Dominant Warfare Pt. 03


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Her tight, tanned, silky skin glistened in the lamplight with her athletic figure sexily displayed. Steve couldn't ever remember seeing a woman dressed so erotically provocative. Yet, she was elegantly regal at the same time. All she needed was a headdress to the fit the part of an Indian princess.

As April shifted her hips from side to side, Steve's eyes rose to her face and he knew this was a tease. He could tell from her eyes that she wanted to blow his mind and truth be known, she did. However, Steve recovered enough of his wits and figured out what was going on.

When Steve entered the room April's heart leapt and the astonished look on his face told her everything was happening exactly the way she had predicted. She was now back in control and she was going to tease him until he begged for a kiss. Her stunning figure had mesmerized him, just as she knew it would. A teasing smirk crossed her face as he stood frozen in the doorway. She rocked her hips in a seductive belly dance in an effort to tease him just a little bit more.

Now she knew she had him just where she wanted, but his hot gaze was having its effect on her as well. His eyes felt like molten caresses crawling over her skin and her body instinctually responded. April was trying to squash her body's response, making sure she was in control, not him. Still, she felt butterflies in her stomach and an ache deep inside to really feel something more.

She put a seductive pout on her face, took a few steps towards him rocking her hips alluringly as she came. A twinkle came to her eye as she said, "Don't you like what you see?"

She lifted her hands above her head exposing the bottom half of her breasts, with her legs and belly tightening as she struck a ballet pose. "All of this could be yours!"

Steve let the door slam shut behind him and gently set all of his camera equipment on the floor. With a hard look of determination, he quickly closed the distance between them.

When he closed the door and set down his camera equipment, April shimmied her hips trying to tease him even more. When he straightened after setting down his camera equipment, his face had a fierce almost predatory look. As he strode towards her, the smirk vanished from her face and her eyes opened wide in fear. It suddenly dawned on her that she was virtually naked, alone in a strange man's bedroom and he could do anything he wanted. As he came within her personal space, she took a panicked step backwards. However, her heels caught in the carpet and she started to fall.

Steve kept his voracious look on his face, but inside he smiled as her look of teasing confidence turned into one of panic. As she started to fall backwards his right hand caught her shoulder. Meanwhile, his left hand snaked behind her head, weaving his fingers through her hair at the nap of her neck. As she regained her balance the hand that was buried in her hair closed into a fist full of hair, immobilizing her head.

In a very dominant and controlling move, his hand yanked her head backwards, forcing her to look at the ceiling. Her mouth fell open in surprise and that was the opening he wanted as his lips descended on hers. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and the air from her lungs, leaving her light headed, agitated and aroused all at once.

April was happy that he caught her when she started to fall, but when he knotted his fist in her hair she felt something desperately primal in her gut. She felt like a cave woman being claimed by her mate and it was all very carnal and primitive. Her arms that had been wind milling behind her trying to recover her balance now came forward with her fists beating on his chest.

His thick solid muscle didn't give an inch against her tiny fists. She felt as if she was hitting a brick wall and the arm controlling her head was like a band of steel. Her mind was spinning in a thousand different directions. She knew she had to get away and her fists continued to pound against this immovable hunk of man. At the same time she felt a primitive craving inside her and she didn't want him to stop. It was all very wanton with her greedy body demanding the physically scandalous treatment. His aggression was strangely raw, pure and wildly untamed, yet sensuous.

As Steve's mouth continued to devastate her lips and tongue, his other hand began caressing her silky naked skin. His hand started at her hip crossing her naked belly climbing towards her barely veiled breasts. To April, his caresses were like liquid fire making her hips squirm as the craving inside her continued to build. His caresses were soft and gentle while demanding and forcing her body to respond by giving its smoldering consent.

Inside her head April was screaming, "No, no, no, this can't be happening and I can't let him take me like this." The same time her body yearned for him to continue, arching her body into his hands demanding more. Then his hand caressed up under her vest, palming her breast. Her hands stopped fighting him and gripped his shoulders passionately. She moaned erotically into his mouth and her back arched, feeding more of her breast into his hand.

When his forefinger and thumb closed and squeezed on her nipple, all was lost. White-hot bolts of blistering fire ripped through her body leaving her lost in her rapturous agony. Her back arched even more demanding he continue. Her mouth tore away from his voracious kiss gasping and gulping for air, while at the same time whimpering and moaning blissfully. April's knees were shaking and she was thankful he was still holding her or else she would've sagged to the floor.

Steve pulled his face away from her and looking at her he knew he had conquered her haughty attitude, at least for now. Her eyes were half-lidded and crossed; while her mouth hung slack jawed. Her cheeks were flushed with her lips red and swollen. Her chest heaved trying to get air back in her lungs and fighting the fire inside her. Her hard thrusting nipples threatened to burst out of the vest and her hips weaved a sensual dance pleading for satisfaction.

On the outside Steve remained strict and authoritarian, but inside, her little show of lusty fire fanned the flames inside him. If there had been other circumstances, he would have ripped off her clothes and fucked her until she screamed his name. Steve loosened his grip in April's hair and pulled his hands from her. As her eyes began to focus on his, he asked, "Is that the kind of reaction you expected?"

April's mind was still lost in the fog of desire, while his kisses and caresses still vibrated her body like a guitar string. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she stammered, "I ...Ugh ... Came to ...Ugh ... Thank ... Ugh..."

Steve cut her off and said, "April, I know you're here to tease and you have no intention of following through on anything. You're here because I took command of our kiss earlier today and you can't stand someone having any power over you."

She slowly came out of her fog and settled in front of him. He had just nailed it and he knew exactly what she was trying to do. She had to recover, not let him know he was right, then still teach him a lesson. First order of business was denial, "I came here to reward you for saving me, and I was going to give myself to you as the ultimate gift. You have blown that, no way you get me now!"

The second order of business was to continue this seduction and make him pay for those remarks. "I wanted a real man to make love to me. I wanted you to make me feel things I had never felt before, but I guess I'm too much for you." April pulled on the string holding her vest together and as it parted her magnificent, mouthwatering breasts were revealed. "These could have been yours!"

She was breathing hard from both the exertion and excitement. Her breasts wobbled enticingly with her nipples thrusting like hard pencil erasers. She flipped her long hair behind her making sure her petulant show was appreciated. As April looked at Steve, she expected to see him in awe of the body displayed before him. However, he stood in front of her impassively, not reacting to her little temper tantrum.

Her confidence waned a little, because she had never worked this hard, been this naked and no one had ever ignored her seductions. The third order of business was to take back control and leave him wanting. April's amused look of confident teasing haltingly reappeared as she looked Steve in the eye. His eyes were hard and demanding and for a second her teasing look faltered again, but she recovered knowing she had to win this battle.

April slowly walked to the door. The muscles of her legs rippled as she walked, while her belly undulated throwing her hips from side to side. Her breasts bounced and wobbled beckoning with their firm succulent fullness. Like any red blooded male Steve gawked at the display of female flesh being presented. He knew this was another one of her tricks, but he could still enjoy it.

She had almost reached the door before he grabbed her arm and she turned to give him a side view of her body. From this side, except for a small string on her waist, everything including her breasts was spectacularly bare. Everything about her was in perfect proportion and that included her taut, elegantly displayed, naked ass cheeks. Steve was not normally an ass man, but with April he could make an exception.

Steve swung her back into his grasp and looked at her knowing everything she said was a lie. He decided to call her bluff, "I still believe you came here in a misguided attempt to recover the control you lost this afternoon. If you're telling the truth, I want you to know I don't do anything halfway."

Steve's hands began to once again sensuously stroke her naked tummy. His hands dipped underneath her loincloth sweeping over her womanly mound and stroking her clit before it rose to caress her breasts. April took a deep shuddering breath as his molten caresses set fire to her already wet pussy. Steve's fingers rolled then pinched her already inflamed and distended nipples. April sucked her breath through her teeth, hissing as her back arched in a plea for more.

She tried to keep her face impassive, but Steve could tell his hands were having the desired effect. He continued his maddening nipple play with her chest heaving and her belly undulating, while blistering erotic anguish controlled her body. His other hand gently cupped her face with his thumb sweeping caresses across her cheek.

April tried to regain control, but his blistering caresses kept her off balance. Her body had never felt this kind of tempestuous passion and she loved every second of it. She knew she was losing this conflict and somehow had to fight back and regain control. However, the indecent passion gripping her form was something she did not want to give up. Since this was the first time she felt this kind of submission, she knew she wanted more.

While he looked deep into her eyes he said, "If you did really come here to give yourself to me as the ultimate gift, then I will accept, but not now. Tomorrow night you're going to give yourself to me ... all of you. Whatever I want to do, you will do it. I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. I intend to leave you ravaged, vulnerable, and unable to think. By the time we make love I will know what you need and you will not be able to hide from me. You will accept my will, because you know that you belong to me and I will make it impossible for any other man to satisfy you."

While his fingers continued to torment her electrified body April felt her blood boiling at his words and his promises. No one had ever talked to her this way, but others had promised to fuck her like that. Everyone had been a disappointment and not one had even given her a single orgasm. However, Steve had a determination and confidence that made her yearn to feel his best effort.

Steve continued, "This is no small undertaking because the defenses you have built are high and strong, but I will keep my word no matter how long it takes. There will be fear and pain in tearing down your defenses. Your body and mind will be under my control and by the end of the night you will have no limits or boundaries left."

"I'm going to make you feel things for me that you have never felt with any other man and you will want no other by the time I finish. There'll be fear of what you've never seen or felt, but you are safe with me and I will protect you. I promise before the dawn breaks on the next morning you will be mine and you'll be ruined for any other."

His lips moved close to hers, slowly closing the distance. She felt his hot breath washing over her face and she knew he meant every word he said. The heat between her legs was a testament to the one simple truth; she wanted this. She wanted the dominance, the release he promised and the bliss he was guaranteeing. He was promising her everything she desired and dreamed of, but she was scared. Could she really do this, give herself to him, trust him and allow him to take control of her?

She was a strong woman with beauty, confidence and grace. She knew ultimately he could never take who she was, but a night like he was promising was something she had only dreamt of. As she looked into his eyes she yearned to be taken beyond her fear's abyss. She needed him to break her, hurt her and own her, but afterwards she wanted him to love and cherish her.

Steve's hands continued sending ripples of red-hot fire across her skin as he caressed her. His eyes mesmerized her and she couldn't look away as he concluded, "I will give you the day to think about it and if you call me I will take you places you've never been. You call tomorrow and tell me to stop if you want something different. April, once I start I will never stop until I have made you mine. So leave now and give me your decision tomorrow."

When he finished talking, April's confident look of teasing amusement had long since vanished. Her face registered total astonishment, desire and surprise. She was standing virtually naked, with a centerfold body erotically un-wrapped and on full display. She knew she was every man's wet dream, so why was he ordering her out? Her ... April Hunt ... the richest and most beautiful woman in the area ... was being kicked out! This had never happened, and he should be groveling at her feet right now. What the hell happened?

The whole point of her visit had been to regain control after that arousing kiss, but somehow he had ripped it away from her. However, he had gone beyond taking back control, because she was quivering inside ready for him to take her in a primal mating dance. She had never wanted anything more than to feel him unleash his carnal passion on her body and mind.

April knew she could not spend another night with her unsatisfying vibrators. She knew he wanted her, but she must not have tried hard enough. She jumped into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck, rubbing her turgid nipples against his shirt and humping her pussy against his thigh. She smothered his neck and face with kisses as his arms automatically held her tight. The desperate and yet seductive voice she breathed, "Take me now! There is no tomorrow, only now!"

Steve's hands automatically began caressing her silky soft skin and for a moment he was tempted to just take her, here and now. However, he knew if she got her way tonight it would just reinforce her spoiled and self-indulgent behavior. He knew it would take time to break down her haughty shell and find out who the real April was. Still the kisses and rubbing of her magnificent body had him as hard as a bar of steel.

He wanted her and she wanted him. He knew they would never be what they could be until he uncovered the real April. He knew this overindulgent persona was not who she really was. He wanted to make love to the April that she kept hidden from everyone else. He wanted to see the person who gave all of her money and time to those in need. He wanted to make love to the woman whose passion seemed to rule everything she did.

His hand swept around her hips and slid underneath her loincloth. His fingers flicked her clit before they easily slipped between her womanly lips. April's body tensed and her hips responded by thrusting against his probing fingers. Her kisses stopped and her head fell to his shoulder as she gave a throaty passionate moan. Her body began to quiver and her legs shake as his fingers thrust demandingly inside her.

Steve continued stroking her G-Spot while he caressed her clit. Only when he felt her body tensing with the onset of her orgasm did he pull his drenched fingers from the core of her sexuality.

April desperately thrust her pussy against his leg to try and achieve the orgasm that was so close she could taste it. She screamed desperately, "NO ... FINISH ME. YOU SON OF A BITCH, FINISH ME! You can't leave me like this!" She grabbed his hand and put it back between her legs, but Steve only moved his hand to her waist.

Steve looked into April's eyes and they were watery with tears of frustration. Somehow, he knew that this was the closest she had ever gotten to an orgasm with a man. He held her tightly to his chest until her tremors began to fade. Slowly he pushed her away until he held her at arm's length. Gently he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips before he said, "Tomorrow. Tomorrow, my love."

April felt humiliated and embarrassed. She had thrown herself at Steve and yet he still pushed her away, but only after he took her to the brink of a massive orgasm. This was the closest she'd ever come to an orgasm that wasn't self-induced. She was mortified and unbelievably frustrated. She knew he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him and yet even after she threw herself at him, he still refused to take her. April looked at him through watery eyes and asked, "Why? Why won't you take me?"

Steve cupped her face and stroked her cheek as he responded, "I want to make love to the real April. We both deserve more than a quick romp on the bed. You are a spectacular woman and I sense an even more spectacular woman inside you. That's whom I want to make love to. If you want, that is what we're going to do tomorrow. We're going to search for her and when we find her, I'm going to show her the passionate ecstasy that she deserves."

April's body was still vibrating like a guitar string. One more touch from him and she would've shattered into an amorous frenzy. Despite her shame and confusion, she desperately wanted him to make love to her. She held out her hands and in a lusty whimper said, "Bind me, take me now, do whatever you want to me, but don't wait until tomorrow."

Steve knew that imagination and anticipation were powerful aphrodisiacs and they were the strongest tools in his arsenal. By the time he arrived tomorrow she would be a quivering mass of womanly passion, with anticipation ruling her body. Allowing her to dream and imagine what the night would entail would have her more explosive than a box of TNT.

However, there was also a chance she could back out, but he needed to give her time to reach her own conclusions. Steve knew she was a strong woman and pushing her would do no good. She had to want this. She had to ask him to take her and he knew he could not conquer her until she desired it. If she wanted it, their night would be unlike any either of them had experienced

Steve reached behind him and pulled her coat from the chair wrapping it around her shoulders. He looked softly into her eyes as he buttoned the top buttons of her coat and gently said, "Tomorrow my love, tomorrow all your dreams will come true ... if you want them." Steve looked seriously into her eyes and said, "April there is one rule. You cannot have an orgasm until I'm there to give it to you. You can tease yourself all you want, dreaming of what is to come, but you cannot make yourself cum. Do you understand April?"