Discovering Faith Pt. 01

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She becomes a model for money.
18.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 06/25/2003
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I spotted her the second week of the semester. I was working part time in the Financial Aid office at Strictland College. My dad is a chemistry professor here and had arranged for the job for me. But I also had another reason to be there. My Uncle Gene was a photographer and had asked me to keep an eye out for potential models and actresses. I had actually sent him two already, and he had been moderately pleased, but he had asked me to watch for a certain type.

Uncle Gene's words were going through my mind when I saw her come in. "I need someone that doesn't know she's beautiful. She needs to be completely inexperienced. Watch for someone that appears shy, looks down a lot. She'll probably be a freshman, away from home for the first time, and maybe from a small town. She'll dress conservatively, but you will be able to notice that she could be pretty, if she knew how. You'll know her when you see her."

I had seen this girl the first week, so this was at least her second visit. She was scanning the part-time jobs, looking for something. The first time I had seen her she was wearing baggy sweats. This time, she looked like she had come straight from a PE class. Fortunately for me, the weather had turned hot. She was wearing red gym shorts and a red T-shirt; both lettered in white "Strictland Athletics" and a pair of white Adidas. Her mousy brown hair was pulled back in a ragged ponytail that hung past her shoulders. She looked to be about five-six or seven. Her face was hidden behind large square-framed glasses, but her lips were full and alluring. In the athletic garb, I. could see her legs were gorgeous, but the clothing was baggy enough to give little else away. She looked frustrated, chewing her lip as she ran her finger over one job listing after another.

I went out from behind the counter and approached her, "May I help you Miss? You seem to be having some difficulty."

She looked at me briefly, then looked down. I could see that she was near tears. She still said nothing, so I spoke again, extending a hand, "My name's Rob. I work here Miss. If you'd like to go to one of the cubicles behind the counter, I'll see what I can find for you."

She never looked up to see my offered hand, but just sighed and slowly shuffled in behind me as I went through the gate and into an empty cubicle. I gestured to a chair and she sat down as I maneuvered behind the desk and moved the mouse to awaken the computer. I glanced at her, still looking down, knees together, hands wringing in her lap. "Name?" I asked getting her to look up momentarily.

"Faith. Faith Rubichek." I had her spell her last name and soon had her file open.

"Oh, a freshman from some place called Shady Valley, Pennsylvania, I see. So this is your first semester in college." I looked up and she nodded.

"Is Shady Valley pretty small?"

She brightened a bit as she spoke. "Yes, it's very small, only 280 people live in the town and I actually live two miles out on a farm. My Dad farms and preaches at the Community Church. My Mom teaches piano and voice part-time." The glow faded a bit and she looked down again.

"A minister. That explains the name?" When she nodded, I continued, "I see you have four brothers and two sisters still at home. Do they have biblical names too?"

Faith looked up shyly, "The girls are Hope and Charity. The boys are Matt, Mark, Luke, and Thomas." She smiled wryly as if expecting some sort of comment.

I resisted the urge to ask about missing John and including Thomas, and went on. "I'm surprised you are not receiving a Pell Grant or some other assistance."

"Daddy doesn't believe in handouts. He worked his way through Bible College and Momma worked her way through too. She was a waitress and he was a carpenter. I'm expected to do the same, but I just can't find anything I can do." She hadn't looked up once. The tension in her voice was obvious.

"Well, there's lots of waitress and available. Why not one of those?"

She sighed deeply. "I tried being a waitress back in Shady Valley. I was always mixing up the orders and spilling things, and that was with people I know. The caf‚ owners were thrilled when I left to go to school. They never had the heart to fire me. I just can't do that here." Still looking down, she added, "And I don't type well enough to do secretarial work.

I tried another angle; "I see that you're planning to be a Theatre Arts major with a minor in Art." In my mind I couldn't imagine this shy girl getting up on a stage, let alone acting. "Maybe you could treat a waitress job like a role on the stage. You know, act like you're a waitress."

Faith actually giggled. She looked up with a slight smile on her face. "I may be a Theatre Arts major, but that doesn't make me an actress. I am interested in set design, costume design, and that sort of thing. I acted in a play in my high school and nearly died of fright. After that, I've stayed behind the scenes." The smile disappeared and she looked down again. "I just have to find something. My whole family is counting on me to make something of myself. Are there any jobs that require art skills? With all those younger brother and a baby sister, I'm also a great babysitter. Any of those jobs available?"

I knew there were a couple of openings for nannies in our database, but I was nearly convinced that this girl was what Uncle Gene was looking for. "Well, I might have something that would be a good fit. This may sound like an odd question, but do you have to wear those glasses?"

She dryly replied, "Only to see."

"Well, take them off for a second and look up at me."

She complied. Without her glasses, she was an angel. She had big green eyes with long lashes above a slender nose and those full lips. There wasn't a mark on her pale skin and not even a hint of makeup. Her cheeks had a natural rosy hue and her lips were a little darker. She blinked at me a few times trying to focus without her eyewear.

Now, it was time to drop the bomb. "My uncle shoots ads for several clothing web sites. I actually model some of the menswear for him. He asked me to keep an eye out for models for him."

Faith stared at me open-mouthed and returned her glasses to their perch on her face. Slowly a smile spread across he mouth and I could see a sparkle in her eyes, even behind the thick glasses. "You have got to be joking!" She laughed. "I am not pretty enough to be a model. I'm just plain. He'd never want me as a model."

"Actually the company wants models that look like normal people, not those scrawny anorexic ones or the plastic enhanced ones you see on TV. You look like the proverbial girl next-door type. I think you'd be perfect."

We were both silent for a moment and I could almost see the wheels turning in her head. Finally she asked, "How much does it pay?" and looked up at me.

"Well, it depends on the modeling sets and how well the client likes them. He would start you at $10 an hour and go up from there if they liked the work. And sometimes you'll get to keep the clothes."

"That sounds marvelous. How many hours per week?" Faith was in interrogator mode. I could tell she was all but hooked.

"Well," I continued, "The hours would be flexible and Uncle Gene is used to working around college schedules. The initial shoot would last an hour or two. Then after a couple of days, if the clients approve, you could do as much as twenty to thirty hours a week."

"How often does he pay?"

"Cash at the end of each session. Of course, if you get up to twenty hours a week, he'd have to put you on the payroll for taxes and everything."

"When can I start?" I need money by the end of the week. She was absolutely beaming now, and I was 90% sure this was the girl Gene was looking for."

"When do you get out of your last class?" I questioned back.

"I'm done with Western Civ. at 4:00. Where do I need to go?"

"That's in Gould Hall, isn't it?" When she nodded, I continued. "I'll meet you outside the front door at four and take you to meet my uncle. It's about a six block walk."

"Sounds great, Rob. Should I wear anything special?"

No, if Uncle Gene wants some shots, he'll provide the clothes."

Thank you so much." And she reached across the desk and shook my hand, now standing a little taller and looking me in the eye.

She turned and walked confidently toward the door, and I watched, wishing the shorts were a little tighter so I could get a better idea of what was hidden beneath.


I called Uncle Gene immediately with the news. I told him all I knew about Faith. He thought she sounded just perfect.

I met Faith at Gould Hall and we walked the few blocks to Uncle's home and studio. She seemed quite giddy about the whole idea of being a model. She must have thanked me fifteen times. I reminded her that Uncle Gene and his client had the real say.

Uncle Gene is my mother's youngest brother. He is 28 years old and quite attractive to the ladies at 6 foot two and 180. He has wavy dark hair and deep blue eyes that startle the women. I would love to have the power he seems to have over them. I'm only eight years younger and an inch shorter, but my hair is straight and my eyes don't have his effect on women. He's my idol!

Gene met us at the door and ushered us through the living room and into his main studio. It was a large room with various backdrops hanging down and camera equipment in the center. He had Faith sit on a chair and walked around her several times with his chin in his hand while he hemmed and hawed. He would occasionally stop to consider her and make a frame of his hands.

Finally Gene stopped and said, "Faith, I would like to do some test shots. My wife, Suzanne will help you with hair and makeup, then we'll get started. First, though, I have to get the information on a contract. Basically it says all images of you are mine. I will of course provide you with some for a portfolio. However all images captured by me are my property. I in turn license them to my clients for use on their web sites or in their publications. Does that sound alright to you?"

Faith was still in awe of the situation and readily agreed and signed the contract while also providing a driver's license as identification (and proof of age.)

Suzanne was not my aunt, but Gene's current live-in girlfriend. She had been an exotic dancer when Gene convinced her to model for him. At 5'10", she was great modeling material. She had a golden mane of hair running down to the middle of her back, magnificent 38 Cs and an ass to die for. Since I had helped Gene with his photo shoots for several years, I also knew she was a certified exhibitionist and could suck a cock down her throat to the balls regardless of size. Today though she was in more conservative clothes than usual and doing an excellent impression of Suzy Homemaker. She did a remarkable job with Faith's makeup, keeping the girl-next-door look but highlighting just the right features to make her more photogenic. She also did little with her hair, combing it out and braiding it lightly in pigtails. She also gathered all of Faith's measurements for future shoots.

After approving of the look, Gene sent Faith to the dressing room and told her to change completely out of her own clothing and put on the garments laid out and marked as "Shot 1",

As she disappeared into the dressing room and closed the door, Gene motioned me behind one of the backdrops. "This is where we get our first look at your discovery," he whispered. "The shots from the hidden cameras in the dressing room are sold to a hidden cam web site, but we get to watch them live."

I looked at the two monitors. One was above and looking down toward a mirror and the other was low, probably below the mirror. We could clearly see Faith. She looked around and began removing her clothes. She had been wearing a flower print shirt and jeans. The shirt came off and was hung on a hook, so we could now see her plain white bra that was obviously holding in a nice pair of 36 Cs. She then sat on a stool and removed her Adidas and stood, turning away from the mirror and wiggled her jeans down her legs. As she did so, she bent aiming a nicely rounded, but white cotton covered ass at the mirror. Gene and I looked at each other and grinned.

Now Faith picked up the clothing marked as shot one and realized that a bra and panties were included with the simple white blouse and frock. She looked slightly puzzled, then shrugged. I grinned again as I realized how Gene had set this up. Faith reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, allowing her breasts to be freed. When she dropped it from her shoulders, I sighed deeply and Gene chuckled at me. Faith's aereola were the color of Hershey's chocolate and the size of half dollars. I whispered that if her nipples were erect they'd look like Hershey's kisses. Gene chuckled and nodded. After hanging the bra on the hook with her blouse, Faith's hands went to her hips. She peeled the white panties away and lowered them to her knees where she let gravity take over and drop them to the floor. I had been admiring the way her tits swayed when she bent down to pick them up and was then treated to my first look at her bush. It was a little darker than the hair on her head and obviously never trimmed, but the cleft of her nether lips was just visible from the lower camera.

Faith then proceeded to don the modeling clothes, first the rose colored panties and then the matching bra. The blouse and then the jumper followed this. Finally she sat and put on the white knee socks and the saddle shoes. She looked into the mirror and made sure all was in place and returned to the studio.

Gene went to her and positioned her standing before a mottled blue backdrop. He removed her glasses and tidied her hair. He turned her slightly and tilted her chin up.

She smiled broadly as he took one photo after another and made suggestions for different poses. After about 25 minutes, Gene sent her back to change again.

The next outfit of course had a different bra and panties, so we got to see the show again. Faith emerged in a summer dress and sandals and Gene repeated the photography process.

Faith was beaming when she came out after providing us with the third show. This one was a simple A-line dress, but the panties and bra were silk. She had rubbed the soft material against her cheek before putting them on. She had no idea that I had a hard on and was praying that Gene wouldn't ask me to get some film or anything requiring me to get up from my chair. Thankfully he didn't.

The fourth and final outfit of the day was a school uniform, always a turn on. It included white cotton panties much like she had worn when she came in and a front clasp bra. A White blouse, navy necktie and blazer, and a blue plaid skirt completed the outfit. Black flats with knee-highs were added just before she re-emerged.

When the last shot was complete, Gene told Faith she had done well and could change back into her own clothes. Then he added, "And Faith, you may keep the panties. I can't very well ask anyone else to wear them now."

Faith blushed slightly and thanked him. She disappeared into the dressing room for our fifth show of the day. I was a little surprised when she removed the panties she had on and replaced them with the silk ones before donning her original jeans and blouse.

When she emerged, she had again placed her glasses on her face and looked as she had before, except for the hint of makeup. Gene announced, "Well, Faith I am quite sure my client will want to use your shots. I should know in a few days. Leave your number with Rob and I'll be in touch. Suzanne will give you a twenty for today's work."

I walked Faith to the door and got her number before Suzanne came and gave her the $20. Faith thanked me again, this time with a kiss to the cheek and headed back toward campus.

Suzanne and I returned to the studio where Gene was looking again at the hidden camera shots and capturing stills to his computer. He had quite a smile. Suzanne watched over his shoulder as he grabbed stills of the unknowing, bashful girl exposing herself to the lens. I watched intently as well as the bulge in my pants began to grow again.

"Rob, my boy," said Gene, "I think you've found us our dream girl. She is just what I've been looking for. These shots will bring top dollar. The girl next-door look is really hot right now. I can probably even use a couple of the standard poses for the online clothing catalog so she can actually see them on the web and not get suspicious." He had a gleam in his eye and Suzanne was kissing his neck seductively.

"So, should I let her know to come back?" I asked eagerly.

"No, not yet. Give it a day or two. I want her to be a little bit anxious. Today's Monday. Call her on Wednesday afternoon and set something up for Thursday." He stopped his editing and turned to Suzanne, giving her a quick kiss on the mouth. "Honey, I'm going to need your help with her on Thursday. I think I'll do formal wear. She may need assistance with the strapless ones. I'm sure she has never worn a strapless bra." Suzanne nodded and he went on. "In a couple of weeks I'd like to progress to swimwear. I'll also need you to explain about trimming that wild bush of hers. Maybe you can give her a bikini wax."


I was already there and waiting when Faith arrived at the studio. I had arranged with Gene to raise and lower backdrops and at least look busy enough that she wouldn't know I was only there to watch her. I kind of think she liked having me there anyway, or at least hoped she did. I had helped Gene before on several shoots and really enjoyed watching (and a coupe of times participating in) some of the nastier ones, but it was somehow different with Faith.

Suzanne escorted Faith to the dressing room and followed her inside to do her hair and makeup. She added some blonde highlights to her hair. She also explained that they would be shooting formal wear and some of it might be tricky to put on. "If you need any help, I'll be right outside the door. Don't hesitate to ask."

Faith disappeared inside and Gene and I moved to the monitors. Being familiar with the routine now, Faith completely stripped and sorted out the first outfit while completely nude. I ached to suck those nipples and learn what was hidden in the bush.

Faith emerged in a gorgeous Kelly green gown. Her hair was done up on top of her head and she was wearing a tiara. She seemed a little wobbly in the heels, but managed to walk out and spin to show off her outfit. She looked ready for the Senior Prom.

When she got to the third dress, a strapless one, Faith did spend a little extra time to decide how to wear the odd looking bra, which just gave us more time to ogle her tits. It was on the fourth one that Gene tested some limits.

The black gown had buttons up the front to the neck and from the hip to the ankle. Faith came out with all but the top one fastened. Gene took a few shots and then walked over, as he often did, to adjust something, and simply and quickly undid three more at the top, causing a little cleavage to show. Faith didn't even flinch, just accepting his motions as she had when he adjusted her hair or collar.

After a few more shots, he went up and kneeled beside her, unbuttoning the skirt up about halfway between her knee and hip. He had her show some leg for the next several shots. She did so with ease.

This was followed by several "cocktail dress" ensembles, for which she had removed the tiara. I noticed they were getting increasingly shorter. The last one was very short and Faith was somewhat uncomfortable when she attempted to sit without showing her panties.

On the other hand, I got to see my ninth show of the night when she went to change back into her street clothes.