he followed her. He would fix this. He had much to tell her.

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Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 9 years ago
Love it...

...but you're killing me with the anticipation that Gabriel will step up. It's killing both of them too.

xxChellaBellaxxxxChellaBellaxxover 9 years ago
Dear Author, Your Work Is Exquisite!

I have Always been a writer myself, & Most have told me that with the stories I've written so far, I have magnificent potential,

but this tale is So Unimaginably thought out, it's magnanimous. I feel that no story of mine would do in comparison. And being a particularly shy mixed race woman myself who has always felt a strong attraction to white men, this story truly hit home for me to the point that If this were a movie, I feel I would be Born to play the part. (Not to mention the fact that I have ALWAYS had quite an entrancing fascination with olden themed story line times in and around periods such as the 1700's.)

I have read every chapter of this fine novella that I could, & can only keep checking to see if this Incredible journey might one day have an even more incredulous ending.

Because if this were published works, it would Easily be my favorite book. Hands Down.


I Hope To Some Day Hear More on the Wondrous tale of 'Devonny Clarke'. ^^.

Sincerely Yours-

Chelsie (Your Newest Fan)

#DefinitelyOnYourWay ; )

DecemberunrestDecemberunrestabout 10 years ago

I need closure with this story!

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Oh Elijah I understand your hurt and are justified in wanting vengeance on those responsible for those loss but to use Devonny too goad Gabriel is so mean.... I hope she forgives you

justjoijustjoialmost 13 years ago

I stumbled upon this series this evening and could not stop reading. It is wonderful. I can't wait to read more.

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