Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 01 Pt. 01


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"Oh my!" she purred gently with a happy smile, one I hadn't seen on her in the last few days. "Someone's feeling frisky..." she said, shaking her petite butt against my still stiff erection. My movements followed hers, our hips moving in unison as my manhood pressed into her.

"Maybe I am..." I whispered into her ear, humping up against her cute butt ever so slightly, making it clear what my intentions were for tonight.

"Well, save it for later, baby," she whispered with desire. "I'm not that kinda girl, hon. You have to at least get me dinner first," she said with a laugh, doing her best to focus on what she was working on as she urged me to do the same. I remembered doing stuff like this with some of my exes. Some of them knew how to almost weaponize their juicy ass against me, using it to get what they wanted out of me. This often meant tight clothing that highlighted their firm, full rear-ends, booty shorts and yoga pants and the like, stuff that really clung to their round, juicy asses. Combine that with their natural confidence and physical awareness, sauntering in front of me and posing just right... they always made sure I noticed. Sometimes, they REALLY made sure I noticed, pushing themselves against me in a manner similar to this, close intimate grinding, both in private and even out in public. Their round, firm asses were often enough to overwhelm my normally calm demeanor and send me into a frenzy. Luckily, I was able to easily keep myself in control enough here with Annie, enough to pull away and get back to work, leaving behind a nice tension in the air.

We finally served up dinner a little later. Often, especially when I was trying to cook new meals for us, Annie would defer to the chef, so to speak, letting me have a larger portion of the meal. Additionally, I had a larger appetite than her, so when the time came to serve, she took some of the smaller pieces, leaving the larger breasts to me. We ate outside, basking in the late summer evening as the sky lit up with a pink glow. For a night that had begun with such conflict and confusion on my end after running into Dr. White at the store, it ended up being pretty darn romantic.

Having clearly sensed where the night was going, Annie took the opportunity to initiate sex. It was of our normal style, but I confess, that after the events of the day, my lust had a bit of a harder edge than normal. Not that I was fucking my wife at the furious pace of a freight train... no, she doesn't like it when things get too fast and rough. And that's totally fine with me, I really didn't mind, despite my history. But instead of the smooth, even pace I normally maintained, I found myself moving with a little faster speed and a little more oomph as I lay on top of my wife in the missionary position, giving it to her.

"Ooh! Oh my!" Annie sighed in happy surprise, her body shuddering as we mated. "Oh my gosh, baby, you're so excited!" she said happily, her head falling back as she grinned, her hands rubbing my back. She looked like she was in bliss, like she'd never been happier, that she could live the rest of her life in this moment. But her words pierced through the lustful fog in my brain, reminding me with great clarity what had sent me into this lustful state. Not my wife but another woman... another woman's body. It was Dr. White's body that had put me in this state. Dr. White's ass that had stuck in my brain. Dr. White's enormous breasts that had sent my cock into a state of rock hard erectness that hadn't fully gone away all night. I had fully shaken away those thoughts and was living in the moment, but my wife's genuine moment of bliss sent a wave of guilt through me, taking the wind out of my sails. With my loving rhythm now interrupted, I had to find a quick cover in order to not catch Annie's attention. Thinking fast, I simply fell to an old standby. Sliding my hands beneath her warm back, I rolled us both over so I was now on my back and she on top.

"Oh! Okay!" she called out in surprise. I felt bad for interrupting her moment of bliss, but it seemed like only thing for me to do. She didn't normally like being on top, as I always got the impression that she didn't like being in the driver's seat during sex. Additionally, this was something where my decent size down there proved to be perilous. I admit I had a pretty good-sized dick, about nine inches long and pretty thick. And Annie, bless her heart, she just wasn't' built to handle a cock the size of mine. She did her best, and her snug pussy more than did the job, but she simply wasn't dug deep enough to take my size. And with her being on top, it kinda emphasized that point, and it made it more difficult for her to manage how much of me she took. I think she liked the idea of me being in charge, and me knowing just how much to give her to make her melt.

But I said it was my old standby, because in my dating days, this was the position I ended up in the most. It seemed like a lot of the girls I used to hook up with liked to be in control, be on top and drive the action. Throw themselves down at me and make me take it, screaming out like whores as their tight pussies took every inch of my swollen weapon. Just lying back and getting fucked into submission by damn near every one of my exes was always just the best, so much so that it became my favorite position. But being the good husband, I yielded to my wife's preferences. However, in this moment, I fell back to my old ways. I just needed something a little more than the usual.

"Okay..." my wife repeated, smiling lovingly clearly seeing that this was something I needed. I smiled lightly as I looked up at her. "Let's do this..." she said to herself as she began rising and falling on my rock hard post, gently bouncing on me as much as she could without moving past her comfort level. I rested my hands on her hips as she rode me as best as she could. I looked up at her pretty face, and the loving effort she was putting in to give me something I wanted sent a wave of affection through me.

Then I looked at her breasts.

I always kinda knew that Annie was sensitive about her small boobs. She was shy about them when we started dating, and judging by some flattering bras she chose, she always seemed to be trying to make them look bigger than they were. Their petite size, A-cups, honestly weren't a problem for me. I loved her, and stuff such as breast-size didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. That being said, part of the reason this had become my favorite position with my exes was the way they always utilized their large breasts as they fucked me. Making sure to put them right in front of me so I could watch them bounce as they rode me, the sight of which was damn near hypnotic. Them eagerly putting my hands on their large round breasts as they fucked me, forcing me to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze till I didn't have to be told to do so. The sensation of feeling them rub across my face as I was held down and ridden. Their sheer size... their weight. The smooth flesh. The indescribable softness. It was all just... intoxicating. I became so accustomed to all that, so trained to enjoy it, that just being in that position and ridden by a girl just always got me off best. My body began to expect to be on the receiving end of pleasure whenever I saw a pair of large breasts. And as proven today, it was something I still hadn't fully shaken.

But this was nice, too!

Sure, it wasn't the vigorous, lusty type of intercourse I used to get when a girl was on top before. I wasn't being roughly fucked into the bed in the emotionless pursuit of raw, lust-filled pleasure. There wasn't a round, juicy ass driving against me at a feverish pace, the meaty collision echoing through the room loudly. I didn't have a pair of sinfully large breasts pouring between my fingers, nor was I feeling their weight resting against my blissed-out, smiling face.

But looking up and seeing the loving effort my pretty wife was putting in to give me something she knew I wanted filled my heart with such love and affection, something that didn't compare to all those previous encounters. Even though her bouncing was dainty and gentle, it was still quite nice. Even though her snug pussy didn't have that all-consuming, perfectly trained tightness that most of my previous girlfriends did, it still felt wonderful around my hard dick. Even though her small breasts didn't have enough heft to do anything more than gently ripple at her slow-paced lovemaking, compared to the lewd bouncing and jiggling of my exes' oversized tits, it was still very good. It probably would have been enough to make me explode in my condom.

But as I basked in this loving moment of intimacy, and my pleasure began to slowly rise, the events from earlier that day lashed out at me, stealing me away from the moment. As Annie bounced on top of me, she was suddenly replaced in my vision. Not by any of those many exes whose memory I clearly couldn't shake. No.

Suddenly, the woman on top of me was Dr. White.

Instead of my wife, Dr. White's gorgeous, smiling face was above me, looking down at me with lust in her eyes. And even though I'd never seen her body exposed to me, combining the women from my past with the healthy glimpse of her I'd gotten earlier was enough to fill in all the delicious blanks.

Instead of my wife's pale, flat chest, I was looking up at Dr. White's massive, tanned tits. Unburdened of any clothing, they looked enormous. Round and smooth and firm, they vaulted from her slim form, like overripe melons growing off a vine. Tanned, fleshy udders, each capped with a round, dark, stiff nipple, eager for a hungry mouth. I could practically see the heavy orbs jiggling as she bounced on me. Glancing down her fit frame, down her belly to where we were conjoined, I could see her perfect pussy wrapped around me. And I swear that, as soon as she appeared in my wife's place, her pussy felt ten times tighter than my wife's. It was of course impossible for me to know this, but... with enough experience, you can just sort of tell. Based on our earlier encounter, I could knew that Dr. White probably had a deliciously tight pussy. And as my hands rested on her hips, it suddenly felt like I had more meat in my hands now that it was Dr. White's juicy ass that my fingers were pressing against.

"Oh!" I groaned, my body jolting in pleasure at this sight.

"Is this what you want?" Dr. White said in her confident, knowing, professional voice, now burning with lust.

"Uh! Yes!" I groaned. Grinning big, she gave me just what I asked, bouncing on the upper half of my big cock, making me squirm beneath her. Even though this was just what my wife was doing, it felt so much better almost immediately with her doing it. Combining the events of the day with Dr. White's shocking, lust-inspiring appearance above me, I went from 10 to 100 in a snap, and I was getting close to an explosion. Looking up at Dr. White, my eyes fell to her massive, jiggling breasts. Having them so close to me, I just couldn't resist. Reaching up, my hands reached up to grasp them, knowing that the sensation of a big pair of breasts filling my hands for the first time in years would be enough to push me over the edge into a massive orgasm.

But unfortunately, fantasies can only go so far. They couldn't just conjure such perfection out of nothing.

My body was ready to blow as soon as a contact was made, but as soon as my fingers hit flesh, it wasn't Dr. White's breasts above me. They were Annie's little boobs. And while they were very nice and cute, they were not exactly the lust-inducing features that Dr. White's exquisite pair were. I was so ready to blow that the contact alone pushed me over the edge, but the explosion that was expected ended up being completely kneecapped. I still ended up cumming, but at about half the power I expected, my body flexing as my cock erupted into the condom sheathing my rock hard weapon. But I admit that compared to what I expected, in the moment I was left slightly unsatisfied. The thing was, this was just as good if not better than most of the sex me and Annie have, but compared to what it could have been...

"Oh my god, babe," Annie sighed a few minutes later as we both lied back and caught our breaths while we recovered. "You really enjoyed yourself!" I turned to face her as she rested on her side looking at me, so pleased at how turned on I got in the midst of our lovemaking. Not wanting to let her know that my disobedient mind had gone elsewhere during the sex, I simply smiled, pulled her in, and kissed her.

I couldn't sleep that night. I felt like shit for letting my mind lose focus, quietly betraying my wife by thinking about another woman during sex. I didn't do it deliberately, of course, but that didn't make it any better. It was still a betrayal. I ended up getting back up at around 11:30 after trying to sleep for the last hour. My wife was resting peacefully, having no idea of the conflict I was feeling in my heart.

My mind went to Dr. White, and as soon as it did I felt a level of dread at the prospect of our upcoming appointment. I just had a sex fantasy about her... it probably wasn't the best idea to just up and meet with her two days later. Clearly, the sight of her earlier today, combined with our previous discussion, stirred up something in me that I thought was long dead. So, it probably wouldn't be the best idea to go see her again. Not only because of the sudden revelation that she was among the type of woman that was my kryptonite, but because she seemed to have a good feel as to how to stir shit up, and... I think I had some stuff that I really didn't want stirred back up. And I don't know if my heart could take this turmoil whenever I tried to make love with my wife.

I was tempted to just up and cancel the appointment, despite the promise I'd made to Dr. White earlier. It reached the point where I went to grab my phone and text her that I wasn't gonna be going. But as I did so, I noticed a notification on the face of my phone. Speak of the devil, it was a text from Dr. White. And it had arrived only about 15 minutes prior, an oddly late message from someone I barely knew, but at this point in the night, I wasn't getting hung up on the details. I read what she sent quickly.

"Eddie, I was just thinking about our meeting today, and I realized I hadn't followed up! I just wanted to confirm our appointment for Friday at 4:30. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!"

This message made me pause. I could end this all right now. But... dammit, I did promise her, and I hate taking that back. She did seem happy to see me, and eager to help. Sure, that help had stirred up some shit, but after the events of tonight, her point that I might have some stuff that needed to be sorted out was all but confirmed. Maybe I just needed to accept the help, as uncomfortable as it might be. Talk shit out, delve into my past, and come out of it in a heathier, happier place. I needed to confront my fears and get all this turmoil out of me.

Texting back a quick reply and setting down my phone, I exhaled. I calmed my nerves and moved to return to bed, making peace with what was coming. I was simultaneously feeling both excitement and dread for my appointment on Friday, but I just kept having to remind myself that nothing bad would happen, despite my fears. It would all work out.

It was for the best.


(Dr. White)

I wonder if Eddie was wondering why I sent him a text so late in the night? If he was curious why I was thinking about him so, ugh... deep... into the evening? Oh, so fucking deep... fuck yes.

I knew he'd be awake, for the same reason I was. Sex. And while I was spending the night alone, venting off some steam by pounding my hungry pussy with a big pink rubber dildo, Eddie was no doubt giving his wife the real thing. All those wicked desires I'd incited in him... they'd have to go somewhere. He'd find some excuse to convince himself that he was feeling extra amorous for his wife, but when it came down to the moment of truth, when all veils were lifted and he was lost in the moment, it wasn't his wife he was fucking. It was me. It was my body that had made his cock throb all night. It was thoughts of me that pulled him into bed. It was the thought of screwing me that took him to the edge. For all intents and purposes, he was fucking me. His wife was just a vessel, no more than a sex doll being used to live out his real fantasies. Did he actually follow through and cum to thoughts of me? It's possible, but I can imagine him having some guilt trip before that point. Hell, if he was willing to confront his desires for me, he would have probably just snuck off and jacked off to thoughts of my hot body. Even better, he could have just, you know... fucked me. But alas, he was at home, screwing his wife and wishing it was me he was fucking.

And at the same moment, I was dreaming of fucking him.

Splayed out nude in my bed, lying on my back, I was using both hands to drive the thick pink dildo into myself. The sex toy was probably a healthy comparison to the real thing, a nice, sizable eight inches, although I hoped he was even bigger. After a day of dressing up like a complete slut and cock teasing Eddie, among other men, I was extremely turned on. In my mind it was him driving that big married cock into me. Across town, he was fucking his wife, and over here, I was on the receiving end. We were fucking each other while miles apart, clear proof we were destined for each other. And two days away from doing the thing in person and making that destiny a reality.

And if I had any doubts about what I assumed was happening on Eddie's end, they were erased when my phone pinged on my nightstand. When I glanced over, and I saw that Eddie had texted me back at 11:30 on a worknight... That was it. I was right.

I fucking squirted.

That was it. I was right about everything, and getting that proof was enough to take me over the edge. I gushed out onto my bed, almost cumming harder than I ever had before. For minutes, my body spasmed as this ferocious orgasm tore through me. And after letting it run its course, and I finally gathered the strength to reach over and grab my phone to see what Eddie had said, I smiled when I saw his text.

"Thanks! I'll see you then."

I laid back and smiled. Short but sweet. It said nothing, but at the same time it said everything to me. Letting me know I was right about the events of tonight. And more importantly, right about what me and him would be doing two nights from now.

"Eddie..." I gasped into the heated air of my bedroom, my head falling back onto my pillow.

"I can't wait."


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aldolinoaldolino7 months ago

Way too much flannel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A so called therapist in any field is duty bound to try to heal people. This one is intent on destroying an innocent. If she has the intelligence claimed in the story she would know the husband will hate her and his mother in law when the his wife's mother drops him in favour of a new lover.

That is not therapy, it is malicious selfishness.

Story seems to glorify big breasts, that's nonsense, ask any 55 year old E cup how they enjoy the backache and cannot go running any more.

Sex is good when enjoyed by willing people who are intent on pleasing their partner but this so called therapist is only interested in her own pleasure so is doomed to remain single or abused by a partner more brutal than herself.

Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

I think I need to see a sex therapist!! This series has all the makings of a great story. Never having had the opportunity to explore my sexuality as the characters here have I am definitely living vicariously here. A very well thought out and written story with a great premise. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I do like the sex therapist spin; exploiting her role makes this different enough from some of the other stories you've written. Eddie, on the other hand, seems kind of generic and uninteresting to me, so I was actually so disappointed when the perspective changed from Dr. White to him. I think the story would have been stronger if it just stayed with Dr. White and you used the talks between them/his body language to show how Eddie is changing. But that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

could've shaved off pages and it would have had hit the same.

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