Different Path


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"Yes, but it is unseemly. You are a wizard and should do Wizardly work, not the work of someone beneath your station."

Late the next afternoon Jon and Bea walked wearily into the, to him, tiny little town. There appeared to be two or three dozen small shoddy houses, several shacks and shanty's and assorted barns and stables spread almost haphazardly about. There were ten buildings that apparently contained businesses of some kind or another along both sides and a small dusty road through the town. There appeared to be three pubs, one of which seemed to have some rooms to let, two small general stores, a millinery or tailor shop and the traditional house of ill repute. Jon wasn't sure what the other few business buildings were for.

Bea seemed to tense up when she walked past the whore house and became even more tense as she neared the next small business building. Jon asked, "Bea, what's the matter? Why are you so nervous all at once?"

She looked at him in fright and whispered, "SHHH. Please Jon. Just move quietly and hope he doesn't see us. Quickly now please."

"What? Hope who doesn't see us?"

"Please Jon. The Wizard over there Jon. I don't want him to see or hear us. He becomes angry and demands recompense if we disturb him unnecessarily. The town pays his fees for the townsfolk but outsiders must pay their own fees if he demands."

"That's bullshit. Forget about him and let's be about our business."

They were almost past the wizard's small building when the door opened and an old rough looking man stepped out. He stared at them and snarled, "What's all the commotion out here? Oh! Travelers is it? Well, hello there my pretty Beatrice. Come, come. You can pay your usual fee for disturbing our fair city's peace and the use of our facilities.

"Who might this be with you? And where is that ungrateful Saul?"

Jon noticed a lump forming at the man's crotch and saw Bea pale. She bit her lower lip and said, "Please Sir Wizard. My man Saul was killed by brigands. Please, can we just trade something for your trouble and be about our business?"

"You will trade something for my trouble Beatrice. I will take my normal payment. Now I tire of this talk. Get your pretty ass into the house and prepare yourself for me. Now, tell me who this creature with you is."

"Sire, this is the man, the Wizard, who saved me from the brigands that killed Saul."

When he heard that, the Wizard turned and glared at Jon. His gaze sharpened and he almost hissed when he said, "You dare to enter my town without permission or a by your leave? You will pay for your insolence and the fair Beatrice will grace my bed until I tire of her now."

The Wizard raised his hands and began to speak quietly. Jon reacted without thinking and pushed as he did with the two men attacking Bea so many days ago. The wizard staggered back and caught himself. He gestured toward Jon and Jon ducked and raised his arms as if to shield himself. A gout of flame hit his shield and spread around him.

By this time a small crowd had gathered to watch the altercation. Two of the men who were too close to Jon screeched and writhed from the pain of the burns they got from the splashing fire.

Jon reached into his pocket and pulled a handful of small stones out. He looked at one and ordered it to shoot into the wizard's head. Once again the stone sped unerringly to its target and penetrated. The wizard dropped, dead before he hit the ground. Bea ran to Jon and grabbed him in a tight embrace.

Bea was crying and trying to kiss Jon as she talked. "You killed him. Oh, thank you Jon. Thank you. None of the women have to suffer his attention ever again. He took pleasure in hurting us as he took us."

Jon stepped warily aside when the townsfolk moved closer, the noise rising. What he assumed to be the city fathers moved to check on the resident Wizard. Finding him truly dead, they walked respectfully up to Jon. The man who turned out to be the Mayor said, "Sire, I Never thought to see a greater wizard than was old Pasquale.

What are your desires Sire? We have paid our tithes this moon, but, perhaps some still remain inside your home. If you demand it we will attempt to gather the traditional monthly tithe for you if that is not satisfactory."

"Uh, my house? What, how did it get there?"

Bea moved beside Jon and said, "Master, if I may? Please?"

Jon nodded and Bea turned to the Mayor and said, "Honorable Mayor, my Master has just recently come among us and is still learning our ways. If I may, I will explain what I know and we will consult with you on the morrow. We have goods to trade for in the markets as well as, perhaps, from the Wizard Pasquale's hoard."

"Harumph. Yes, well it is late. Yes, I suppose that would suffice. 'Till the morrow then." The crowd quickly dispersed and Bea led Jon into the small building as if they owned it. After she had him sit in the most prestigious chair (which turned out to be very comfortable) she explained, again, that since he bested and killed someone (the Wizard) their possessions were now his, hence, this house was his and all within as well as any other possessions the wizard had that they could find.

Bea, having been in the house before to pay her and Saul's "fees" with her body could find her way around fairly well. She quickly prepared their evening meal and began sorting through the piles and piles of items Jon "inherited". From time to time, if she didn't know the purpose of or usefulness of an item she would ask Jon for his opinion. Many times he had no idea about its purpose or usefulness either but, to his surprise, some of the items, particularly the bottled liquids and powders, he could identify and use.

They worked late into the night and still did not complete their inventory. Finally, exhausted, they fell into a super comfortable bed and a deep sleep. To her deep embarrassment, Bea didn't awaken until well after sunrise the next morning. With a slight scream, she jumped from bed and began to madly scurry around preparing breakfast.

While they ate their breakfast, Bea lowered her head and said, "Master, what is wrong with me? Why have you not taken me as Pasquale was going to do last evening? It is your right and I know you like women. I have felt your need in the night and seen it many times during the day. I felt it last night and heard you moan as you pressed against me. The only times you have used me were when I came to you."

Jon blushed and said, "You are right Bea. I do have what you have called "manly needs" and seeing you, thinking about you makes me want you but I won't force myself on you. It isn't right. I want you to make love with me because you need me and want me, not because you feel it is my right to take you. Until I am sure that is the situation I will not allow myself to sully you."

Bea smiled and said, "Oh, Master. For someone so wise and knowledgeable you are so very, very stupid. I have done everything I can think of to make you take me. How much more brazen must I be before you come to me, cum in me? Please, Master. Please make me yours in every way. Tonight. Or even now should you desire. Business can wait if needs be. I want you to take me at your whim as well as mine. Please Sire."

"Bea, until you quit thinking of me as your master and our relationship required, that will not happen. I don't force myself on women—or men for that matter, not that I think of men in that matter."

"Mast...Jon, I am yours as you are mine. Now, perhaps we should be about our days business?"

They went out the door into the street carrying everything they could carry that they wanted to trade off or sell. When they got to the store Bea normally did business in, Jon stood beside her as she began bargaining. He sighed as the discussion droned on and on, the storekeeper occasionally looking over at him when he did so.

Finally, Bea interrupted her business transaction and stood on her tip toes to whisper in Jon's ear. "Jon, this seems to bore you. If you want, perhaps you could go to the pub or shopping on your own? I will find you when this business is done."

"But I thought you needed my protection? What if something happens or you need me?"

Bea smiled and said, "Jon, after last night I won't need you with me constantly here in town. None would dare bother me or cheat me here. On the trail, however, is another story. Now, go, if you choose."

Jon smiled and said, "Well, if you're sure, maybe I'll go back to the house and see what I can find there."

Jon hadn't been in the house long when he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and found the Mayor waiting for him. He said, "Good morning Mr. Mayor. What can I do for you today?"

"Harumph. You said last night we would discuss your requirements this morning. Now, 'tis near noon and you have not discussed them with me. I thought, perhaps, I misunderstood and I was supposed to come to you Sire, so here I am."

"I am sorry Mr. Mayor. We worked late in the night and were late getting around this morning. Bea is just now taking care of her business with the storekeeper. I apologize for causing you trouble. I'm afraid I forgot our promise to see you this morning."

"Well, no harm done I suppose. Before we get started though, why did you not just have Polly answer the door like normal? Surely she isn't helping Miss Bea?"

"I'm sorry. Who is Polly?"

"Why she was Wizard Pasquale's woman and maid. He kept her in yon room over there. Surely you knew that and to let her out?"

"Awww FUCK. No I didn't know that and we've not heard anything from her. Are you sure that she's there? We hadn't got around to checking in that room yet since we couldn't find the key."

"Well, unless she finally did something to make him get rid of her that's where he kept her unless she was working or he wanted to use her."

"Shit." Jon stomped outside the door and grabbed an axe he had seen there. He came back into the house and attacked the door. He rapidly broke through it and pulled the remains open. There, shackled to the bed and gagged was a thin young woman shaking in fear. She was staring at Jon, tears running down her cheeks. She flenched when Jon reached out and removed the gag.

Jon gently said, "I'm sorry sweetie. We didn't know you were here and couldn't find a key to open the door. The Mayor just now told me you were locked up in here. We'll get you loose as soon as we can. I'll get you some water and something to eat."

"Please, no sir. You'll just make it worse. I do not know where the Master is but please, for all our sakes, get out. Run and hope he doesn't find you. Your life will be forfeit. I'm afraid he will sorely punish me for the damage done to his house now."

"What? That bastard won't ever hurt you again. Now just give me a little time to get you out of here."

"No. I can't. I have to be here. If I'm up and he didn't let me go he will be angry."

The Mayor came into the room and said, "Child, let me explain. This is your new Master. He slayed Wizard Pasquale last evening. He is your new Wizard."

The girl shrank back and moaned, "Oh, I'm sorry Master. I didn't know. Please forgive me. I'll get to work as soon as you let me up. Or did you want to use me first Sire?"

Jon felt a surge of anger and had to control it quickly when he saw Polly pull away. He said, "We'll talk about things soon. Now, just rest while I figure out how to get you loose. When Bea gets back maybe she can cover things with you."

"Yes Master. As soon as I can arise I will help her. What do you want us to cover Master?"

"What? Oh, no, nothing. I meant she will explain things to you."

"Oh, yes Master."

"One other thing. I am not your Master. My name is Jon and that is what I want you to call me." Oh, Sire I could not do that. It would be most improper and disrespectful. Whatever would you and others think if I should do that. It would be flogging for sure should I do something like that."

Jon left the room. He muttered "Fuck" as he went through the door.

After she returned, Jon and Bea spent the rest of the afternoon explaining things to Polly and continuing their inventory. Finally well after dark they completed their work and Jon said, "Finally, that's done. Now we need to clean up and get to bed. I'm bushed."

Polly looked at Jon in surprise and moved closer to him, watching him carefully. He watched her for a moment and finally asked, "What's the matter Polly. Why are you watching me so closely?"

"Sire, I see no bushes to clean from you. Have they not manifested yet? How may I help you with that task?"

Jon stared at her in shock for a moment, fighting the urge to laugh before he managed to explain he meant he was tired. He explained it was a saying from his old place of residence as were many other things he might say that she would find strange.

Bea spoke up then saying, "Remember Polly, not only is he a powerful Wizard but he is a World Walker. Did not your old Master have strange ways and sayings?"

"Oh yes, but none as strange as I have seen and heard this day." She gasped and continued rapidly, "I meant no offense Master. Please forgive me."

Jon felt his ire rise once again. How could people here treat another human being like they apparently did? He smiled at Polly and said, "None taken Polly. Now, where can we bathe so we can go to sleep?"

After they were all cleaner, but not clean by any means, considering they only had what many would call a sponge bath, Polly discarded the water by throwing it out the back door. She returned the bucket to its place and stood watching Jon. She said, "Sire, uh, Jon, do you desire to use me now or should I return to my room to be shackled?"

"Neither Polly. I do not force myself on women and I see no reason to shackle you. That is barbaric. You are free to come and go as you please as is Bea."

Polly looked shocked and asked with a tremor in her voice, "But what if I should run away or someone took me from you Sire?"

"You will do as you see fit Polly and if someone is stupid enough to kidnap you and take you against your will, I will track them down and make them pay. Now, off with you. I'm for bed."

Later that night Jon woke to the sound of raised voices outside and down the street somewhat. He was just about to get up and see what was going on when it quietened down. He was so tired he just rolled over and almost immediately dropped off to sleep.

The next morning just as dawn was breaking Jon heard noises from the kitchen area. He roused enough to look over Bea, sleeping beside him, and saw Polly preparing breakfast.

Jon didn't want to say anything that would worry or upset Polly so he just lay there a moment enjoying his rest before his bladder required he rise to relieve it. He made a mental note to have Bea inform Polly his desire to sleep later than appeared to be the norm in this time.

When Jon opened his door to go to the outhouse he found a rather heavy, provocatively dressed woman sitting on his porch. When she saw him, she rapidly got up, bowed and said, "Lord Wizard, my apologies for bothering you so early but we have need of your services as soon as you might find it convenient. I apologize also for the noise last evening. I hope it didn't bother you over much. One of the customers became rowdy and I am afraid he and his friends damaged some of your goods before we could subdue him. Heather and Sara were both injured sorely when he became upset with their performance. I have disciplined them for the upset but they are injured badly enough they cannot work without further attention from you Sire."

While Jon was trying to figure out what the woman was asking and why Polly came up behind him. She said, "Good morn Madam Honor. I overheard you explain your need to our Master. When he has completed his tasks, should you need my help and he permits it, just call on me."

Honor nodded to Polly as Jon said, "Polly, Honor, can you explain this to me? Why have you come here instead of taking the women to a doctor for treatment?"

The women looked at each other in surprise. Finally, Honor said, "I know not what a doctor is Sire but if you will tell me what one is and where I can find one I will take them there if that is your desire. I came here because they are your girls and our old Master tried to heal them should the need arise. I assumed you would do the same to protect your income."

After much discussion it became apparent Jon was the owner of the Bordello next to his new house. He reluctantly agreed to see the women and do what he could to help them. When he got there he was disgusted with the poor repair of the building and the threadbare clothes and furniture the women had.

When he examined the women he found several cuts, contusions and bruises. One of them was breathing roughly and had a swollen abdomen. He was gently touching her, wishing for CT Scans, X-Ray's or any of the other modern medical machines that would give him a view of her internal injuries. To his surprise, a remarkably clear picture seemed to just pop into his head. Huh, he thought. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He pictured her injuries as he thought they should have looked before they occurred and put his "mental muscle" behind the task of making it so. He felt pain in his head and tiredness coming over him but was encouraged by the apparent healing his mental picture showed occurring.

Jon worked for over thirty minutes on one of the women and for somewhat less time on the other healing their most serious and painful injuries. While he was at it, he conjured up doses of penicillin and pain relievers for them. When he left, in an exhausted state, the women both looked much better and the uninjured ones were in speechless awe of Jon. Just before he left, Jon told Honor, "Honor, after I have rested we need to talk about these women and the business. There are several things I am not comfortable with going on here."

"Yes Sire. I will be available whenever you desire."

Jon walked slowly back to the house and straight to the bed upon which he collapsed, falling into a deep sleep almost immediately. He woke some time later, late in the afternoon from the shadows, to muted voices coming from just outside the door. Bea said, "No. Master is sleeping after working hard this morning performing healing magic on injuries caused to some of his women by your townsman. He told us when he came home that he was going to take a nap and to not disturb him. You will have to leave now. We will tell him you need to talk to him when he wakes."

Jon decided he really needed to get up and see what the problem was now. He walked to the door and saw the Mayor and a half dozen of the townsmen standing there. He looked at them for a moment then said, "Well, I'm awake now. What can I do for you Mr. Mayor?"

"Lord Wizard, we have some illness and injuries here in town. We were hoping you would see fit to heal those who other methods of healing have not helped. Some of the sick may die if you do not help them."

"And what makes you think I can help? How did they get injured anyway?"

The Mayor looked ill but finally mumbled, "They were injured in the disturbance last evening and after we saw what you did for those Whores we decided to ask for your help for the good men of our community."

"I didn't ask when or where they were injured. I asked HOW they were injured. Now I want to know by whom also. After you tell me that, we can move on to the sick people."

"Well, Sire, those whores and your man in the whorehouse hurt two of the men. The others were injured trying to get the men away from your man and the whores that were beating on them."

"Uh huh. I see. You want me to heal men injured while they were trying to force my employees to do something they didn't want to do, something that would have injured them? Why do you think I would want to do something like that?"