Double Blind Date


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"Uh...Good morning," she said and then laughed nervously.

"Morning," I replied. Her eyes moved away from mine, unable to meet my gaze. I was glad, I felt so awkward. But neither of us dared moved, our naked bodies remained tangled together and I could feel her muscles move slightly against mine. After several agonizing minutes, Riley's gaze returned to me.

"Sorry, just not used to this," she apologized. I shrugged a little.

"Waking up with a girl?" I asked.

"Well yeah, obviously that. But I mean, waking up after a drunken hookup and having the person still in my bed," she explained, "It is a little weird." I remembered my attempt to bolt.

"Well I guess that shows how men are different from women, it would have being so disrespectful for me to just abandon you," I said, trying to lend a knowing air to my voice. Riley seemed to pick up on it.

"Couldn't get out from under me eh?" she asked.

"Not for lack of trying," I said and now she laughed, this time without anxiousness. I loved the way she sounded, that musical, feminine quality of her laugh and I joined her. Riley rested her head on the pillow next to me, looking at me with some concentration.

"So what happened?" she asked after a long pause. It seemed like a simple question, but wasn't. I gave the simple answer.

"We had sex," I said. Riley made a raspberry noise with her tongue.

"Well yeah," she said, "But I mean...What happened? One second we were drinking and being friends, the next we were baring our sexual dirty laundry, and then all of the sudden we were back here having sex. Like incredible sex." I blushed at her description, but it was accurate. The best sex I'd ever had. And very sudden.

"I don't know," I responded honestly, but the more I thought of it, my mind now sober, the more it made sense. Well, some kind of sense. So I decided to share it with her, "I think our friends realized that we wanted something that we'd hidden from ourselves. And last night, in an unguarded moment, we'd both been exposed at the same time. We both, at least for the night, accepted what we wanted and were surprised to find someone else who wanted the same thing. And we grabbed onto one another both because we knew what the other was feeling and because we knew that if we stopped then, if we backed down, we would just hide from ourselves again. We both knew without thinking or saying anything that...if we stopped then we might bury ourselves forever." It was the only explanation I had, and it felt so right in my mind.

"Thank you," Riley said after a long moment. I shook my head slightly.

"Why?" I asked. I hadn't done anything that I could think of that deserved thanks.

"I think you are right about last night. And I don't think I could've done that without you. And I don't just mean the obvious, like that I couldn't have had sex without another person. I mean, I don't think I could've gone through with doing anything with anyone, except for you. Someone who was feeling and thinking the same things."

"Well then thank you," I responded, "Because I feel the same way." I leaned forward now and kissed Riley gently on the lips. It felt like the only thing to do. Our eyes closed, it felt much like our first kiss the previous night. Chaste but somehow sexual, gentle but powerful. I felt my body begin to react and I could feel Riley respond as well. Slowly, our kiss broke. We looked at each other again for several minutes, just smiling like two kids in love for the first time.

"What does this mean? Like for me...or" Riley asked after a long while. I'd been thinking about the same thing but lacked the courage to ask. I let out a sigh.

"I don't know. I know, for me, this means I can no longer delude myself. I know that I am a lesbian woman and I know, from last night, that it is right for me. Nothing ever felt as right as last night," I said, Riley blushed and nodded, "But I learned last night that I have some complicated feelings for my best friend that I've never really come to terms with. I know that those feelings can't go anywhere, Kim is not a lesbian. But I have to sort of get a handle on those feelings now that I recognize them. I don't know what that means for us..." It was difficult to say. I wanted to just tell Riley I loved her and to have my story end with a happily ever after, but life is not that easy. Even after a single night I had real affection for Riley, I shared a bond with her that even Kim and I did not have. But that didn't mean that I knew anything more than that. Hell, I really did barely know this girl who was 9 years my junior.

"I still can't imagine what my mother would say, if she knew," Riley said after a long pause. I realized that her life was no simpler than mine. I rubbed my hand, gently across Riley's arm and gave her some support, "I know I am not going to Hell for last night. I know that because I know that there is no such place as a lake of fire and if there was, I wouldn't go there for doing something natural. But it is hard to just turn that off. I mean I believed it for so long." Riley sort of stared past me as she spoke. I knew she was trying to say the same thing I was. I decided to just come out and say it.

"It is too early to know," I said, "My life changed completely in the last 12 hours. All sense of predictability is gone." Riley's eyes focused and she smiled again.

"So what do we do? I mean I always just did whatever I was told to do. How do I live if I am not living my mother's life?" She asked. I wondered the same thing. What was my life if it wasn't the mystical vision of normality that I'd created for myself so long ago? Strangely, that thought was comforting. I felt a freedom from constraint that I couldn't describe. My life, just like Riley's mother's life, was irrevocably broken. Whatever we made now would be whatever it was.

"Well," I said smiling, "Maybe we just live today like we did last night. Let's not make any plans or bind ourselves to anything we can't bear. Let's just do today what feels right for today and assume that it will lead to something right tomorrow." It was the only possible decision and Riley nodded back, her face looking without worry.

"What feel right at this minute?" she said, and as she spoke, she moved her right leg slightly. I felt the smooth, hot skin of her thigh rub across my pussy and I gasped slightly. My body tingled. I moaned slightly and looked at Riley. She looked so beautiful and I remembered the way she made me feel the night before. I realized that she was the only person in the world, at that moment, who knew who I really was. I spoke without thought.

"I don't want to say something that goes beyond this moment. I am not trying to plan out a future I can't possibly yet imagine. But I need to tell you that now, at this moment, I love you. And no matter what the future brings, if this is our last moment together, I will love you forever in this moment. What feels right, at this moment, is to show you how much I love you." I leaned forward now, closed my eyes and pressed my lips to Riley's cheek. My lips melted into her soft skin and I heard her gasp slightly. Her breath was in my ear and I knew that her mouth was right against my cheek.

"I love you too," she whispered, and then turned her face toward mine. I turned to meet her. In a moment, our eyes closed and our mouths met. Opposed to the exhilarating novelty of our first kiss or the quenchless passion of our later embraces the night before, this kiss had something else. A genuine tenderness. I felt Riley's lips on my mouth and the slightest hint of her tongue and felt a comfort from her. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her tighter into me. Our breasts, still unclad from the previous night, pushed together and I felt the sticky warmth of her body.

For several minutes we just lay there, naked in one another's arms, our mouths pressed together. Occasionally, I would open my mouth and her tongue would find mine. But even this was gentle, sweet more than ardent. I thought of how different it felt to kiss Riley while I was sober, to have complete control over myself. But even with that control, to know that this was what I wanted. In some ways, it was better than the previous night.

I felt my body start to respond to our embrace and to our kisses. Just because we were calmer did not mean that to kiss Riley was any less arousing. In fact, our loving embrace felt even more exciting. I felt my pussy start to grow wet from the excitement. Perhaps more importantly, I could feel Riley's pussy dripping onto my thigh. She was aroused as well. And it created some sort of virtuous cycle. My arousal turned her on, just like her arousal turned me on. My excitement drove her excitement higher and vice versa.

It wasn't really a conscious thing, but soon our bodies began to crave something more. I sort of rolled over completely on my back. My mouth stayed hot against Riley's because she rolled over with me. I kept my right leg bent slightly at the knee and Riley straddled it. At the same time she buried her right knee in the bed, slipping it below my ass so that my pussy was still against her thigh. Riley leaned over me, her nipples dangling down slightly (though perkily) against my skin. Her kiss continued to entrance me as we moved positions.

Without any sort of communication, we both started to move at the same time. We didn't really have a plan, we just sort of acted as our bodies willed. I started to grind my wet pussy against Riley's thigh. From her position straddling my legs, she began to do the same. I could feel the heat of her pussy and its delectable wetness as it rubbed up and down on my leg. Her nipples traced across my skin as she moved. I started to grind against her harder, loving the way my wet clit felt on her deliciously smooth skin. I moaned into Riley's mouth and she returned the favor.

For a long while we stayed like that. Our mouths locked together in a ceaseless embrace, our breasts just barely touching (causing our bodies to tingle and enhancing our excitement), and our pussies pressed against one another's legs. I kept grinding harder and harder, feeling my hips move sensuously as I chased the sensation. Riley moved the same way and as my hands moved over her body I could feel the sexy, feminine movement of her body as she grinded her clit against my thigh. We found a rhythm together, moving at the same time and in the same manner, feeling the same thing. It was like there was a shared pleasure that we were both reaching for, and we were going after it together.

The longer we moved together, the louder we became. We refused to break our kiss, but I made noises in my throat and I could hear Riley make a cute, sexy little chirping noise. I could feel the tension building together, her noises bringing me higher just like my noises were affecting her. Our sexual smells, the ones I had so intimately learned the previous night, melded together as well, creating a sort of haze that deliciously engulfed us. As our bodies, sounds, smells, and tastes meshed together, we ceased to even seem like separate beings. I knew what she experienced because I experienced it, I knew what she thought because I thought it, and I knew what she felt because I felt it. At right at that moment, I understood exactly what Kim had said when she told me I was looking for something I didn't even understand. It wasn't just a lover, it was this exquisite togetherness, this intimacy of spirit that my soul had been lacking and now found.

"Oh God," I moaned around Riley's mouth. That thought, the perfectness of that idea was enough. Just as I came to that realization, my body, too, reach a climax. I felt Riley shaking and I knew that she felt it too. Our bodies locked together more closely and it was impossible to know whose body was where and where the wondrous, orgasmic sensation was located. It flittered between our bodies and encompassed us both as one. I heard a cry and I could not tell if it was my voice or hers. I felt such intense pleasure; such a rolling encompassing absorbing warmth that I knew it could not come from a single body. I had become one with my lover, and we shared the emotional and physical desire of two.

Riley collapsed on top of me as our orgasms faded. We were both breathing heavily and we lay together. She buried her face in my breasts and I wrapped my arms around her. For a long while we just laid that way, together and satisfied. The afterglow of our orgasm felt more intimate that it had the previous night, perhaps because we'd shared them. I played gently with her hair for a while and felt no overwhelming need to talk to think as I had before. Everything made sense and I felt so content. I could tell by the way that Riley felt against me that she was feeling the same thing. After half an hour, I almost fell back asleep. But then Riley spoke.

"Well, I have to get up and eat," Riley said comfortably. It didn't seem like we needed anymore explanations, we felt at peace, "come on I will make you breakfast." I kissed her one more time as she rolled off of me. She got up and walked across the room and I enjoyed the sight of her naked body walking away from me, the toned features of her butt and the gentle curves of her body. I reached over to grab my phone as I sat up. I hadn't called into work, and I wondered if I was in trouble. I would tell them I was sick.

All I had was a single text. From Kim. I opened it quickly and read it, "Oh my God!" I said, "You have to hear this!" Riley was almost to the kitchen area of her apartment, but she turned back and looked at me.

"What?" she asked.

"Kim wrote, 'I checked my account balance this morning. Your dinner cost Eric and I $421.74. You better still be on that date!'" I looked up from my phone at Riley. Her eyes got wide and then we both started to laugh. How much did each bottle of wine cost? Eventually our laughter died and Riley shook her head.

"I never expected that!" Riley said and I thought of her devil-may-care attitude and how it had drawn me to her. Of course she hadn't expect it, that was what made her Riley, "We will have to pay them back." She finished, showing there was no malice in her carelessness. I smiled at her and felt my affection growing.

"I don't think we ever can," I said and I got up from the bed to eat breakfast with my blind date. We'd solve all our problems later.

The End.

I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence. Consider that your payment for the free story. And if you liked this, I beg you to read my other stories. Thanks!


P.S. - I do one edit on my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free pornography you all would be better served by getting it fast (if a little rough) then waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Just try to enjoy the porn.

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Daniel6700044Daniel670004425 days ago

Love this. A long, slow burn, but truly worth the effort!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

We should all have friends like Kim and Eric! Without them, this story never would have happened!

Anthony1965Anthony1965about 1 month ago

What a beautiful well written story. I loved it. Such a beautiful, loving, and erotic story.

turbo_geoduckturbo_geoduckabout 2 months ago

I've read this story 4 times, and I still love it to death!

Well done, and thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The best I have ever read! I almost died inside with this line, "I wanted to drink her in entirely so that her sex would fuel my body, become a part of my cells and therefore a party of my existence." Loved the first person narrative with the profound dive into the character's mind, feelings, and sensory perception. If you ask me that is the correct formula to nail it here in Literotica.

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