Donna's Fall Ch. 01


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But when Donna started checking out his form when he wasn't looking and enjoying the intimacy and the closeness they shared she got really scared. She really questioned herself when one night before her workout with Josh she spent about 5 minutes looking for a place to hide some breath mints as her new Lulu Lemon workout clothes were lacking pockets. She finally put them in her sock toward the back of her sneaker, where she figured she could reach for them nonchalantly. She also questioned her motivation for buying the thinner of the two Lycra bra tops knowing that her nipples would be more visible once she started exercising, she convinced herself it was the nicer of the two colors but she wondered if that was the real reason. She chalked these actions up as normal female behavior but wondered if deep down inside something else was going on.

What really broke the camels back happened one fall Sunday. It was really early and she met Josh at the club before it opened for regular members. She was lying down stretching and Josh was standing directly in front of her going through his warm ups when he got a call on his cell. Donna finished her stretching sat up and was staring inadvertently directly at Josh's crotch, his Under Armour bike shorts inches from her; he apparently hadn't put on his sweats yet for their jog together.

Donna immediately looked away but Josh was in a real animated conversation and didn't notice Donna at all. Donna continued with her sit-ups but on the next set hesitated in front of Josh to get a better peek. She didn't understand why she would take another look but she also knew that something she couldn't explain was in control. After her eyes adjusted their focus she could not believe what she was seeing. Right in front of her 15 year married eyes was the faint yet unmistakable outline of Josh's penis. She let out a little gasp of breath that was just audible, Josh looked down in concern but Donna quickly recovered and pretended to be in the middle of stretching her neck.

"Don't ever get old Josh," was Donnas' quick reply.

Josh barely responded and went back to the conversation he was having. That was when Donna knew she could get a better look. Her pulse was pounding and her mouth was dry. She felt on the one hand silly sneaking peeks at her personal trainer but on the other hand hadn't had sex in quite some time and could use some excitement even if she told herself it wouldn't amount to anything. She just couldn't believe what she just saw and had to confirm it. She leaned her head back as her eyes focused on their target.

"Oh my God," she thought. "He is huge!"

Donna wasn't a prude or anything but she had never thought a penis could attain this size. She could make out every detail through the thin lycra, the head and the shaft and even the thick vein meandering its length, and when just then Josh reached down and pulled up his t shirt to itch his stomach Donna could see the full package. Here she was getting an up close and personal view of this hunky guys penis and abs and that golden trail of curly dirty blonde hair running from his cute ripped stomach all the way down into his shorts.

Donna was so close she could smell the body wash he used that morning. She started to feel dizzy, like she was going to faint. She turned her head but wanted to linger in that spot breathing him in. She had never had feelings like this before. She didn't know what to do with them. She couldn't take any more of this and had to get out of there. She feigned an injury to her neck and excused herself apologizing to Josh that she couldn't continue.

As he tried to excuse himself from his conversation Donna said, "Please don't I really have to get some heat for my neck but I'll see you this Wednesday."

Josh said, "Oh OK, if there is anything I can do just let me know," and went back to his conversation.

"Oh my, what the fuck is happening to me?" Donna thought to herself as she headed to her locker. "These thoughts shouldn't be in my head, this is pure insanity; I am a happily married woman. Well, I mean I'm married."

Then she wondered about the couple of men who hit on her at the gym. Justin being one but there was also Joe Rubin and Gerry Harrington. They were both also here when Greg was a member, did they see how small he was in the showers and think I would be in the parlance of the male gender, "dying for a good fuck from a real man!" She couldn't help but think if their penises were all as big as Josh's'

She headed into the showers from the locker room with a towel wrapped around her and her favorite pair of flip-flops. She hated how some of the girls just walked around naked as a jay bird showing off everything, bending over, laughing with friends, talking on there cells. I mean some of these girls were not in the best shape. It was disgusting. Donna felt she was too classy for such behavior.

At least at this early hour and with the gym closed for a little longer she would have the showers to herself. She noticed as she passed some mirrors that her tits were flushed and her nipples were deep red and aroused. She also saw in the mirror that she was the epitome of a cougar. She still had a flat stomach a little bubble ass, great legs and a really sexy pussy. She loved being natural down there. While all the other girls were declaring war on each and every strand of hair that had the nerve to erupt on their bodies.

Donna was proud to display her natural bush for all to see. Being a blonde she wasn't very hairy and she did trim around the bikini line but she loved the look and feel of her natural pubic hair and didn't find it offensive in the least. She knew several women that waxed strictly for their husband's pleasure, but there was no convincing Donna. To her they looked like a bunch of two year olds and not the least bit sexy.

She turned on the shower and had to wait for the temperature to even out. She leaned back into the shower. Her body was tense and stiff, the warm water felt good. She closed her eyes and reached one hand up to the back of her neck and started massaging it. Her other soapy hand went automatically to her stomach and in a circular motion started to gently caress herself. Without her consciously realizing it her hand had drifted down to the top of her pussy where she started to rub her clit. A few seconds went by and she couldn't believe what she was doing. It was almost as if someone else had taken over her body. She barely masturbated at home never mind touching herself in public like this.

She looked nervously towards the hallway between the showers and locker room and heard total silence. Her hand continued on its journey, with the hot water, steam and soap just adding to the unwholesome atmosphere she found herself in. She thought about Josh even though she knew it was wrong. There was an urge there that had to be taken care of an urge that somehow had been awakened from a long dormant sleep.

She slipped two fingers into her pussy and slowly and rhythmically pumped in and out. All she could think about was Josh, with her other hand she continued to expertly stimulate her clit. She felt possessed. She could still smell him as she pictured his engorged penis, its length, and its girth. She fantasized that he was in the shower with her and he was taking off his shorts and how heavy and massive his dick looked, she knelt before him and slowly licked the head of his penis all the way to the base where she lingered at the soft curly pubic hair and breathed in his masculinity. She turned him around to look at his ass and continued planting little kisses all around his cute tight ass. Donna reached underneath and grabbed his balls and what she could fit of his dangling penis in her hand, the combined weight of which really surprised her.

She knew her orgasm was approaching when she gently opened his ass cheeks and stuck her tongue right into his asshole, she imagined his strong odor which sent her over the edge. What seemed like an internal bomb started to slowly explode deep in her womb expanding rapidly to include her whole lower body. She couldn't stop what was happening. She was in a semi crouch, she clenched her jaw tightly as her nostrils flared and she tilted her head up. Her clit was on fire and she was trying to muffle the loud groan that came from deep within. It was no use as her moaning and wailing echoed off the tile walls and returned to her in an unrecognizable format. It was an out of control sound, guttural and animalistic, one she found totally foreign.

Her orgasm slowly subsided; she was dizzy and confused as she partially leaned against the cool tile wall for balance. She couldn't believe what she had just done. She had always been taught that masturbation was wrong and immoral but something inside of her had just rejected that philosophy and Donna felt at that moment a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was still panting and somewhat confused when she heard a couple of voices coming into the locker room. The club had just opened.

On the way out Josh stopped her and asked how she was feeling. Turning beet red like he had known what she was just doing Donna hurriedly thanked Josh and apologized again for having to cancel her session.

Now in her car she was feeling some guilt. She bit her lower lip as the car behind her honked for her to go, her mind was just a puddle of goo and she had to pull over into a nearby convenience store. What just happened scared her, both because of the intensity and because of the realism of the experience. She decided right then to call the woman's gym and start a new membership. She would cancel her last session with Josh using her injury as an excuse. That would be the end of all this nonsense and she would get back to normalcy.

As she arrived back at her house Greg was kneeling down gathering up some leaves and twigs on the walkway. Donna was in a hurry and had to go to the bathroom and as she felt raw and vulnerable didn't really want to stop and talk. As she was going past him she looked down and could see his pasty white crack hanging out of his pants. How disgusting she thought to herself. How ironic she thought that just moments ago she was fantasizing about this young stud and now she had the grim task of facing her real everyday boring life. She continued past Greg saying she had to use the bathroom.

It occurred to her how small Greg was in comparison to Josh. I mean he didn't even put a dent in his generic tighty whities. Donna wondered if all men were Josh's size and now wished she had more sexual experience. She thought about all the times before she was married where she could have easily experimented. She then remembered an article she read that said something about how as some women age they could experience big swings in their sexual desire. She felt sad as the thought crossed her mind that maybe she had wasted a big portion of her life. Maybe men would soon stop hitting on her as her looks and youth faded.

She also thought about religion and her church. Since she was a catholic she was always taught to be a prude in regard to sexual matters but recently she had been re thinking her position. I mean with all the scandals involving the church these days did they really have the answers for her. Were they the moral authority on such matters?

It was very early Saturday morning and Donna was getting ready for her trip to Las Vegas. Greg was still in bed and the kids were asleep. She tiptoed out of the bedroom with her luggage and went down to the kitchen where she had a bowl of oatmeal. She saw the cabs headlights in the early morning darkness flash across the mudroom interior and knew it was time to go.

Donna grabbed a Venti coffee at Starbucks, black as usual to avoid the extra calories and a pack of after coffee mints. While wasting time before boarding Donna perused the magazines at the airport bookstore. Her eye was drawn to the blurb on the cover of a local Boston magazine that read "Swinging in the Suburbs"; she chuckled to herself and grabbed it along with a Glamour and Cosmo.

She found a seat at the gate far away from the crowds and spread out her luggage and laptop. She started to read some email preparing to work before boarding the plane but quickly became disinterested. She glanced at the magazines she bought and picked up the Boston magazine and flipped to the article on swinging. She was vaguely familiar with the term and thought that mostly California types from the sixties participated. But it piqued her interest seeing that it was supposedly happening in her own backyard.

As she read the article she was surprised how it mentioned her town and the next town over from her as a hotbed for swingers in the Boston area. She was amazed at what goes on behind closed doors. They interviewed one anonymous couple from a town next to theirs where the woman was bored with the suburban life and she had talked her husband into trying the lifestyle. It turned out she was what they called a size queen, a term Donna had never heard of but the magazine explained as meaning she preferred men who were "well endowed."

Donna noted with interest how many of the women in the article characterized themselves as "size queens." The article went on to say because women were now empowered by such things as higher education, access to the internet and the fact so many of them were earning more than their husbands they were also becoming more demanding and aggressive sexually.

The article interviewed the local police for a comment off the record and found that there had been instances of fights breaking out at these parties, as some of the husbands would get jealous after seeing their spouse "party" with different men. It was becoming a real problem for them. Every weekend there seemed to be trouble. However because the neighborhood was so ritzy no police reports were ever written up on the matter as it was left to the discretion of the responding officer.

Donna was somewhat shocked that this was actually going on in her neighborhood but she was also shocked reading about these women who would not only crave men with big dicks but had their husbands go with them to search it out.

"Greg wouldn't be caught dead at that type of party," she thought to herself. Her mind started to wander as she pictured herself at one of these parties checking out the men as they walked by her, a chill ran up her spine. Her train of thought was interrupted by the announcement that her plane was boarding.

She really didn't mind these trips to Las Vegas, they were usually a lot of fun and she had the potential to sell a lot so she treated it as a kind of break from the everyday monotony of suburban living. She didn't gamble or drink much and she didn't know a lot of people there but she enjoyed the over stimulation and the circus like atmosphere. She felt she could get lost there and she didn't have to answer to anybody, it was good therapy.

She boarded the plane and sat in her seat, which as usual was the window seat. She loved not having to get up for anyone else and found the window seat the most comfortable as she could rest her head against the side of the plane. She immediately put her headphones on and took the position that told everyone around her not to bother her. She hated when she got stuck with the yapping grandmother or the smelly fat traveling salesman trying to make a move on her. She had just closed her eyes when she could feel someone maneuvering into the seat beside her.

"Oh great!" she thought, she was hoping the seat would be empty but no such luck in this day in age. Not wanting to make eye contact she looked down and could make out a nice pair of designer jeans and what looked like some very nice Italian loafers. Intrigued she gave in and turned to take a quick glance at this person. "Wow, he's no grandmother!"

He had a navy wool gab sport jacket on and a watch that must have been worth at least $10,000, a light chambray shirt underneath and a million dollar smile. As he got up and took off his jacket to put it in the overhead, Donna took off her head phones and reached down into her bag to grab a few after coffee mints and quickly put one in her mouth. She saved the other one in her hand for later.

He sat back down and turning to Donna introduced himself. His name was Bobby Welch and he was some sort of trader for a big Boston Financial company. He was about 42, lived on the North Shore of Boston and was a big time sailor. He was going out to Las Vegas on a whim to meet up with some friends to go rock climbing in the desert. He usually traveled only in first class but made his plans so late he had no choice but to fly coach. Just then the pilot announced a delay of 15 minutes while they waited for a connecting flight to land.

Over the course of the delay Donna and Bobby really hit it off. She had made a deal with herself on the spot that although she didn't want it to go any further she was going to enjoy herself and not worry so much about being proper. She also was not going to bring up her husband and kids unless he did first and to top it off she was going to touch him on the arm if she wanted when making a point. Donna was ready for some fun and wanted to make up for some lost flirting time. In the worst-case scenario if he tried to go further she would just handle it at that time with a polite but firm rejection.

She could tell her charms were working on him as he was just about sideways talking to her. He was really interested in what she did for a living and he had some great stories of his own.

Bobby maintained great eye contact and Donna was now really looking forward to this plane ride. He mentioned somewhat vaguely that maybe they could get together sometime during the week. It was said in such a casual way Donna simply said that it sounded good and let it go at that. When she "caught" him looking at her chest on more than one occasion she knew she still had it.

It had been about an hour and they were still just sitting at the gate when they heard passengers from the connecting flight coming up the aisle. As Bobby turned away from Donna to face forward she quickly popped the other mint into her mouth. She excused herself and ran to the bathroom before takeoff. While in the bathroom she giggled and was surprised at how naughty she was being.

She looked into the mirror and could see why a man would be interested in her. She fixed herself up like she was going on a date. She took off her zip hoodie revealing a tight ribbed tank top. She felt he would really appreciate it, as he seemed like a breast man. She took a baby wipe out of her bag and just in case wiped under her arms, and between her legs. It was really getting steamy down there and she felt she could use a clean up.

Upon her return she was surprised to see that someone was occupying the aisle seat. As she got closer she could hear their laughter and arriving at her aisle she was greeted with a rude stare. She was, no denying it a knockout; a brunette with wavy hair, beautiful blue big eyes, the whole nine yards. Her breasts were bigger than Donna's and the shirt she wore left nothing to the imagination. After taking her seat she noticed a distinct change in attitude from Bobby. Although still polite and respectful his attention was now focused in the opposite direction. They seemed to hit it off well as there was a lot of laughing and playful banter. She would ever so slightly place her hand oh his forearm and squeeze when laughing at his jokes. She leaned over whenever possible giving him a great view of her chest every chance she could.

After about two hours of this Bobby got up to go to the bathroom. Donna noticed that she was doing something with her hands. She had turned her wedding ring around to hide it from Bobby and was now taking it off ever so quietly and placing it in her bag. "What a sneaky bitch," Donna thought.