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Slowly I walked down the hall towards the kitchen. I could hear Lilly pulling plates around preparing our meal. For some reason, I stopped. Looking to my right, I found myself right outside my little girl's room. The same room I spied on just an hour before. My imagination went wild putting the voices together with the location laid before me. I could almost see Lilly pleasuring Celeste in many different ways. As many as my fevered mind could muster.

I looked back in the direction of the kitchen and saw no one coming. What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this...

I took a step into her room. And then another. My eyes fixed to the bed wear I could swear I saw a flicker of light dancing off the bedspread. Reaching out with my fingers, I trailed them slowly through this shinning spot. It felt moist. It was slightly sticky. My fingers came to my nose as I inhaled deeply.

An aroma that was as familiar as it was unexpected invaded my senses. This could only be the scent of a woman. Which woman didn't matter. It could be one or the other or both.

My heart started pounding. Blood was flying through my veins harder than before as my mind went crazy with whose it could be. My loins began to quiver. My palms began to sweat. I could hear a primal scream deep in my mind.

Calm Down! Calm down, Jack! Breathe. Breathe! BREATHE!...

I don't remember closing my eyes, but that is when I opened them. I exhaled deeply and began to turn to leave. Before I could, I noticed something else. Near her trash can was a bright pink bag, slightly crumbled. A big white heart was printed on the outside.

I picked it up and looked inside. There, in the bottom, was a crumbled up receipt. I stretched it out to make it legible. It was from a place called 'Just a Secret.' I never heard of this place, but I don't tend to drive round town much. Besides, that wasn't what was important. It was what was purchased. Halfway down the receipt, it read: 'BenWaBls'... Ben Wa Balls?

I've heard of these before. Small balls made of metal for multiple purposes. You could fit two in your palm and rotate them around each other as a way to relax or train muscles. A big feature of them it the sound they make. A hollow ringing that pleases the ear. But one of the biggest items of interest for them is their erotic purpose.

If a woman inserts the two small balls into herself, their clanging together acts as a way to build her up to a sexual peak. Basically, if she uses them for five minutes, you should hope to God you are the first man she sees because she's about to jump your bones.

The receipt fell from my fingers. My little girl... I couldn't be mad at her. She is of age for these things, but.... I still felt it hard to comprehend. When did it happen? I tried to deny she was growing up months ago when Helen and I discussed getting her the pill. I just denied it was happening.

I looked down when I noticed my hands were shaking. This is too much to take right now.... I have to get out of this room.

Just a handful of moments pass and Lilly and I are together downstairs. Some music video thing is playing on the television. I don't mind it much; I like music in the background. It keeps my mind from wandering. That seems to be a dangerous occurrence right now anyways. If I began to drift off, I know exactly what's going to awaken.

I take a seat at our counter in the kitchen. The swivel based stool turns slightly under me as I set my weight into it. Little Lilly has her back to me as she slices the pizza. How did I miss her growing up so fast? How did I make this gorgeous woman in front of me? Her short skirt displays the long and silky legs that remind me so much of her mother. Their legs are almost identical, from the soft skin around her thighs to her delicate toes. The gold Chain clasped loosely around her right ankle sparkled as the reflections danced along her feet.

As my eyes traveled up, I noted how her simple collared blouse was hemmed too short as it showed off the small of her back as she leaned in to her slicing. I've always found the back of a woman to be one of their most sexy features but I've never been sure why. I didn't find that elusive answer as I gazed upon my little girl's long and smooth back. Maybe it arouses the curiosity. Perhaps it is the simple elegance of it. It always makes you want to press your own body up against hers as she arches her back. Your hands wrap around her and hold you to her. The scent of her hair fills your lungs. Her long neck just below your lips. You can barely make out the corner of her smile.

Lilly dropped the pizza on a paper plate directly in front of me. My attention snapped back. I couldn't recall if I was just staring at her... was I? I could see no evidence of it. As I looked to her face, all I could see were those rosy red cheeks which I know were not from embarrassment.

I watched as she coasted around the corner and plopped herself on the stool next to me. The sudden impact caused a surprised moan to jump from her lips. I know I gave an odd look because she looked at me sheepishly when she caught my gaze.

She settled herself and took a big bite of her pizza. She looked at me and gave a big grin.

I couldn't help but ask.

"So Lilly, I can't help but notice you seem a little... different today. Anything new?'

She swiveled her chair back and forth as she chewed. She shook her head with that same smile. My mind was glued to the fact the Ben Wa balls must be inside her pussy right now. My little Lilly is all but getting off right in front of me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks... and somewhere a bit south of that too.

We ate in silence. That was probably for the better because I was afraid of any words that came out of my mouth right now.

Lilly paid no attention to me as she watched the TV. She was still facing me, but her upper torso was slightly turned. She kept swiveling her seat back and forth. She had no idea that as she did so, her skirt raised a little. With every turn, her legs seemed to spread. Almost every second, she showed a little bit more... And she had no idea.

I couldn't pull my eyes away. Not if the Pope himself suddenly appeared in the kitchen and began to freak dance with Janet Reno. I couldn't look away from the sight of my daughter unknowingly exposing herself.

Her forbidden skin lay before me. Her inner thigh glowed with a slight hint of a tan. My heart was pounding as the fabric crept higher. She began to rotate in small circles as she pushed herself into the chair. And then her soft cotton panties came into view. The very same glitter like the spot in her room coated those pink panties of hers. She was so incredibly wet from arousal her underwear was soaked. Her skin shared the same glitter now. Her breathing was deep as her chest began to rise and fall. The tiny dots of her nipples thrust out from under her blouse. My own daughter, past the point of innocent experimentation, was now a bottle of pure arousal.

I had to fight every urge not to slam her against the counter top and rip off those pink panties of hers. My hand began to shake again as my erect cock betrayed me once more. Jack, you sick fuck! That's your daughter! Calm the fuck DOWN!

I knew if I stayed her any second longer, I could lose complete control. Startling sweet Lilly and myself, I burst out of my seat and fled into the comforts of my room, I shut the door behind me. What am I doing?!? Christ Jack, keep your wits! I leaned my back against the door and sunk to the ground. I buried my head in my hands as I tried to calm down. The little fucker between my legs still called. I tried with all my will to ignore it. I can't give in! I won't give in! Over and over I told myself this. Never had I felt this way before, and I never wanted to ever again.

It was then a soft tapping came from the door. Lilly's sweet voice followed.

'Daddy? Daddy are you okay?' She asked with the most sincere concern.

'Daddy? Can you hear me?'

Careful, Jack. Keep it calm. Stay collected.

I was barely able to form a reply.

'Yes, Lilly. I'm here.'

'Are you okay? You just stormed out of there like something was wrong.'

Easy now, Jack. Breathe... Breathe.

'No, Lilly.... Nothing's wrong....' I breathed out slowly. 'Nothing's wrong,' I repeated in a whisper to myself.

'Are you sure? You seemed awfully upset.'

'I'm okay, Baby. Thank you.'

I'm such a bad father.

There was a long silence. Then her hushed reply came.

'Do you want me to come in? I feel weird talking to the door.'

Part of me screamed "YES!" but I couldn't trust that right now. I couldn't trust myself around her no matter how I could rationalize it.

'No, Lilly. I'm okay....I'm okay." I am far from that.

I could almost smell her sweet scent through the door as I leaned against it. A tear betrayed my calm front and belligerently crept down my face. I was tearing myself apart inside and she had no idea. She must never know. I could never let her know. Regardless of what I told myself, I was still afraid.

'okay then,' My sweet little angel replied. 'I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna' stay home tonight. I know you have your poker game and all, but it's been a long week. I'm just gonna' take it easy.'

The Poker game. It's Friday. I almost forgot. This was the perfect excuse to getting my mind off of this house and getting the hell out of it. Even if it was for a few hours.

'Thanks, Sweetie.' I replied. Then her soft footsteps retreated to her room. Her door shut, and I exhaled once more. Damn it, Jack. What have you become?

It took some time, but I finally was able to stand up. I turned on the radio higher than I should. I needed sound. I needed to keep my mind preoccupied. Grabbing some casual wear, I dressed for a 'Guy's night.' It would be a welcomed vacation right now.

As I left, I noted Lilly's door was shut. I wanted to say 'bye' but I couldn't even bring myself to tapping on the door. I just walked right on by.

I walked out of the house and stood out on the front steps for a moment. The fresh air hit me with a cool breeze. My blood was still pumping hard, but this little moment was welcomed dearly. I looked up to the dark sky. The sun had set and I never notice. There didn't seem to be any stars tonight. Because of my dark thoughts about Lilly, being surrounded by darkness seemed fitting. I took a deep breath and started towards my car.

As I unlocked it, I couldn't help but notice a strange car across the street. I couldn't place it, but that dark colored sedan seemed very familiar. I don't remember it belonging to the neighbors... But then again, I'm not that nosy anyway. Screw it. I'm losing my mind anyway, so this probably is nothing.

I hoped in my car and pulled out of the driveway. It wasn't until I was around the corner that I realized I left my wallet at the house. Damn I've been losing it! Turning around, I started back. As I turned onto our road, I stopped.

It was the odd sedan. A tall figure got out of the car and crossed the street towards my house. Who the fuck is this? Then suddenly my mind flashed to standing outside Lilly's door. She was planning on having Allen over tonight. My heart began to pound its primal rhythms as I remembered her plans. This little prick was coming over for my little Lilly. A new found emotion awoke in me. Anger.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I dialed and waited for the answer. After to rings, it picked up.

"Steve... It's Jack,"

Allen was on the sidewalk now.

"I won't be able to make it out tonight."

I didn't even pay attention to his response as I watched that little prick leave my sight.

"Sorry, Just some family stuff came up. I'll see you guys back at the office, alright?" I concluded as I hung up the phone.

My cock was harder than ever as got out of the car leaving it at the end of the street. I hurried along hiding in the shadows as I approached my house. I ducked into the bushes in front as I saw Allen's dark figure waiting impatiently for Lilly to come to the door.

A shaft of light poured out from the house as Lilly opened the front door in nothing but her underwear. They exchanged no greeting as she grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him inside roughly. The door slammed shut behind them.

My blood boiled. I couldn't stop myself as I crept slowly up to the door. I peeked into the windows surrounding the entrance. No movement could be seen. I must be fucking nuts to stare through the windows of my own house... But I could not care less. My feet moved as if with a mind of their own as I moved through the shadows and around the back. I looked into every window I passed like I was the worst Peeping Tom of the town.

Then I saw them.

I spotted them in the living room as I stood in the bushes outside the back window. My Sweet Lilly was on her back as she and Allen proceeded to exchange tongues. Her hands ran up and down his back. First above his shirt. Then she slid them under. I could see one of Allen's hands on the left breast of my little girl. She moaned loudly as he slid his had under her black bra to the bare skin. That little bastard! Their passionate embrace became more and more erotic. Lilly's sweet skin retained the color of her blush as she ground her hips into those of Allen.

I watched as my little girl began to reach one of her hands beneath the pants of this trespasser. I could hear them moan in unison as she found what she wanted. Their hips gyrating together. Their bodies rising and falling. I shouldn't be watching, but I can't seem to move.

Watching this forbidden sight just iced the cake of my heated state of being. My cock was thrusting against my pants, threatening to break the zipper. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself. I lowered a hand and pulled down the fly. Almost immediately, my beast was freed. I ever so gently began to stroke myself in the shadows as I watched my daughter.

I was glued to my location as I beheld Allen pulling her up. My angel's back was toward me as I saw his hands fumble with the clasp on her bra. After a moment, the two straps were released and fell off my little girl's shoulders. Lilly's unprotected back was revealed to me. She looked so innocent. So precious. So sweet. My fist was a blur as I beat off to the scene. And then... Just when it looked like things were about to heat up some more the best thing I could have asked for happened.

Suddenly Lilly got jittery and began to laugh. Allen pulled back from kissing her neck with a puzzled expression. With giggled smile, Lilly reached into his pants a pulled out a cell phone. It must have been on vibrate. Lilly was laughing all up to the moment she looked at the screen. Then the mood began to shift.

A look of confused concern crossed over the gentle face of my Lilly. Allen looked uneasy as she held the phone up to him. Her lips read of an accusation. He raised his hands as he backed off shaking his head. He mumbled something to her which only she heard. Whatever it was, she didn't buy it.

Poor little Allen began to take a little beating as Lilly began to push and punch him. She was screaming and yelling. This asshole must have really hurt her. Part of me called to run in there and help, but I was proud she was doing this on her own. I only wished she was punching harder. Make this punk pay. I was so proud of her!

With a hard shove, Lilly hurled him into the door yelling 'Get OUT!' Allen was bright red as he stood there. He looked hard at her and opened his arms to my little Lilly. She cried as she pushed him away. I could tell his masculinity was hurt, but I could care less. Allen put on his hat and slipped out the door. Lilly locked it behind him and cried.

I reached out to the window staring at the bare back of my Lilly. Her shoulders rising and falling as she sobbed. The cold touch of the glass seemed quite fitting right now. It was no cooler than how my soul felt as I reflected in the shadows. What have I become?

I looked down. Not an ounce of surprise arose to find my self flaccid. First time today I can remember being this way. First time it would make sense though. Now my darkness swept over me as a cold blanket more than ever.

There I sat in the shade of the dark night for longer than I can recall. I could see a slight mist begin to rise in the air around me. It was time to go back. I gathered myself and headed back to the front door and quietly slipped inside.

The house seemed to be darker than it was outdoors as though some unseen spirit had sucked the joy away. The still air brought goosebumps across my skin. I paused after I heard the metallic 'click' of the door shutting. There was not a sound to be heard. I moved slowly still, fearful of making any noise to disturb the fitting silence. Unfortunately, that is more difficult than I can handle in this dimly lit house. After only a few steps, I ran into the coffee table causing me to fall hard on the wood floor.

"Dad?" I heard to my left. It was Lilly's sweet voice on the couch beside me.

I groaned as I pushed myself back up. 'Is that you, Angel?'

I slowly stood up using the coffee table as leverage.

'Ugh, what time is it?' she groaned.

I reached for the wall to where the light switch should be. After a moment of stumbling around, I flipped the switch. The clock read: 2:36.

Lilly groaned again as she beheld it. My sweet girl. She must have cried herself to sleep on the couch after Allen left. She looked like a sweet tragedy. Cute in a way that wasn't normally cute. Her hair a bit matted. Her eyes a little puffy. Her cheeks a soft shade of red. Yet every bit as adorable as I can remember.

She was sitting on the couch with her feet tucked up beneath her. The only difference between when I saw her last moments before was now she wore a large t-shirt. An old one of mine she likes to sleep in. She made no move to hide her pink panties from my view. It was probably the furthest thing from her mind right now.

'Baby, are you alright?' I asked. I knew the answer, but the concern was real.

She looked up into my eyes. I could see her soft green eyes begin to moisten as a tear formed in the corner.

'It's Allen,' she managed. 'He's... He's cheating on me," she sobbed.

'Oh Lilly' I said as I sat down next to her and took her into my arms. She crawled up onto my lap and cried into my shoulder. She hadn't done this in years. I squeezed her tight in a warm embrace. I wished as hard as I could that I could protect her. I wished my arms would shield away all the bad and keep only the good. I know it was impossible, but I just want the best for my little Lilly. And right now, the best I can give her is a shoulder and an ear.

Her tears ran onto my neck as her arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.

"After you left... I... I had him come over," she confessed. I squeezed her tight wanting to tell her that I knew already. 'We were... kissing and stuff and.... And then he got a message'

She tried to talk between sobs. Her body was quivering.

"Go on,' I assured her.

"His phone... It got a text message from... From some girl named Jen. She wanted him to hurry over to give her a good fuck!' she cried. Never had I heard these words from my little girl. They startled me deeply. I wasn't upset... Surprisingly not upset. However it did awaken a part of me I was hoping wouldn't arise.

'He was going to go sleep with that tramp after he got his kicks from me!" she cried again. 'I'm so STUPID! How did I ever think he liked me? He just wanted sex!'

"Shhhhh, Lilly," I whispered to her. "It's okay. I'm here, baby," I gently patted her back as spoke to her. I was trying desperately to keep my mind off of anything sexually related. The call from my crotch was screaming loud and the way my daughter was sitting on me, I've no doubt she will soon notice if I'm not careful.